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近年来,单亲家庭青少年子女的心理健康教育问题随着离婚率的提高成为一个普遍的社会问题。青少年并不是孤立于父母而存在的,和谐的亲子关系是孩子成长为一个健康的社会人的必要条件。作为心理健康教育工作者,要运用心理辅导技巧,对青少年的家庭背景、父母的教养态度、亲子沟通模式等予以充分的认知和了解;帮助父母以民主、平等的态度对待子女,消除亲子间产生的隔阂和冷漠,塑造和谐的亲子关系,为青少年及其父母提供有效的心理援助。  相似文献   

近年来,单亲家庭青少年子女的心理健康教育问题随着离婚率的提高成为一个普遍的社会问题.青少年并不是孤立于父母而存在的,和谐的亲子关系是孩子成长为一个健康的社会人的必要条件.作为心理健康教育工作者,要运用心理辅导技巧,对青少年的家庭背景、父母的教养态度、亲子沟通模式等予以充分的认知和了解;帮助父母以民主、平等的态度对待子女,消除亲子间产生的隔阂和冷漠,塑造和谐的亲子关系,为青少年及其父母提供有效的心理援助.  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速普及,我国网民的数量迅速膨胀,青少年网民的增长速度更快.青少年网络成瘾已经成为备受关注的社会热点问题之一.本文从青少年的特殊心理和情感需要角度入手,探讨了如何通过建立和谐家庭和营造和谐亲子关系及完善家庭教育来防范和矫治青少年网络成瘾的问题.  相似文献   

亲子关系及其对青少年发展影响的研究是青少年研究的一个重要领域.为把握该领域的研究现状,以便为这一领域的进一步研究提供线索,本文从亲子关系的不同侧面对青少年的影响、亲子关系对青少年不同侧面的影响、特殊家庭亲子关系对青少年的影响、亲子依恋以及良好亲子关系的建立与调适等方面,对有关亲子关系及其对青少年影响的研究情况进行了综述,并提出了研究中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

新时期青少年亲子关系的心理透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年有特殊的心理特征。青少年时期的亲子关系表现出独特的心理价值,时代的发展又赋予青少年亲子关系新的心理特征,对青少年心理健康发展发挥着重要作用。因此,应发挥家庭教育优势、改善亲子关系,促进青少年心理健康发展。  相似文献   

亲子关系是最早建立的一种人际关系,这种关系的好坏不仅直接影响儿童身心的发展,而且还会影响到儿童将要形成的不同层次的人际交往关系。^[1]当前,青少年行为偏差及亲子关系冲突现象逐年递增,令人担忧。因此,加强亲子间的沟通,建立一种温馨、和谐、民主的家庭环境与气氛,形成良好的亲子关系,  相似文献   

抑郁是影响青少年健康发展的因素之一,对青少年的学业发展、身心健康、人际交往、社会适应等具有消极影响。家庭作为个体出生后接触到的第一个微系统,对青少年的健康成长至关重要。良好的家庭氛围有利于青少年身心发展,家庭氛围不和谐会引发青少年的抑郁情绪。本文分析了父母关系质量与亲子关系质量对青少年抑郁的影响,并提出了教育建议。  相似文献   

成功的家庭教育,和谐的亲子关系是基础,如果亲子关系失去了和谐,家庭教育就无从谈起。怎么样创造和谐的亲子关系呢?“同感共情”是实施家庭教育、构建良好亲子关系的关键所在,是打开孩子心扉的钥匙。  相似文献   

为了考察亲子关系与青少年网络游戏成瘾的关系,以及自尊在其中的中介作用,研究者采用亲子关系问卷、自尊量表和青少年网络游戏成瘾问卷对广东省、海南省、湖北省3455名中小学生进行了调查。结果发现:亲子关系与网络游戏成瘾均显著负相关;自尊在父子关系、母子关系与网络游戏成瘾关系间均起着部分中介作用,亲子关系既直接抑制青少年网络游戏成瘾,也通过提升青少年自尊来间接减少网络游戏成瘾的发生。此外,父子关系对青少年网络游戏成瘾的抑制效应大于母子关系。为此,父亲特别要与孩子建立良好的关系,多花时间与孩子增进了解,改善亲子关系。学校应该协助家庭更好地满足青少年的自尊需求,组织团体辅导项目提高学生的人际交往能力,预防和减少青少年网络游戏成瘾。  相似文献   

青少年时期是个体由不成熟的童年向成熟人生过渡的时期,过渡时期的不稳定性决定了亲子之间易产生矛盾和冲突,由此国内外的学者都对青少年期的亲子关系给予了特别的关注,提出了创立良性亲子关系的方法。人文关怀是改善青少年亲子关系的根本态度。人文关怀强调对人的价值与尊严的尊重,关注生命存在的意义。同时,由于家庭系统性的特点,用人文关怀的理念对青少年亲子关系进行干预应是系统全面的,包括对父母、对青少年、对社会文化环境的干预。  相似文献   

