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This paper explores the recent debates on ethnographic writing by explicating four types of reflexivity: confessional, theoretical, textual, and deconstructive. It then illustrates how the author has incorporated such reflexive practices into his recent ethnographies. The paper generally advocates blending autobiography and ethnography into a ''cultural Marxist'' standpoint. This perspective also draws upon multiple epistemologies and feminist notions of science, and it highlights the importance of writing in ordinary language. Such narrative experimentation aims to replace the old scientific ethnographic realist narrative style with a more reflexive realist narrative style. The author argues that reflexive epistemological and narrative practices will make ethnography a more engaging, useful, public storytelling genre.  相似文献   

This article makes a connection between narrative ethnography, childhood studies and new materialist theories in studying children's perspective on school. It presents ‘children writing ethnography’ as an approach based on complexity and involving participatory research. The question of ‘what is happening in the classroom’ is explored through writings produced in class by 10-year olds. The ‘messy’ ethnographic data are examined within the framework of narrative ethnography using the idea of ‘small stories’ that capture everyday interaction. Furthermore, both material and embodied meanings in the writings are discussed. New materialist theories and the idea of nomadic make it possible to account for the connectivity between the writings, the classroom reality, the child-ethnographers and the research, which are seen as mutually producing one another. The author suggests that engaging with children's free-flowing ethnographic writing serves as a productive way to conduct participatory ethnographic research, as well as to investigate contemporary childhoods in all their complexity.  相似文献   

近年来,我国关于弱势群体教育公平的研究成果颇丰,但是大多数仍然是宏观的政策理论研究,深入到弱势群体的微观实证研究成果还是很缺乏。批判民族志主要是通过研究者与研究对象的互动来理解和诠释研究对象的生活经历,并着手改造教育不公平的现象,因而为我国弱势群体教育公平研究提供了一个新视野,促进研究的深入发展。让研究者以"局内人"的身份理解弱势群体,深度描述和诠释弱势群体教育公平的现状;反思与批判背后的意识形态霸权与权力结构;在宏观与微观的视野中,提出建设性的解决对策,这才达到进行教育研究的真正目的。  相似文献   

Using visual ethnography as a participatory method that places children’s and young people’s everyday experiences at the centre of research is discussed in this paper. The strengths and challenges of using participatory visual methods as a way of eliciting the thoughts, feelings and identities of young people within various education and training contexts in England are presented through the reflection of two ethnographies’ that encouraged the use of participatory visual techniques to facilitate the gathering of data. Participatory visual approaches capture meaningful child-centred and child-generated perspectives of their everyday lives in situ [Oh, Su-Ann. 2012. ‘Photofriend: Creating Visual Ethnography with Refugee Children.’ Area. 44(3): 382–288. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4762.2012.01111]. The participatory visual method is a powerful instrument within the plethora of methods available to the ethnographer. By offering reflexive accounts of doing ethnography in an unobtrusive and child respectful way the power of ethnography is revealed via its versatility.  相似文献   

神话是文化的重要内容。神话以叙事的方式阐述观点,规范行为,表达价值,传输意识形态,成为展示一个国家、一个民族文化软实力的重要载体。神话叙事是提升文化软实力的重要手段。当前,通过神话叙事的途径提升文化软实力,需要祛除西方神话的魅影,重叙中国当代的神话,打开民间传播的渠道,加快神话资源产业化。  相似文献   

This paper maps ethical and epistemological issues around attempts by a university to negotiate with the traditional custodians of the Sydney basin, the Darug, to facilitate the intergenerational transmission of knowledge within their community, and through the university curriculum. The theory and practice of research raised some important methodological questions about what constitutes knowledge in Aboriginal and western contexts. The project brought us to reflect upon the epistemological basis of our research to consider whether it was history, ethnography, cultural resource management or memory work. As we worked through these issues during the process of consultation and negotiation with Senior Darug, the inquiry began to focus on how a university can acknowledge a commitment to its community. Such a commitment for a university must be built around attentiveness and respect, rather than an epistemology of control. We find that respecting the power structures and organisation of an Aboriginal community is a crucial step for a university in performing such a commitment. Respect for the established power relations in these communities constitutes the very basis of a generative methodology.  相似文献   

The article concerns doing ethnography in education and it reflects upon using ‘videographic participation’ for data collection and the concept of ‘audiovisual narratives’ for dissemination, which is inspired by the idea of developing academic video. The article takes a narrative approach to qualitative research and presents a case from contemporary circus education examining embodied learning, whereas the particular focus in this article is methodology and the development of a dissemination strategy for empirical material generated through videographic participation. Drawing on contributions concerned with the senses from the field of sport sciences and from the field of visual anthropology and sensory ethnography, the article concludes that using videographic participation and creating audiovisual narratives might be a good option to capture the multisensuous dimensions of a learning situation.  相似文献   

