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顾关元 《寻根》2003,(2):38-39
人们常把“寺”和“庙”混为一谈,其实古时“寺”与“庙”是有区别的。最早的“寺”是指官吏办公的地方,是“官署”的意思。寺,古文作“侍”解。《经典释文》说:“寺,本亦作侍,寺人,奄人也。”故“寺”的本义是从“侍”这一字义而来的,所以侍人办公的地方也就叫做“寺”。考查古代典籍,不乏有关“寺”的注说,如《毛传·隐公七年》孔颖达注:“自汉以来九卿所居谓之寺。”《汉书·元帝记注》:“凡府廷所在皆谓之寺。”训诂学家许慎在《说文》中也训寺为“廷”,后来还有左思的《吴都赋》,形容吴都官署之多,夸张为“列寺七里”。…  相似文献   

沈潜 《寻根》2006,(6):129-133
地处江苏东南的古城常熟,由元和桥往北伸展,是连着北门大街的书院街。作为一条曾经梧桐掩映的南北向马路,经过上个世纪90年代以来的精心改造,既拓宽了现代化的路面,也保护了原有的传统古建筑。经常在此过往的行人,也许早已熟悉了东侧翠竹围墙的两朝帝师翁同棘故居。军于西侧一大片古色古香的建筑群体之所在,就未必人人得其所详了。殊不知,拐进一条并不起眼的幽静小巷——南赵弄,循此而入,是一处修缮后保存宪好的明代居民建筑。  相似文献   

Thanks to China's growing national strength and enhanced International status, the Chinese language is becoming one of the most popular languages in the 21st century. As more and more foreigners are learning Chinese, more employment and business opportunities emerged out of the global craze for learning Chinese.  相似文献   

李龙 《寻根》2010,(5):24-30
<正>李姓作为中华第一大姓,源头众多,诸说并存。唐王室追封老子为李姓先祖,确立了老子在李姓谱系中始祖的地位。早在汉代,应劭在《风俗通·姓氏篇》中就说:"李氏,李伯阳之后。""伯阳"是老子李耳的字。宋人王应麟的《姓氏·急就篇》说:"老聃生而指李树,因以为姓。"清代张澍《姓氏寻源》载:"理、李字古  相似文献   

黄剑 《寻根》2009,(4):78-82
清代是我国古典家具发展史上最后一个黄金时代,在这200多年间,经过无数家具制作者的努力,最终塑造出后世称之为“清式家具”的独特艺术风格,这其中最能代表清式风格的无疑是以用料考究、雕饰华美、富丽堂皇而著称的清代宫廷家具,然而造就这样瑰丽成果的家具制作者们却罕有机会在历史上留下自己的痕迹。笔者在查阅乾隆时期造办处档案的过程中积累了一些相关材料,从中或可一窥清代造办处匠师们的真实处境,从另一个侧面增进我们对于清代家具的理解。  相似文献   

一排排的棕榈树白色的宾馆白色的别墅依靠大海,面向沙滩对我来说却似乎如此遥远在小小的封闭露台里流淌着异域风情的花香我躺在一张藤编的摇椅中闲散地度过下午时光是父母将我养大是他们拉帘关窗熄灭火炉,调暗灯光对他们的姓名我却至今不详他们小心翼翼地离开我我最先看到橘子树看到女子们都赤裸着上身踏过粉色的沙滩,在一个青蒙的午后■These rows of tall palm trees,Whitewillas,and white hotelsFronting the beach and the seaSeem most improbable to meWhiling away the afternoonIn a cane rocking chairOn a small,secluded ver…  相似文献   

~~寻根知本 本固枝荣@乌丙安  相似文献   

崔大庸 《寻根》2001,(3):65-73
洛庄汉墓位于山东章丘市枣园镇洛庄村西约1公里处,南距106国道约1.5公里,正西距东平陵故城约6公里。根据早期物普查资料及附近村民讲述,这里是一个较为突出的高阜,封土原有10余米高,虽可看出是一座大墓,但具体情况不明。近些年来,附近村民及一些工程部门不断在此取土,高大的封土几乎夷为平地。  相似文献   

With a growing number of Hispanics entering the job market in the private, public, and military sectors, social support processes for Hispanics are becoming increasingly important. Sources of social support include the family, friends, co-workers, supervisors, mentors, and formal organizational programs. Areas of the military work context requiring social support are recruiting, training, and career development. The effectiveness of social support may be moderating by such variables as degree of acculturation, educational level, and organizational culture. The present article includes a review of the civilian and military literature on social support for Hispanics and an interview of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) Hispanic staff. Several recommendations are presented: actively cultivating Hispanic community networks for recruiting, considering rewards for bilingualism, increasing English proficiency training, making Hispanic mentors available, treating Hispanics as individuals in job assignments, recognizing the Hispanic family as an important consideration in military personnel actions, and creating a Department of Defense Hispanic data base.  相似文献   

