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休闲并非与生俱来的人的本能,而是后天教育的产物。积极合理的休闲应体现"求真""逐善""尚美"的人生追求,对大学生的健康成长起着不可或缺的作用。调查发现,当代大学生普遍存在缺少休闲规划,休闲等级偏低,偏爱休闲自由,休闲技能匮乏等问题。高校应加强休闲观念、休闲技能与休闲道德教育,让大学生知"闲",懂"闲",乐"闲",做到休闲与学习相得益彰。  相似文献   

彭应刚 《林区教学》2021,(4):121-124
幼儿园教师专业发展是幼儿教师成长的途径之一,关系到学前教育的质量。研究发现,幼儿园教师认为“跟岗实践”是最有效的“培训形式”、实践性知识是最需要的培训内容;急需将“与家长沟通”技能纳入培训范围,转岗教师急需通过系统培训转变角色职能,同时要搭建网络学习平台与线下培训形成混合培训模式。要转变培训形式,增加“跟岗学习”时长;加强实践性知识的培训,让培训“更接地气”;强化沟通技能的学习,让幼儿园教师与家长产生默契;为转岗教师量身打造培训方案,保证培训内容的针对性和有效性;推动交互式在线学习平台的搭建,线上线下共同带动幼儿园教师专业发展。  相似文献   

In the United States, canonical multicultural education (CME) advocates propose that schools should view children always as “different, not deficient”, that curriculum incorporate “multiple perspectives”, and that classrooms emphasize the “knowledge construction” process. The argument is made in this chapter that CME advocates need to argue directly for “different, not deficient” without relying on some commendatory meaning of “culture”. Furthermore, they must show that the “knowledge construction” process reduces to exposure of students to multiple perspectives. Finally, they must sketch a path for CME's transcending its restricted focus on race and ethnicity by understanding its goal as the creation of cosmopolitan citizens.  相似文献   

现代社会的发展日新月异,越来越呈现出网络化、智能化的特点。内涵式发展是当前我国高等教育发展的核心理念,走内涵式发展道路是中国特色社会主义高等教育发展的必然趋势。互联网触角的不断延伸对传统的教育模式提出了挑战,也为新时代的教学改革指明了方向。根据高校数学建模活动的现状,分析了目前高校数学建模活动中存在的一些问题,对在“互联网+”背景下如何有效开展数学建模活动进行了探讨。指出应通过数学建模培训、竞赛,引导学生树立起“组网”“用网”和“入网”意识,让学生自觉地构建自己的知识网络和能力体系,将个人的发展积极融入整个社会网络中去。  相似文献   

This article proposes a concept of “mythical realism” as a way of understanding important characteristics of religion and orienting religious education. The focus is on beliefs as one central aspect of religion. The author draws on recent cognitive studies in religion to illumine the “counterintuitive” and “mythic” character of religious belief, while also arguing that religious thinking should be and commonly is held together with “intuitive,” “scientific” understandings of experiential reality. A case is made for the enhancement of “mythical realist” religious understanding as a fundamental goal of religious education. Pedagogical suggestions are given for nurturing such mythical realist faith.  相似文献   

Lodi  Michael  Martini  Simone 《Science & Education》2021,30(4):883-908

The pervasiveness of Computer Science (CS) in today’s digital society and the extensive use of computational methods in other sciences call for its introduction in the school curriculum. Hence, Computer Science Education is becoming more and more relevant. In CS K-12 education, computational thinking (CT) is one of the abused buzzwords: different stakeholders (media, educators, politicians) give it different meanings, some more oriented to CS, others more linked to its interdisciplinary value. The expression was introduced by two leading researchers, Jeannette Wing (in 2006) and Seymour Papert (much early, in 1980), each of them stressing different aspects of a common theme. This paper will use a historical approach to review, discuss, and put in context these first two educational and epistemological approaches to CT. We will relate them to today’s context and evaluate what aspects are still relevant for CS K-12 education. Of the two, particular interest is devoted to “Papert’s CT,” which is the lesser-known and the lesser-studied. We will conclude that “Wing’s CT” and “Papert’s CT,” when correctly understood, are both relevant to today’s computer science education. From Wing, we should retain computer science’s centrality, CT being the (scientific and cultural) substratum of the technical competencies. Under this interpretation, CT is a lens and a set of categories for understanding the algorithmic fabric of today’s world. From Papert, we should retain the constructionist idea that only a social and affective involvement of students into the technical content will make programming an interdisciplinary tool for learning (also) other disciplines. We will also discuss the often quoted (and often unverified) claim that CT automatically “transfers” to other broad 21st century skills. Our analysis will be relevant for educators and scholars to recognize and avoid misconceptions and build on the two core roots of CT.


