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一个西北村庄传统儿童玩耍和游戏活动的教育人类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的玩耍和游戏活动是儿童生活中的一个重要部分.在位于我国西北地区的陕西山涧村,传统的儿童玩耍和游戏活动是非常丰富的,具有重要的教育意蕴.玩耍和游戏是儿童自由地进行的,是儿童期的人生内容,给了儿童真正的"童年".它们促进了儿童对生产活动和家务活动的模仿与学习,帮助他们了解和学习履行成人后的角色:促进了儿童对村庄的了解和认同;有益脑健体的作用.但是,随着山涧村生产和生活的变迁,传统的儿童玩耍和游戏活动也发生了变化.  相似文献   

礼仪文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,对涵养儿童的道德品质具有重要意义。小学《道德与法治》统编教材中的文明礼仪内容涵盖自我修养礼仪、家庭生活礼仪和公共场所礼仪,这些礼仪能为儿童的成长打下坚实的基础。在文明礼仪的教学中,教师可搭建多元化的支架,促进儿童自我构建,进而提升儿童的文明礼仪素养。  相似文献   

教育活动作为一种人类社会的基本活动,并非只发生在制度化的学校教育里,儿童个体生命的成长与社会化离不开养育习俗的影响。教育人类学视野中的儿童养育习俗是人们在长期的儿童保育和教育实践中形成的教育思想、教育经验和教育智慧。深入研究存在于本土的、民间的儿童养育习俗对于促进现代幼儿教育理论的"本土生长"、回应现代幼儿教育的异化现象、实现对本土儿童及其教育知识的人文关怀等方面具有一定的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

礼仪文化是中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,对涵养儿童的道德品质具有重要意义。为此,教师应有效把握《道德与法治》统编教材中的文明礼仪教育内容,并开展游戏化、思辨式、情境式的学习活动,从而让文明礼仪教育丰富多彩、高效生动。  相似文献   

我国是一个多民族国家,每一个民族的礼仪都从社会、文化、价值观、信仰等方面反映了民族文化的精髓,我们的教育就是要弘扬我国优秀的民族文化和民族传统,增强学生的民族自豪感和使命感,激发他们热爱祖国的真情实感。全国《公民道德建设实施纲要》中也指出:“开展必要的礼仪、礼节、礼貌活动,对规范人们的言行举止,有着重要的作用。”可见,开展礼仪教育,进行礼仪规范训练,对儿童的健康成长十分必要。  相似文献   

儿童早期发展受不同层次环境因素系统影响,家庭是环境因素影响系统中与儿童直接接触且最紧密的微观环境。本研究以我国欠发达地区农村儿童开展的早期发展干预实验及效果为研究内容,对966名干预组和对照组儿童及养育人进行追踪研究。结果表明,将养育人和儿童作为干预对象,以提高养育人养育能力、儿童早期发展水平为目的的综合干预措施,不仅能产生双重效果,且效果之间存在中介作用机制。养育人的养育实践对儿童在干预中的受益程度存在中介作用,养育人的养育实践水平改善越明显,儿童早期发展水平越好。这一结果为在我国欠发达地区采取何种家庭和儿童发展干预策略提供了实践依据,本研究提出的综合性干预具有一定规模化价值。针对知识、实践能力、资源和支持系统较为匮乏的欠发达地区农村儿童家庭来说,开展综合性干预更有利于为儿童建立动力发展系统,帮助他们跳出发展困境。  相似文献   

<正>家庭是儿童的第一所学校,父母是儿童成长过程中最亲密的"重要他人"。父母在养育儿童问题上心浮气躁、极度焦虑,家庭养育内容窄化,家庭养育环境硬化,家庭养育方式简单粗暴、不科学、不积极等,都会严重影响和制约儿童的身心健康成长。  相似文献   

