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Unit14一、词汇(10分)根据句意及已给首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.This type of b suits is the most fashionable.2.She had to c out the garbage in the yard.3.Food can be kept longer in a r in summer.4.The gardeners w the plants twice a day.5.INve already packed my clothes in my s.6.My family is like a tall tree with long(根).7.The(目的)of the program is to raise money to the charity.8.Did he(出现)at the meeting yesterday?9.He2s already visited the place where his(祖先)lived.10.Be car…  相似文献   

To a large degree,the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year,and what may or may not happen tomorrow,the present moment is where you are——always.  相似文献   

It is/was 强调部分 that 其余部分。谓语动词的强调,不能用于此句型。如:1)I saw him in the street yesterday after-noon.(谓语动词)但是,其他部分都可以用此句型强调。如:2)It w as I w ho saw him in the street yes-terday afternoon.(强调主语I)3)It w as him that I saw in the street yes-terday afternoon.(强调宾语him)4)It w as in the street that I saw him yes-terday afternoon.(强调地点状语in the street)5)It w as yesterday afternoon that I saw himin the street.(强调时间状语yesterday afternoon.)强调…  相似文献   

Fat or Fit     
Doctors in Britain are warning of an obesity time bomb(肥胖定时炸弹), when the children who are already overweight grow up. So, what should we do? Exercise more? Eat less? Or both? The government feels it has to take responsibility for this expanding problem.The cheerful M r Pickw ick, the hero of the novel by C harles D ick- ens,is seen in illustrations as som eone who is plum p——and happy.In the 18th century paintings beauty is equated w ith rounded bodies and soft curves. B ut nowaday…  相似文献   

A Godfather of Soul exits world stage The music world is in mourning after one of its greatest showmen, the "Godfather of Soul" James Brown, died yesterday at 78. The R&B pioneer, whose half-century career inspired funk, disco and rap, had been admitted to hospital in Atlanta with pneumonia. He grew up in a slum and started his first group behind bars, but went on to become a huge influence on popular music in the 20th century.  相似文献   

一、词汇(20分) A .根据句意和所给首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(10分) 1.W hats the w like today? 2.Itoften s in the north ofC hina in winter. 3.M y sister is a very p girl. 4.In spring the w eathers very w in our hom etow n. 5.I f very wellafter I took the m edicine. 6.C an you see a lotofpeople learning to s in the sea? 7.Itwas r yesterday.Itrained allday. 8.D o you wear a s on your head in winter? 9.The old m an often w in the garden after he gets up every m orning. 10.D oes LiLeiusua…  相似文献   

A Godfather of Soul exits world stage The music world is in mourning after oneofits greatest showmen,the "Godfather of Soul" James Brown,died yesterday at78.The R&B pioneer,whose half-century career inspired funk,disco and rap,had been admitted to hospital in Atlanta with pneumonia.He grew up in a slum and started his first group be-hind bars,but went on to become a huge in-fluence on popular music in the 20th century.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to reveal the complexity of the character of Hamlet in Shakespeare's tragedy—Hamlet and the importance of the role that his pretense of lunacy plays in the plot. The different sides of his personality are revealed by the analysis of some of Hamlet's behavior. The argument is also established that the hero's pretense of lunacy is a device in the plot which allows the full display of the character's complexity.  相似文献   

Dynamic tests of three bonded and two unbonded full-prestressed concrete beams were carried out.The purpose was to seek the relation between prestressing force and natural frequency.Test results indicate that the frequency of prestressed concrete(PSC)beam increases with the increase in prestressing force approximately.The results are different from the dynamic characteristics of isotropic material beam subjected to compressive axial force which were put forward by Clough et al.The reason is that the beams were considered as isotropic,homogeneous,linear elastic material in the traditional analysis method.However,more accurate results are required in the analysis of frequency of PSC beam.The constitutive mode of PSC member is analyzed based on microstructure of concrete in this paper.The orthotropic linear elastic mode is used to analyze the relation between dynamic frequency and prestressing force of concrete beam,at the same time the equivalent stiffness of prestressed tendon relating to the prestressing force is added to the bending deformation stiffness of the beam.The analytical value agrees well with the test result,indicating that the current analysis method in this paper is feasible to full-prestressed concrete beam.  相似文献   

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is T.S. Eliot’s masterpiece, which marked the beginning of Eliot’s career as an in?fluential poet. Prufrock is the image of an ineffectual, sorrowful and depressed w...  相似文献   