吴福辉 《寻根》2002,(6):90-92
2001年1月在台湾南部客家集聚地看到“延陵堂”的匾额时,我真是惊喜交加,居然呆在那里了。说来惭愧,虽然翻阅过《史记》,读过一些篇章,但我无法确切地说是否在《吴太伯世家第一》里(这可是“世家”的首篇),注意到延陵这个地名。待我知道延陵同我自身有关,实在已经太迟了。  相似文献   

张丰乾 《寻根》2002,(5):91-94
“道德”是人类永恒的话题。也正因为如此,“道德”问题有时显得繁难和复杂,专家学者们呕心沥血、成果丰硕,而普通的民众却一头雾水、不知所云。在古人那里,“道”与“德”最开始实际上是被分别对待的。对“道”与“德”的讨论,不是从《老子》那里才开始,也不会在我们这里结束。但是,古人那种诗歌式的、格言式的表述方式虽然不像装订精美的“专著”那样看起来厚重,却更加贴近生活、贴近I司题本身。  相似文献   

我對傳統中國文化的批判,可以説開始於80年代後期撰寫的<靈之舞--中西人格的表演性>一書,最初的書名叫<表演人生>,完稿於1987年.當時雖然正處於"文化熱"和"新啓蒙"的顛峰,但却没有哪個出版社願意出這本古裹八怪的書.書稿本是應江西人民出版社的約稿寫的,屬於<邊緣叢書>中的一本,但完稿後出版社突然食言,原計劃六本書只出了三本就不出了.拙稿就屬於被遺棄的一本,後來通過朋友交到另外一個出版社,但又在編輯手裹壓了兩年多,最後還是不出.  相似文献   

一論年號 "年號"是中國歷史上紀述年代的一種特有標識.它經常隨着新的元年而變换,所以也稱"元號".於是把建立年號稱爲"建元",改换年號稱爲"改元",而記述年號的書也多以紀元爲名,如<紀元編>、<紀元通考>、<紀元要略>等. "元"在古代典籍和傳統認識上都有重要的地位.<易·乾文言>和<春秋>中都很重視"元".因此建元也就成爲中國歷史上的大事,而在史籍中多有此一筆.  相似文献   

What values do theatre and dance hold for audience members? And how do these values differ between subsidised, amateur, and commercial performance? This paper addresses these questions through a survey of over 1800 spectators for theatre and dance in Tyneside in northeastern England, as well as a parallel set of focus groups, in the spring of 2014. These methods, which are designed for comprehensiveness and comparability, are being used across Europe by the Project on European Theatre Systems, a working group of theatre sociologists. Our research showed two sets of values which performances achieved; one was a common measure of performance quality, while the other described the values particular to subsidised work. This allows us to articulate both the general value of the arts and the particular values which subsidy (attempts to) facilitate. This has implications for both understandings of cultural value and for cultural policy, as the distinction between the two groups was not clean. We also found that amateur theatre participated in the same value system, but with an increased emphasis on loyalty and community cohesion. The paper concludes a methodological reflection on the use of quantitative methods in theatre studies.  相似文献   


This paper aims to explore the changes in creative activities of young people – especially in the alternative media – in Indonesia before and after Reformasi. It begins with the story of the dynamics of a student press, from my personal experience – which I believe is a typical form of student/youth movement in Indonesia – and how the student’s life obviously depends on the political situation, the university policy, and the dynamics of the student’s life at that particular time. Reformasi caused political change and freedom but simultaneously, and ironically, placed the student press in a state of meaninglessness, such that it was painfully forced for search for new meanings to keep it contextually relevant in the new era. I end the paper describing the latest form of the alternative media scene of Indonesian youth, whose focus is dramatically shifting from ‘big’ political issues to issues of the celebration of communities and self‐existence.  相似文献   

From October 7, 2009 to January 10, 2010, the exhibition "Harmony and Integrity: Emperor Yongzheng and His Times" was held In Taipei Palace Museum. This exhibition marked the first-ever collaboration between the two palace museums across the Taiwan Straits and for the first time, treasures across the Straits reunited after 60 years of separation.  相似文献   

范曾 《中国文化》2009,(2):64-64
周室颓隳,礼乐废弛,九州失驭。战伐出于诸侯,列国窥竊神器。春秋之末,仲尼起于陬邑,感万方之多难,乃驰驱以宣教。冀辅弼于乱世,欲敦厉于黎庶。然则宫寝邃远,王者不悟。有楚狂接舆歌而过之,痛詈凤德之衰,切悲庙堂之殆。往者不谏,来者可追,孔子乃归鲁,不复出游。述而不作,非谓徒托空言,  相似文献   

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