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长江巡阅使军政职能探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“督军团”干政是民初军阀政治的独特形态之一。长江巡阔使初为袁氏中央安置政治异己的临时职务,张勋、倪嗣冲先后任该职后,均兼任过皖省督军,为此,张、倪一度分别成为民初“督军团”干政的领袖、干将,长江巡阅使使署则成为“督军团”前期政治活动的基地。“督军团”活动对民初重大政治事件如决定“参战案”,组建新国会,发动并组织对南方护法军的战争等起着决定性作用。巡阅使及其使署与皖省督军及督军署的结合成为民初军阀政治的独特生态基础。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代,民国政府先后在蒙古地区设置蒙疆经略使、热察绥巡阅使两个地区性的临时军政职位。学术界虽然对此已有一些研究,但只有将蒙疆经略使、热察绥巡阅使的先后置废联系起来进行分析,才能更清楚地认识北京政府地方军政制度的运作。两军政职位使蒙古地区与全国军政联系更趋紧密,但实质上是北京政府对实权军系既有及潜在地盘的认可。其先后置废,自然成为奉直两大军阀在蒙古地区实力消长的重要标志。  相似文献   

清末民初时期,程文炳、程允和、倪嗣冲三位阜阳人先后任长江水师提督、长江巡阅使职,他们巡阅长江上下,严捕盗贼、保护商旅,担负江防之责,参与国家军政大事。通过梳理他们在长江防务方面的相关活动,加以简要评析,不仅可弥补以往研究的不足,亦可为开展地方历史人物研究起到抛砖引玉之作用。  相似文献   

两湖地区在地理上水陆相接,连成一片,历史上统称荆楚,向来是声息相通,唇齿相依的特殊关系。明清又共在湖广总督的管辖之下,无论军事、政治、经济都在通盘规划与统一管理之中。特别是1890年张之洞督鄂时,在武昌成立了当时两湖最高学府——两湖书院,名额两百,湖南、湖北各一百,聘请两湖名士任教。两湖优秀青年,咸集于此,披肝沥胆,同仇敌忾,在长期的反清斗争中,尤其是辛亥革命中结下了深厚的革命情谊。  相似文献   

两湖自古为荆楚之地,无论是历史、地理,还是政治、经济、文化、教育,乃至于民风、民俗、语言,两湖都有诸多相通相似之处。辛亥革命时期,两湖志士紧密联系,团结合作,互相支持,谱写了一首气壮山河的英雄主义诗篇。  相似文献   

民国前期中央政府大量设置使职,这些使职名称远法隋唐,近效宋明;其职能接近于晚唐与五代。使职职能的行使对民国政治有很大影响,尤其是巡阅使制度对民国前期中央和地方政治体制产生了极为重要的作用和影响,是军阀政治得以运行的核心制度之一。它对民国前期三权分立的民主宪政制度的政治实践产生了逆向的反动作用。  相似文献   

彭玉麟身为清朝官员,但未曾统辖过一省一地。朝廷虽先后命他为安徽巡抚、两江总督兼南洋通商大臣,但他总是力辞不任。他只任过长江水师提督和巡阅长江五省水师之差使。中法战争期间以兵部尚书和钦差大臣身份去督办广东军务,而战后又继续从事巡阅长江水师职,用他自己的话说是;“自出身从戌以来,与水师相始终。”[1]因而他  相似文献   

澳大利亚成立技能质量署近日,澳大利亚联邦政府宣布投入106亿澳元,对职业教育与培训机构进行全面改革,并成立了澳大利亚技能质量署,负责对澳大利亚的职业教育与培训机构进行监管。同时,还成立了澳大利亚高等教育质量和标准署,使澳大利亚联邦  相似文献   

自第二次鸦片战争后.两湖地区涌进了大批西方传教士.他们建立教堂,办学校,设报刊,刊印图书,传播西方宗教知识,介绍西方自然科学和社会科学知识,为拉开两湖地区近代化进程的序幕做出了一定的贡献.近代西方传教士在两湖地区设立了一批出版机构及其出版活动.西方传教士在两湖地区的出版活动有其深刻社会原因,并对两湖地区社会近代化转型起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

农校试验场有十六顷育德工厂营业八万圆保定自设立军官学校以来.几为全国研究军事学之重心点.加以曹巡阅使手握重兵.分驻保定周围.联络津洛.大有左右全国之概.若职业教育.则以农言.本有公立甲种农校.自改办农业专门学校.甲农  相似文献   