幼儿礼仪教育是幼儿社会性教育的一个重要部分,关系到国家和民族的未来,也关系到幼儿一生的发展和幼儿健全人格的培养。幼儿礼仪不是一朝一夕就能形成的,应将其渗透在幼儿的一日活动中。为此,可以通过举办"争做文明生"活动,培养儿童的礼仪意识;通过规范晨间活动,促进幼儿礼仪习惯的养成;通过户外和教学活动,巩固礼仪教育;通过在游戏活动中渗透礼仪教育,营造良好的礼仪氛围,对幼儿进行礼仪教育。  相似文献   

彝族俐侎人在养育幼儿的过程中主要是向幼儿传授民族生产生活技能、进行宗教信仰的传递以及在生活中进行日常礼仪的训练。养育习俗作为幼儿园教育的补充发挥了积极的教育作用,也对边远民族地区幼儿教育有很大的启示:环境创设应整合本土文化资源;教育内容应贴近幼儿的生活世界;课程创设应融入儿童民间游戏;教育与养育相结合。  相似文献   

儿童无法离开成人独自在社会中生存发展,这种依赖性决定了儿童必须要由成人为其提供必需的生活保障和条件,给予其照顾和养育。在我国,虽然家庭对婴幼儿照顾养育负主要责任,但儿童照顾养育问题已经逐渐由私人问题变为公共性话题,从私人领域走向公共领域。儿童家庭照顾养育是指由家庭成员给儿童提供日常的身心养育照料和保健保护,为儿童提供身体、认知、语言、情绪情感、社会性发展以及入学准备等的帮助和服务。随着社会与经济的飞速发展,当前我国儿童家庭照顾养育面临诸多挑战,已成为重要的社会性问题,引发了学界广泛关注和讨论。  相似文献   

2 studies were conducted to illustrate how measuring a specific aspect of marriage, namely, child-rearing disagreements, provides a better understanding of the link between marriage and boys' behavior. In Study 1, 200 mothers of 3-year-old boys completed unstandardized measures of marital functioning and child behavior. An index of child-rearing disagreements: (1) correlated with a greater variety of behavior problems than nonchild disagreements, and (2) improved upon the prediction of behavior problems after accounting for nonchild disagreements as well as after accounting for boys' exposure to marital conflict. In Study 2, 87 mothers with 4-6-year-old sons completed the index of child-rearing disagreements used in Study 1 as well as standard measures of marital functioning and child behavior. Child-rearing disagreements: (1) predicted a greater variety of behavior problems than global marital adjustment, and (2) improved upon the prediction of internalizing problems after controlling for global marital adjustment as well as after controlling for boys' exposure to marital conflict.  相似文献   

Recent research on parental agreement on child-rearing values has found it to be positively related to effective parenting. The exact nature of the relation, however, is not clear. Are they different constructs, or is agreement simply one more variable that describes effective parenting? A sample of 136 families and their preschool children was studied by observation and an extensive self-report questionnaire package. Parental agreement was assessed using the Block Child-rearing Practices Report. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that the agreement score rarely added any information not already provided by the parental effectiveness scores. A Q-factor analysis revealed that the agreement score actually represented agreement to a standard of good parenting. The parents who were high agreers were good parents who agreed with other good parents, while the low agreers were ineffective parents who disagreed with other parents, good or bad. Implications of these results for future research on parental agreement are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate a primary prevention effort in child maltreatment, the focus of which was a community-wide endeavor (i.e., subjects were not prescreened for risk potential). Specific components of the planned intervention addressed four causal levels of maltreatment: individual, family, community, and cultural factors. That assessment was intended to build strengths in those parenting areas which are predictive of abusive or neglectful outcomes. Target areas included knowledge of child development, child-rearing attitudes, mother-infant interaction patterns, and parenting skills. A posttest-only control group design was employed. The control postpartum mothers received traditional or routine hospital services; experimental mothers received special in-hospital and after-care services by trained student nurse volunteers. These volunteers functioned in a dual educative/supportive role. Experimental mothers reported more realistic expectations of behavior, embraced more democratic child-rearing principles, providing more verbal stimulation to their infants (reflecting an increased sensitivity), and displayed increased problem-solving abilities.  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities in child-rearing practices among Chinese, immigrant Chinese, and Caucasian-American parents. The subjects of this study were the mothers and fathers of 138 children enrolled in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade in Taiwan and the United States. The child-rearing variables under study were: parental control, encouragement of independence, expression of affection, and emphasis on achievement. MANOVA yielded significant group effects on the parental variables. It was found that Chinese and immigrant Chinese parents tended to rate higher on parental control, encouragement of independence, and emphasis on achievement than Caucasian-American parents. The adaptability of the immigrant Chinese to the conditions of life and social structures of the United States, while maintaining traditional patterns of socialization, is discussed.  相似文献   

