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Action learning involves balancing the often conflicting forces between working knowledge and academic knowledge. This paper explores the experience of executive learners; academics and external contributors involved in action learning at the postgraduate level. The executive learners are members of cohorts on two masters programmes based in Ireland. The programmes adopt an action learning methodology. Action learning supports a reflective culture for the executive learners and an enriched understanding of their workplace. The challenges associated with action learning are explored. The understanding of best practice in the facilitation of action learning for executive learners is enriched for practitioners and academics. The use of narrative structuring provides an insight into the reality of action learning for executive learners. If action learning is to be successfully integrated into executive education, then there needs to be high levels of communication, commitment and trust between the executive learners; academics and external contributors.  相似文献   

Researchers have recognized the potential of educational computer games in improving students’ learning engagement and outcomes; however, facilitating effective learning behaviors during the gaming process remains an important and challenging issue. In this paper, a collaborative knowledge construction strategy was incorporated into an educational computer game to facilitate students’ knowledge sharing and organizing during the game-based learning process. An experiment was conducted to examine the students’ learning behavioral patterns, group efficacy, and problem-solving awareness. The experimental results revealed that the proposed approach improved the students’ learning achievements and awareness of problem-solving. Moreover, from the analysis of the students’ behavior sequences, it was found that, with the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism, the students revealed significantly more aggressive learning behavioral patterns, such as “comparing and observing the learning targets” and “seeking clues and answers” during the gaming process. This implies that integrating the collaborative knowledge construction mechanism into the gaming process has great potential for helping students effectively learn and organize knowledge as well as fostering their awareness of applying the acquired knowledge to dealing with problems.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the effects of the instructions provided in educational computer games on cognitive processing and learning outcomes. In our experiment, we sought to compare the effects on learning outcomes of two different types of goal-oriented instructions: mastery-goal instructions, which prompt learners to develop skills or master new knowledge, and performance-goal instructions, which are frequently used in game environments and which encourage individuals to demonstrate their ability to succeed, particularly by surpassing others. Results showed that a mastery-goal instruction elicited deeper learning (as assessed with a transfer task) than a performance-goal instruction. No effect of instruction was observed on either learning (demonstration consultation) times at the start of the game or on training task (solving riddles) performances during it. These results are discussed in terms of learning processes. This study demonstrates that mastery goal-oriented instructions can promote active processing of educational content in a serious game environment.  相似文献   

This article reports on a trace-based assessment of approaches to learning used by middle school aged children who interacted with NASA Mars Mission science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) games in Whyville, an online game environment with 8 million registered young learners. The learning objectives of two games included awareness and knowledge of NASA missions, developing knowledge and skills of measurement and scaling, applying measurement for planetary comparisons in the solar system. Trace data from 1361 interactions were analysed with nonparametric multidimensional scaling methods, which permitted visual examination and statistical validation, and provided an example and proof of concept for the multidimensional scaling approach to analysis of time-based behavioural data from a game or simulation. Differences in approach to learning were found illustrating the potential value of the methodology to curriculum and game-based learning designers as well as other creators of online STEM content for pre-college youth. The theoretical framework of the method and analysis makes use of the Epistemic Network Analysis toolkit as a post hoc data exploration platform, and the discussion centres on issues of semantic interpretation of interaction end-states and the application of evidence centred design in post hoc analysis.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Educational game play has been demonstrated to positively affect learning performance and learning persistence.
  • Trace-based assessment from digital learning environments can focus on learning outcomes and processes drawn from user behaviour and contextual data.
  • Existing approaches used in learning analytics do not (fully) meet criteria commonly used in psychometrics or for different forms of validity in assessment, even though some consider learning analytics a form of assessment in the broadest sense.
  • Frameworks of knowledge representation in trace-based research often include concepts from cognitive psychology, education and cognitive science.
What this paper adds
  • To assess skills-in-action, stronger connections of learning analytics with educational measurement can include parametric and nonparametric statistics integrated with theory-driven modelling and semantic network analysis approaches widening the basis for inferences, validity, meaning and understanding from digital traces.
  • An expanded methodological foundation is offered for analysis in which nonparametric multidimensional scaling, multimodal analysis, epistemic network analysis and evidence-centred design are combined.
Implications for practice and policy
  • The new foundations are suggested as a principled, theory-driven, embedded data collection and analysis framework that provides structure for reverse engineering of semantics as well as pre-planning frameworks that support creative freedom in the processes of creation of digital learning environments.

