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一岁儿童动词发展的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的句法习得与他们对动词的理解和习得过程联系紧密,但是早期句法的习得到底是以单个动词为基础还是以天生规则为基础,这个问题研究者并没有达成共识。本文在回顾国内外主要相关研究的基础上,对一名北京女孩1岁4个月到1岁10个月的自发动词,从词序与论旨角色和零论元现象两个方面进行了分析,试图探讨儿童早期句法习得中语言环境和天生规则的作用。  相似文献   

通过研究一名5岁的轻度弱智儿童在自然情境中的自发性语言,从词类、语法结构、句子的平均长度、句法结构以及语用等方面分析其语言发展状况,探讨造成被试语言能力不足的原因。结果发现:被试使用的词汇中,大量为实词;被试的平均句子长度为2.07,仅相当于2岁左右正常儿童的水平;被试的交流、沟通技能明显不足;被试语用能力尚未形成,仍停留在自我中心的语言阶段。被试本身的认知水平不高和给予个案的语言刺激不够是造成其语言能力不足的主要原因。为个案营造一个良好的语言环境,加强亲子间的交流对于其语言能力的提高十分有利。  相似文献   

With panic clearly showing in his eyes, Josh dropped to the floor, locked his dad's leg between both arms, and screamed. It was Josh's first day at school. While young children's fears may not always appear to be rational in the eyes of adults, every child's fearful response deserves to be acknowledged as a genuine reaction to an actual or perceived threat. Because fear has the potential to interfere with the young child's quality of life, it would seem important to understand the nature and normal developmental course of early childhood fears.  相似文献   

Exploring the syntactic skills of struggling adult readers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the syntactic ability of 82 struggling adult readers who recognize words between the third and fifth grade levels. Analysis of the adults?? performance on the TOLD-I:3 indicated that they were deficient on the syntactic task. Correlations found the struggling adult readers?? oral language skills, written language skills, and reading comprehension skills to be related. A regression analyses indicated that the adults?? syntactic knowledge did not individually predict reading comprehension, however their other oral language skills did. The findings of this study suggest that the adults performed similar to children who are either learning to read or considered poor readers. This study also contributes to the adult literacy field by providing exploratory information on an area (syntax and struggling adult readers) that is lacking.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of syntactic complexity on written sentence comprehension in compensated adults with dyslexia. Because working memory (WM) plays a key role in processing complex sentences, and individuals with dyslexia often demonstrate persistent deficits in WM, we hypothesized that individuals with dyslexia would perform more poorly on tasks designed to assess the comprehension of syntactic structures that are especially taxing on WM (e.g., passives, sentences with relative clauses). Compared to their nondyslexic peers, individuals with dyslexia were significantly less accurate and marginally slower on passive sentences. For sentences containing relative clauses, the dyslexic group was also less accurate but did not differ in response times. Covarying WM and word reading in both analyses eliminated group differences showing that syntactic deficits in adults with dyslexia are constrained by both WM and word-reading ability. These findings support previous research showing that syntactic processing deficits are characteristic of dyslexia, even among high-achieving students.  相似文献   

尊重的心理学本质与内涵   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尊重就是把自己和他人看成是一个独立的、自由的、完整的、具有独特天性、人格和尊严的人。儿童的独立性、社会认知(观点采择)、移情以及儿童与成人、同伴的社会交往经验是尊重态度形成的心理基础。尊重儿童的核心就是尊重儿童的天性。  相似文献   

The literature reflects that numerous factors impact a young child's ability to have playmates and develop friendships. This in turn can influence health, happiness, and stability throughout life. Social relationships may be enhanced through a youngster's efforts and those of caring adults, especially teachers, parents, and other caregivers. Two checklists are provided, one to assist when observing and recording a child's personal behaviors and another to aid adults with the self-assessment of their child guidance techniques. These results are beneficial to those who teach, guide, train, and provide other essential experiences for children.  相似文献   

D W Mood 《Child development》1979,50(1):247-250
A hypothesis proposing that preoperational egocentrism serves an adaptive function was used to predict the comprehension behavior of preschool children presented with sentences varying on a "personal" dimension. Personal sentences containing the subject's name were contrasted at 2 levels of syntactic complexity with impersonal sentences containing other familiar nouns. Significant effects were found for age, semantics, and syntax (all p's less than .001), with no sex effects or interactions. Personal sentences were better comprehended than impersonals at both levels of syntactic complexity. A second experiment was conducted to rule out "focusing of attention" as an alternative explanation. Variations in the likelihood of occurrence of the depicted event were added to the personal-impersonal contrast. High-probability personal sentences were significantly better understood than low-probability sentences, whether personal or impersonal (p less than .001). Results supported the adaptive egocentrism hypothesis in that sentence content describing the child and his personal experience facilitates the child's comprehension.  相似文献   

