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新西兰具有国际公认的高效的中小学校评价体系。他们成立了专门的评价机构,构建了包括结果性指标和过程性指标的学校评价指标框架,采用了外部评价和内部评价两种评价方式。其学校评价充分发挥了问责和促进学校改进的双重功能,保障了新西兰基础教育质量的提升。新西兰中小学校评价体系的特点主要有:成立了独立的第三方评价机构、评价目标紧紧围绕国家教育改革目标、将内部评价视为促进学校改进的核心、开展个性化的外部评价、内部评价和外部评价有机结合、重视评价队伍的能力建设、强调评价的科学性和公平性。借鉴新西兰的经验,我国可成立专门的中小学校评价机构,强化学校评价的诊断和改进功能,引导和支持学校开展内部评价,提升评价的科学性水平。  相似文献   

Inspection is employed by most European education systems as an instrument for controlling and promoting the quality of schools. Yet there is little research knowledge about how inspection drives the improvement of schools. The study reports on surveys to principals in primary and secondary education in six European countries to attempt to clarify how school inspection impacts on the improvement of schools. Based on an analysis of principals’ perceptions the evidence suggests that inspection primarily drives change indirectly, through encouraging certain developmental processes, rather than through more direct coercive methods. Inspectorates that set clear expectations and standards have an impact on the increased utilization of self-evaluation and on developing the capacity of schools to improve in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

监控与评估是强化和提升教育质量、促进学校办学效益的最重要和有效的方式。发达国家在20世纪60年代就开始了教育质量监控与评估的研究,而我国在教育质量监控与评估方面起步相对较晚,需要借鉴国外经验来不断自我完善。新西兰国家性的学校教育质量评估体系是近几年开始建立和运行的,充分了解分析其学校教育质量评估的状况,能够为我国的学校教育质量评估提供有意义的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a national evaluation project that investigated characteristics of environmental education (EE) practice in New Zealand schools in 2002–2003. The research included a review of New Zealand and international environmental education literature, a survey of nearly 200 New Zealand schools and case studies of environmental education practice in eight schools. In this paper we describe and discuss key features of environmental education practice in New Zealand schools at the time of the research. We consider the rewards and challenges for teachers, students, schools and the wider school community arising from the schools’ implementation of this non‐compulsory curriculum subject. We conclude by considering what the findings told us about current EE practice and how these findings might inform a greater emphasis towards environmental education/education for sustainability in New Zealand schools at a time of national curriculum policy change.  相似文献   

School improvement initiatives are needed to better meet the needs of underprivileged students, to reduce underachievement and to break a continuing cycle of disadvantage. This article describes part of a school improvement initiative in New Zealand that provided additional funding for school nurse and social worker services in nine secondary schools with the most disadvantaged students in New Zealand. It describes the nature and delivery of services provided by the social workers in these schools. In addition, the article reports changes over time in staff and student views about school climate including a comparison with non-participating schools of similar socioeconomic status. The findings indicated that school climate is a useful intermediate measure of the effectiveness of school improvement initiatives. There were significant improvements in staff views about school climate over time, with staff views about school climate becoming more favourable on scales measuring Improvements in the Last 12 Months and Support for Ethnic Diversity compared to eight non-participating schools. Student views were more favourable on scales measuring Satisfaction with School, Support for Achievement and Support for Ethnic Diversity, compared to the non-participating schools.  相似文献   

School websites are one way in which school leaders inform the public about their school’s vision, values, achievements and the learning opportunities on offer in a way that highlights its distinctiveness in the most positive light. If outdoor education is perceived as a valued learning context and/or helps to differentiate one school from another, it is likely that it would be reflected on a school’s website. An interpretive thematic analysis of the websites of 20% of the secondary schools in New Zealand suggested that outdoor education has a presence in schools, although the magnitude of this presence depended on the priorities school leaders wished to promote. The positive outcomes and opportunities afforded by outdoor education were portrayed to emphasize a school’s appeal. However, policy and design constraints of websites restricted teachers’ input into their content, making it somewhat challenging to gauge the relationship between the presence of outdoor education on a school website and the quality of its pedagogical practice.  相似文献   


