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基于国际国内对高等教育发展的新诉求,新西兰政府制定了《高等教育战略2014-2019》。该战略规划出战略发展愿景,调整了优先发展事项,呈现出拓展高等教育功能、关注少数群体教育、参与主体多元化的特点,对中国高等教育发展及一流大学、一流学科的建设都具有启示,包括:加强高等教育国际交流与合作,保障高等教育公平,促进高等教育与社区、企业的联系,重视高等教育科研质量。  相似文献   

河南省既是人口大省又是教育大省。教育优先发展,改革创新、促进公平、提高质量,在科学发展观视野下,要科学而健康地发展高等教育、制定好高等教育发展目标和战略规划,要对其发展规模进行科学预测。为此,对河南省2010~2025年高等教育阶段学龄人口、在校生规模、师资需求量、经费需求量等进行了预测。预测结果为科学制定河南高等教育发展目标和战略规划提供了四点建议,为高等教育的健康发展提供重要参考。  相似文献   

乔治·凯勒在经典著作《大学战略与规划》中提出的战略规划理论成为高等教育理论研究与实践探索的重要课题.大学战略规划是凝聚多方利益诉求的战略思想、适应复杂环境变化的战略运作、明确持久进取目标的战略变革;大学战略规划致力于实现大学发展的使命愿景、营造大学共同治理文化、提升大学发展的竞争优势.在社会转型与高等教育转型双重叠加的关键时期,我国大学发展应注重发挥大学战略规划的作用和价值,明晰大学战略规划的理性抉择,提升大学发展的核心竞争力.  相似文献   

为了响应国家的教育战略规划,同时也为了应对外部环境的变化,确保自己在世界远程教育中的旗手地位及在英国高等教育中的独特身份,英国开放大学制定了第一个战略规划《开放大学的未来》。本文着重介绍了英国开放大学在该战略规划中提出的十项优先发展战略和十项战略风险,并对这十项战略风险做了简单的分析。  相似文献   

我国大学通过制订战略规划实施战略管理已越来越普遍,因为通过战略管理能够使大学更清晰地认识自身的目的与目标,以及为实现目标更好地分配资源。从高等教育文献与管理实践中可以发现,多数欧美大学的战略规划步骤框架是:确立使命、愿景和战略意图;环境评估;确立目标;战略行动;战术执行;战略评估和评价等核心内容。其中,将确立大学的使命和对愿景的描绘作为制订战略规划的第一步。本文旨在通过对一些西方大学使命陈述的内涵、特征、功能及在战略管理中价值的研究,以期对我国大学战略管理有所借鉴。  相似文献   

新建地方本科院校是中国高等教育的重要组成部分,科学制定战略规划对新建地方本科院校发展有着重要的作用.面对新建地方本科院校战略规划制定过程存在的问题,优化战略规划应从建立规划职能机构,提高队伍整体水平入手;重视使命与愿景陈述,明确学校定位和特色;营造良好的政校关系,积极争取外部支持;科学进行战略选择,寻求特色发展道路;建立反馈与评估机制,提高战略规划执行力.  相似文献   

《国家高等教育战略规划(2011—2030年)》是爱尔兰在国家经济丧失债务主权和国家教育经费捉襟见肘的困境下诞生的。它对爱尔兰当代高等教育发展愿景和高等教育职能作出了创新性的定义;从高校教学、科研、社会服务以及国际化4个方面详尽论述了当代高等教育的使命和职责;同时亦就高等教育管理制度、机构调整和财政投入等方面制定了未来发展的方针政策,为爱尔兰高等教育未来20年实现跨越式发展绘制了一幅既充满挑战又前景光明的蓝图。  相似文献   

《国家高等教育战略规划(2011-2030年)》是爱尔兰在国家经济丧失债务主权和国家教育经费捉襟见肘的困境下诞生的。它对爱尔兰当代高等教育发展愿景和高等教育职能作出了创新性的定义;从高校教学、科研、社会服务以及国际化4个方面详尽论述了当代高等教育的使命和职责;同时亦就高等教育管理制度、机构调整和财政投入等方面制定了未来发展的方针政策,为爱尔兰高等教育未来20年实现跨越式发展绘制了一幅既充满挑战又前景光明的蓝图。  相似文献   

高等教育成本分担实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等教育成本分担不仅体现政府对高等教育的投入力度,也直接影响着教育公平及社会主义和谐社会的建设。从江西省高等教育成本分担的基本状况看,个人分担高等教育成本比例过大,政府分担高等教育成本比例过小。政府应切实落实国家教育优先发展战略,加大高等教育投入。  相似文献   

加拿大高等教育在办学自主权、教育绩效管理、开放式教育等方面自成体系。结合我省高等教育实际,我们可以借鉴其先进经验,建立和完善政府宏观调控、高校自主办学的管理体制和制度建构,采取以省政府投资为主体、多渠道筹措教育经费的投资体制,实行教育优先发展战略,推动高等教育持续、快速发展。  相似文献   