Some recent studies have found a relation between the number of siblings 3–4-year-old children have and their performance on false belief tasks. 2 experiments reported here examine a variety of factors in children's social environments, including daily contact with peers and adults as well as the numbers of their siblings, on a battery of false belief tests. In Experiment 1, 82 preschoolers were studied in Rethymnon, Crete, in order to obtain a range of extended kin available as a resource for the child. In Experiment 2, 75 Cypriot preschoolers were studied in Nicosia in order to examine the influences of each child's daily social contacts, as measured by maternal questionnaire. Logistic regression revealed that the factors which account for most of the predicted variance on the theory of mind tests were ( a ) the number of adult kin available (Experiment 1) or adults interacted with daily (Experiment 2), ( b ) the child's age, ( c ) the number of older siblings a child has, and ( d ) the number of older children interacted with daily. The results suggested that theory of mind is not simply passed from one sibling to another in a process of social influence. It seems more likely that a variety of knowledgeable members of her or his culture influence the apprentice theoretician of mind.  相似文献   

This study was designed to clarify findings from the parents' beliefs literature concerning the nature and the effects of parental accuracy. Subjects were 60 second- and fifth-grade children (mean ages = 8–5 and 11–5, respectively), their mothers, and teachers. Each child responded to 4 cognitive tasks, predicted how he or she would perform on each task, made self-assessments of preferences and personality traits, and predicted the response of 2 peers to all of the measures. Both the child's mother and the child's teacher were shown the tasks and made similar predictions of the child's probable response. As in previous studies, mothers were above chance but far from perfect in predicting their children's cognitive performance and preferences and traits. Teachers were as accurate as mothers in judging cognitive abilities; they were less successful, however, on the preference and personality items. The children's predictions, whether for self or peers, were less accurate than those of the adults on all tasks. The accuracy of the mothers' predictions correlated positively with external measures of the child's cognitive performance. This finding is compatible with the Hunt "match hypothesis," although other bases for the correlations also exist.  相似文献   

For a report on the stress experiences of parents with hearing-impaired children in Germany, 317 parents completed a survey on how their families communicate and socialize, among other issues. The report focuses on how contacts with other parents and with hearing-impaired adults affect stress experiences, in the context of the child's hearing status and the means of communication. Parents who frequently meet with other parents show evidence of a warm, accepting, trusting relationship with their child. Parents who have many contacts with hearing-impaired adults show evidence of a strong sense of competence in regard to their child's upbringing. The findings confirm the implication found in most reports describing empirical studies. Social support is to be regarded as a cornerstone of psychosocial intervention and has to play as great a role as possible in institutional programs.  相似文献   

段曹林 《湘南学院学报》2005,26(3):63-65,83
句法变奏指意义节奏与韵律节奏不一致,唐代近体诗的句法变奏,有音段变奏和拍节变奏两种情形。句法变奏是句法修辞的一个重要组成部分,有着多方面的修辞意义:使表意更便利,赋予句法结构更多的变化,使近体诗各联,特别是对仗联的句法结构与语义结构互为表里,同中有异,从而增强诗歌语言的弹性和张力。  相似文献   

The child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Child victims of sexual abuse face secondary trauma in the crisis of discovery. Their attempts to reconcile their private experiences with the realities of the outer world are assaulted by the disbelief, blame and rejection they experience from adults. The normal coping behavior of the child contradicts the entrenched beliefs and expectations typically held by adults, stigmatizing the child with charges of lying, manipulating or imagining from parents, courts and clinicians. Such abandonment by the very adults most crucial to the child's protection and recovery drives the child deeper into self-blame, self-hate, alienation and revictimization. In contrast, the advocacy of an empathic clinician within a supportive treatment network can provide vital credibility and endorsement for the child. Evaluation of the responses of normal children to sexual assault provides clear evidence that societal definitions of "normal" victim behavior are inappropriate and procrustean, serving adults as mythic insulators against the child's pain. Within this climate of prejudice, the sequential survival options available to the victim further alienate the child from any hope of outside credibility or acceptance. Ironically, the child's inevitable choice of the "wrong" options reinforces and perpetuates the prejudicial myths. The most typical reactions of children are classified in this paper as the child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome. The syndrome is composed of five categories, of which two define basic childhood vulnerability and three are sequentially contingent on sexual assault: (1) secrecy, (2) helplessness, (3) entrapment and accommodation, (4) delayed, unconvincing disclosure, and (5) retraction. The accommodation syndrome is proposed as a simple and logical model for use by clinicians to improve understanding and acceptance of the child's position in the complex and controversial dynamics of sexual victimization. Application of the syndrome tends to challenge entrenched myths and prejudice, providing credibility and advocacy for the child within the home, the courts, and throughout the treatment process. The paper also provides discussion of the child's coping strategies as analogs for subsequent behavioral and psychological problems, including implications for specific modalities of treatment.  相似文献   

