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Creating a virtual community among learners in a course or program can increase student retention and satisfaction. Although community colleges are increasingly turning to on-line learning experiences for students, doctoral programs in community college leadership (CCL) can model the blending of different learning modalities. Using face-to-face experiences, two-way compressed video, on-line information posting, and synchronous and asynchronous on-line discussions, the CCL program at Colorado State University creates community among its doctoral students. A vignette is presented to illustrate the life of one of these doctoral distance students and to detail the uses of the various learning modalities. The article concludes with a discussion the three main types of support necessary for empowering students and keeping them connected in their community: multiple communities support, multiple meeting spaces support, and multiple systems support. The serendipitous result of this experience has been seeing doctoral students return to their respective community college campuses and use this blending of on-line modalities to serve their own students.  相似文献   

The demographics of 21st century, community college students are changing. Success strategies are being developed with adult learners in mind, particularly for programs targeting students already in the workforce. While recognizing that such students may have been out of college for an extended time or have obligations differing from traditional college students, such as family and work commitments, programs designed for adult learners should provide clearly articulated pathways to success. Elements of this success strategy should provide instruction in a way that accommodates work schedules and prepares students for classroom challenges.

Degree programs should be designed to help students complete coursework quickly and provide greater access to educational opportunities. Gillette College’s accelerated Mining Technology Program combines a no-options pathway to completion. It is a course delivery system allowing students who otherwise might not have the opportunity to attend college the ability to earn a degree in their career field. To further increase student success, the program relies on strategic and intrusive advising to energize students who may not be used to academic demands.  相似文献   

This study aimed to better understand college students’ decisions to participate in short-term study abroad programs and to identify influential factors. Our constructive interview data with traditional and nontraditional students from three mid-Atlantic community colleges identified (a) the interplay between individual, social, and institutional factors, and (b) distinctive decision factors related to students attending community colleges. Notable factors included opportunity of a lifetime, academic transfer prospects, personal timing, cost affordability, faculty encouragement, family support, honors program, and group affinity. Moreover, students in this study shared how they were able to navigate and overcome their familial and vocational challenges (e.g., funding and concerns about academics–life balance) to engage in a study abroad program. Finally, we discuss the results with continuing applicability to educational practice at community colleges as well as policy implications for community college students.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ePortfolio system for grades 9–12 at the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS). ePortfolio implementation at VLACS developed from an Advisory course curriculum that supports students' journey toward becoming college, career, and citizenship ready. We provide a unique perspective for implementation in that VLACS is completely online. Drawing from experiences in brick-and-mortar schools, online instruction, and research on digital portfolio programs, we utilize online portfolios to build a virtual community and engage students in their learning. The article summarizes key components to ePortfolio implementation and highlights how ePortfolios enable VLACS students to both reflect on their experience as learners and demonstrate academic and professional competencies.  相似文献   

The completion agenda demands higher community college graduation rates among adult learners, and prior learning assessment (PLA) is a promising solution. PLA permits students to earn credit for college-level learning acquired outside of higher education and is associated with improved student outcomes. However, little is known regarding community college graduation rates among adult learners by prior learning assessment status and method. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to examine adult learner graduation rates by PLA status and method at four U.S. community colleges. Results from this foundational study confirmed a remarkable difference in graduation rates between adult PLA learners and adult non-PLA learners, uncovered striking differences in the graduation rates of adult PLA learners by PLA method, and identified a relationship between PLA method and graduation. Findings provide community college stakeholders with new insight into adult PLA learners in the community college and a basis for future research leading to higher graduation rates among adult learners.  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查对广州地区某职业技术学院377名参加与未参加高校社团的大学生自我控制能力情况进行相关调查分析,结果显示:1)参加社团的大学生在自我控制综合能力水平上显著高于未参加社团的大学生;2)参加社团的大学生中,男生的自我控制综合能力显著高于女生。  相似文献   

Research indicates that there has been a decline in college reading over the past decades, yet few studies have been conducted at community colleges. The aim of this exploratory study was to gain a broad view of what reading across the curriculum looks like at one urban community college from the perspectives of students and faculty. A survey was administered to students to gather information on their reading practices, beliefs, and attitudes. A second survey was distributed to full-time faculty to gather information on assignments, practices, and beliefs regarding reading. Findings indicate that many students do not complete assigned readings. Further, women students spend more time on reading and attend class more often having completed assigned reading than men. There are discrepancies between students’ and faculty’s assessments of students’ reading abilities, whether reading is essential to course success and between the kinds of readings commonly assigned and those students enjoy reading. The study identified areas for further research on reading in community college including the relationship between gender, reading compliance, and community college outcomes; the effectiveness of reading compliance strategies; the relationship between PowerPoint use and student reading; and students’ use of active reading strategies. The findings also point out the need for pedagogical innovation in the teaching of reading in community college, namely through the implementation of reading across the curriculum programs.  相似文献   

