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In this article, we focus on connections between and among teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, classroom management practices, and the cradle to prison pipeline. Drawing from Bandura’s (1986) theorization of self-efficacy, we discuss how teachers’ beliefs shape their classroom management practices and how these beliefs and practices can be essential sites to understanding and decreasing disparate outcomes in disciplinary referral patterns among practicing teachers. We emphasize the importance of building teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and sense of efficacy to inform their classroom management practices/decisions. In particular, we focus on three sites of learning that, we argue, are essential to building teachers’ sense of efficacy in the classroom: learning about and building powerful and sustainable relationships with students; learning about and developing an understanding of outside of school contexts that students experience; and recognizing and appropriately responding to traumatic experiences of students.  相似文献   

Current models of initial teacher training (ITT) in England include substantial elements of school‐based experience developed in collaborative partnerships with local schools involving university tutors working with experienced classroom teachers. Balance in such partnerships has been characterised as trainees focusing on day‐to‐day pragmatics of working in classrooms whilst engaged in school experience, while their higher education institution (HEI) elements provide theoretical bases to underpin school based activities. Within such partnership arrangements, development of pedagogic beliefs and expertise is achieved by a complex network of experiences. Within the context of this paper this element of pedagogic development is shown to be less well supported than other aspects of trainee teachers’ professional preparation. This paper, using cultural historical activity theory (CHAT), focuses on a small‐scale research project in which mentor and trainee dialogue is examined. The paper concludes that CHAT analysis makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of how to resolve some of these issues within teacher training partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper draws on research into male teachers in one single sex high school in the Australian context to highlight how issues of masculinity impact on their pedagogical practices and relationships with boys. The study is situated within the broader international field of research on male teachers, masculinities and schooling in Australia, the UK and the US and provides further knowledge about the gendered dimensions of male teachers’ pedagogical practices in secondary schools. The authors argue for the urgent need to interrogate the impact of masculinities in male teachers’ lives at school, given the call for more male role models to ameliorate the supposed feminizing and emasculating influences of schools on boys’ lives. A particular Foucauldian perspective, which draws on surveillance and its key role in practices of gender subjectification, is used to provide insight into how two male teachers learn to police their masculinities and to fashion pedagogical practices under the normalizing gaze of their male students.  相似文献   

This paper presents research which compares the teaching beliefs of primary and secondary school trainee teachers. Participants were 177 trainee teachers, 92 enrolled in a primary school teacher degree course, and 85 enrolled in a postgraduate teacher training course specifically for music teaching at secondary school level (middle and high school). A questionnaire was employed for assessing beliefs. By performing factor analysis, the following four dimensions were extracted: innovative teaching and cooperative learning, teacher-centred approach, learner-centred approach and working collaboratively. Data were subjected to analysis of variance for each factor of the questionnaire. Significant differences between primary and secondary trainee teachers in the way they think about music teaching were found. The relevance of these factors and differences was discussed in considering how to improve the education of teachers.  相似文献   

语言学习信念是个体差异的重要内容,对语言学习的影响不可低估。国内外有关语言学习信念的研究层出不穷。综观大量文献,语言学习信念的研究主要集中在以下两个层面:研究内容和研究方法。研究内容涉及:(1)语言学习信念体系研究;(2)语言学习信念与其他学习因素关系研究;(3)语言学习信念稳定性研究;(4)语言学习信念干预研究。研究方法可以分为定量研究和定性研究。特别是在国内,语言学习信念研究有待进一步深入,本文从三个层面提出了语言学习信念的研究展望。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between high school students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge, or epistemological beliefs, and their attitudes toward education. High school students completed an epistemological questionnaire assessing their beliefs in fixed ability to learn, simple knowledge, quick learning, and certain knowledge. Then they answered open-ended questions on a hypothetical character named Billy. They were to advise Billy if he should go on to college even though his grades were poor and his parents had no money. Finally, they completed questions about their own feelings toward high school and their expectations of the demands of college. Attitudes toward school were then regressed on epistemological belief factor scores. The less students believed in fixed ability to learn and quick learning, the more likely they were to encourage Billy to go to college and to appreciate the role of school in furthering their education, gaining employment, and living everyday life.  相似文献   

Given the multimodal and multicultural character of modern English, English Language Teaching should meaningfully reflect this. Although some attempts have been made, adequate attention has not been paid to reforming writing pedagogy. This paper presents the findings of a two-year research project on writing instruction in the Singapore English Language classroom, which caters for a mixture of EFL (English as a foreign language), L2 (second language) and L1 (first language) learners. Data were gathered from six secondary school teachers via observations and interviews through which their common practices and beliefs were established. Our findings revealed an extensive use of examination-centred practices based on functional literacy, routine procedures and standardisation, rather than a pedagogy that promotes social equity and cultural and linguistic diversity as advocated by the New London Group. Following their work, we argue that student agency, critical literacy, and socially and culturally situated learning should be integrated into all writing classrooms for effective learning to take place.  相似文献   