数字化游戏的叙事性交互设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情境认知理论认为知识是人与情境、人与社会交互的产物,学习者学习的意义建构是通过与"认知情境"的交互实现的,而基于情境认知理论设计的数字化游戏采用了叙事性交互来实现学习者与游戏故事的互动,叙事性交互是一种新的游戏元素。文章探讨了叙事性要素的概念和设计策略,以及实现的方法。  相似文献   

Digital games have the potential of being a transformative tool for applying constructionist principles to learning within formal and informal learning settings. Unfortunately, most recent attention has focused on instructionist games. Connected gaming provides a tantalizing alternative approach by calling for the development of games that are both instructive and modifiable by learners. If game design is to be used as a pedagogical tool in this manner, emphasis should be placed on the concurrent development of critical makers. In this paper, we advance the notion of connected gaming through positing a conception of a critical maker. To accomplish this, we look to the arts as a domain where pedagogical approaches are in place from which the game-based learning community can draw insights from, along with an overview of the potential challenges and opportunities that may accompany any attempt to develop critical makers.  相似文献   

在全球基础教育教学方式不断重组改变的今天,教育游戏作为一种新兴的教学媒体,其寓教于乐的作用受到了相关领域专家、教师以及家长的广泛关注.游戏化学习或基于游戏的学习,尤其是使用移动应用程序和增强现实游戏,已经成为许多教育研究领域的主题.本文首先阐述了学习行为投入的概念和构成维度,并结合体验学习、动机—活动以及自我调节学习理...  相似文献   

Traditional educational giants and natural language processing companies have launched several artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled digital learning applications to facilitate language learning. One typical application of AI in digital language education is the automatic scoring application that provides feedback on pronunciation repeat outcomes. This research is motivated by the usage of automatic scoring-empowered digital learning tools by language learners, and set out to uncover the influencing mechanisms of AI-enabled automatic scoring application affordances on learners’ continuous learning intention. Specifically, based on affordance theory, we found several automatic scoring application affordances through in-depth interviews. Considering the current lack of investigations on the mechanisms underlying automatic scoring application and its implications for learners’ learning behaviors, we built a model to examine the role of automatic scoring application affordances on cognitive/emotional engagement and following continuous learning intention. We further examined the moderation role of in-job learners and student learners on the above relationships. The model was tested using a survey of 260 Chinese foreign language learners who used AI-empowered learning tools to facilitate their language learning practices. This study explores why learners continuously use AI-enabled automatic scoring applications by identifying the affordances that differentiate it from traditional educational technologies. Practitioners could take the identified affordances into account when designing AI-enabled language learning applications.  相似文献   

Boys show a stronger preference for digital entertainment games than girls. For this reason, it may be that game-based learning is more acceptable to boys than to girls. Yet game-based learning might improve the performance of both boys and girls, depending upon the instructional design. In a quasi-experimental study with a secret-trail game, effects were examined on students' subject-matter knowledge. Analysis of covariance revealed that both boys and girls of the game intervention group showed a higher test performance, compared to students of the control group. However, different game activities mediated this effect of the secret-trail game on performance: girls seemed to profit more from searching the Internet to complete assignments and boys from competing with others. The performance of both boys and girls was negatively influenced by technical problems. The results are discussed within the framework of gender-inclusive game design.  相似文献   

We report upon implementing blended self-managed action learning (SMAL) within graduate and postgraduate courses in digital entrepreneurship. In four out of five cases, we found that SMAL was highly motivating to our learners and integrated well with a blended and flexible approach to learning. We report a case where a SMAL set broke down due to the presence of a charismatic learner who was visibly biased against SMAL and questioned its utility from the outset. We suggest that the risk of similar breakdowns might be managed by developing a questionnaire to pre-assess participants' readiness for action learning and increasing the level or support during SMAL set meetings. While SMAL did not give rise to independent action learning sets after the courses, we were surprised and encouraged to find that learners instigated independent virtual learning networks, which flourished for up to a year after the courses. On the basis of this experiment we suggest that blended and fully virtual SMAL are worthy of further investigation in higher education and beyond.  相似文献   

