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1.那部影片使这个女孩哭了。【误】The movie made the girl to cry.【正】The m ovie m ade the girl cry.【析】动词m ake后面要跟省去to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。2.他昨天向他父亲要了10元钱。【误】H e asked his father ten yuanyesterday.【正】H e asked his father for ten yuanyesterday.【析】表示“向某人要某物”时,要用asksb.for sth.。3.他正在考虑去看望他的父母。【误】H e is considering to see his parents.【正】H e is considering seeing his parents.【析】动词consider后面不可接不定式作宾语,可接动词的-ing…  相似文献   

1.你愿意跟我一块去吗?【误】W ould you like going w ith m e芽【正】W ould you like to go w ith m e芽【析】 意为 想要 愿意 后接名词 代would like “ 、 ”, 、词或动词不定式 短语 不接动名词 ( ), 。 feel 后接动名词形式like 。2.我怎样才能帮助孩子们不为考试而烦恼?【误】H ow can I help the children not worryabout their exam s芽【正】H ow can I help the children not to worryabout their exam s芽【析】动词 之后可接不定式作宾语补足语 , hel…  相似文献   

A.T alking about future plans【集中地】1.—What are you doing for vacation?—I’m visiting m y grandm other.2.—W here is she going for vacation?—She is going to H ainan for vacation.3.—W hen are you going hom e?—I’m going hom e on M ay1st.4.—A re you going to have a trip nextSaturday?—Y es,I am.【加料区】用英语谈论将来的计划时,常用到be go-ing结构,其形式有:be going+副词(地点);begoing to+名词(地点);be going to+动词原形;be+动词的-ing形式(仅限com e,go,leave,start等表示位置移动的动词。它…  相似文献   

1.邮票是用来寄信的。【误】A stam p is used for to send letters.【正】A stam p is used for sending letters.【析】be used for...意为“用来做……”,介词for后面要接动词-ing形式,不可接动词不定式。2.对不起,我错拿了你的包。【误】Sorry,I took your bag with m istake.【正】Sorry,I took your bag by m istake.【析】by m istake是一个固定短语,意思是“错误地”,表示无意当中做错了某事,在句中一般作状语。3.我在公共汽车站偶然遇到了她。【误】I m et her by the accident at thebus stop.【正】I m et her by accident a…  相似文献   

1.【原句】Basketball is popular allover the world.【讲解】all over是固定结构,相当于everywhere,意为“遍及”,可单独使用,也可跟名词。【真题】我们的朋友遍天下。(汉译英)(2005湖南省岳阳市)W e have friends.【点拨】由汉语提示可知答案应填:allover the world。2.【原句】I w ould like to be afam ous m ovie star。【讲解】w ould like/love表示“想要(做某事)”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式,其疑问句形式W ould you like/love...?常用来提出建议或邀请。【真题】W ho do you think you’d likewith you,a boy or a girl?(2005…  相似文献   

1.你们必须保持健康。误:You must keep health.正:You must keep healthy.析:keep用作连系动词时,作“保持(某种状态)”讲,可接形容词作表语,不接名词。2.格林先生两周前去北京了。误:Mr Green went to Beijing two weeks before.正:Mr Green went to Beijing two weeks ago.析:表示从现在算起的若干时间之前用ago,与一般  相似文献   

徐伟 《中学生英语》2002,(21):20-20
1.我的书在桌上。【误】There is my book on the desk.【正】My book is on the desk.【析】there be句型表示“某地有某物”,它只表示“存在”,是泛指,而不强调某物属于某人所有。因此,there be句型中的主语不能用the,my,this,these等表示特指的词修饰。  相似文献   

1.我非常喜欢吃苹果。【误】I very like apples.【正】I like apples very much.【析】very只修饰形容词、副词,不能修饰动词。修饰动词用very much。例如:Thank you verymuch.  相似文献   

1.最近的邮局离这儿大约五公里远。【误】The nearest post office is about five kilo- metres far from here.【正】The nearest post office is about five kilo- metres away from here.【析】far不能和表示具体数字的词连用,而 away则可以。但如对句中five kilometres 提问,仍需用far。  相似文献   

1.你不记得以前见到过这人吗?【误】D on’t you rem em ber to see the m anbefore?【正】D on’you rem em ber seeing the m an tbefore?【析】rem em ber doing sth.表示“记得做过某件事”;rem em ber to do sth.则表示“记得要去做某件事”。与此相似的还有forget doing sth.(忘记做过某件事);forget to do sth.(忘记要做某件事)。2.她经常被同学们看见在跳舞。【误】She is often seen dance by herclassm ates.【正】She is often seen to dance by herclassm ates.【析】在主动句中,m ake(),let,hear,see,使watch,notice,fed等动…  相似文献   

