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A generalized version of the academic flow model was constructed from pooled data from two institutions of higher education. This version of the model was used to analyze the probable quantitative effects — on a faculty composition, on salary costs, and on the rate of faculty turnover — that would result from the implementation of each of the following seven theoretical options: (1) implementing an early retirement plan; (2) extending the probationary period for tenure; (3) shortening the probationary period for tenure; (4) using a greater proportion of part-time faculty; (5) using a greater proportion of unlimited renewable appointments (unlimited renewable appointments are one- or two-year term contracts that may be renewed indefinitely); (6) using a greater proportion of nonrenewable fixed-term appointments (fixed-term refers to those appointments that are full time but that are not eligible for tenure; and (7) granting substantially less tenure.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of faculty flow was used to predict the effects of new operating policies on the age and rank composition of a large group of university faculty. Specific policies analyzed with this model include changing promotion rates for nontenure faculty, extending service times in nontenure, and implementing an early retirement program for tenure faculty.  相似文献   


More than a decade ago, as the end of mandatory retirement for faculty approached, many academic administrators were concerned about its negative impact on their institutions. With the assistance of a variety of incentives put in place to encourage voluntary retirement, a significant number of senior faculty retired during the 1990s. Now, the looming loss of millions of “baby boomer” faculty requires rethinking faculty retirement. Administrators have two urgent issues to address: defining and maintaining a balance of junior and senior faculty, and designing and implementing effective retirement programs for this new generation of aging faculty. Important differences between previous and future generations of faculty suggest that retirement programs that worked in the past may no longer be effective for the institution—and may not appeal to the faculty. Federal and state governments, businesses, and organizations are preparing to respond to the forthcoming biggest wave of retirement in our country's history. Academic administrators, who pioneered phased-retirement programs, will want to stay on top of this wave too.  相似文献   

In the last twenty-five years institutions of higher education and the academic market-place have undergone considerable change. A period of rapid growth and expansion was followed by a period of shrinking resources and decreasing growth. The effects of organizational decline on personnel management and on the formal structure of the academic hierarchy are examined in Israeli universities. The data show that in the non-growth period standards for faculty selection and advancement have not been formally altered, although actual practices have resulted in prolonged time periods between promotions and until tenure is obtained. The most salient change that has taken place is a continuous process of proliferation of the academic hierarchy by addition of new tracks and ranks to the main regular faculty track, and the increasing use of these positions particularly for new hires. This is consistent with other studies which found that organizational complexity may increase under conditions of decline. The effectiveness and functions of this process as an adaptive response to environmental scarcity are discussed.  相似文献   

The successful governance of the academic business of the university depends on cooperation. While disagreements play a vital role in any decision-making process, university faculty and administrators may seek to use the tenure process to deny tenure to nontenured faculty whose contributions have been divisive and disruptive. To date, no court has found that the use of collegiality in making tenure decisions is inappropriate. However, judicial conflicts arise as to whether collegiality has been invoked in a manner that is discriminatory or violative of free speech. Because collegiality is concerned with conduct rather than such academic matters as publication records or numbers of courses taught, it is likely to be a suspect factor to faculty members who have been denied tenure.  相似文献   

Age and discipline differences in attitudes toward mandatory retirement and related issues were assessed among 85 faculty at a private university. Age differences were minimal and outweighed by discipline variations. In general, both age groups agreed that mandatory retirement should be abolished, even though the impact of this on universities was seen as negative. Concern over the rights of the individual and respect for the potential contributions of older faculty appeared to be the major reasons for the preferred abolition of a fixed retirement age. Attitudes toward tenure among the young and toward projected activities following retirement among both age groups did not appear to be related to the mandatory retirement issue.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between job-related stress and faculty intent to leave academia. The stress variables studied were reward satisfaction, institutional/departmental reputation, time commitment, departmental/institutional influence, and student interaction. We hypothesized that the relationship between these variables and faculty intent to leave academia would be moderated by interest in one's discipline and sense of community — an institutional fit variable. We also investigated the effects of academic discipline, tenure status, and gender on these relationships. Based on data from a national faculty survey of 3,070 full-time tenure-track faculty, results indicated that of the variables studied, the two major correlates of intent to leave academia were time commitment and sense of community; however, time commitment did not moderate the stressor-intent relationship. Though showing significant zero-order correlations with intent, when gender and tenure status were added to the hierarchical regression analyses containing the stressors and moderators, neither variable contributed meaningfully to the prediction of intent. Academic discipline classification (Biglan, 1973) contributed only 2% to explained variance. A prediction model that contained all stressors, both moderators, and the background variables of gender and academic discipline accounted for 25% of the variance in intent to leave academia.  相似文献   

英国大学终身教职制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为撒切尔时代新右派改革的一项重要产物,《1988年教育改革法》规定大学有权以人员多余为由解聘学术人员,从而大大软化了传统的刚性终身教职。英国大学终身教职制度改革不仅导致学术人员提前退休和临时工化趋势,而且强化了学校行政权力,对大学治理和学术专业产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

