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请看题:NMET2003第23 Allen had to call a taxi be-cause the box WaS____to car-rv all the way home. A.much too heavy B.too much heavy C.heavy too much D.too heavy much 本题考查的是too much和  相似文献   

NMET2003试卷上有这么一道单项选择题: Allen had to call a taxi becausethe box was__to carry all the wayhome. A.much too heavy B.too much heavy C.heavy too much D.too heavy much 这道题主要考查了much too与toomuch的用法及区别。much too和too  相似文献   

Once a man named Grant found a box of old papers in a room at the top of his house. He 1 most of them, for he did not like old things very much. But one of these papers was an old 2 At the bottom of it was the name of a well-known writer. "When this letter was written," said Grant, " 3 knew about the writer. But now everyone knows him. Some people like to buy letters  相似文献   

An English traveller spent a few weeks in Sweden(瑞典). When he was about to return home, he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that as it was only a two days‘ voyage(航行)he could get home without eating anything.  相似文献   

A small boy and his father were having a walk in the country when it began to rain. They did not have raincoats(雨衣)or umbrellas(伞)with them and there was not any place to hide(躲藏) from the rain, so they had to walk home. Soon they were all wet.  相似文献   

“too…to…”句式一般表示“太…以致不能”的意思,用不定式的主动形式表被动含义。如: This book is too difficult to read; He walked too fast for us to catch. “so…that…”句式一般表示“如此…以致;如此…使得…”的意思。如: The statement was so clear that it couldn’t be misunderstood. I got up so early that I was in time for the train. 一般说来,too…to…句式常可转换为so…that…not…”句式,反之亦然。如: The shirt was too dirty for my brother to wear. The shirt was So dirty that my brother wouldn’t wear it . The boy was so frightened that he couldn’t say a word. The boy was too frightened to say a Word.  相似文献   

An approach was presented to intensify the mixing process. Firstly, a novel concept, the dissipation of mass transfer ability(DMA) associated with convective mass transfer, was defined via an analogy to the heat-work conversion. Accordingly, the focus on mass transfer enhancement can be shifted to seek the extremum of the DMA of the system. To this end, an optimization principle was proposed. A mathematical model was then developed to formulate the optimization into a variational problem. Subsequently, the intensification of the mixing process for a gas mixture in a micro-tube was provided to demonstrate the proposed principle. In the demonstration example, an optimized velocity field was obtained in which the mixing ability was improved, i.e., the mixing process should be intensified by adjusting the velocity field in related equipment. Therefore, a specific procedure was provided to produce a mixer with geometric irregularities associated with an ideal velocity.  相似文献   

Last Monday was a sunny day. I got up early in order to get to schoo l early, because it was the first day of a week. On my way to school, I saw a ma n standing beside the street with a walking stick in his hand. He was wondering there and moved slowly. It seemed that he wanted to cross the street. At that ti me, a car passed by and nearly hit him. I ran to him only to find out that he wa s a blind man. It was not easy for a blind man to cross the street. I decided to lead him to the othe…  相似文献   

Hunting, in which the young man was an apt scholar, was now the order of the day. Tiburcio was an artist in woodcraft as well as in his knowledge of the habits of animals and birds. On chilly or disagreeable days they would take out the pack of dogs and beat the thickets for the javeline. It was exciting sport to bring to bay a drove of these animals. To shoot from horseback lent a charm, yet made aim uncertain, nor was it advisable to get too close range. Many a young dog made a fatal mistake in getting too near this little animal, and the doctoring of crippled dogs became a daily duty. All surplus game was sent to the ranchito below, where it was always appreciated.  相似文献   

I was born and brought up in the small town of Pineville, which I left at the age of sixteen. Twenty years 1 found myself back on a visit. I went to see my old friend Tom Clark, who, 2 as ever, was chairman of the local 3 . He was busy preparing to welcome a well-known writer, who had been invited to come to 4 a talk on modern literature in the public library 5 evening. Since I happened to have read a book or two 6 the famous writer, when Tom invited me to go with him I 7 accepted. Tom was going to 8 the guest speaker to the audience. Therefore we went to the library a little early  相似文献   

Three conditioned suppression experiments with rats as subjects investigated the influence of higher order associations in determining the response potential of a target stimulus. In these experiments, a Pavlovian conditioned inhibitor was compounded with the target cue during extinction treatment. In Experiment 1, strong suppression was observed to the target cue that was given extinction treatment in the presence of a conditioned inhibitor, relative to a target that was extinguished with an associatively neutral cue or was extinguished alone, suggestive of enhanced protection from extinction provided by a conditioned inhibitor. This effect was replicated in a sensory preconditioning preparation in Experiment 2; in Experiment 3, in a sensory preconditioning preparation, this protection effect was retroactively attenuated when the conditioned excitor used to train the conditioned inhibitor was extinguished following extinction of the target. This provides evidence that, at least in a sensory preconditioning preparation, stimuli that are only indirectly associated with the target cue can contribute to the response potential of that target.  相似文献   