1.我过去常常在星期天去钓鱼。【误】IusedtogoingfishingonSundays.【正】IusedtogofishingonSundays.【析】usedto是一个固定短语,意为“过去常常”,to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。2.她发现地上有支钢笔,于是她把它捡起来,交给了老师。【误】Shefoundapenlyingontheground,soshepickedupitandgaveittotheteacher.【正】Shefoundapenlyingontheground,soshepickeditupandgaveittotheteacher.【析】pickup是由“动词 副词”构成的短语,后接人称代词作宾语时,该人称代词必须放在动词和副词之间。类似的短语还有puton,takeoff,putaway,turnon,turnoff,turnup,turndown,giveback,wakeup,writedown,eatup等。3.我们已经看过这部电影了。【误】Wealreadyhaveseenthefilm.【正】Wehavealreadyseenthefilm.【析】already是副词,...  相似文献   

1.我不是在第一排。【误】I not am in Row One. 【正】I am not in Row One. 【析】否定副词not通常放在系动词的后面。2.刘涛和汪明是新学生。【误】Liu Tao and Wang Ming is new stuaents. 【正】Liu Tao and wang Ming are new students. 【析】两个或两个以上的人作主语时,系动词用be的复数形式"are"。  相似文献   

U nit131.骑自行车到我哥哥家要十分钟时间。【误】Ittakes ten m inutes to getto m y brothers fam ily by bike.【正】Ittakes ten m inutes to getto m y brothers hom e by bike.【析】fam ily侧重指组成家庭的成员,不指住房,特指父母及其子女,有时仅指子女,相当于children。如:John is the eldestofthe fam ily.(约翰是兄弟姐妹中年龄最大的。)hom e侧重指某人出生及日常生活的环境,即家人共同生活的地方,不涉及家庭成员。2.我们应采取行动防止事故。【误】W e should take actto preventaccidents.【正】W e should take action t…  相似文献   

1.他来这儿已有两个月了。 误:He has come here for two months. 正:He has been here for two months.(Hecame here two months ago.) 析:come为终止性动词,在完成时态中不可与表示一段时间的状语连用,须换用相应的延续性动词。常见的终止性动词有die,buy,come,go,begin,leave,borrow,become等。  相似文献   

1.我父母希望我成为一名医生。【误】Myparentshopemetobeadoctor.【正】Myparentswishmetobeadoctor.【正】MyparentshopethatI’llbeadoctor.【析】动词hope后面不能接动词不定式作宾语补足语,但可以用wishsb.todosth.,也可以用hope接宾语从句的形式来表达。除了hope以外,agree,refuse,decide等动词后面也不能接动词不定式作宾语补足语。2.我有重要的事情要告诉你们。【误】Ihaveimportantsomethingtotellyou.【正】Ihavesomethingimportanttotellyou.【析】形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,ev-erything等不定代词时,要放在不定…  相似文献   

李勇 《中学生英语》2002,(21):21-21
1.淮河以北地区有大风。【误】There will be a strong wind in the northof the Huai River.【正】There will be a strong wind to the north ofthe Huai River.【析】in表示在某一地区或范围之内,而to则指  相似文献   

1.【原句】Tom is m ore athletic than Sam.(P.32)汤姆的体格比萨姆的更强健。【语法】多音节形容词或副词的比较级的构成方法是在其前加上m ore,athletic为多音节词,其比较级形式为m ore athletic。【考例】Since China has been a m em berof W TO,E nglish is useful than before.(2004陕西省)A.m ore B.m ost C.m uch D.very【解析】选A。由than一词可判断横线处需要用比较级,useful的比较级形式为m oreuseful。2.【原句】W e both enjoy going to parties.(P.33)我们都喜欢参加聚会。【单词】动词enjoy后接宾语只可以是v-ing,…  相似文献   

1.你明天能来吗?【误】Do you able to come tomorrow?【正】Are you able to come tomorrow?【析】able是个形容词,常放在be之后,构成beable to do sth.,表示“能做某事”;其疑问形式不需要用助动词do,而应将be提到主语之前。  相似文献   

1.她的手表比我的新。【误】Her watch is newer than I【正】Her watch is newer than mine.【析】在比较等级句型中,比较的对象必须是同类事物才能进行比较。2.他是两个男孩中较聪明的一个。【误】He is cleverer of the two boys.【正】He is the cleverer of the two boys.  相似文献   

1.玛丽的帽子在床上。误:Mary's hat is in the bed.正:Mary's hat is on the bed.析:in bed指“人(睡,卧、躺)在床上”; on the bed指“(具体某物)在床上”。2.他对我很好。误:He is good for me.正:He is good to me.析:be good for表示“对……有益”;表示“对……厚道,适于”时则应该用be good to。  相似文献   

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