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孙中山在处理基督教与本土信仰、宗教与科学、宗教与政治这三对矛盾关系的过程中,逐渐摆脱了原来在宗教问题上的一些错误认识,找到了走出矛盾心理的出路,从而形成了以宗教信仰自由、政教分立等为主要内容的成熟的宗教观.  相似文献   

语言在南非的教育领域始终是一个有争议的问题。在高等教育层面,南非的语言政策经历了英殖民地时期的单语制、南非联盟时期的添加型双语制、种族隔离时期的减少型双语制,到民主新南非的多语制。目前,南非多语制的政策主张和高校的语言实践存在着很大的差异:英语的地位日益显赫,阿非利加语的地位不断下降,而非洲本土语言被边缘化。语言实践中的单语倾向日趋明显。本文在系统梳理南非高等教育语言政策发展历程的基础上,从历史、政治、经济、文化、教育和法令政策等多个角度分析了现行多语制政策的实施困境。  相似文献   

南非剧作家阿索尔·富加德的戏剧创作历经六十余载,为南非英语戏剧走向世界剧坛做出了突出贡献。富加德的戏剧尤为关注南非流散群体的边缘化处境与身份困境。他通过剧场式、即兴式的戏剧实验,将西方现代、后现代戏剧的精神理念与美学范式移置于20世纪南非的历史语境中,集中突显了南非异邦流散者、本土流散者、殖民流散者的流散表征,为南非戏剧注入了平等、包容、多元的人文关怀与人道主义精神,见证了种族隔离制度下南非的历史真相,推动了南非社会走向民主与和解。  相似文献   

全球化是一个涵盖政治、经济、文化等各方面在内的相互联系、相互促进的世界历史过程。全球化的影响涉及到人类生活的各个方面,而就政治向度而言,全球化既影响了人们对民主政治价值的理解和认同,也影响了世界范围内民主的实践模式。全球化背景下,东亚、南欧、拉美,以及东欧和南非民主的实践模式丰富了民主的理论。全球化消解着民主理念,同时也给我们怎样建设民主以启发。  相似文献   

论“五四”知识分子与基督教文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梳理“五四”时期中国知识分子对于基督教文化的不同态度:启蒙知识分子对于基督教文化的推崇,民族主义意识下知识分子的非基督教的倾向,基督教知识分子对于基督教文化的弘扬。“五四”时期有关基督教问题的论辩,促进了中国社会对于救国救民问题的思考,促进了国人对于基督教问题的了解,促进了中国基督教会本色化的进程,加强了非基督徒与基督教知识分子的交往,也应该看到中国知识分子对于基督教文化方面存在着的问题。著者提出应将人类文化视为一个整体,不仅要站在本土文化之中观照异域文化,更要超脱本土文化观照理解异域文化,观照与理解本土文化与其它文化之间的联系与接触。  相似文献   

当前解决我国政治、经济领域的深层次矛盾的措施之一是将上市公司的国有股表决权证券化为类似于股票一样的国有股表决权证,并在沪深股市竞价发行后上市流通交易,将上市公司控制权由国家转给股民,制定《国有股被动表决权法》,政府依法管理国有股与行使上市公司政治控制权,实现政企、政经合理分开,扩大国民的经济决策参与权,使国有经济决策实现民主化与法制化,推动经济民主进程,以经济民主为先导推动政治民主的发展与民主意识、民主行为的产生。因此国有股表决权证券化是政治体制改革与经济体制改革协调发展的关键一环,是社会主义市场经济与社会主义民主政治秩序的联结点。是实现经济民主与政治民主的一体化解决方案。  相似文献   

全球化与民主政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化是一个涵盖政治、经济、文化等各方面在内的相互联系、相互促进的世界历史过程,全球化的影响涉及到人类生活的各个方面,而就政治向度而言,全球化既影响了人们对民族政治价值的理解和认同,也影响了世界范围内民主的实践模式,全球化背景下,东亚、南欧、拉美,以及东欧和南非民主的实践模式丰富了民主的理论,全球化消解着民主理念,同时也给我们怎样建设民主以启发。  相似文献   

黑人基督教在理论上把基督教的博爱精神与非洲传统社会的平等理想结合起来,宣扬种族平等的价值观,成为团结南非人反种簇主义斗争的理想理论武器,在实践上,黑人宗教领袖,宗教组织直接参与,甚至领导了反种族主义斗争,使政治斗争和宗教运动密切结合,为推翻罪恶的种族制度作出了杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

人明末至民国初年,基督教在中国的传播与中国本土民间信仰发生严重的矛盾和冲突,本文认为,中西文化传统的歧异是双方冲突的症结;从文化人类学的角度而言,双方在乡土社会中的权力建构也是产生冲突的一个重要原因;同时,这一冲突又为清末民初列强侵略的时代背景所强化。  相似文献   

在新时期社会主义民主政治建设中,邓小平科学处理民主与集中,自由与纪律,自治与控制,民主和专政等民主政治中各种矛盾关系,继承和发展了马克思主义基本原理,对新时期的社会主义民主政治观念的更新起到重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

本文对基督教在近代中、韩传播成败的原因进行了比较研究后,指出:基督教传入朝鲜半岛之时,不但与韩国的爱国独立运动相结合,而且还与韩国本土的萨满教在上帝观念上相互认同。当以理学为基础的韩国儒学陷入困境时,基督教就成为包括知识分子在内的部分韩国人的精神支柱,从而创造了基督教传播的“奇迹”。儒学在近代中国也经历了危机,但其影响仍然很深,因此,与强权政治结合而进入中国的基督教就很难获得中国知识分子和民众的认同。基督教在近代中韩传播的不同境遇告诉人们:不同文化之间的传播和交流,不可采取把自己的文化凌驾于其他文化之上的文化霸权主义态度,强势文化要强行扮演“救世主”的角色,就会造成社会的对抗和不幸。  相似文献   