As community college leaders strive for institutional efficacy, programs are needed to promote student success through the alignment of curricular objectives and community needs. To meet this objective, service learning (SL) is becoming increasingly popular in the community college. A new SL program called Drive to Employment (DTE) was developed as a means of preparing students for employment by serving unemployed and underemployed community clients. As a result, the curriculum was better connected to workplace competencies, students were prepared for employment, and the capacity of community-based partner organizations was expanded. An overview of DTE will familiarize stakeholders with SL, lessons learned, and the potential impact of similar programs on student, institutional, and community outcomes.  相似文献   

The Iowa Association of Community College Trustees, the Iowa Association of Community College Presidents, and Iowa State University Higher Education Program created a partnership to develop women and minorities for leadership roles in community colleges. The Leadership Institute for a New Century (LINC) program, which is in its eleventh year, uses a combination of national and state community college leaders, community leaders, trustees, and university faculty members to offer personal and professional development activities for participants. University credit that may be used as part of an academic degree program and for state licensure purposes is granted. Participants are nominated by their college; participate in monthly seminars; and complete projects related to local, state, and national issues. Nearly 70% of participants reported receiving a leadership promotion or advancement during or since their acceptance into the LINC program. The majority indicated that the program was very influential in their advancement. With the predicted impending administrator shortage, more cooperative leadership development programs need to be developed. The future of our community college system depends on the development of leadership opportunities and an infusion of leadership.  相似文献   

In spite of open access to community college education, specifically human service associate degree programs, students with criminal justice histories do not necessarily have an unobstructed pathway to obtaining the degree and admission to the baccalaureate programs in human services and social work that are almost always selective. The first obstacle may arise when a student must be placed in the field internship. This may mark the first time in a student’s educational career where he or she must disclose his or her ex-offender status. While higher education plays a well-documented role against recidivism, students who are ex-offenders who are enrolled in community college programs and also have their sights set on transfer, professional credentialing, and professional employment, may face similar barriers. There is a paucity of research related to students in community college with criminal justice histories and a clear need for qualitative and quantitative study in the area. The author calls for more active advocacy and community education roles for community college professionals in this arena as well.  相似文献   


Community colleges are often boxed into university models despite the unique nature of their institutional missions and student populations. We believe community colleges need to develop their own models, rooted in their distinctive missions, to encourage student success. We illustrate this through our experience with a short-term research assistantship program. The program created a brief, but important, way to enhance the student–professor relationship and engage students in applied research practices. It also provided a resource to assist community college faculty in conducting their own, original research. We hope others will not only develop similar programs, but perhaps more importantly, that this article will spur bottom-up, creative thinking to engage time-constrained, community college students in meaningful ways.  相似文献   

Dual-enrollment programs have been proposed as a useful way to ease students’ transition from high school to community college. Several studies have shown that dual enrollment produces positive effects for students, but less is known about the mechanisms these programs use to support student success. Symbolic interactionism suggests that clarity of the role of a college student may help students transition into this role with more ease. With new legislation allowing students to use Pell Grants to attend dual-enrollment programs, and other proposed policies to increase attendance at community college, research on the mechanisms that make dual enrollment successful is well-timed. This study takes a mixed method approach with an online survey (N = 101) and a series of focus groups (N = 15) to explore the experiences of dual-enrollment students from several high schools and one community college. Findings suggest that dual enrollment helped to enhance participants’ clarity of the college-student role, including who attends college, what skills are required, what college can lead to, and their own self-identification as college students. Sources of role expectations for these students included self-reflection and peer, family, teacher, and structural expectations. Students highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the dual-enrollment program in which they were enrolled. These findings have implications for practice, including the potential for dual enrollment to support low-income and first-generation college students in their transition to higher education.  相似文献   

The overwhelming weight of the literature on "gifted learners" deals with the K-12 years; little attention is given to postsecondary efforts. Among the many approaches to meeting the needs of gifted students at the college level are admission without high school graduation; credit for previous advanced work; identification during and after admission; advising by specifically designated personnel; career planning; and special programs such as honors programs, admission to graduate courses, mentorships, and research opportunities. Professors can encourage gifted learners by adapting their teaching methods and by personal contact. Scholarships and academic recognition also support high aspirations. Many issues at the college level echo those encountered in the K-12 system. Attention to the gifted learner at the college level represents uncharted territory and a new frontier.  相似文献   

While community colleges serve as a postsecondary entry point for many “at-risk” students, not many who enroll will be ready or able to participate in college level courses on entry. Statistically, large numbers of community college students require college remediation, and only a handful are able to successfully emerge from the remediation pipeline. Many students find mathematics the most challenging course sequence and frequently report high levels of math anxiety and lower completion rates. Using population data from a large urban district in a western state, this study examined the impact of course grades on subsequent grades within math courses.  相似文献   

