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运用文献资料法和测试法等,对原中国男排主攻队员隋盛胜在完成扣半高球起跳技术和杠铃深蹲及跳深动作中下肢肌肉表面肌电特征进行了综合研究。研究结果表明:隋盛胜扣半高球起跳所测肌肉中,积分肌电值和贡献率最大的是股二头肌,其次是臀大肌和股直肌。在缓冲阶段,臀大肌贡献最大,在蹬伸阶段,股二头肌贡献最大;杠铃深蹲和跳深动作均与扣球起跳技术的积分肌电值和贡献率不完全一致,相比之下,杠铃深蹲更接近于起跳;杠铃深蹲动作对发展股直肌效果最好。跳深动作对发展臀大肌效果最好;杠铃慢速深蹲对发展股直肌、臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱肌和腓肠肌外侧头比杠铃常速深蹲更为有效。23cm跳深对发展股直肌、臀大肌、股二头肌、半腱肌和腓肠肌外侧头比48cm和58cm跳深更为有效。  相似文献   

目的:探讨花样滑冰跳跃动作落冰过程中肌肉的工作特征及相关陆地模仿的训练效果。方法:以我国优秀双人滑男运动员张某为研究对象,利用 Mega ME6000肌电测试仪对其完成后外点冰两周跳、陆地两周跳、凳上跃起动作落地过程支撑腿落地后0.8 s内双侧胫骨前肌、腓肠肌外侧头、股直肌、股二头肌、臀大肌、竖脊肌、腹外斜肌和腹直肌的表面肌电信号进行采集,通过MegaWin2.4对原始数据进行处理分析。结果:完成专项动作时积分面积较大的8块肌肉依次为右侧股二头肌、右侧股直肌、右侧腓肠肌外侧头、左侧股二头肌、右侧胫骨前肌、右侧臀大肌、左侧臀大肌和右侧竖脊肌,多数工作肌的积分肌电峰值出现在落冰后的0.4 s左右;完成专项动作各肌肉积分面积与凳上跃起动作具有较高相关性(r=0.578,P=0.019),与 陆地两周跳动作不相关;肌肉贡献度较大的肌肉中,专项动作与两种陆地模仿动作相比,支撑腿股二头肌、股直肌和腓肠肌外侧头的平均积分肌电 值明显偏高,积分肌电峰值出现时间不同。结论:完成后外点冰两周跳落冰动作的主要工作肌为支撑腿各肌群、同侧竖脊肌及摆动腿的股二头肌、臀大肌;凳上跃起和陆地两周跳两种陆地模仿练习的肌肉工作特征与专项动作有一定差异,可作为辅助训练手段,但不宜过多采用。  相似文献   

我国部分优秀男子跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过表面肌电遥测和高速摄影同步测试,揭示优秀跳远运动员起跳环节肌肉用力特征.结果显示:在起跳环节中,股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌是起跳腿的主要用力肌肉;在起跳腿即将着地前,所测肌肉均有较明显的预激活现象;着地后,肌肉用力的激活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股二头肌与股内侧肌、股外侧肌、比目鱼肌、腓肠肌内侧头、股直肌、臀大肌;肌肉用力的失活顺序依次为胫骨前肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌、臀大肌、腓肠肌、股二头肌、比目鱼肌;肌肉用力持续时间长短依次为股二头肌、比目鱼肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌内侧头和股内侧肌、臀大肌、股直肌、胫骨前肌.起跳腿拮抗肌共同收缩的特征为:缓冲阶段踝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈,而在蹬伸阶段膝关节拮抗肌共同收缩最强烈.  相似文献   

目的:为探究稳定与非稳定下不同负荷对深蹲练习时主要肌群肌肉的刺激效果是否对同一肌肉的刺激效果一致.方法:对河西学院体育学院2013年级25名男生进行不同负重的(30%的最大力量、60%的最大力量)深蹲测试,采用BL-820S科研生物机能实验系统对受试者臀部、下肢6块肌肉(臀大肌、臀中肌、股外侧肌、股直肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌)进行表面肌电分析,从肌肉活动角度对非稳定和稳定状态抗阻训练的肌肉刺激效果进行研究分析.结果:在稳定条件下以30%RM,深蹲时所有肌肉的值无显著性变化(P>0.05),同样的在稳定条件下以60%RM深蹲时所有肌肉的值也无显著性变化(P>0.05);而在非稳定条件下以30%RM深蹲时所有肌肉的值也无显著性变化(P>0.05),但在非稳定条件下以60%RM负重深蹲时股内侧肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、腓肠肌、臀中肌、臀大肌等的值出现显著增长(P<0.05),研究结论:非稳定支撑面与稳定支持面可能同样具有提高身体稳定性、增加身体表层肌肉的刺激程度,两者不存在对立关系.  相似文献   

