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Recently there has been a heated discussion on whether we should continue to use the dragon as the symbol for our China.Some claim that the dragon is no longer a suitable symbol for China. Whereas others don't think so. A professor Wu in Shanghai who holds the view that the dragon is no good a symbol gives the following reasons.Firstly,the dragon is an evil  相似文献   

This year is the year of the dragon according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar. Dragons are legendary mythical creatures which feature in the myths of many cultures. They are often described as a huge lizard or a snake with lizard-type legs and breathe fire into their enemies. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon the Chinese dragon. European dragons are generally depicted as malevolent. They usually live in rivers or having an underground lair or cave. They are commonly described as having hard or armoured hide, and are rarely described as flying, despite often depicted with wings.  相似文献   

Once upon a time,there was a brave 1)knight called George.George travelled by horse across many lands. One day,he came to a small village and met a man who lived in a cave.The man told the knight about the awful things about the village.A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake and attacked the village every day.  相似文献   

艾露 《海外英语》2013,(2X):167-168
The figuration of the dragon is quite eye-catching and meaningful, particularly in the second episode of The Woman Warrior. By analyzing the image of the dragon in the text, and the relations of the dragon to the Chinese mythology and the traditional Chinese medicine, this study argues Kingston has universalized the Chinese culture and exhibted her transnational world-view.  相似文献   

I took a trip to Beijing with my parents during the seven-day holiday.We all had a happy time.On the first day,we went to the Wangfujing Street.It’s a busy shopping street.We went into many stores.I didn’t buy any clothes but bought two books in the Wangfujing Bookstore.On the second day,we climbed the Great Wall.The wall looks like the tail of a huge dragon.While I was climbing,I thought of the saying"One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero."Later in  相似文献   

[春回大地]Spring returns[金玉满堂]Treasures fill the home[一本万利]Make great profits[龙精虎猛]Having the spirit of a dragon and the energy of a tiger[风调雨顺]  相似文献   

徐慧 《海外英语》2011,(7):379-380
This paper addresses the totem culture of Chinese dragon by introducing the origin of the Chinese dragon,exploring the totem culture by its social and folk customs and the relations with each country’s cultural features.  相似文献   

请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.-Let’s go to airport to meet her.(四川眉山)A.a;a B./;a C.the;the D./;the2.Lin Lin often practices English chatting with her American friend.(山东德州)A.in B.by C.for D.with分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对介词by的掌握情况,答案为:1.D项;2.B项。英语中,by的用法比较复杂,它既可用作介词,又可用作副词。为帮助同学们能准确运用,  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
In China every year has ananimal's name. They are rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,sheep,monkey,rooster,dog and pig.A Chinese legend says thatthese twelve animals have a race.The year will be named in theorder in which the animals arrive.The rat jumps onto the ox'sback,so it arrives first.Chinese believe that a person born inyear of an animal has the characterof that animal.  相似文献   

Phoenix, a very beautiful and popular image in China,like dragon, is an imagined and legendary animal existing only in people’s mind. It is such an important component of Chinese culture that we can see a sort of phenomenon called phoenix phenomenon comes into being in Chinese culture, which deserves efforts to elaborate and whose origin is worth probing. As the totem worshipped by the ancient Chu people, phoenix also displays the basic features of Chinese culture: integratedness and inclusiveness.  相似文献   

绕口令(Tongue Twister)不仅能帮助练习发音,还能提高学习英语的兴趣。在此给同学们提供二则绕口令,请反复读读看。I see a saw.I saw a saw.A saw saws a saw.I saw a saw saw a saw.Of all the saws I ever saw,I never saw a saw saw like this saw saws.She sells sea shells by the sea shore.If she sells sea shells by the sea shore,Where are the sea shells she sells by the sea shore?绕口令二则!甘肃@张清波…  相似文献   

【第10期中英文对照阅读】THE LANTERN FESTIVALIn the east wind tonight a thousand trees burst intobloomAnd stars are blown down like rain;The whole perfumed road is throngedWith fine carriages and horses bright with gems;Phoenix flutes make music,The moon light flashes,Fish and dragon lanterns whirl the whole night long.Golden willow and butterfly trinkets in her hair,Laughing and chatting she leaves a faint fragrancebehind.A thousand times I search for her in the crowd.And, suddenly…  相似文献   

pick up的含义较多。现对其分别作一说明,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。1.意为“拾起”、“捡起”。例如:If the m onkeys picked up the right ones,they could get sweet fruitas a prize.要是猴子捡东西捡得对,就能吃到奖赏的甜水果。H e saw a walletlying on the ground.H  相似文献   

下列各组单词或短语,或意思相同、或词形相似,同学们在使用时较容易混淆,请根据所学的知识,帮助它们选择各自的“岗位”。1.a lot, lots/ a lot of 1)Thanks____. 2)There are____apples on the trees.  相似文献   

韩国人拟申请将端午节的庆祝活动列入自己的文化遗产,中国人该怎么办? For Chinese,it's a time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi(粽子).But across the Yellow Sea in Gangneung(江陵), South Korea, wrestling(摔跤) and swing play are the high- lights.However,both events go by the same name-the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)-  相似文献   

从前有个凶恶的怪兽叫做“年”。 为了对付它,人们想了很多很多的办法…… CHINESE people call the Spring Festival “Nian”. But did you know that Nian was once the name of a terrible, scary monster (怪物)? A long time ago, the monster Nian lived in the mountains.It looked like an ugly dragon (龙), and got angry easily. Nian ate animals.But in winter, it could not find food. So it came to many villages and ate people. Nian could eat a lot of people at the same time! People were very afraid of …  相似文献   

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 《喜羊羊与灰太狼开心闯龙年》是《喜羊羊与灰太狼》系列电影的第四部,全新主角小龙和我们见面了. Most children like watching the movies series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.Pleasant Goat,Beauty Goat,Lazy Goat,Fit Goat,Gentle Goat,Grey Wolf and Red Wolf are all their favorite characters. In this movie we can meet a new character Xiao Long.He is a lovely and friendly dragon,and also a Kungfu master.Xiao Long teaches goats and wolves Kungfu to fight against their enemies and save the world. How powerful is Xiao Long? How will the goats and wolves save the world? You can find the answers in the movie Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 4.  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
Background Inform ationC hinese N ew Y ear, also know n as the Spring Festival, starts at the beginningof spring.It occurs som ew here betw een January 30and February 20.Each C hineseyear is represented by a repeated cycle of 12anim als,the rat,ox,tiger,hare orrabbit,dragon,snake,horse,ram ,m onkey,rooster,dog,and pig.C hinese N ewY ear is C hina’s biggest holiday.Its origin is ancient, but m any believe the w ord N ian, w hich m eans “year”,w as the nam e of a beast that preyed on pe…  相似文献   

益友 《初中生必读》2012,(Z2):38-39
同学们在英文习作中,英语谚语表达上常出现一些错误。本文摘辑一些,供同学们参考:1.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。2.A fall into the pit.a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。3.A friend in need is a friend indeed.  相似文献   

学习外语不仅仅是学语言外壳,还有更重要的任务就是了解文化背景。了解异国文化,不仅开阔眼界,拓宽视野,更有助于外语学习者深层理解语言外壳下的语意内涵。本文试就动物名的文化内涵作一简单介绍。 一、对比动物名内涵的英汉差异 1.dragon(龙)在中世纪,dragon是罪恶的象征,这来源于圣经中的故事。与上帝作对的恶魔撒旦(Satan)被称为the great dragon.在诺曼人征服英国之前,dragon是英国皇家  相似文献   

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