The determinants of fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders' intentions to perform science learning activities were investigated. Ajzen and Fishbein's theory of reasoned action was used to assess students (n = 254) on their laboratory and nonlaboratory behavioral intentions, which required using the two determinants included in the theory (attitude toward the behavior and subjective norm) as well as five external variables identified by the researcher. The five external variables were gender, grade, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status as determined by the range of the family's annual income, and attitude toward science. Two models were tested. The first model included the two determinants as predictor variables and behavioral intention as the criterion. The second model involved the analysis of the two determinants as they were considered in subgroups according to the five external variables. This model also included interaction terms. For laboratory learning activities, the two determinants (attitude toward behavior and subjective norm) were found to contribute collectively to the prediction of behavioral intention, accounting for almost a fourth of the variance. For nonlaboratory learning activities, the two determinants accounted for over a fourth of the variance in behavioral intention. Testing of the second model revealed that for both laboratory and nonlaboratory behavioral intentions, no interaction terms were significant. The results of post hoc tests on significant predictors of behavioral intentions for laboratory and nonlaboratory activities are reported. Implications of this study on future research are also discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 455–473, 1999  相似文献   

Mobile learning aims to utilise communication devices such as mobile devices and wireless connection in combination with e-learning systems, allowing learners to experience convenient, instant and suitable learning at unrestricted time and place. Participants were 125 Taiwanese senior high school students, whose continuance intention was examined after learning English via PDAs (personal digital assistants). The study, using the one-group post-test design, adopted the Technology Acceptance Model and incorporated factors such as curiosity and perceived convenience. The results indicated that (1) curiosity had a positive effect on continuance intention; (2) perceived convenience had a positive effect on perceived usefulness and continuance intention.  相似文献   

随着翻转课堂教学效果不断被证实,翻转课堂教学模式也在不断被推广。但是翻转课堂中学生的哪些行为模式与学习效果有关,仍然需要深入研究。本研究主要对学生在课前预习和课中讨论学习的行为模式进行分析,并以知识建构作为学习效果评价内容,对学生的学习行为模式与知识建构水平进行相关性分析。实验分析结果表明,在课前预习中,学习者的评论行为发生在浏览资源之后,学习者会对评论进行回复,发生多轮交互。在课前的讨论活动中,有部分学习者达到高阶知识建构水平。但是,学习者课前的学习行为模式与知识建构不存在强相关关系,而学习者在课中的学习行为模式与知识建构具有强相关关系。  相似文献   

构建有效的教育游戏设计模型是当前亟待研究的课题。在国内外心流理论和教育游戏设计相关成果的基础上,使用基于设计的研究方法,构建了基于心流理论的教育游戏设计框架。继而分析了该设计框架的构成要素及其设计方法,并基于该研究框架研发了特殊儿童言语学习游戏案例且进行了实证研究。研究发现,学习者在教育游戏中产生心流体验的前提条件有三个:清晰的任务目标、及时的反馈和任务与技能的平衡。为生成以上前提条件,教育游戏设计应分为四个阶段:游戏目标分析、游戏情境创设、游戏玩法设计和游戏元素设计,每个阶段应采取对应的设计任务使阶段性设计成果具备心流体验产生的条件。  相似文献   

当前,高校以学习者为中心大力推进教育教学改革,传统的教学方法难以满足学习者对编程课程学习的个性化需求.传统课程实践环节中的编程练习较为单调乏味,很难激发学习者学习编程的兴趣,学习者甚至会对编程学习产生负面的情绪.本研究面向培养计算机编程能力提出一个基于计算机游戏的学习模型,该游戏模型以"面向对象程序设计"课程为例面向在...  相似文献   