An understanding of where community college scholarship is published can be beneficial to practitioners seeking to identify and use scholarly evidence to support policies and programs that promote student success. Such an understanding will also benefit aspiring and new scholars seeking to identify community college scholarship. Unfortunately, there has been little effort to document journal characteristics of scholarship focused on community college students. The present study identified, reviewed, and described community college student scholarship published in P–20 education journals between 1990 and 2014. The study also examined trends over time in journals publishing articles focused on community college students. We found a sizable increase in scholarly work published in education journals since 1990—in particular within the past several years. Importantly, results also revealed an underrepresentation of empirical work focused on community college students published in P–20 education, top-tier, and open access journals. A discussion of implications for practice and recommendations for future research was also provided.  相似文献   

Community college field placements often reflect a “vocational education” approach to outside‐the‐classroom learning, attempting to train students in specific skills and prerequisites for predetermined job slots. In the human services area, however, this may not be the most advantageous approach to producing innovative workers who will generate creative solutions to persistent and serious social problems. This study examined the impact of utilizing one popular university approach to field learning‐experiential learning coupled with social change agentry—with community college students. A criterion‐group field experiment was conducted, looking at paper‐and‐pencil measures, interviews, and archival data. It was found that the community college students were as willing to participate, were equally satisfied with the experience, and were as effective with their assigned cases as were the university students in this rigorous and demanding field placement. Community college administrators who are seeking to broaden their human service field settings should also consider successful university models of experiential learning as alternatives.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,在线学习因其灵活、便捷等特点成为信息时代的一种重要学习手段。促进学习者实现较高水平的交互是提高在线学习质量的关键之一。然而现实的在线学习(尤其是异步交互的在线学习)交互效果并不理想。各类在线学习中的观望者和逃避者较少或根本不参加在线学习,教学交互的实现水平也显著低于积极参与者。通过社会网络分析法对一个基于微博的在线学习社区中社会性交互进行分析发现,“微博点名”活动能够显著促进在线学习交互,尤其是学习者之间的交互。“微博点名”活动的规则、微博交流方便快捷的特点,以及活动本身的趣味性是促进在线学习交互的原因。“微博点名”适合设计类和创作型学习实践活动。开展“微博点名”和基于微博的在线学习活动时,教师应营造良好的在线学习环境,发挥核心学习者的作用,引导边缘学习者积极参与,促进学习团体的形成和建设,同时应注意引导学生反思,提高交互质量。  相似文献   


A traditional way of assessing program effectiveness of academic programs has been by determining the percentage of students who complete programs and receive degrees or some other acknowledgment of completion. This method of assessment is particularly problematic for community colleges because only 4% of students who enroll in occupational-technical certificate programs do so with the intention of earning a certificate. These circumstances pose significant problems for certificate institutions as well as for those in coordinating/governing units at various levels who must assure that these programs are meeting the goals of the students and institutions in addition to the needs of a region or state. The purpose of this study was to investigate an alternative way of evaluating the effectiveness of occupational-technical programs to determine if they are meeting the goals of the students and institution by providing students with entry-level skills into the workforce or the ability to advance in their careers. Data were collected from the institution and from noncompleters in occupational-technical certificate programs at an urban community college. The study investigated when students choose to drop out and why. It concluded that these students are very pragmatic in terms of their education and that they enroll for specific reasons and drop out when they achieve their goals. This study not only confirmed that students meet their career goals, but also that the institution meets its goals as well since it is successful in preparing students for the workforce or in advancing them in existing jobs.  相似文献   

Online distance education creates increased opportunities for continuing education and advanced training for allied health professionals living in underserved and geographically isolated areas. The purpose of this article was to explore attitudes on barriers and benefits of distance education technology among underrepresented minority allied health students. It also addressed potential issues to geographic isolation that may contribute to the shortage of adequately trained health professionals in the Mississippi Delta. Community college students, faculty, and staff of Mississippi Delta allied health programs were interviewed about their experience, barriers and benefits to participation, and self efficacy with distance education. Four focus groups meetings with 34 participants were conducted to understand perceptions of community college students and professionals about distance education. Exposure to and experience with online and distance learning format, frequent Internet usage, and plans to matriculate to a four-year university are significant factors when examining attitudes on barriers and benefits. Faculty and staff perceive that community college students would be more confident during discussions in an online environment; that an online class will reduce out-of-pocket educational expenses; and online learning will save time by making all course materials accessible from one webpage. Attitudes on benefits to distance education should be evaluated to assess whether distance education programs meet the needs of the students in underserved areas.  相似文献   

This study utilized original survey data and a national sample of community college baccalaureate (CCB) institutions to examine how offering baccalaureate programs impacts these colleges and the students they serve. An increasing number of these colleges plan to offer their baccalaureate programs online, and programs in technology are projected to experience the greatest growth. The data suggest that student needs, and not institutional revenue or prestige, are the primary motivation for offering bachelor's degrees. The challenges experienced when establishing the CCB programs were more likely to come from external than internal factors. Collectively, thousands of students have already graduated from these programs. Results from this study can be used by policymakers and college administrators to make data-driven decisions regarding baccalaureate programming at the community college.  相似文献   

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