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有一些人,总是充满着诗意与激情。别人爱看世界杯和NBA,他爱看《西游记》和《读者》;别人爱聊谢霆锋和蔡依林,他爱说鲁迅和余秋雨;别人爱侃服装和连续剧,他爱谈名著和美文。  相似文献   

爱是世间永恒的主题,有了爱才有了一切。然而,爱是有条件的,那就是你必须学会付出你的爱。正像下面两位同学所说。你要得到别人的爱,就必须要知道如何爱别人!  相似文献   

幼儿的素质教育怎样搞?当前最需要解决的问题是什么?实践中我觉得:最根本的是品质,最重要的是精神,最关键的是兴趣。一、最根本的是品质。品质中最根本的是爱心,而当代幼儿最缺乏的正是这个。他们中绝大多数是独生子女,一生下来就处在唯我独尊的小皇帝地位上,想怎么就怎么,不管别人乐不乐意,只要求别人爱他们,他们却不去爱别人。因此,对这一代幼儿的品质教育,最根本的就是要帮他们树立起爱心。教育幼儿应从爱父母做起,进而教育他们爱别人。对他们来说,爱别人除爱家人外,就是爱同学、爱老师、爱家庭以外的人。所以在教育中要教…  相似文献   

妈妈今年四十岁了,她很大方,从来不和别人计较,处处体谅别人。可她有一个最大的“缺点”,那就是爱“撒谎”。  相似文献   

1.为爱而生只有爱,能使世界转得更圃;只有爱,能创造奇迹。能够看见别人的好,就会提升自己的好:能够说出别人的好,就会强化对方与自己要更好。爱是一切的原动力。(当然爱并非单指爱情)  相似文献   

教师职业是一个播撒“爱”的职业.如果要用一个字概括,教育的全部秘诀就是一个字——“爱”.爱每一个孩子,让孩子们在被爱中学会爱,学会做人。今天,“爱”的丰富内涵,被郑琦同志用42年的无私奉献和对教育事业的无限忠诚做出了完美的诠释。他把对事业的热爱,化为对青少年的关爱。“爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是神。”他几十年如一日,以学生为本,以德育为先,爱别人的孩子胜过爱自己的孩子:郑琦是一面我们弘扬高尚职业精神的旗帜:  相似文献   

爱挺娇气挺笨挺糊涂的,有很多怕的东西。爱怕撒谎。当我们不爱的时候,假装爱,是一件痛苦而倒霉的事情。假如别人识破,我们就成了虚伪的坏蛋。你骗了别人的钱,可以退赔,你骗了别人的爱,就成了无赦的罪人。假如别人不曾识破,那就更惨。  相似文献   

爱挺娇气挺笨挺糊涂的,有很多怕的东西。爱怕撒谎。当我们不爱的时候,假装爱,是一件痛苦而倒霉的事情。假如别人识破,我们就成了虚伪的坏蛋。你骗了别人的钱,可以退赔,你骗了别人的爱,就成了无赦的罪人。假如别人不曾识破,那就更惨。除非你已良心丧尽,否则便要承诺爱的假象,那心灵深处的绞杀,永无宁日。  相似文献   

我们在孩子面前不要忘记:爱是一种双向 的情感交流,即孩子在接受爱的同时,也希望 去爱别人,在爱别人的过程中练就爱的能力, 得到别人的尊重和情感满足的体验。这便是幸  相似文献   

我们在孩子面前不要忘记:爱是一种双向的情感交流,即孩子在接受爱的同时,也希望去爱别人,在爱别人的过程中练就爱的能力,得到别人的尊重和情感满足的体验。这便是幸  相似文献   

Contextual influences: building brand community in large and small colleges   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research extends recent efforts that have introduced and empirically tested a conceptual model of brand community in the context of higher education. This emerging literature has indicated that brand community provides a framework that can inform and guide marketing investments in ways that lead to affinity and stronger loyalty to the brand and institution. This paper presents the results of a national survey that examines the potential impact that institutional size may have on the relationships of an alumni brand community. This paper also explores the implications of the size of the educational institution on relevant and desired marketing outcomes that include the willingness to recommend the university to friends and family and a desire to purchase licensed apparel.  相似文献   

现代远程教育自主性学习的生态环境初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自主性学习是现代远程开放教育中倡导的一种学习理念。开展现代远程开放教育的教育机构应该构建一个利于自主性学习开展的环境和氛围。可以从情感心理环境、科技人文环境、咨询指导环境、媒体资源环境、网络通讯环境、交互协作环境、课程教学环境和评价激励环境等八个方面构建自主性学习的生态环境。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to examine the extent to which preschool children are aware of the phonemic structure of the spoken word and to investigate how they acquire that knowledge. The four year old non-readers carried out a battery of takss designed to assess product name reading ability, knowledge of the alphabet, rhyme skills and explicit phonemic awareness ability. There was evidence that they generally acquired knowledge of the alphabet before they showed explicit phonemic awareness ability. Fixed order regression analyses showed that ability to read and write the alphabet generally accounted for unique variance in phoneme awareness and product name reading ability over and above that accounted for by rhyme skills but that rhyme ability accounted for no unique variance beyond that accounted for by alphabet knowledge. Further analyses showed that alphabet knowledge also contributed unique variance to product name reading ability over and above that accounted for by phonemic awareness ability but that the reverse was not the case. It was hypothesised that many preschool non-readers may start to gain an insight into the phonemic structure of the spoken word by becoming aware of the connection between the sounds of letters in environmental print and the sounds of the spoken word.  相似文献   