In a radical school choice reform in 1992, Sweden’s education system was opened to private competition from independent for-profit and non-profit schools funded by vouchers. Competition was expected to produce higher-quality education at lower cost, in both independent and public schools. This two-pronged study first examines to what extent the consequences of this reform deviate from the predicted results. It demonstrates increasing discrepancies between absolute test results and grades, suggesting grade inflation. Secondly, the study investigates whether the school choice reform was institutionally secured against school competition based on phenomena that are unrelated with educational quality, such as grading. It reveals that the architects of the school choice reform overemphasized the potential positive implications of market reforms and, therefore, did not deem it necessary to establish appropriate rules and institutions for school competition. Instead, grading and curriculum reforms had unintended consequences such as grade inflation and similar forms of school competition in dimensions other than school quality. The analysis of how the objective of raising the quality in Sweden’s schools through competition and choice was inadvertently undermined contains practical lessons for policymakers with regard to the use of privatization and co-production both in schools and in other fields.  相似文献   

根据现代远程高等教育对办学质量多样化的要求和电大试点举办本科、专科学历教育的实际,电大应该选择以教育规格质量控制为主的综合质量控制模式。综合质量控制模式不应该只单纯地对教师教学过程和学生学习过程实行监控,而是应对包括办学思想、网络传播手段、教/学过程、管理环节、教职工队伍素质等五个层面实施有效的全方位的监控。为保证电大远程开放教育质量控制模式的全面实施,笔者呼吁教育行政主管部门和社会各界要为其营造良好的外部环境。电大系统要牢固树立“质量就是生命线”的观念,在宏观上强化责任意识、阵地意识、系统意识。在微观上抓住影响教育质量的几个薄弱环节和关键环节,严格把住教育质量关。  相似文献   

做好学校兼并工作,有利于实施均衡教育。宁波市东恩中学通过合并其他学校,扩大了规模,提升了声誉,促进了发展。尤其在兼并薄弱学校后,着重做好资源整合、营造校风、精心管理、组织教研等工作,促进教育质量提高。  相似文献   

中小学校长是担负着基础教育学校管理职责的一个重要群体,校长的态度及作为,直接影响到教育改革的成效。新世纪教育范式的转型和学校教育情境的多元变化,向学校领导提出了新的挑战,校长必须根据他们所面临的情境来实行有效的领导。新世纪的中小学校长应该是能够适应新的教育范式的多元化领导:(1)管理工程师;(2)人力资源专家;(3)学校中的CEO;(4)道德榜样和文化领袖;(5)首席教师和课程专家.  相似文献   

伴随着第四次工业革命的到来,教育系统与全球经济社会的现实需求越来越脱节,需要一个新的教育框架和模式以培养符合未来社会需求的人才。在2020年1月世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)发布的《未来学校:为第四次工业革命定义新的教育模式》之报告中,描述了教育4.0的全球框架、特征和方法,以案例方式展现了向教育4.0过渡的16所学校的教育模式。这一《报告》对我国的教育决策者和学校领导具有五个方面的启示:把握第四次工业革命和教育4.0的内在联系,达成教育4.0共识;利用新技术构建全新、动态的未来学校形态;构建创新创造、技术技能、人际交往和全球公民意识四维能力的人才培养体系;创新学习范式、教育场域、教学方法和学习方式;加强学校与社会相关子系统的合作关系,提高教师的职业核心素质,加快融入教育4.0,迈向未来学校。  相似文献   

教师素质是决定教育质量高低的主要因素。新西兰建立了较为严格和完善的教师资格标准和专业标准体系,以确保教师队伍的素质,提高教师质量。了解新西兰在教师资格认证与管理方面的做法以及新西兰中学教师专业标准、教师教育毕业生标准的主要内容,对我国认识教师专业素养、制定教学专业标准、建立教师质量保证体系都有着借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从古至今,男女分校或男女合校的教育形式自开始形成与发展的早期就存在着论争,各国教育界对此也进行了大量的研究。文章受启发于新西兰惠灵顿女子中学闻名于世的优质教育,进一步探析男女分校这种教育模式的利弊,并提出"男女分校"有利于"因性施教"教学模式的进行和遏制现阶段极端恶性校园暴力事件的滋生以及可以保障教育过程与教育结果的公平的观点,以期对中国传统单一的教育模式的弊端有所启发。  相似文献   


This research examines teaching outdoor education in two rural primary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand. The aim was to give ‘voice’ to how outdoor education is taught, programmed and understood. Underpinning the research was the question: what factors enable/constrain teachers’ ability to implement outdoor education? The findings suggest: confusion about outdoor education terminology and the educative purpose of school ‘camps’; schools ‘do what they have always done’, particularly when decisions about outdoor education contexts are dominated by senior management; financial restrictions; and teachers feeling ill-prepared in terms of safety management because of their limited pre-service and post-service teacher education. This research highlights that what to teach, how to teach and where to teach outdoor education needs more consideration and attention for teachers to be better informed about safe outdoor practices and quality pedagogy in, for and about the outdoors.  相似文献   