This article discusses how students and teachers in an Advanced English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class in Cape Town, South Africa, construct meaning through mobile phones. Drawing on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), mobile phones are viewed as cultural artefacts that learners and teachers engage in the construction of meaning-making practices resulting in contradictions that potentially lead to radical transformation in the object and subject positions offered in the classroom. The case study was located in a Cape Town EFL institution with 14 adult foreign language learners and two foreign language teachers as participants. The findings indicated potential primary contradictions in division of labour and object owing to the teachers’ uptake of communicative language teaching (CLT) practices and their institutional roles. As contradictions must necessarily lead to change in a system, the authors propose that the use of mobile technology has the capacity to shift pedagogy in this context.  相似文献   

满岩 《丹东师专学报》2008,10(6):118-121
自19世纪初基督教传入朝鲜半岛,在短短两百年的时间里,韩国由对基督教一无所知,发展为令世人瞩目的世界主要传教国家。而今年初发生在阿富汗的韩国人质事件引起了全世界对韩国基督教迅猛发展与韩国基督教会多年来步履匆忙的宣教行动的关注。究其原因,这与基督教对韩国社会各个领域的发展的影响是密不可分的。  相似文献   

In his response to Krüger, Le Grange claims that: (1) the South African discourse of fundamental pedagogics was closely allied with Christian National Education and functioned as a powerful educational doctrine in the service of the South African policy of apartheid education; (2) fundamental pedagogics bracketed political discourse; (3) the connection between fundamental pedagogics and Christianity promoted an authoritarian approach to education; and (4) because didactic pedagogics and fundamental pedagogics were so intimately intertwined, South African didactic thinking also was used to serve and perpetuate the policy of apartheid education. This paper evaluates these claims and concludes that they are untenable in light of the history, nature, and purpose of South African fundamental and didactic pedagogical thinking. In his effort to link fundamental and didactic pedagogical thinking to apartheid education, Le Grange has lost sight of the profound influence of the tradition of European (Dutch/German) Didaktik on didactic thought in South Africa during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which secondary school teachers in the Western Cape of South Africa thought their schools were offering quality education. From their responses, it was clear that quality education is in short supply given that internationally recognised indicators such as human and physical resources are either inadequate or non-existent. For education to contribute to national and economic development of a new South Africa, the problem of school infrastructure needs to be addressed urgently if a new South Africa is to be of meaning to all South Africans. Failure to do so will be allowing Black South Africans to continue living in a non-advantaged past South Africa which will be detrimental to their future as well as that of their country and nation.  相似文献   

In South Africa, 70 per cent of the population is under 35 years old. South Africa has a vision to increase youth employment by focusing on education, training and skills development that will promote employment opportunities. A work-integrated learning (WIL) partnership model was developed to provide students with work experience and to increase their employability. this article presents the research on the perspectives of students subsequent to their WIL experience. the research method consisted of a structured questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. The study findings indicated that students were capable of seeking their own WIL placement and that over 90 per cent of students experienced WIL as rewarding, with multiple opportunities for employment. the article adds theoretical value by increasing the WIL body of knowledge from a student perspective, as well as strategic and practical value by presenting the WIL partnership model that may easily be implemented by lecturers in various disciplines across the continent of Africa and beyond to enable students to enter the workplace with confidence.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the teaching of science fiction texts to first-year engineering students at the University of the Witwatersrand as part of a Critical Thinking course that uses literature as a vehicle through which to develop competence in critical literacy and communication. This course aims to equip engineering students, as future intermediaries between science and society, with the ability to fulfil this role in both the contemporary global world and South Africa more specifically through the imaginative inhabitation of divergent subject positions afforded by literary texts. Science fiction encourages students to engage imaginatively with various societal ideas, constructs and possibilities. One of the principles of the course is that reading facilitates empathic responses, challenging readers to inhabit unfamiliar subject positions. In this way, the teaching of science fiction aims to develop self-reflective and critical learning practices, wherein engineering students grapple with the ethical ramifications of extrapolated known science in a South African context.  相似文献   

本文尝试简略勾勒基督教在近代东南亚华人社会的发展,探讨基督教与海外华人民族认同之间的关系.文章认为:近代东南亚华人基督教发展过程可分为两个阶段,其中,中国本土社会与殖民统治的变化是影响其发展的两个阶段,其中,中国 本土社会与殖民统治的变化是影响其发展的两个关键性因素.基督教与海外华人民族认同之 间亦非简单的对立关系.在发展过程中,东南亚华人基督教拥有西方宗教、移民宗教与海外华人宗教三重身份,反映殖民地背景下华人社会的现实处境,为华人基督教史研究提供了新的认识.  相似文献   


South Africa re-entered the world economy after 1994 with several disadvantages, of which an exceptionally high unemployment rate and a low-skilled labour force were the most challenging. Each year over the past decade increasing numbers of jobs have been destroyed in South Africa. The challenge facing South Africa in addressing the problem of job creation is aggravated by the fact that its labour force is predominantly low skilled. Various innovative measures for enhancing the skills base in South Africa have been introduced since the first democratic elections in 1994. The new policies are designed to deal with the country's lack of international competitiveness and the low rates of investment in the development of human capital. Since 1994, several policies and strategies have been put in place with the aim of creating jobs in various sectors of the South African economy. This states that an integrated approach to the implementation of the different innovative policy frameworks by the responsible public service departments is needed. A model for prioritisation in skills formation is given.  相似文献   

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