Research has found students' epistemic beliefs to predict their achievement goal orientations. Much of this research emerged from the dimensional approach of epistemic beliefs, which hypothesized a relationship between particular independent dimensions of epistemic beliefs with different achievement goals. Research in this approach has primarily applied a variable-centered approach to investigating these relations. The authors adopt an alternative conceptualization of epistemic beliefs, which considers epistemic beliefs and achievement goals as orthogonal to each other, and which favors a profile-centered approach to researching their relations. They hypothesized that while a variable-centered analysis would identify relations between epistemic beliefs and achievement goal orientations, a profile-centered analysis would demonstrate the independence of these psychological constructs. In three studies with high school students (ns = 256, 149, 250) the authors demonstrate that epistemic beliefs and achievement goals form different personal profiles that are differentially related to learning strategies.  相似文献   

Student teachers’ research is usually valued more for its contribution to their professional learning than for its contribution to the research topic itself. This paper reports on a research collaboration with eight student primary teachers in England, intended to build on a previously established project investigating young children’s epistemological beliefs. Analysis of the students’ written reports leads to an elaborated conceptual framework that draws attention to the need for a dialogue with all children about the interfaces experienced within, between and beyond each school context. The conclusions point to the distinctive research position held by student teachers in crossing boundaries between school and university contexts, and the particular relevance of the research topic for illuminating the out-of-school knowledge integral to children’s sense of self and learning.  相似文献   

This article explores the school coordinator role in initial teacher training (ITT) in England. Recognising that mentoring is fully embedded and highly researched in ITT, it argues the role of the coordinator, while integral to partnerships, is far less researched. This paper investigates tensions in the role, between managing programme-wide quality assurance, teaching professional studies and developing school-based mentors. These questions were explored through multi-site case-studies with four HEIs and their partner schools in four linked phases of data collection. Data analysis established a range of different conceptualisations of the role, with only limited evidence of a development role with their mentors. The authors argue for policies which establish a more coherent conceptualisation of the role, and an agreed nomenclature. A key recommendation is to free coordinators from bureaucratic demands on their time to enable them to exemplify a new ‘professional multilingualism’.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the initial stages of an empirical study of a new secondary school in New Zealand. The school vision and organisation reflect current international twenty-first-century learning discourse by confronting long-established beliefs concerning the nature of education and knowledge and the roles of teachers and students. The school's focus is on developing the dispositions and competencies of students through thematic, intersubject, inquiry-based learning. While these twenty-first-century ideas appear widely accepted worldwide, there is little research on the impact of these ideas on student learning. This study considers the challenges faced by the school in moving from aspirational vision to curriculum enactment during its first 18 months of operation. The focus of this paper is the curriculum design and development process. The issues faced by staff in this twenty-first-century school will be of interest to educationalists worldwide who are involved with the planning of new schools and curricular innovation within existing schools. Four key questions that arise from the study and that will form the focus of future research are identified.  相似文献   

Data-driven decision making continues to be a growing educational reform initiative across the globe. The effective use of data requires that teachers develop the knowledge and skills to analyze and use data to improve instruction. The purpose of this article is to examine teachers’ capacity for and beliefs about data use. These issues are examined through a review of research in the past decade. We find that teachers’ beliefs about and capacity for data use are often not connected within the literature or in practice, but we argue they are the heart of the connection between data and instructional change. Teachers’ capacity to use data and their beliefs about data use are shaped within their professional communities, in training sessions, and in their interactions with coaches, consultants, and principals. However, efforts to develop teachers’ capacity for data use often fall short of their goals. Correspondingly, teachers have varied beliefs about data use, and some feel they lack the ability to use data to inform instruction. In order to be more successful, capacity building should directly address teachers’ beliefs, and data use must be decoupled from external accountability demands and involve a variety of information on student learning.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that school leaders find themselves increasingly tom between pressures for conformity and diversity. We argue that pressures toward conformity undermine the ability of schools to respond effectively to diversity in their local communities. This, in turn, threatens the capacity to learn. If schools are to become learning organizations, then school leaders must recognize and challenge the confines of sameness while exploring a conception of leadership that values difference. Finally, four strategies are suggested by which leaders assist their schools in valuing and learning from difference.  相似文献   