利用单、双腿进行负重纵跳练习是练习下肢爆发力很有效的训练方法,在竞技体育力量训练中广泛应用。本研究以12名男性篮球运动员为研究对象,结合myotest功能性测试仪和表面肌电对单、双腿纵跳爆发力练习进行了综合的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在纵跳起跳阶段,竖脊肌、多裂肌、臀大肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内外侧头、比目鱼肌的激活程度随负荷的增加而相应增加,股二头肌、半腱肌的激活程度先增加后降低。(2)在双腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和臀大肌是主要作用肌肉。在单腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和比目鱼肌是主要作用肌肉。(3)双腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是20%深蹲1RM负荷;单腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是10%到15%深蹲1RM负荷之间。  相似文献   

目的:利用表面肌电对拉丁舞伦巴库克拉恰基本步伐中的主要肌群进行肌电分析,能够有效地判断出拉丁舞运动员的肌肉用力特点和技术的内在规律.研究方法:采用意大利BTS FREEEMG300无线表面肌电信号系统,对河北师范大学体育舞蹈专业校队八名女队员进行表面肌电信号的数据采集.结果:肌肉的激活时序先后依次为:股直肌、腹外斜肌、臀大肌、背阔肌、腓肠肌内侧头、长收肌、股二头肌外侧头;肌肉的激活程度由高到低依次为:背阔肌、股二头肌外侧、股直肌、长收肌、腹外斜肌、腓肠肌内侧头、臀大肌.结论:伦巴库克拉恰步伐中下肢肌群先激活,其次为核心肌群;伦巴库克拉恰步伐中肌肉的激活时序以下肢肌群为主,核心肌群为辅;伦巴库克拉恰步伐中核心肌群虽然激活时序慢,但贡献率高.  相似文献   

董洪园  李春  苏玉林 《体育科技》2010,31(3):68-72,80
目的:采用表面肌电技术,分析运动员在不同的横向移动速度下相关指标的变化特点,探寻影响提高速度的主要因素,为日常训练提供科学依据,进而达到提高运动成绩的目的。对象:国家男排副攻手5人,均为备战奥运会、且由地方各省队挑选出来的优秀运动队员。方法:采用表面肌电测试,研究不同运动员在多次横向移动过程中各项肌电指标的变化特点。以多次横向移动为研究变量,运动员完全模拟比赛情况进行移动,采集身体双侧腹外斜肌、臀大肌、臀中肌、股内侧肌、股二头肌、内收肌、胫骨前肌和腓肠肌的肌电信号进行分析。主要研究结果:(1)运动快时与运动慢时单位时间内积分肌电值的对比结果表明:准备阶段臀中肌、摆动阶段臀大肌和蹬地阶段内收肌,快时的单位时间内积分肌电值低于慢时。反映出这些肌肉的适当放松可以使原动肌更加充分的收缩,说明日常训练中对肌肉的专项训练应"有的放矢"地进行。(2)运动快时与运动慢时肌肉贡献率的对比结果表明:准备阶段腓肠肌、股内肌、股二头肌、臀大肌;摆动阶段胫骨前肌、臀中肌;蹬地阶段腓肠肌、股内肌在完成各阶段过程中的贡献率明显高于其它肌肉,说明这些肌肉为完成动作的主要原动肌。(3)各队员训练背景差异较大,一些队员的技术动作存在一定错误。应参考科学的肌肉动员顺序使技术动作合理化,提高运动效果。  相似文献   