剑桥——闻名世界的大学城。W hen we say that C am bridge is a uni-versity town we do not m ean that it is a townw ith a university in it.A university town isone w here there is no clear separation be-tw een the university buildings and the rest ofthe city.The university is notjust one partofthe town;itis allover the town.The heart of Cam bridge has its shops,restaurants,m arket places and so on,but m ost of it is university,col-leges,libraries,clubs and other places for university staff and st…  相似文献   

Directions:Read the following passage.The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. Mr.Peter Johnson.aged twenty.three,battled for half an hour to escape from his trappecl car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water.Mr.Johnson took the only escape route-through the boot(行  相似文献   

The 2010 Winter Olympics is an international sporting and cultural event that will take place from February 12 to 28, 2010. Hockey , figure skating , speed skating, short track speed skating, along with the opening and closing ceremonies will take place in the city of Vancouver.The fam ous ski resort W histler w ill share the event w ith V ancouver. It w ill be the first w inter gam es held in a large city while m ost of the previous gam es have taken place in sm aller resort tow ns up to …  相似文献   

Although Geoffrey Chaucer—the father of English literature wrote many works, he is best remembered for his unfinished frame narrative The Canterbury Tales. It is a collection of stories written in Middle English in the 14th century. The Merchant’s Tale is one of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Chaucer presents us a dark story about an old knight—January and his young wife—May. Chaucer’s attentive skill appears most of all in the characterization in this story.  相似文献   

hoolardenfnglishU nit5T he B ritish IslesⅠ.单项填空1.The culture and custom s of A m erica are very m uch like of Eng-land.A.that B.w hat C.w hich D.those2.Com m unist spirit consists whole-hearted devotion to public in-terests.A.in B.w ith C.of D.on3.—I don tthink Jack can sing w ell.—But you are shy,he is courageous.A.where B.w hat C.though D.if4.A ctually,he is a new-com er unknown us all.A.for B.as C.by D.to5.Charles Babbage is generally considered the first com puter.A.to in…  相似文献   

Disjunctive question is also called tag question.This form of the sentence is made up of twoparts.One is declarative sentence.The other is the disjunctive question.What's so called disjunctivequestion means to put up interrogation to the declarative sentence.Generally it is adopted the oppositeform with predicate of declarative part——if it is affirmative form in declarative sentence.in thesecond part we must use simply elliptical form of interrogative sentences in the negative.Comperatively speaking,if it is the negative form in the declarative sentence.in the second part wemust use simply elliptical form of interrogative senterces in the affirmative, In regular form, thegrammatical form in the second part of disjunctive questions is opposite to the grammatical form in thedeclarative sentence.Moreover,the subject and the predict forms of the two parts must be identical.For example: 1〉The students are not having a class,are they?  相似文献   

A m an w ho served 11 years in prisonafter being wrongly convicted of m urderinghis wife was officially cleared yesterday,walking free from Jingshan County People’sCourt - the sam e body that sentenced himto a 15 -year jail term in 1998 - as over2,000 local residents cheered.“The police and other law enforcersm ade the errors,” 39-year-old She X ianglintold C hina D aily.“ I believe the law willpunish them and offer m e a just result.”The original conviction cam e based ona confession …  相似文献   

Jim is a boy of fifteen. He studies in a mid-dle school. The boy is good at his lessons and of-ten helps his classmates. So he is liked. It was Saturday yesterday. Jim didn't go toschool. He helped his mother to do some house-work and after lunch Mike asked him to playfootball with them. He went to the playgroundhappily. But it rained the day before yesterdayand the ground was too wet. The children feltsorry. Suddenly Mike remembered there was anold warehouse (仓库)not far from their school. It  相似文献   

There are different ways in which peo-ple try to deal w ith the problem of energy.O ne w ay is the greater production of com -m on energy sources(能源),such as coal,oiland gas. The trouble w ith these sources,how ever,is that they are not renewable.A nother way is energy conservation (节能), which m eans using energy m ore effi-ciently (有效地). In som e very cold coun-tries people build special houses to saveenergy. They place m aterials betw een theinside and the outside of the walls of the…  相似文献   

1.孩子们昨天在公园里玩得很愉快。The kids had fun playing in the park yesterday.The kidshad a good time in the park yesterday.  相似文献   

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