毕飞宇最初阶段的小说创作一直没能很好地处理好"意义书写"与"经验书写"的游离与对峙问题,小说显得笨拙而生涩.而在晚近的创作中,他找到了一种属于自己的叙述方式和叙述策略,从而完成了自身的超越和上升.回到"现实主义"这种书写策略还打开了毕飞宇写作的另一重天地,它帮助毕飞宇在对当代中国乡村的书写中达成了对"权力"主题的完美展示.围绕着"权力"的控制与争夺,交替和循环,毕飞宇深入考察了"政治"、"启蒙"、"个体"、"女性"等现代命题在"权力场"中的遭遇.  相似文献   

As a testament to the growing literature on autoethnography and my own connections to systemic and direct racism, this article is a therapeutic way to explore my past through the ancient way of telling, testifying, and developing knowledge through narrative inquiry. Testimony opens new ways of looking at the world by participating in a subversive form of scholarship. Indigenous scholars have claimed that stories play a vital role in transmitting who we are. Through my experiences, I explore the concept of “the middle ground” and the spaces of identity created by complex relationships of power. Similar to the literature on borders, “go-betweens” dance across worlds and exist in spaces wrought with alienation, discovery, transmission, and cooperation. I also argue that anarchist theory and praxis can inform larger autoethnographic writing, pushing radicals to include narrative inquiry into their own communities and praxis through an exploration of self. In this way, we can begin the difficult process of theorizing from our own locations that includes moments of intense pain, shame, and triumph that life sometimes brings us.  相似文献   

教师叙事与专业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对于教师而言,教育叙事是促进专业发展的方式。这是因为叙事是教师教育生活的一种方式;教师以叙事方式认识教育教学;教师以叙事的方式建构教育经验。教师进行教育叙事能锻炼观察日常教育生活的能力.帮助洞悉个人实践知识,提高反思探究能力,提升课程意识。  相似文献   

Recent research in second-language acquisition has revealed that the language learning process is a complex interplay of many variables in which social roles, relationships, power relations, and identities are constantly reconstituted. Most research studies on language and identity have been conducted in predominantly English-language native-speaker settings (McKay & Wong, 1996; Peirce, 1995). This article presents the findings of my doctoral research study on the relation between language and sociocultural identities of English as a second language (ESL) learners in a multicultural society in Southeast Asia. Using a qualitative research approach, 14 Malaysian participants were interviewed using critical ethnography research methods (Carspecken, 1996). They also had to write a personal narrative and complete a questionnaire. The findings reveal that in a multicultural, postcolonial society such as Malaysia, identity issues are far more complex and multilayered. Identity shifts take place frequently in strategic and nonstrategic ways as the participants find their way in society in search of acceptance and belonging.  相似文献   

This article reviews a range of difficult issues that currently face ethnographic research, and offers some reflections on them. These issues include: how ethnographers define the spatial and temporal boundaries of what they study; how they determine the context that is appropriate for understanding it; in what senses ethnography can be—or is—virtual rather than actual; the role of interviews as a data source; the relationship between ethnography and discourse analysis; the tempting parallel with imaginative writing; and, finally, whether ethnography should have, or can avoid having, political or practical commitments of some kind, beyond its aim of producing value-relevant knowledge.  相似文献   

人们对外界及自身种种奥秘的探寻、体察和省悟,是通过“知识”、“智慧”与“直觉”三条不同层面的管道进行的。这也是人们认识和了解世界的三种基本模式。它们品位参差,质地有别;但各得其所,各显其能。知识通过勤奋刻苦的学习即可掌握,但它或会因为过时而遭淘汰;智慧却不会过时也无法通过学习来“移植”,只可自我生存。“知识”必须有“智慧”参与运作,才会产生力量。因此,“知识就是力量”的提法有失偏颇。“直觉”分“先验直觉”和“经验直觉”两种,是一种多少带点神秘色彩的认知管道。它把悟性发挥到极致,在知识与智慧难以企及的幽冥之域延伸着人类的视界,跳过了逻辑的引领而直奔事物的本质与主题。如今,大量的知识废料和信息垃圾正窒息着我们的灵感智慧,消解着我们的直觉能力,给人类的认知领域造成了严重污染。在错杂的岔路与纷乱的迷雾中,我们需高擎慧灯,审慎前行。  相似文献   