生本教育主张学习的主体是儿童生命自身,承认儿童具有学习的天性和无限的潜能,坚持把学习的主动权还给学生,提出学习是生命的自我提升和自我完善的活动。在这样的理论基础之上,生本教育认为阅读是儿童生命体和知识生命体的对话,这种对话是悟感展开与感悟生成的过程,而正是通过感悟,儿童生发了原智、原德和原美,儿童的生命得以自我成长与提升。  相似文献   

Effective teacher professionalization in networks?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teacher professionalization has been focused to strongly on external experts and a one-size-fits-all set of solutions that often fail to distinguish between the needs of different teachers. This article describes a research into teacher networks that might be more successful vehicles for professional development of teachers. The results show that networks that focus on (self-) reflection, that exploit subgroups and networks meetings with a strong content focus, that stimulate enthusiasm and are instructive, that build a community of teachers and that make room for application of new materials/methods in the classroom, are the most promising ways for professional development and job motivation.  相似文献   

With the marketization of UK higher education, this paper develops a framework from services marketing that can assist universities in understanding what market orientation means and how students would value their offerings. Our study shows that the core service in a university experience is a learning experience that is cocreated and that the value is emergent, unstructured, interactive, uncertain, with a hedonic dimension. Our paper modifies the gap model of service quality to show that an ideological gap exists that may also impede the quality of the university experience. We propose that a one-sided expectation by students leads to student consumerism and disengagement. Paradoxically, we show that a true student-orientated marketing puts the university ideology at the center of marketing efforts and that marketing may well be an effective tool to communicate such ideologies.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate possibilities for conceptions of critical thinking beyond the established educational framework that emphasizes skills. Distancing ourselves from the older rationalist framework, we explain that what we think wrong with the skills perspective is, amongst other things, its absolutization of performativity and outcomes. In reviewing the relevant discourse, we accept that it is possible for the skills paradigm to be change‐friendly and context‐sensitive but we argue that it is oblivious to other, non‐purposive kinds of rationality that are indispensable to critical thought. Our suggestion is that there is an aporetic element in critical thought that is missing from contemporary educational positions. We consider some other efforts to redeem the surplus of criticality that performativity fails to take into account and conclude that the aporetic element that we highlight accommodates better than other theories do the significance of thematizing the taken‐for‐granted instead of focusing on problem solving.  相似文献   

本文通过对教育实践美的理性分析,认为教师独特风格是教育实践美的形式,流畅体验是教育实践美的主体感受,自由创造是教育实践美的智慧,实践伦理是教育实践美的理性升华,教育生态是教育实践美的生命关照,教师合宜的行为是教育实践美的形象,身处同一心境是教育实践美的最高境界。  相似文献   

本演讲探讨了欧洲早期艺复兴期间(大约1350—1700)为解读亚里士多德的(修辞学)中的论述所做出的努力,讨论了欧洲的注释在理解亚里士多德的(修辞学〉中所遇到的困难,关注了当时学意料之外的某些论争,并力图阐释引起这些论争的原因。作认为,人们力图阐释关于一种化的论述并力图从另一种化的需求和兴趣来解读这种论述的努力对中美两国具有重要意义,这些阐释所可能引发的结果也具有积极意义。作的这种解读对当今世界——对中国和“西方”国家富有更为广泛的意义——因为他在试图解读产生于一种化而被转译到另一种化的修辞学和传播学理论。作指出,在欧洲艺复兴时期,人们相信修辞学和社会很大程度上是一回事。修辞学能够使人们避免暴力、摆脱兽性,使许多不同人的思想统一起来,促成一种包容各种矛盾的和谐社会。修辞学使我们变得明。[第一段]  相似文献   

本演讲探讨了欧洲早期文艺复兴期间(大约1350-1700)为解读亚里士多德的《修辞学》中的论述所做出的努力,讨论了欧洲的注释者在理解亚里士多德的《修辞学》中所遇到的困难,关注了当时学者意料之外的某些论争,并力图阐释引起这些论争的原因。作者认为,人们力图阐释关于一种文化的论述并力图从另一种文化的需求和兴趣来解读这种论述的努力对中美两国具有重要意义,这些阐释所可能引发的结果也具有积极意义。作者的这种解读对当今世界——对中国和“西方”国家富有更为广泛的意义——因为他在试图解读产生于一种文化而被转译到另一种文化的修辞学和传播学理论。作者指出,在欧洲文艺复兴时期,人们相信修辞学和社会很大程度上是一回事。修辞学能够使人们避免暴力、摆脱兽性,使许多不同人的思想统一起来,促成一种包容各种矛盾的和谐社会。修辞学使我们变得文明。  相似文献   

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