新疆锡伯族妇女生育习俗与生育观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国面临严重人口压力,在实施计划生育国策的过程中,研究少数民族的生育习俗与生育观显得尤为重要。运用民俗学的理论与方法,从求子习俗、孕期、临产习俗、育儿习俗等方面系统详细地研究锡伯族妇女的生育习俗,分析其中蕴含的生育观,从另一侧面来反映锡伯族妇女的生活习俗。  相似文献   

Mother's social support, their instrumental use of extended family members and of professionals for help, and their sense of personal control were examined as predictors of parenting skill in 3 groups of low-income women. Separate regression models were generated for black adult mothers, white adult mothers, and black teen mothers, all of whom had at least 1 infant. Black teen and white adult mothers who sought help with child-rearing problems from extended family members were more skillful parents. Among white mothers, use of professionals for help with child-rearing problems and mothers' sense of internal control were also significant predictors. Black adult mothers' parenting skill was predicted only by locus of control. These prediction models suggest that in 2 of the groups, social ties to significant others were the linkages through which child-rearing information flowed to affect parenting behavior.  相似文献   

2 principles from attribution theory, covariation and hedonic bias, were employed to examine mothers' attributions for their children's outcomes in the academic, social, and personality domains. Mother of 5–17-year-old gifted, regular, and special education children who were from only-child or multiple-child families made attributions for offspring outcomes to childrearing practices, genetics, and the environment. Based on the covariation principle, it was predicted that mothers of only children would attribute greater importance to child-rearing practices as causes of their children's outcomes than would mothers of multiple children. In addition, predictions based on the hedonic bias led us to hypothesize greater endorsement of child-rearing attributions for gifted (perceived high success) than special education (perceived low success) children. Both hypotheses were supported across all 3 domains. The dilemma of perceived parental responsibility and the usefulness of an attributional approach for understanding parents' causal beliefs are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that there are universal goals of child-rearing, such as survival of the child or the promotion of their capacity to contribute to economic and social reproduction. Yet in certain circumstances parents appear to pursue child-rearing practices that actively harm children, threaten their survival and inhibit their ability to grow up to be effective adult members of their communities. This article will discuss these issues in the case of one group of child prostitutes in Thailand and their families at a particular point in time. Although the work they did was physically dangerous and difficult, both parents and children claimed that their families were loving and functional and that selling sex was a way to keep the family together. Morality was seen in terms of reciprocity rather than sexual transgression and this article will explore the morality of child-rearing in this context and the relationships between family members.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings of a year-long collaborative study of the impacts of rapid social and economic change on child-rearing, early education and community mobilization in Kenya. The study employed a collaborative, micro-ethnographic design, drawing heavily from interview data and repeated observations in eight districts of Kenya, sampling an array of local stakeholders in early childhood care and education. Research questions, sampling procedures, interview questions, and other aspects of the research design were constructed collaboratively with Kenyan colleagues and a Fulbright researcher. The study utilized individual and small group interviews with 462 parents, grandparents, children (older siblings of children under age three), preschool teachers, community leaders, and professionals working with children and families in communities representative of four types of settings: (1) traditional/pastoralist, (2) rural/varying agricultural productivity, (3) plantation/tea and coffee estates, and (4) urban/high population density.  相似文献   

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