Many adolescent girls with spina bifida are not receiving appropriate sex instruction at school. They need counselling about their prospects of marriage and parenthood says Olive Drakes, teacher in charge, extended education unit, the Avenue School, Reading  相似文献   

First-time adolescent mothers deal with challenges that place extra demands not only on their stage of adolescent development but also on their ability to adapt to their new role as a parent. The purpose of this study was to explore and better understand first-time adolescent mothers' meaning and experience of parenting during the 4-to-6-week postpartum period. A secondary content analysis was performed, using narrative data collected from a previously conducted study on factors that influence adolescent mothers' self-perceptions of parenting. Three themes emerged from the content analysis: "Being Caught Between Two Worlds," "Feeling Alone and Desperate," and "If I Knew Then What I Know Now." Findings revealed many adolescent mothers are unprepared for the demands of parenthood and, so, need extra guidance, instruction, and support from health-care providers and educators.  相似文献   

To examine the precursors of the disproportionately high rates of early childbearing among the younger sisters of adolescent mothers, this study compared the attitudes, expectations, and behaviors of early adolescent girls ( M age = 12.93) who had an adolescent childbearing sister ( n = 75) to those of early adolescent girls who had only adolescent nonchildbearing sisters ( n = 348). Results indicated that the younger sisters of childbearing adolescents were consistently different from the younger sisters of nonchildbearing adolescents on key characteristics known to be correlated with early sexual activity and adolescent childbearing: that is, they were more accepting of nonmarital adolescent childbearing, perceived younger ages for typical life-course transitions (best age to get married, have first child), had more pessimistic school and career expectations, and were more likely to have engaged in problem behaviors (smoke cigarettes, skip school). These younger sister characteristics were associated with a nonvirgin sexual status in the current sample and with high closeness and high rivalry with the childbearing sister but could not be accounted for by such within-family experiences as subjects' mothers' permissiveness or lack of mother-daughter communication. Findings suggest the mechanisms by which the younger sisters of childbearing teens themselves become vulnerable to early parenthood.  相似文献   

Objective. This investigation was designed to shed light on household structure differences in mother - adolescent conflict. Design. A total of 453 early, mid, and late adolescents from 3 ethnic groups completed questionnaires describing the rate and affective intensity of daily conflicts with mothers and fathers in single-mother (divorced or never married), 2-biological-parent, and blended (remarried) families. Results. Compared to sons, daughters reported more disagreements with mothers and more negative affect in disagreements with mothers and fathers. Adolescents reported more total disagreements and more angry disagreements with single mothers than with mothers in 2-biological-parent families; adolescents in blended families fell in between. Reports of conflict with fathers did not differ across 2-biological-parent families and blended families. There were no household structure differences in conflict with parents (mothers and residential fathers combined), indicating that levels of conflict with single mothers are elevated by approximately the same number of disagreements that otherwise fall to fathers in 2-parent households. Potential moderators (adolescent age, ethnicity, and gender, maternal employment, prior marital status of single-mothers, socioeconomic status, and levels of social interaction) did not alter the results. Conclusions. For adolescents, single parenthood restricts the number of partners available for disagreement but has little bearing on the number or affective tenor of daily disagreements with mothers. In contrast, single parenthood is associated with elevated levels of family discord for mothers.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to increase understanding of how victimization history impacts the longitudinal course of depression and anxiety in a sample of 55 adolescents emerging into parenthood. Adolescents were interviewed about their victimization experiences during their second trimester of pregnancy, and interviews were subsequently classified according the Maltreatment Classification Scale (Barnett, Manly, & Cicchetti, 1993). Adolescents reported on their symptoms of depression and anxiety prenatally and 6 and 12 months postpartum. Growth curve modeling revealed that, on average, there was a steady linear decline in depression and anxiety symptoms across the transition to parenthood, with a rate of change of 25% and 20%, respectively, from the prenatal assessment to 12 months postpartum. Sexual abuse history attenuated the likelihood of a decrease in depressive symptoms over time. Neglect history was associated with higher prenatal levels of anxiety, as well as a steeper decline in anxiety symptoms over time. Future research is needed to determine the role of poly-victimization in predicting the onset and change of depression and anxiety symptoms. Findings from the current study have the potential to aid in the design of preventative and intervention efforts to reduce risks of mental health difficulties in adolescent parents.  相似文献   