Relativism,Values and Morals in the New Zealand Curriculum Framework   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The New Zealand Curriculum Framework, 1993, is the official document for teaching, learning and assessment in New Zealand schools. It consists of a set of curriculum statements, which define the learning principles, achievement aims and essential skills for seven learning areas. It also indicates the place of attitudes and values in the school curriculum. This paper investigates the requirements for teaching attitudes, values and ethics in the curriculum statements for Science, Biology and Technology. The question is raised whether the teaching of skills for resolving moral and ethical dilemmas are required by the official education standards in New Zealand, and internationally.The paper reports on a survey done on pre-service teacher trainees of their understanding of these requirements. Implications for courses that might need to be provided in future pre-service teacher education programmes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The New Zealand education system is recognised internationally for its overall high quality. At the same time, there is a persistent gap in achievement between students in low socio-economic status (SES) schools in which there is an over-representation of Māori and Pasifika students, and students in more affluent communities. In this paper, we present the findings of a study that explored the participation and achievement rates of secondary school students in selected literacy standards, and used classroom observations to record practices and resources used in literacy teaching. Our findings show the extent to which unequal opportunities to learn (OTLs) for Māori and Pasifika and other students from low SES communities exist at the systems level as well as at the level of classroom instructional offerings. We discuss the factors specific to the New Zealand curriculum and assessment systems that contribute to the current situation and suggest possible ways to achieve a more equitable outcome for all students.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes religion as a critical theory challenge to sexuality education. Religious views in sexuality education are often perceived as intolerant and incompatible with today’s progressive and modern society. This article engages with the idea that the inclusion of religious viewpoints on sexuality will challenge the efficacy of current sexuality education in Australia and New Zealand school contexts, to create a more contemporary and inclusive learning experience that caters for all students’ sexual needs and lives. Utilizing a critical theory lens, I demonstrate how religion can challenge dominant views of sexuality education, introduce alternative modes of content and delivering, promote critical thinking skills and more egalitarian ways of learning about sexuality. Drawing on data collected from Australian and New Zealand public schools, this article endeavors to reframe current discussions of the relationships between religion and sexuality education.  相似文献   

学校职业教育的有效需求是科学制定职业教育发展规划所必须关注的重要因素。当前可供选择的生源数、文化观念及对学校职业教育的认同度、家庭经济支撑能力、就业拉动水平、社会职业培训的质与量、学校职业教育投资收益率等均制约着学校职业教育的有效需求。为此,我们需要更新社会人才观念、提高技能型人才待遇:凸显办学特色、拓展教育市场、完善服务体系以刺激学校职业教育的有效需求。  相似文献   

连云港市中小学生学业质量监测与问卷数据显示,整体学业质量稳中有升,达标与优分状态良好,基础知识与基本技能扎实有效,城乡学业质量差距缩小,公办与民办学校以及男女生学业质量趋于均衡。存在的主要问题包括县际之间学业质量不均衡,不同内容领域学业水平表现不尽相同,高层次思维能力有待提高,学业测试工具的适切性需要增强等。根据影响中小学学业质量的"绿色指标"、区县层面、学校层面和学生层面四个维度的因素,大力提升教育的质量和现代化建设水平,需要树立科学的质量观,提升教育发展指标,深化课堂教学改革,构建质量标准体系并重视教师队伍建设。  相似文献   

Between 1961 and 1984 the renowned New Zealand writer, Margaret Mahy, wrote over seventy-five pieces for the School Journal (a graded reading book provided free to New Zealand primary schools since its inception in 1907). It was a liberal humanist period in New Zealand education during which the 1940s’ and 1950s’ rolling reforms implemented by Clarence Beeby had had time to settle, and John Dewey’s progressive system, influenced by ideas associated with European romanticism, had taken hold. With a new appreciation of nationhood and the arts, School Publications sought to publish material that was not only instructional, but also of high literary quality, by reputable New Zealand authors such as Margaret Mahy. Indeed, the School Journal provided Mahy not only with an opportunity to publish her vividly imagined poetry and prose, but also with the additional challenge of writing for an audience of Māori and Pākehā primary school children who needed to learn to read. This article considers ways in which Mahy’s Journal work reflected (or did not reflect) the spirit of the times.  相似文献   

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