In 2003, a curriculum reform of education was initiated in mainland China to improve the quality of senior secondary education. The major purpose of this reform was to move from a teacher-centred to a student-centred approach in teaching. In order to find out how teachers coped with the challenges of the reform and how their work was affected, an in-depth study was conducted at a senior secondary school in City B, Guangdong, using qualitative research. While the curriculum reform was found to offer teachers an opportunity for re-professionalisation, teacher development in the sample school was revealed as having changed towards an assigned professionalism. In addition, teaching research officers limited themselves to instruction on practical teaching techniques. Furthermore, the existence of teacher leadership on a subject panel was heavily dependent on the panel head’s leadership style. On the whole, the tendency was for teachers to be explicitly instructed to partake in contrived collegiality and imposed reflection.  相似文献   

The serial position effect in Long-Evans rats was evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the effect in a group for which an interstimulus interval (ISI) was introduced between items in a list of demonstrators was compared with that in a group without an ISI. With an ISI, a recency effect was produced. In Experiment 2, a serial position effect group was compared with four groups in which either the distinctiveness or the context of the middle item was changed, relative to the items on either side of it. A von Restorff effect was produced when a rat from a different strain was used as a demonstrator in Position 2. The results for Experiment 1 are discussed in relation to interstimulus effects in monkeys and those for Experiment 2 with respect to changes in the physical properties of middle items.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种求最大完全子图的启发式着色算法.该算法通过为顶点着色将已知无向图划分为极大完全子图的并集,再根据各极大完全子图中顶点的多少选取最大完全子图.随后为提高算法执行效率,又对该算法提出了一种精简措施.最后将该算法运用于一集成电路测试数据编码压缩实验中,证明了该算法对求解最大完全子图的有效性.  相似文献   

Single-grit grinding of a 2.5D woven composite was investigated by the finite-element method(FEM) using a unit-cell model. According to our hypotheses, the axis of the warp yarn was a sinusoidal curve and the cross section of the weft yarn was shaped like a biconvex lens. AVUMAT subroutine was used to construct the constitutive model of the 2.5D woven composite. The grinding process of the composite was analyzed using an FEM simulation with the ABAQUS/Explicit software. A validation experiment was also carried out. The simulation results showed that a grinding crack was well simulated. Furthermore, the junctions between the warp yarn and weft yarn were found to be seriously damaged and cracks were observed to extend outward along the warp fiber during grinding, in good agreement with the experimental results. In addition,the strain of weft yarns was obviously greater than that of warp yarns when the grinding direction was perpendicular to the weft yarns and parallel to the axis of the warp yarns.These results demonstrate that the mesostructure strongly influences the grinding damage inflicted on woven composites.  相似文献   

Research on the influence of subject matter setting on comprehension monitoring by secondary school students is reported in this article. Subjects were led to believe that they were reading passages from a science textbook in a science class or, alternatively, from a newspaper in a language class. Comprehension monitoring was expected to diminish in a situation in which information was acquired from a scientific source, in a science class, when compared to a situation in which information was acquired from a less authoritative source, like a newspaper, in a language class. Comprehension monitoring was measured by analyzing subjects' responses to a questionnaire and their written recall of several contradictory texts. Contrary to what was expected, evaluation and regulation of comprehension increased in the science setting. It was concluded that comprehension monitoring is dependent on subject matter setting, and that science education has a beneficial effect on this variable.  相似文献   

曾经被毛泽东誉为人民教育家的陶行知在1950年仍被<人民教育>称为新民主主义教育思想的奠基者之一.但是随着对<武训传>和武训批评的深入,武训精神的倡导者陶行知的教育思想遭到质疑.以陶行知的学生为代表的一批教育界的高层领导不得不重新评价陶行知的教育思想,他们认为陶行知教育思想的阶级属性是小资产阶级的,陶行知是深受实用主义影响的,他的教育思想是改良主义的,陶行知是教育救国论者.这样,陶行知的教育思想在新中国就失去了应有的地位.这是造成新中国教育事业曲折发展的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

龚鼎孳是由明入清的贰臣,他在清初因维护汉人利益,受到以冯铨为首的北党打击,被时人看作南党成员,却在陈名夏等人失势后不降反升,受到顺治帝的重用. 但是作为一名身事两朝的文人,他的仕途沉浮与当时特定的政治环境息息相关.文章试图通过梳理龚鼎孳在清初党争中的表现,考察他身为贰臣的复杂心态,从中窥见由明入清贰臣痛苦改变和适应的心路历程.  相似文献   

“九品混通”是西晋赋税的征收方法,与户分九等的户品制和《户调式》相互协调、配合。《户调式》,赋税的“标准样”,包括一个“一夫一妻占田百亩”的“户样”,即“标准户”,以及“标准户”交纳百亩之半的赋税额而构成的“赋税标准额样”:租四斛、绢三匹、绵三斤。“标准样”是划分户等时比照和折算的基样,“依样”定户上下为九等,每等税额各有差,但一等户和九等户(二等和八等、三等和七等、四等和六等)交纳税额相加再平均,仍然相当于“标准户”交纳的“标准赋税额”,这是“九品混通”的基本意思。“五斗米”,汉末魏晋时户等租差数额、赋税征收的最低租额、最低的加“俸”租额。不大的数额,却经常使用,十分流行并为人们所熟知。陶渊明借用“五斗米”这一广为流行的术语来比喻县令薪俸的不足道,“不为五斗米折腰”是说“不为当一个小小县令,拿那么一点薪俸而向乡里小人折腰”。  相似文献   

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