This study examined trajectories of ethnic–racial identity (ERI) and autonomy development among Mexican‐origin adolescent females in the United States (= 181; Mage at Wave 1 = 16.80 years, SD = 1.00) as they transitioned through the first 5 years of parenthood. Trajectories of ERI and autonomy also were examined in relation to psychosocial functioning. Unconditional latent growth models indicated significant growth in autonomy, ERI resolution, and ERI affirmation from middle to late adolescence. Conditional latent growth models indicated that autonomy and ERI exploration growth trajectories were positively associated with psychosocial adjustment. Although adolescent mothers are experiencing transitions that are not normative during adolescence, they also engage in normative developmental processes, and their engagement in such processes is linked with better adjustment.  相似文献   

Every day in the US, over 3000 teenagers become pregnant. The US adolescent pregnancy rate is higher than that in most other developed countries and is increasing. About half of the teenage pregnancies result in a live birth, and most of these mothers are unmarried and will not finish high school. The root cause of this problem is that the young women have a sense of worthlessness and hopelessness about their future that makes them establish the relationships that leave them with babies they are ill-equipped to rear. This is creating an ever-growing underclass condemned to poverty, to a dependency on welfare, and to continue the cycle. All of this results in an ever increasing burden on taxpayers. In Missouri, a bill was enacted in 1990 to address a number of school-related issues that are impacted by premature parenthood. Based on research, the bill makes schools responsible for the continued enrollment of pregnant teens. Alternative programs for pregnant and teen parents receive state aid through guidelines established by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education which allow local school districts to design their own programs. Nationwide research indicated that the greatest need of the teenage parents is obtaining appropriate child care. Parenting education is also of vital importance as is appropriate prenatal care. These strategies, in addition to intervening in the lives of middle grade students to help them avoid premature parenthood, form the basis of a 5-step program developed by the Committee for Economic Development to address the problem of teen parenthood. In Missouri, emphasis has also been placed on involving teen mothers in the education of their children so that the children are ready for kindergarten. Despite the proven cost-effective nature of these programs for teen parents (which help avoid additional pregnancies), very few states have encouraged such programs, apparently because of the up-front costs. Until Americans decide to devote sufficient resources to this problem, it will continue to place the future of all of society at risk.  相似文献   

代沟理论下的农村亲子关系及其调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亲子关系是家庭人际关系的核心内容之一,它与夫妻关系处于同样重要的地位.但不同的是,亲子关系联系的是年龄、心理、思想观念、行为方式、成长环境、所受教育、生活环境、生活阅历都非常不相同的两代人.亲子关系研究必然有自身独特的视角,代沟理论正是符合亲子关系特点的理论之一.积极的交流和沟通、尊重和宽容的眼光、良好的家庭教养方式以及亲代的继续社会化,是改变农村亲子关系现状,消除代际对立,建立和谐亲子关系的有效方法.  相似文献   

Despite the high rate of early parenthood among youth in foster care as well as the increased risk of child maltreatment among children whose adolescent parents have been neglected or abused, very little is known about child welfare services involvement among children whose parents were in foster care when they were born. This study uses administrative data from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to examine the occurrence of child abuse and neglect investigations, indicated reports and out of home care placements among the children of youth in foster. Thirty-nine percent of the children were the subject of at least one CPS investigation, 17 percent had at least one indicated report and 11 percent were placed in out of home care at least once before their 5th birthday. Cox proportional hazard models are also estimated to identify characteristics of parenting foster youth and their placement histories associated with the risk of child welfare services involvement. Implications of the findings for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundTemporal dynamics during the early adulthood transition among children in out-of-home care is a neglected research area, leaving the possibility of coping with childhood adversity over time a poorly understood topic.ObjectiveTo explore early adulthood education and employment trajectories among young adults who experienced out-of-home care during childhood and to examine how various care history factors predict these trajectories.ParticipantsWe use longitudinal birth cohort data comprising individual-level information from national registers of all children born in Finland in 1987 (N = 59,476, of whom 1893 were in care).Setting and methodsWe use trajectory clustering from a previous study on the 1987 birth cohort to compare trajectories between children in care and a propensity score–matched group of peers never in care. We investigated the association between care history factors and trajectories with multinomial logistic regression modeling.ResultsCompared with the matched peer group, children in care were less likely to enter trajectories characterized by education and employment (38%) and more likely to enter trajectories involving early parenthood (14%) or long periods of fragmented social assistance benefit receipt and unemployment (21%). Those on early parenthood trajectories were almost exclusively women, whereas those receiving social assistance benefits and experiencing unemployment for lengthy periods were mostly men. Entering disadvantaged trajectories was associated with, inter alia, placement as an adolescent, residential care, and aging out of care.ConclusionThe study demonstrates the relevance of examining longitudinal trajectories in children in care’s early adulthood. Many young adults with care experience need support in education and employment beyond young adult age.  相似文献   

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