经济全球化和社会信息化的日益加深,加快了高等教育国际化的步伐,形式多样的跨国高等教育活动成为这一时期高等教育国际化的重要特征。新西兰政府以高等教育市场化、国际化为指导,确立明确的教育输出战略,跨国高等教育发展迅速,成绩斐然。本文从发展规模、主要形式、流动模式、专业领域和专业层次等方面介绍新西兰跨国高等教育的发展现状,详细描述了特许办学、课程衔接、远程教育这三种主要的跨国高等教育形式。  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between teaching beliefs and practice, institutional constraints, and the uptake of Web-based technology for teaching in higher education. Semistructured interviews were conducted with six teachers at a New Zealand tertiary institution. Using inductive analysis and cultural historical activity theory, themes in technology use were identified, as well as areas of tension and conflict in the teaching system. Four overarching influences were identified as mediating teachers’ use of Web-based technology in teaching: teaching beliefs, experience and practice; perceptions of technology; technology as a teaching and learning tool; and institutional priorities and division of labor. Teaching practices were affected to varying degrees by institutional strategic priorities, workload constraints, and the learning management system provided.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of the university system in New Zealand and explores the impact of colonisation on the development of research priorities.The paper covers four main areas. The first area discusses the question of identity and location in the early settler colonies and how early contact between Maori and Pakeha led to significant shifts in cultural codes; the second area concerns the historical foundations of higher education in New Zealand and the establishment of Victoria University of Wellington. It includes a discussion of colonial and indigenous identities in the academic context; the third area deals with the contemporary university with particular reference to Victoria University of Wellington; the final section offers some reflections on the ways in which colonisation and local identity are presently influencing educational research priorities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of changing higher education policies and funding on university adult and continuing education in England and Aotearoa New Zealand. It discusses some of the contextual factors contributing to sustaining continuing education in New Zealand, against the tide of developments elsewhere, and in spite of its subjection to the influence of neoliberal policies since the 1980s: an ethos of public knowledge dissemination, acknowledgement of the universities' role as ‘critic and conscience’ of society, a broad commitment to educational equality and a strategic as well as pragmatic approach. The paper describes developments in one New Zealand continuing education department as it experiences institutional and political change. The author concludes that, in spite of demonstrating considerable resilience, the structures and activities of continuing education departments in New Zealand are as fragile as they have been in England. ‘Radical hope’ is advocated as the university‐based adult educator's response in difficult times. It involves challenging the assumptions of neoliberalism, and reaffirming the political nature of adult education.  相似文献   

Stephen Marshall 《Compare》2019,49(3):471-488
International education is widely recognised as providing a range of positive outcomes for students, universities, and both the source and destination countries. New Zealand politicians, however, see international education as a means of generating significant export earnings able to subsidise the local provision of university education. New Zealand universities have been criticised as underperforming in comparison to their Australian counterparts in attracting revenue from international students. This article explores the evidence of that observation by examining the patterns of enrolment by international students in New Zealand and Australian universities. The analysis identifies significant drivers of the international student enrolments in Australia and discusses potential strategic and policy implications for international education in New Zealand that respond to these drivers.  相似文献   

Recent education policy analysis has revealed the standardisation of education systems and an intensified focus on learners and learning to meet the requirements of the global economy and neo-liberalism. In this paper we analyse the way that early childhood education in Aotearoa New Zealand has become increasingly entangled with school sector priorities and international discourses of lifelong learning as it has encountered these requirements. We trace the shift from an explict rejecting and countering of school sector pedagogy to the promoting of increasing continuity with school sector priorities. We draw attention to dynamic, contrasting and competing interests and entities that have shaped the construction of learning and learners and curriculum and assessment priorities. We argue the need to attend to the complex mix of constitutive forces at work in the formulation and enactment of early childhood sector priorities, in particular to these crucial entanglements with school sector priorities, international discourses of lifelong learning and neo-liberal economic rationalities.  相似文献   

New Zealand, a relatively small country, has decided to increase its presence on the international market for higher education. To this effect, it has liberalized its visa requirements and has formed a national NGO, Education New Zealand, to co-ordinate the promotion abroad of New Zealand education, particularly higher education, in a number of ways. New Zealand strongly favours the removal of trade barriers in education, including barriers to the recognition of qualifications earned internationally.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, references to "crises" in tertiary education – and in universities in particular – have appeared with increasing frequency in popular and academic texts. Some commentators have concentrated on shortfalls in funding and the exploitation of staff; others have focused on the "moral collapse" of the university, or on issues of curriculum reform and "political correctness" in the classroom. In New Zealand, as in many other countries of the Western World, serious concerns have been raised about the commodification, marketisation and privatisation of education at the university level. This paper provides a concise overview of recent changes in the tertiary sector in New Zealand, and considers possible futures for higher education in the 21st century. Special attention is paid to three themes: the emergence of the "perpetual chooser"; potential changes in conditions of work for academics; and the reconfiguration of academic priorities in the age of the market. The prospects for resistance against elements of the marketisation process are briefly assessed.  相似文献   

新西兰高等教育质量保证机制的新框架   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近年来,在高等教育发展进程中如何处理数量增长与质量保证之间的关系问题越来越引起各国政府和社会各界的重视。新西兰的高等教育在世纪之交也面临着同样的问题与挑战。本文介绍了新西兰高等教育目前存在的问题,描述了新西兰政府提出的新的质量保证机制的框架,并分析了建立这一新机制的重要意义。  相似文献   

新西兰大学入学考试改革的最新进展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学入学考试是高等教育招生质量的重要保证,新西兰政府特别重视作为高等教育入口的大学入学考试这一环节,对其不断改革和创新。进入21世纪以来,新西兰对大学入学考试进行了大刀阔斧的改革。从2002年起,以国家教育成绩证书(NCEA)作为大学入学的主要依据。阐释和评述新西兰以NCEA为主的现行大学入学考试制度,以期为我国的高考改革提供某些借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

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