袁艳  吴贻刚  苏彦炬  李玉章 《体育科学》2012,32(10):64-68,97
附加振动刺激的负重半蹲运动成为一种新兴的下肢力量训练手段,但是,负重半蹲运动中附加不同频率的振动刺激对下肢肌肉的激活特征研究较少。以10名健康男性大学生在不附加振动、分别附加频率为30、40、50Hz共计4种振动刺激条件以及无负重和负重30%最大力量两种负荷条件下完成10次半蹲起的大腿表面肌电活动特征进行研究。实验结果经双因素方差分析,振动刺激对所有被检肌肉肌电均方根值(EMGrms)有显著影响(P<0.05),负重对股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌EMGrms有极显著性影响(P<0.01),对股二头肌和半腱肌无显著影响;振动刺激和负重对各被检测肌肉肌电交互作用不显著。多重比较表明,50Hz的振动频率可以显著提高被检肌群的EMGrms。结论:30%1RM负重可以提高股直肌、股内侧肌和股外侧肌的肌肉激活,但不能增加股二头肌和半腱肌的肌肉激活。无论是否负重,半蹲起练习时附加振动频率为50 Hz的振动刺激可以显著增加大腿肌肉激活(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

通过表面肌电和高速摄像同步测试方法,揭示我国优秀赛艇运动员拉桨技术环节肌肉用力特征及其相应的运动学变化.结果显示:1)赛艇运动员拉桨时间为0.8s,拉桨至与艇垂直时间占拉桨阶段的70%;2)拉桨环节肌肉活动顺序为股四头肌内侧头、股直肌、腓肠肌、背阔肌、肱二头肌、腹直肌;3)肌肉做功百分比大小顺序为肱二头肌>股四头肌内侧头>背阔肌>股直肌>腓肠肌>腹直肌,aEMG值为背阔肌>股四头肌内侧头>腓肠肌>肱二头肌>股直肌>腹直肌.提示:运动员拉桨前阶段占有很大的比重;背阔肌、股四头肌内侧头、肱二头肌在拉桨阶段起着重要的作用;运动员除躯干打开稍早外,技术动作比较规范稳定,肌肉用力协调.  相似文献   

运用JE-TB0810八通道肌电采集测试系统和ISOMED2000等速测试训练系统,对两名国际健将级跆拳道运动员分别进行肌电和等速肌力测试,旨在确定跆拳道运动员后横踢技术动作的主要发力肌肉、肌肉用力持续时间、肌肉用力大小以及肌肉用力的协调性;其次是诊断影响后横踢技术动作的髋、膝关节在不同运动速度下肌力的屈伸比例、异侧同名肌群的肌力比例和肌肉功率特征.研究发现:在后横踢左脚前右脚后的实战动作技术中,主要发力肌肉是右股二头肌、左右侧臀大肌、右股直肌、左右股内侧肌、左股直肌、腓肠肌.在诊断分析影响后横踢技术动作时,需要考虑髋、膝关节屈伸肌力和做功功率的平衡性,以及左右侧同名肌群肌力和功率的大小.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the muscle activity of lower limbs across typical table tennis strokes. Fourteen high-level players participated in this study in which five typical strokes (backhand top, forehand top, forehand spin, forehand smash, flick) were analysed. Surface electromyography activity (EMG) of eight muscles was recorded (gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, soleus) and normalised to the maximal activity measured during squat jump or isometric maximal voluntary contractions. The forehand spin, the forehand top and the forehand smash exhibited significant higher EMG amplitude when compared with other strokes. Both biceps femoris and gluteus maximus were strongly activated during the smash, forehand spin and forehand top (from 62.8 to 91.7% of maximal EMG activity). Both vastii and rectus femoris were moderately to strongly activated during the forehand spin (from 50.4 to 62.2% of maximal EMG activity) whereas gastrocnemii and soleus exhibited the highest level of activity during the smash (from 67.1 to 92.1% of maximal EMG activity). Our study demonstrates that offensive strokes, such as smash or forehand top, exhibit higher levels of activity than other strokes.  相似文献   