Over twenty years ago, Thelma Harms, an authority on developing scales to ascertain the environmental appropriateness of classrooms for young children, wrote about evaluating early childhood environments from a child's viewpoint. Harms's focus was: To a child, everything in a setting is a potential stimulus. In other words, the relationship between adults and the child, the interactions, space, and materials all affect the overall environment. The efficacy of this focus is that it takes into account the environmental factors that contribute to the child's behavior in those settings. “Environmental awareness is as significant to a teacher as to any artist. By recognizing that environment is an interplay between materials, people and time schedules, the teacher can create a more productive setting for learning” (Harms, 1970).  相似文献   

There are three major classes of verbs: intransitive, transitive, and linking. These three types of verbs can be divided into 13 semantic-syntactic subsets. Verbs within each subset give rise to sentences that have similar syntactic form, albeit a form distinct from that of sentences associated with other subsets. Preliminary research found that more than 90% of sentences written by children or for children contain verbs from 1 of the 13 verb subsets. The sentence form associated with each verb subset might be viewed as a "sentence template" that operationally defines a fixed set of 13 underlying semantic-syntactic relationships essential to communication. A strategy for assessing a child's knowledge of verbs from each subset is described.  相似文献   

The language development of two deaf girls and four deaf boys in Sign Language of the Netherlands (SLN) and spoken Dutch was investigated longitudinally. At the start, the mean age of the children was 3;5. All data were collected in video-recorded semistructured conversations between individual children and deaf and hearing adults. We investigated the lexical richness and syntactic complexity of the children's utterances in SLN and spoken Dutch, as well as language dominance and interactional participation. Richness and complexity increase over time, as well as children's participation. An important outcome is that syntactic complexity is higher in utterances with both sign and speech. SLN does not have higher outcomes on richness or complexity, but is dominant in terms of frequency of use.  相似文献   

语序分为句法语序、语义语序和语用语序。现代汉语的基本句法语序是“主语+谓语(动词+宾语)”即SVO,不存在所谓的宾语提前的OSV或SOV的语序。现代汉语旬式多样化,即同一种意思可以用各种各样不同的句式来表达的语言现象是在语用因素的驱动下产生的,对一个句子进行分析时不但要进行句法分析,还要进行语用分析。运用认知语言学、论元结构理论等方面的知识,可以对SVO语序进行比较充分的解释。  相似文献   

了解和把握句法结构培养程度对中国学习者处理英语复句能力的影响是英语教学质量保障的关键。 本研究采用问卷调查和阅读行为测试两种方法, 选取60名所受不同句法结构培养的中国英语学习者和20 名英国本族语者为样本, 对其在四种罕见英语复句形态结构复杂性、 语义通达性的判断及复句理解准确度方面的处理能力进行研究。 我们发现, 随着句法结构培养水平的提高, 中国学习者在英语复句理解准确度及语义通达性判断方面表现为超过或接近英语本族语者的趋势 ; 而在复句形态结构复杂性判断方面却没有表现出随句法结构培养水平的提高而呈上升的趋势。 此外, 由于句法结构培养水平的不同, 中国学习者在英语复句的处理方法上受句法结构和语义因素的影响也有差异 。  相似文献   

There is an important distinction to be drawn between using legal precedent and moral injunction to define what is best for children in general and acting in a child's best interests on the basis of one's lived experience with particular children in particular times and places. More than a contrast between general principles and specific cases, the distinction is between a mediational interest in the problems that arise in educating other people's children and an embodied, ethical responsiveness on the part of prudent, caring, loving adults to the perceived vulnerabilities of children within their care. It is a pedagogic difference between administrative clear-headedness and embodied virtue.  相似文献   

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