职业化是高职教育的特点,但对职业化的过分强调会走入工具化的误区,致使高职教育沦为产业化的工具。在工具化思想倾向影响下,高职教育存在片面强调职业化、单向度训练学生的职业技能、忽视对学生的成人教育等问题,不利于培养健全的职业人。高职教育应不忘“立德树人”这一“初心”,牢记培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人这一“使命”,坚持德业并举,践行全程育人、全员育人的理念,矫正工具化思想倾向,培育集高超的职业技能和良好的道德素养于一身的健全的职业人。  相似文献   

职业教育与普通教育是两种不同类型的教育。国家学分银行制度以及高职院校正积极践行的"学分制"人才培养方案的修订,使得学习的内容和形式更具个性以适应学生来源的多样性,以及服务学生技能提升的长期性。在校内打造技能创新服务课程计入学分,让职业教育成为经济活动的内生变量,更好地服务于迅速发展的区域经济。构建产教融合、实现校企协同育人模式、最终学生受益的"校企生"三融合命运共同体,是职业技能类型教育高质量提升的关键点,也是构建公民职业技能终身发展的重要举措。以基于"学分银行"的物联网应用技术专业学分制人才培养方案为例,探索学校、企业、学生三融合的协同共赢育人机制,促进职业类型教育的发展。  相似文献   

Teacher education is in the grip of change. Due to the new Australian Curriculum, no longer is it possible to plan and implement lessons without considering the inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies. Simply knowing about the latest technology gadgets is not enough. Information literacy is essential in today’s information-rich learning and working environment. Students and teachers must be able to engage with diverse learning technologies efficiently and effectively in the search for the “right information” at the “right time” for the “right purpose”. Key information literacy and inquiry skills have been recognised as vital learning goals by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority and the International Society for Technology in Education and are thus critical in science teacher education. This paper examines the overlap of technology, pedagogy and science content in the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework and its affordances for science educators, at the intersection between technology knowledge, science pedagogy (information literacy and inquiry) and science content knowledge. Following an introduction of the TPACK framework for science education, the paper reports the research findings, which illustrate that 90% of pre-service teachers thought the experimental unit improved their understanding of the inquiry process, 88% reported more confidence in their understanding of science concepts and 94% of students reported an increase in their knowledge and confidence of Web 2.0 tools in supporting scientific inquiry in science. The implications of this study are that the online inquiry improved students’ knowledge and confidence in the skills and processes associated with inquiry and in science concepts.  相似文献   

Globalization and the knowledge economy have opened up worldwide agendas for national development. Following this is the emphasis on the social dimension, otherwise known as social capital. Much of social capital includes “soft skills” and “twenty-first century skills”, which broadly cover critical, creative and inventive thinking; information, interactive and communication skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills. Proactively, the Singapore government is preparing for Curriculum 2015, a new curriculum that would develop student attributes, embedded in the “confident person”, “self-directed learner”, “active contributor”, and “concerned citizen”. Significantly, a new curricular initiative, Character and Citizenship Education, emphasizes the integrative nature of citizenship and twenty-first century competencies and has been implemented in all schools in Singapore from 2011. This future-oriented approach to citizenship education emphasizes the significance of individual initiatives and the intellectual capital of citizens. This paper analyses features of this particular approach to citizenship education, and its strengths and significance, which may be viewed as an integrative “total curriculum approach” with a “whole-society” perspective. In addition, the challenges of teaching twenty-first century skills will also be highlighted. This departs from the conventional paradigm of socialization, but to help students develop attributes for a future society to come.  相似文献   