In this report, I examine resources and their use in school mathematics. I do so from the perspective of mathematics teacher education and with a view to the practice of school mathematics. I argue that the effectiveness of resources for mathematical learning lies in their use, that is, in the classroom teaching and learning context. The argument pivots on the concepts of school mathematics as a hybrid practice and on the transparency of resources in use. These concepts are elaborated by examples of resource use within an in-service teacher education research project in South Africa. I propose that mathematics teacher education needs to focus more attention on resources, on what they are and how they work as an extension of the teacher in school mathematics practice. In so doing, the report provides a language with which mathematics teacher educators and mathematics teachers can investigate teachers' use of resources to support mathematical learning in particular and diverse contexts. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article explored the association between students' epistemological beliefs and learning processes. Schommer's theory of epistemological beliefs has 12 components (e.g., seek single answers, avoid integration, learn the first time) that form four factors (Fixed Ability, Certain Knowledge, Simple Knowledge, and Quick Learning). Schmeck and colleagues argue for multiple routes to academic achievement through Deep, Elaborative, and Agentic processing. The authors predicted that relationships among Schommer's four factors and Schmeck's Deep Processing, Elaborative Processing, and Agentic Processing would be observed. Results indicate that there are relationships between belief in Fixed Ability and Agentic, Deep, and Elaborative Processing and the belief in Simple Knowledge and Agentic Processing. The implication of the study is students' epistemological beliefs impact their learning processes, which may impact their engagement and performance.  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings of a study looking at the role of the school‐based mentor in developing the competence of trainee teachers in relation to the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in the classroom. One key factor in determining the contribution of the mentor appears to be the level of confidence in his/her ability to use ICT, both personally and in the classroom, which in turn has an effect on both the nature and range of the support given to the trainee teacher. Questionnaire and interview data indicated that many mentors feel that their ICT expertise is often not as great as that of the trainee (and therefore feel less confident and/or willing to offer guidance in this area) and that they are unable to offer support to trainees in relation to contexts that involve the use of ICT in the classroom. The authors would suggest that traditional approaches to mentoring might need to be reviewed in the light of this and they would argue that there could be benefits from adopting more innovative ways of working whereby the trainee’s ICT knowledge and skills might be used to full effect when combined with the mentor’s understanding of classroom teaching and learning. Such a model has implications for the providers of initial teacher training and these are discussed.  相似文献   

There are two indisputable findings in science education research. First, students go to school with some intuitive beliefs about the natural world and physical phenomena that pose an obstacle to the learning of formal science. Second, these beliefs result from the confluence of two factors, namely, their everyday experience as they interact with the world around them and a set of operational constraints or principles that channel both perceptually and conceptually the way these experiences are perceived and interpreted. History of science suggests that the theories of early scientists through which they sought to explain physical phenomena relied mostly on ideas that closely fitted their experiences of the relevant phenomena. This characteristic of the early scientific ideas is the root of the epistemological difficulties that early scientists faced in their attempts to explain the phenomena. In this paper, we focus on the early theories in optics (from ancient Greek to the late Islamic scientific traditions) and argue that students face some of the same epistemological problems as early scientists in explaining vision and optical phenomena for the reason that students’ intuitive beliefs are also closely tied to particular phenomena and as a result the underlying notions are fragmentary and lack the necessary generality that would allow them to cover many disparate phenomena. Knowledge of these epistemological problems can help the instructor to identify the key elements for a better understanding of the formal theory of optics and, in turn, lead to a more effective instruction.  相似文献   


In light of the significant changes happening in all sectors of our society, we in the education sector and in particular in the universities, have adopted a number of innovative ideas for delivering education. Many of these innovations deal with procedural aspects related to learning and consequently little concern has been shown to individuals' beliefs about knowledge and dispositions for learning. Beliefs and dispositions are powerful tools to effect a more meaningful and sustainable change to how individuals engage in learning. This paper discusses some recent findings from research into university students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and their conceptions of learning, and identifies the implications for a learner-centred university education. Learners' beliefs both informal and formal may influence the way they approach learning. Do they learn to apply, or learn to understand? The effort they make to learn depends on their perception of how the learning will reward them. The paper also explores the cross-cultural beliefs about knowledge and conceptions of learning.  相似文献   

Previous governments and other commentators have emphasized the relationship between a teacher's knowledge of the subject material being taught and the quality of learning outcomes. This has been reflected in the entry requirements to Initial Teacher Training (ITT) (primary) of public examination performance in the core subjects. However, disquiet has been expressed as to the efficacy of such qualifications as indicators of knowledge and skills at the entry point. Recent changes to ITT (primary) regulations require students' actual knowledge of the content of the three core subjects to be audited. This paper reports and reflects on the effects that re-examining their knowledge and skills in mathematics has had on the confidence of primary trainee teachers. It presents some key questions that must be addressed if the current audit regulations are indeed to benefit our future teachers and to enhance the learning of our pupils.  相似文献   


In this paper the authors argue that subject-related educational research can play an important role in trainee teachers' learning since it provides a disciplined perspective from which trainees can derive new ideas and understandings related to their own developing practice as well as a critical basis from which to formulate, examine and justify their views through reference to a wider, collective pool of experience. However, the authors strongly argue that research will only contribute usefully to trainees' learning provided certain fundamental principles governing the inclusion of research within the structure of the training course as a whole are applied. In the first section of the paper the authors define ten necessary principles which determine the conditions for successful use of research-based ideas in trainees' learning. Research-based ideas introduced on a training course, it is argued, must be seen by trainees, and subject mentors, to have a significant practical relevance with regard to classroom practice. The ideas and arguments must be carefully selected and strategically integrated within a course and must elicit informed critical evaluation. The second half of the paper consists of two illustrative examples of how these principles are applied in the integration of two research-based ideas ('inductive grammar teaching' and 'Interpretations of History') on the Modern Foreign Languages and History PGCE courses at the University of Cambridge School of Education.  相似文献   

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