Business schools have significantly increased the percentage of teaching-focused faculty (defined here as full-time faculty with doctorates not on the tenure track) over the last decades. However, many schools have not adequately updated their policies to support these faculty, leading some teaching-focused faculty to feel like second-class citizens. In this article, we provide a literature review of teaching-focused faculty hiring trends, challenges faced by teaching-focused faculty and the institutions that hire them, and proposed improvements to these challenges. Next, we draw from these best practices provided in the literature, as well as from first-person interviews, to share how business schools address these challenges. Specifically, we use interviews from decision makers (current and former deans) to examine how schools approach hiring and supporting teaching-focused faculty. Our study shows improved institutional support and acceptance of teaching-focused faculty over the past two decades, but with room for continued improvement. We conclude by arguing that TF faculty should be treated as strategic assets within schools in order to support collegiality, acceptance, and professional respect, while also enhancing students’ learning opportunities. In doing so, we hope to start a discussion of best practices that can better equip schools to provide institutional support to teaching-focused faculty.  相似文献   

美国大学教授协会(AAUP)与终身教职   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文介绍了终身教职的基本内容,美国大学教授协会(AAUP)对学术自由和终身教职原则的确立与捍卫,对教师获得终身教职后评估的政策调整等。并且指出,虽然对于终身教职的改革势在必行,但AAUP倡导的“重教师发展而非教师责任”、“教师与学校管理者通力协作”等原则是值得借鉴的。  相似文献   

Women scientists in academia have been shown to be less geographically mobile than their male counterparts, a factor that may exacerbate gender inequities in faculty representation, tenure, and salary. This study examines the extent to which the jobs of academic women scientists are disproportionately concentrated in large cities, areas with many colleges and universities, and regions where most doctorates are granted. We also investigate whether jobs in these locations affect salary, tenure, full-time faculty status, and employment outside one's field of training in ways that differ for women and men. Our analysis is guided by arguments that geographic constraints on women's mobility are rooted in social factors, such as gender roles and mate selection patterns. Data are drawn from over 13,000 faculty respondents in the national Survey of Doctoral Recipients, representing 22 science and engineering disciplines and over 1,000 4-year colleges or universities. Regression analysis reveals that, irrespective of their family status, women faculty are more likely than their male counterparts to reside in doctoral production centers, areas with large clusters of colleges, and large cities. Responsibility for children intensifies women's geographic concentration more than marriage does and in ways that differ from men. Geographic concentration also appears generally more harmful to women's careers than to men's. Women in doctoral production centers are less likely to have tenure and more likely to work part time; those in larger cities are more likely to be in jobs off the tenure track. Locales with many colleges appear to present somewhat better career prospects for women.  相似文献   

To define “contractual regulations and institutional practices” for university faculty we need to consider significant changes in academic work in the last two decades. On the one hand, there persists the traditional view of disciplinary knowledge as valuable for its own sake; on the other, universities are a driving force in providing intellectual capital for the new knowledge society. While academic contracts have traditionally focused on defining work regulations and guidelines, faculty freedoms, tenure and so on, within the disciplinary framework, today these issues are deeply dependent on how the university's post‐Fordist organizational model (centralized controls, disaggregated models for managing knowledge) delivers knowledge in which symbolic and exchange values can play conflicting roles.  相似文献   

Presidents of AGHE‐affiliated colleges and universities expressed a predominantly negative assessment of their elderly faculty members in response to a national survey (Kastenbaum & Schulte, 1988). They anticipated that the abolishment of mandatory retirement (scheduled for 1994) would lead to deterioration of instructional quality and scholarly productivity as well as a negative economic impact at their own academic institutions. However, very few of the responding institutions reported having completed studies relevant to this assumption. The present study is a follow‐up survey addressed not to the presidents but to the directors of all gerontology centers in the same academic institutions. The respondents were asked if their own administration had asked their assistance in matters concerned with the status and potential of elderly faculty. This study of gerontology on the “home front” finds that gerontological expertise is rarely sought by administrators on such topics as developing a plan for continued growth of older faculty members, new ways to utilize older faculty members, or personnel policies affecting older faculty members. The range of utilization across five items was between 3.26% and 7.09% of the 172 responding programs. Gerontology programs were somewhat more likely to initiate their own activities in these areas, ranging from 8.66% to 14.17%. Within the limits of this study, it appears that an academic institution's membership in AGHE does not necessarily signify a readiness to call upon its resident gerontologists with regard to age‐related issues on campus. The pattern of data from both surveys also suggests that (a) there ir a nationwide emphasis on encouraging older faculty to take early r irement, (b) accompanied by a prevailing assumption that older faculty perform less adequately, although (c) little effort has been made to obtain and review data on the actual performance and potential of older faculty.  相似文献   