Is it possible to develop the content and form of mathematical education in such a way that it may serve as a tool of democratization in both school and society? This question is related to two different arguments. The social argument of democratization states: (1) Mathematics has an extensive range of applications, (2) because of its applications mathematics has a “society-shaping” function, and (3) in order to carry out democratic obligations and rights it is necessary to be able to identify the main principles of the development of society. The pedagogical argument of democratization states: (1) Mathematical education has a “hidden curriculum”, (2) the “hidden curriculum” of mathematical education in a traditional form implants a servile attitude towards technological questions into a large number of students, and (3) we cannot expect any development of democratic competence in school unless the teaching-learning situation is based on a dialogue and unless the curriculum is not totally determined from outside the classroom. The social argument implies that we must aim at “empowering material” which could constitute a basis for reflective knowledge i.e. knowledge about how to evaluate and criticize a mathematical model, while the pedagogical argument implies that we must aim at “open material” leaving space for decisions to be taken in the classroom. Will it become possible to create materials at the same time open and empowering? To answer this question we have to analyse the concept ‘democratic competence’, which can be related to ‘reflective knowledge’ characterized by a specific object of knowledge and a specific way of knowledge production. The ultimate aim will be to unify these characteristics in an epistemological theory of mathematical education. This paper is a revised version of \ldDemocratization and Mathematical Education\rd, R. 88-33 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Aalborg University Centre.  相似文献   

Mathematical understanding continues to be one of the major goals of mathematics education. However, what is meant by “mathematical understanding” is underspecified. How can we operationalize the idea of mathematical understanding in research? In this article, I propose particular specifications of the terms mathematical concept and mathematical conception so that they may serve as useful constructs for mathematics education research. I discuss the theoretical basis of the constructs, and I examine the usefulness of these constructs in research and instruction, challenges involved in their use, and ideas derived from our experience using them in research projects. Finally, I provide several examples of articulated mathematical concepts.  相似文献   

A predominant area of instruction in school physical education programs is game play. Effective decision making is important to the successful execution of skills. Unfortunately, the task of teaching effective decision making in varying game situations is not easy. The demands of the game require far more than simply physical skillfulness. Game play is interwoven with numerous decision-making opportunities for the participant. Successful game players must make these decisions in an effective and timely manner. The purpose of this article is to compare two models of game instruction: the technique model and the “games for understanding” model. This analysis indicates that the games for understanding model provides a more viable way of teaching strategic decision making for game players. Included will be discussions on the various theories that contrast the two approaches. A final section provides suggestions for future research into the validity of the “games for understanding model.”  相似文献   

“思想道德修养与法律基础”(以下简称“基础课”)的教学自觉,既有对思想政治教育理论本身的反思,也有对“基础课”教学过程的回应,它是对“基础课”解决何种问题以及如何解决问题的回答。“思想道德修养与法律基础”教学应重新审视“成人教育”对思想政治教育提出的时代课题,并进一步围绕“人的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的人”“问题的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的问题”“历史的思想政治教育”与“思想政治教育的历史”展开前提批判和哲学沉思,肩负起“基础课”走向教学自觉的责任。  相似文献   

在国家经济发展的进程中,我国正面临着一系列问题,最主要的问题就是技术技能型人才的紧缺,近几年我国的高等教育发展强劲,高学历人才成倍增长,这些高学历人才拥有较高的专业理论水平,却缺乏实践操作技能。面对如此严峻的社会现实,国家政府对职业技术教育尤其是高等职业技术教育的重视程度异常之高,与此同时,国家加点了对职业技术教育的投入,2017年,李克强总理强调“坚持工学结合、知行合一、德技并修,努力造就源源不断的高素质产业大军。”针对我国特殊的国情和当前经济发展水平,对德国双元制教学模式进行一系列“中国化”的实践,找到适合我国高等艺术类职业教育发展需求的“德技并修、工学结合”的育人机制。  相似文献   