陆军检阅是北京政府的一项军政制度,其法律地位最初由《陆军部官制》所认可,但长期未得专人负责。20年代后,姜桂题、冯玉祥先后充任陆军检阅使,然实为安排失势军人的闲职。总体来看,目前学术界对此制度及职位虽有所研究,但仍有进一步探讨的必要。  相似文献   

在第一次鸦片战争中,林则徐作为钦差大臣,虎门销烟,反抗侵略,被称为民族英雄。在第二次鸦片战争中,钦差大臣叶名琛因亚罗号事件,城破被俘,为世人所唾弃。两人的后世评价可谓大相径庭,有些偏错。文章通过对叶名琛和林则徐在两次鸦片战争前后的表现进行比较,认为林、叶二人作为封疆大吏都具有典型的爱国思想,后人对其不同评价有失公正。  相似文献   

In 1969, the federal government enacted the Official Languages Act, the intent of which was to secure for the French minority their language rights within federal government administrations throughout Canada. Keith Spicer was appointed Official Languages Commissioner in 1970. As Commissioner, his task was to interpret and implement the Act within federal departments and agencies.Prior to his appointment, Mr. Spicer had taught political science at l'Université d'Ottawa, the University of Toronto, and York University. He has also been active in radio, television, and newspaper journalism, as a commentator and interview host on CBC's French network and editorial writer for the TorontoGlobe and Mail.In the following interview, which took place in July 1977, shortly before he resigned as Official Languages Commissioner, Mr. Spicer reflects upon strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of the Official Languages Act and expresses his views on the current status of French language rights in the spheres of government administration and education.Since leaving his Ottawa post, Mr. Spicer has returned to university teaching and journalism in British Columbia.  相似文献   

民初北京政府根据川藏边情的演变,先后设置了川边经略使、川边镇守使、西康屯垦使等地方长官,并划设川边地区为特别区域,以此来加强对川边的治理。川边地方当局也确实采取了一些措施,取得了一些成效。但由于川边地区一直处于动荡的局面、北京政权式微、四川时局持续混乱等因素的影响,民初川边地区治理并没有取得显著成效,以致人心浮动。  相似文献   

Recent revelations about the scope and severity of past child sexual abuse in German institutions set off a broad public debate on this issue, and led to the establishment of a politically appointed Round Table committee and an Independent Commissioner whose mandates were to reappraise the issue and develop recommendations for future policies. A media campaign was launched to publicize the establishment of a Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS) whereby now-adult victims of past abuse could anonymously provide testimonials and let policy makers know what issues were important to them. Respondents could either call a hotline number or communicate by mail or email. The information collected was documented and analyzed by a research team, and the results of interim reports were included in the recommendations of the Independent Commissioner and the Round Table committee. Most of the respondents described severe and repeated occurrences of childhood sexual abuse. For many, priorities were improvements in therapy and counseling services, the abolishment of the statute of limitations on prosecuting offenders, and financial compensation. Based on the recommendations of the Round Table and the Independent Commissioner, two new laws were adopted as well as an action plan and some guidelines. In addition to rules for recompensation of victims in an institutional context a fund for victims of sexual abuse in intrafamilial context was established by the Federal Government. Another effect of this process was raising societal sensitivity to the problem of child sexual abuse. The use of a CIRS enabled those directly affected by childhood sexual abuse to have some input into a political process designed to address this issue. Such an approach could have applicability in other countries or in other domains of public health and other forms of societal conflict as well.  相似文献   

王维的《送梓州李使君》一诗流传千年,影响很大。但遗憾的是没有留下这位和王维交情很深的李使君的真实姓名和身世。本文通过对王维的出身和王维交游人物研究以及查找唐代李姓梓州刺史的记录和唐代墓志铭等文献和实物资料,进而整理出一个逻辑链,从而得出这位李梓州的真实身份是唐太宗第三子吴王恪曾孙李峒的结论。  相似文献   

This article uses critical discourse analysis to show that a series of advertisements by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees are premised on a discourse of sameness that constructs difference negatively. The article moves from deconstructing these advertisements to possibilities for reconstruction that show difference as a positive and productive resource.  相似文献   

If every child in every car would speak up when he or she sees an adult commit a driving violation, there would be fewer traffic accidents.Ernest J. Cipullo is Commissioner of Police, Garden City Police Department, Garden City, New York.  相似文献   

Under the policies of the United States, it will be very difficult to prohibit schools of this kind unless it were definitely proven that they were teaching treasonable things. –P. P. Claxton, U. S. Commissioner of Education1  相似文献   

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