Changes in muscle activity with increasing running speed   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the leg muscles and the ground reaction forces were recorded in 17 elite male middle-distance runners, who performed isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) as well as running at different speeds. Electromyograms were recorded from the gluteus maximus, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior. The results indicated that the averaged EMG (aEMG) activities of all the muscles studied increased (P < 0.05) with increasing running speed, especially in the pre-contact and braking phases. At higher speeds, the aEMG activities of the gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus exceeded 100% MVC in these same phases. These results suggest that maximal voluntary contractions cannot be used as an indicator of the full activation potential of human skeletal muscle. Furthermore, the present results suggest that increased pre-contact EMG potentiates the functional role of stretch reflexes, which subsequently increases tendomuscular stiffness and enhances force production in the braking and/or propulsive phases in running. Furthermore, a more powerful force production in the optimal direction for increasing running speed effectively requires increased EMG activity of the two-joint muscles (biceps femoris, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius) during the entire running cycle.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) activity of the leg muscles and the ground reaction forces were recorded in 17 elite male middle-distance runners, who performed isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) as well as running at different speeds. Electromyograms were recorded from the gluteus maximus, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior. The results indicated that the averaged EMG (aEMG) activities of all the muscles studied increased (P?<?0.05) with increasing running speed, especially in the pre-contact and braking phases. At higher speeds, the aEMG activities of the gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus exceeded 100% MVC in these same phases. These results suggest that maximal voluntary contractions cannot be used as an indicator of the full activation potential of human skeletal muscle. Furthermore, the present results suggest that increased pre-contact EMG potentiates the functional role of stretch reflexes, which subsequently increases tendomuscular stiffness and enhances force production in the braking and/or propulsive phases in running. Furthermore, a more powerful force production in the optimal direction for increasing running speed effectively requires increased EMG activity of the two-joint muscles (biceps femoris, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius) during the entire running cycle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe and compare the EMG patterns of select lower limb muscles throughout the golf swing, performed with three different clubs, in non-elite middle-aged players. Fourteen golfers performed eight swings each using, in random order, a pitching wedge, 7-iron and 4-iron. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded bilaterally from lower limb muscles: tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, gluteus maximus, vastus medialis, rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. Three-dimensional high-speed video analysis was used to determine the golf swing phases. Results showed that, in average handicap golfers, the highest muscle activation levels occurred during the Forward Swing Phase, with the right semitendinosus and the right biceps femoris muscles producing the highest mean activation levels relative to maximal electromyography (70–76% and 68–73% EMGMAX, respectively). Significant differences between the pitching wedge and the 4-iron club were found in the activation level of the left semitendinosus, right tibialis anterior, right peroneus longus, right vastus medialis, right rectus femuris and right gastrocnemius muscles. The lower limb muscles showed, in most cases and phases, higher mean values of activation on electromyography when golfers performed shots with a 4-iron club.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the musculature activity and kinematics of knee and hip joints during front and back squat with maximal loading. Two-dimensional kinematical data were collected and electromyographic activities of vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus and erector spinae were measured while participants (n = 12, 21.2 ± 1.9 years old) were completing front and back squat exercises with maximum loading. Paired sample t-test was used for comparisons between two techniques. Results showed that the electromyographic activity of vastus medialis was found to be greater in the front squat compared to the back squat during the ascending phase (P < 0.05, d = 0.62; 95% CI, ?15.0/?4.17) and the whole manoeuvre (P < 0.05, d = 0.41; 95% CI, ?12.8/?0.43), while semitendinosus (P < 0.05, d = ?0.79; 95% CI, 0.62/20.59) electromyographic activity was greater in the back squat during the ascending phase. Compared to the front squat version, back squat exhibited significantly greater trunk lean, with no differences occurring in the knee joint kinematics throughout the movement. Results may suggest that the front squat may be preferred to the back squat for knee extensor development and for preventing possible lumbar injuries during maximum loading.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to analyse differences in muscle response and mechanical characteristics of the vastus medialis, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and biceps femoris in elite volleyball players of both sexes using tensiomyography. To this end, 47 players of nine nationalities playing for teams in the men's and women's Spanish Superleagues were assessed. The sample comprised 22 women (age 24.6±4.3 years; weight 72.14±10.06 kg; height 178.40±8.50 cm) and 25 men (age 25.0±4.3 years; weight 88.76±9.07 kg; height 194.71±7.84 cm). Tensiomyography was used to assess muscular response and muscular mechanical characteristics. For this purpose, the following variables were analysed: maximum radial displacement of muscle belly and normalized response speed. The findings show, both in men and women, a higher normalized response speed score in the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis compared with the rectus femoris and biceps femoris. A marked lateral symmetry of maximum radial displacement of the muscle belly was also observed in the musculature of the lower limbs, with no statistically significant differences being detected in either men or women. There were, however, clear differences in terms of normalized response speed between male and female volleyball players: women displayed a more pronounced difference in the normalized response speed of the musculature responsible for extension (vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and vastus lateralis) and flexion (biceps femoris) of the knee joint than men. Moreover, tensiomyography proved to be a highly sensitive tool for detecting such changes.  相似文献   