One of the more heated and consequential debates in teacher education today concerns the instructional methods used in preparation programs and the knowledge and skills that teacher candidates should acquire. In this study, I examine looking at learning as a pedagogical approach to transition teacher candidates from the technical conceptions of teaching that they bring to the field toward a conception that more closely aligns with the research on how people learn for understanding (National Research Council 2000, 2005). Data are taken from responses given by teacher candidates to a writing prompt administered at the course outset and field reports they submitted following field assignments that required them to detail moments of learning as they presented volunteer learners with materials they selected to spark their curiosity and elicit exploration. The approach is an application of Duckworth’s critical exploration methodology (2006) in the field of teacher education and responds to the call of leaders in the field of teacher education to articulate a “pedagogy of teacher education” that is grounded in theory (Grossman, 2005) and reflects the nature of teaching for understanding itself (Loughran, 2006).  相似文献   


This article distinguishes two models that incorporate three uses for mocks trials in criminal justice education. The first model, which I refer to as the Law School Model (LSM), adapts for undergraduate education the method that is commonly used in legal education (Kravetz 2001). It uses a single case and one mock trial during an entire semester, and pursues a deeper understanding of all pretrial and trials stages. However, few mock trial “kits” exist for educators pursuing this model. The second model, which I refer to as the Liberal Education Model (LEM), focuses on the trial itself and pursues understanding of the judicial system and substantial development of communication skills fostered by traditional liberal education. This article suggests that the LEM offers criminal justice educators greater flexibility because (1) it offers many complete mock trial “kits” for instant use, (2) it incorporates all three uses discussed in this article (whereas the LSM is limited to the first use), and (3) many disciplines in over 200 colleges and universities use it in courses and intercollegiate competitions.  相似文献   

Previous research on the role of prior skills like proportional reasoning skills for the development of mathematical concepts offers conclusions such as “more (prior skills) is better (for later learning).” Insights, which prior skill level goes along with which level of learning outcomes, may advance the understanding of the development of mathematical concepts. An exploratory approach is presented based on level models to describe the relation between symbolic proportional reasoning skills and fraction outcomes beyond linearity. Analyses draw on samples of German fourth to sixth graders from a scaling (2017, N = 325, 54.8% female) and longitudinal study (2018/2019, N = 436, 42.7% female). Particularly mastering natural and internal rational ratios in proportional reasoning seems relevant for successful fraction learning.  相似文献   

推进创新创业(简称"双创")教师队伍建设是我国地方高校双创教育教学改革,实现内涵式发展、走向教育现代化的基本保障。通过文献研究、社会调研等方式分析地方高校双创教师队伍建设现状,指出双创教育存在师生结构比例不协调、教师专业技能不完善、考核评价体系不健全等现实问题。结合现有高校双创教师队伍建设相关研究成果,提出地方高校应当完善制度建设,构建"外引、内培"培养机制、"三阶"教师培育体系、"多元"考核评价体系,全面优化双创教师队伍培养路径,提升双创教师队伍建设质量,助推双创教育教学改革。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在《摆脱贫困》一书中对贫困的内涵进行了再认识与辨证思考,强调要克服只从经济层面单向度地理解贫困,贫困的本质及其造成贫困的决定性因素是贫困者“头脑中的贫困”。高校也应从精神和思想层面对高校大学生“贫困”群体进行再认识,正视存在于家庭经济困难学生中的“头脑中的贫困”现象。“扶贫先扶志”,相对于经济上的贫困,贫困大学生“头脑中的贫困”更应该值得我们关注。从“经济扶贫”到“教育治贫”就是要加强理想信念教育,引导贫困生树立“先飞”意识;做好开发式能力资助,帮助贫困生“丰满羽翼”;开展艰苦奋斗教育,培养贫  相似文献   

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