R. Penner 《Interchange》1978,9(3):71-86
Conclusion The Kemerer-Baldridge study acknowledges that in the U.S. faculty unions have negotiated procedural protection in tenure and promotions, less arbitrariness in administrative decisions, more job security, and greater economic security in general. The authors also point out that these negotiated advantages accrue to non-unit faculty as well. In my view those conclusions apply with equal force in Canada.As noted in the introduction to this section, we still lack sufficient data to do more than generalize from impressionistic accounts. Nevertheless I feel safe in saying that, in a very short period of time, collective bargaining has enhanced true professionalism and real collegiality on Canadian campuses by moving Canadian academics from their knees (suitable no doubt for supplication) to their feet; by giving them legally enforceable job security without which the notion of academic freedom had too hollow a ring; by giving them a real and not a mythical voice in university governance; and by doing all of this and more without creating excessive bureaucracies, industrial models, unconscionable power blocks, or strangulation by legalistic formality. In the course of doing so, Canadian faculty engaged in collective bargaining have developed innovative approaches in a number of key areas, approaches which may yet have significant impact in both public and private sector bargaining. Certainly, faculty collective bargaining has gone a long way in developing a model for professional unionism in Canada.  相似文献   

The higher education popular press has published several forecasts of faculty shortages due to the mass retirement of expansion era faculty and the forecasted low numbers of doctoral graduates. These forecasts of national shortages encouraged a local study of faculty attrition in a four-campus university system. The local study considered two factors not accounted for in national studies but important locally: whether disciplinary field of study or campus location (urban or rural) has been associated with faculty attrition in the recent past and should therefore be considered when modeling demand for new faculty. Discipline and institution location were found to have no significant effect on the likelihood of faculty to continue employment from year to year when faculty age was controlled. Although retirement rate was expected to increase, no evidence of mass retirements producing an increased demand for new faculty was found. The lack of forecasted increases in demand for faculty locally led to reconsideration of national forecast studies, especially when it was determined that the age distribution of faculty across system campuses was similar to faculty nationwide. This paper questions whether there is sufficient evidence, as presented in the popular press, to support special action to increase the supply of faculty.Presented at the Thirty-first Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Francisco, May 26–29, 1991.  相似文献   

Nurturing Careers in Psychology: Combining Work and Family   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The academic workplace, with its requirements for achieving tenure within the first 6 years of employment, is designed in ways that discriminate against young faculty with family care responsibilities, most notably mothers. Mason and Goulden (Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2002/02nd/02ndmas.htm, 2002, Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2004/04nd/04ndmaso.htm, 2004) found that women faculty who have babies within the first 5 years following the receipt of their doctorate are less likely to earn tenure than women without babies or men in general. Women at research-intensive universities are twice as likely as their male colleagues to report that they had fewer children than they wanted. In addition, only one-third of women who begin their academic career at research-intensive institutions without children will become a mother. These inequities, sometimes called the “baby gap” or “motherhood penalty” make academic institutions difficult places for new faculty with family care responsibilities. Suggestions are provided to assist new faculty in successfully combining their work and family roles (e.g., establish gender equity in parenting and negotiate for family-friendly policies) and to senior faculty and administrators who want to nurture the careers of their younger colleagues (e.g., support the use of family-friendly policies on campus).  相似文献   

美国大学集体谈判制度的形成与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
集体谈判是大学管理当局与教师代表通过协商谈判,雇佣双方达成关于各自应该履行的责任和权利、义务关系等方面的协议.美国大学集体谈判制度产生的主要原因是保障高校教师的经济、职业安全,争取学术自由与终身聘任制等方面的合法权益.美国教师联合会和全国教育协会的积极推动促成了集体谈判制度的建立,美国大学教授协会的认可则是集体谈判制度得以推行的重要影响因素.集体谈判制度在保护高校教师的学术自由与终身聘任制权利方面发挥了十分重要的作用,成为美国高校教师管理中较有特色的一种制度.  相似文献   

This study, based on repeated interviews, tracked four sucessive cohorts of new faculty at a large state university over each of their semesters on campus. It documents trends for these new hires, notably in how they coped with social and intellectual isolation, with conflicts between their own and senior faculty's values, and with finding social support. New faculty evidenced differences as a function of the degree of their experience and of return from non‐academic careers. Older and more experienced new faculty found fewer friends and social supports on campus. New faculty needed at least three years to feel a real part of campus.  相似文献   

Utilizing a nationwide sample of university professors in the United States, this study explored job satisfaction levels of academicians and the differences between perceived satisfaction of faculty in professional schools and that of faculty in other disciplines. The results were based upon responses from 336 faculty representing 24 universities selected on a stratified basis which included large, small, public and private universities. Teaching dimensions and research requirements were the most satisfying elements of the academic work environment; support and compensation aspects were the most dissatisfying. Faculty from professional schools reported higher levels of satisfaction for almost all of the 22 separate environmental dimensions, and these faculty also reported higher salaries and less stringent requirements for tenure and promotion. The demographic variables which explained the greatest amount of variance in work satisfaction scores were tenure, teaching load, sex, institution (public-private), and age. Salary and academic rank, which a priori are considered to be significant in an academician's satisfaction with work, appeared to have a lesser impact.  相似文献   

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