Although patellar taping has been shown to reduce pain in participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome, the mechanisms of pain reduction have not completely been established following its application. The purpose of this study was to evaluate EMG activity of vastus medialis and vastus lateralis following the application of patellar taping during a functional single leg squat. Both vastus medialis obliquus-vastus lateralis onset and vastus medialis obliquus/vastus lateralis amplitude of 18 participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome and 18 healthy participants as controls were measured using an EMG unit. This procedure was performed on the affected knee of participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome, before, during, and after patellar taping during unilateral squatting. The same procedure was also performed on the unaffected knees of both groups. The mean values of vastus medialis obliquus-vastus lateralis onset prior to taping (2.54 ms, s = 4.35) were decreased significantly following an immediate application of tape (-3.22 ms, s = 3.45) and after a prolonged period of taping (-6.00 ms, s = 3.40 s) (P < 0.05). There was also a significant difference between the mean values of vastus medialis obliquus-vastus lateralis onset among controls (-2.03 ms, s = 6.04) and participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome prior to taping (P < 0.05). However, there were no significant difference between the ranked values of vastus medialis obliquus/vastus lateralis amplitude of the affected and unaffected knees of participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome and controls during different conditions of taping (P > 0.05). Decreased values of vastus medialis obliquus-vastus lateralis onset may contribute to patellar realignment and explain the mechanism of pain reduction following patellar taping in participants with patellofemoral pain syndrome.  相似文献   

研究目的:对长拳、太极拳冲拳动作进行肌电实验,分析长拳、太极拳完成冲拳动作时所调动的肌肉及其iemg值,得出在研究对象本身无差异情况下,不同拳术冲拳的发力对肌肉的调动情况。研究方法:在肌电实验中,以固定个体为研究对象,通过运用美国noraxon生产的t6无线导遥测肌电对练习长拳、太极拳冲拳时的上下肢肌肉表面肌电特征进行分析。研究结果:长拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为腹直肌、三角肌前束、股内侧肌、股直肌、腹外斜肌、股外侧肌、股四头肌、肱三头肌、肱桡肌、竖脊肌;积分肌电显示在长拳冲拳阶段三角肌前束、肱桡肌的积分肌电最高;在整个长拳冲拳过程中,腹外斜肌的肌肉贡献率最大。太极拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为肱桡肌、腹外斜肌、股内侧肌、竖脊肌、三角肌前束、腹直肌、股外侧肌、肱三头肌、腹直肌、股四头肌;积分肌电显示在太极拳冲拳阶段肱桡肌、股内侧肌的积分肌电最高;在整个太极拳冲拳过程中,腹内斜肌的机头贡献率最大。研究结论:长拳冲拳过程中,受试者较好完成技术动作,腹直肌首先放电,肌肉力量的发放大部分来源于肱桡肌、三角肌前束和肱三头肌,集中于上肢腰部和手臂。太极拳冲拳过程中,受试者未能掌握技术动作,肌肉发力顺序不符合太极拳冲拳技术要求。  相似文献   

Six competitive soccer players were recruited to examine EMG activation in three quadriceps muscles during a kicking accuracy task. Participants performed three maximum instep place kicks of a stationary ball, 11 m perpendicular from the centre of the goal line towards targets (0.75 m(2)) in the four corners of the goal. Surface EMG of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris of the kicking leg was normalized and averaged across all participants to compare between muscles, targets, and the phase of the kick. Although no significant difference were observed between muscles or kick phases, kicks to the right targets produced significantly greater muscle activity than those towards the left targets (P < 0.01). In addition, kicks towards the top right target demonstrated significantly greater muscle activity than towards the top and bottom left (P < 0.01). Under accurate soccer shooting conditions, kicks aimed to the top right corner of the goal demonstrated a higher level of quadriceps muscle activation than those towards the other corners.  相似文献   

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