在线学习如今成为人们获取知识的一种重要方式,但许多研究表明,在线学习者的学习效果不理想,很大程度上与学习者的在线学习能力有关。在已有文献基础上界定在线学习力概念与发展模型,综合Moodle平台学生实际学习情况,尝试将行为数据分析技术应用于学生在线学习力分析中。采用滞后序列分析方法可从学习行为序列角度分析学习者在线学习过程中的学习行为,从而在一定程度上评估在线学习力各个维度的能力体现情况,以期为教师教学与学生学习提供指导,达到优化学生在线学习效果的目的。  相似文献   

Although ubiquitous learning is a novel and creative teaching approach, two key issues inhibit its success overall: a lack of appropriate learning strategies regarding learning objectives, and ineffective learning tools for receiving knowledge regarding the chosen subjects. To address these issues, we develops and designs a game-based educational app and an object-linked knowledge environment in order to help learners learn about Taiwan’s Austronesian culture. 70 fifth-grade students are split into experimental and control groups to determine whether there are significant learning differences. For the experimental group, we use a questionnaire survey to assess students’ learning condition and to measure their willingness to continue to use this app. The questionnaire examines mobile learning from the perspectives of service quality, hedonic value,and certain control variables. Service quality reliability is found to be the key factor driving learners’ willingness to use the system. The perception of hedonic value also has significant influence on learners’ willingness. The control variable of subjective norm is found to be beneficial in encouraging learners to use the system, thus affecting and increasing learners’ willingness. We conclude that in an outdoor object-linked knowledge environment, students learn more effectively when the activities involve the use of an educational app.  相似文献   

实现"游戏性"与"教育性"的有效融合是学龄前儿童教育游戏设计开发的难点。学习品质作为学龄前儿童发展的重要领域,将儿童发展的关注点从"学什么"转变为"如何学",强调要从"完整学习者"和"主动学习者"的角度看待儿童的学习过程和学习行为,为教育游戏的设计研究提供了新的视角。基于学习品质的相关成果,该研究构建了基于儿童学习品质的教育游戏设计框架,从情感/动机和行动/行为两个维度呈现了学习品质各个要素在儿童游戏过程和学习过程中的交互关系和发展过程。根据该框架设计了针对3-6岁儿童的"唐诗咏流传"教育游戏并进行了实践。初步应用表明,该游戏对儿童的兴趣、快乐、动机等要素有明显影响,对坚持性、灵活性和自我调节的促进还需要进一步研究和完善。  相似文献   

This experimental study was intended to examine whether game-based learning (GBL) that encompasses four particular game characteristics (challenges, a storyline, immediate rewards and the integration of game-play with learning content) in an OpenSimulator-supported virtual reality learning environment can improve perceived motivational quality of the learning activity (P-MQLA) for elementary school students. In this pre- and post-test experimental comparison study, data were collected from 132 fourth-graders through a Short Instructional Materials Motivation Survey. The same tasks were provided for the experimental and control groups, except that the control group’s tasks did not include the four aforementioned gaming characteristics. The non-GBL for the control group involved mainly web-based word problems such as selecting the correct answer by clicking on the potential responses. P-MQLA was improved after the intervention in both groups. There is a trend that the experimental group improved the P-MQLA more than the control group, at borderline statistical significance. The analysis of covariance also indicated a significant interaction between the group variable and the pre-intervention P-MQLA, indicating that the effect of the virtual reality-supported GBL is moderated by learners’ pre-intervention report of P-MQLA.  相似文献   

数字游戏学习日益成为军事培训教学的未来发展趋势。模仿极受欢迎的、商业的、在全球范围运行的大规模多玩家在线游戏(简称MMOGs),Quake等小规模的军事MMOG将虚拟现实多玩家游戏与现实情景相整合,以促进高保真培训、协同工作、问题解决和沟通。虽然数字游戏学习(DGBL)作为一种有价值的基于问题的学习媒介越来越流行,但问题仍然是如何利用游戏支持高阶思维技能,如问题解决和决策?本文分析的个案研究旨在通过分析商业网络游戏玩家的博客,了解玩游戏过程中所培养的高阶学习技能。研究还考察了多玩家游戏在支持高阶学习方面的合作性本质。本研究的目标是证明MMOGs作为一种有效的高阶学习媒体,从而进一步探讨MMOG在军事绩效培训中的作用。  相似文献   

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