教育叙事是指研究者(多数情况下是参与行动研究的教师本人)采用“讲故事”的方式“叙述”自己的教育故事,实质是“反思”自己的教育。教育叙事是通过教育生活经验的叙述促进人们对于教育及其意义的理解,教育叙事探究的本质在于寻找一种合适地呈现和揭示生活经验乃至穿透经验的话语方式或理论方式,教育叙事的特点为叙述性和反思性。教育叙事对于改善教师职业生存,促进教师专业成长有重要作用。  相似文献   

满人文康的《儿女英雄传》,着意混合才子佳人和狭义小说的文法,创造出“英雄儿女”的模式,力图弥补《红楼梦》之遗恨,探讨新的叙事体裁。吟梅山人的《兰花梦奇传》采用了同样的文本对话和体裁混类的手法,但却对文康的“英雄儿女”模式提出了质疑和批评。吟梅山人写了一对才子佳人的失败婚姻,由此对文康小说中所营造的那种“英雄”和“儿女”、“义”和“情”、私欲和社会责任、以及男女立场的和谐提出了疑问。在《兰花梦奇传》中,女主人公松宝珠的文才武略变成了在家庭场域中对夫权的威胁,引起了她丈夫的妒嫉和夫妻之间的权力之争。在暴露“英雄儿女”小说文法所存在的矛盾的同时,《兰花梦奇传》触及了“‘大团圆’之后如何?”这一小说盲点,不仅对“英雄儿女”的模式给以了新的演绎,而且以悲剧的结局批评了文康小说的粉饰现实。论文旨在探讨两本小说之间的关系,特别是《兰花梦奇传》对“英雄儿女”模式的翻案和改造。  相似文献   

缄默知识作为人类知识的基础,对人类的学习行为具有导向作用;课堂教学过程中存在有大量的缄默知识,对课堂教学的效果产生正面或负面的影响;缄默知识的显性化是提高教学效果的重要手段,教师开展教学叙事是缄默知识显性化的重要条件;教学对话是缄默知识显性化的重要途径,也是改革课堂教学、提高教学效果的必由之路。  相似文献   

Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) are not a static, homogenous group. For most, being NEET is a temporary state as they move between different forms of participation and non-participation. This paper explores how the complexities of defining NEET, the re-structuring of the careers service and the nature of post-16 provision shape the way young people are identified, accessed and participate in ethnographies. Data drawn from a study exploring the experiences of being NEET are used to investigate the complexities involved when doing ethnography with ‘hard-to-reach’ young people. Challenges include gaining and maintaining access; conducting multiple site ethnography; and taking account of the socio-political context. Working with NEET young people across multiple sites and using various data collection techniques compound the issue of consent. This paper reveals how ethics, power and consent were experienced by the ethnographer and the young people. There is a need to understand how ethnographies are done in order to clarify how specific issues can be avoided and overcome.  相似文献   

Lepola  Janne  Kajamies  Anu  Laakkonen  Eero  Niemi  Pekka 《Reading and writing》2020,33(5):1351-1373

This is a study of early picture book comprehension, its determinants and later development through primary school. More specifically, picture book comprehension was analyzed longitudinally from age 5 to age 9, delineating the unique contributions of vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation to the initial level as well as to the growth of comprehension. A total of 90 Finnish-speaking children participated in the study. The children’s narrative picture book comprehension was assessed at age 5, age 6 and age 9. Vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation were evaluated at age 5. Latent growth curve modeling showed a pattern of decreasing achievement gaps in narrative picture book comprehension. Vocabulary and metacognitive knowledge uniquely contributed to the concurrent level of narrative picture book comprehension. The results further showed that metacognitive knowledge and task orientation were positive and statistically significant predictors of the growth of picture book comprehension over and above the initial level of narrative picture book comprehension. These findings add to our knowledge about the development of inter-individual differences in narrative picture book comprehension and the roles of vocabulary, metacognitive knowledge and task orientation in it. They also suggest a novel way to assess the narrative comprehension potential among students with compromised working memory or decoding ability.


The character of Reagan's rhetoric and the response to it can be explained by its narrative form. The dominance of narrative in Reagan's discourse and the nature of the narrative form combine to differentiate the perspective of Reagan's supporters and his opponents. Three characteristics of narrative form—a story‐based truth, an emphasis on morality, and a grounding in common sense—explain the way in which narrative affects political judgment. The analysis reveals the power of narrative form and, in contrast to the assertions of some narrative theorists, its fragility and moral limitations.  相似文献   

“身体叙事”作为女性写作的一种策略 ,被中国当下的一批女作家奉为圭臬 ,但这一理论本身存在重大缺失。在实际操作中 ,它从反抗男权、捍卫女性出发 ,最终却出卖了女性的尊严和身体。本文分析“身体叙事”这一理论的缺失 ,分析中国当下以“身体叙事”为旗帜的女性小说文本的缺失。  相似文献   

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