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好课由谁说了算,是个见仁见智的问题。何敏老师梳理出了七种观点及支持与反对的理由,其中之一就是“由学生说了算”.可见主张“由学生说了算”的老师恐怕不在少数。最近贾宏权老师撰文重申这一观点.②但笔者感到其理由站不住脚,其认识可能带有一定的普遍性,很有再讨论的必要。  相似文献   

在市场营销课程实施翻转课堂后,教学效果显著提高。但是经调查学生虽喜欢这种教学方式却不支持继续推行,深入分析学生反对继续推行的理由可知:学生的价值诉求以及教师的价值诉求是翻转课堂推行的主要障碍。  相似文献   

想一想:你最近有听过一些科学研究吗,都是什么?你对在动物身上做科学研究持什么态度,是支持还是反对,理由是什么? 考试:本文有助干你备考PET和TPEFL等。  相似文献   

我国实务界和学术界对私家侦探业的发展一直存在着反对与支持两种声音。本文从其对侦查权和隐私权的侵犯两方面总结了反对的原因,又从供求关系、法律空间、司法资源的现状和国际影响等方面提出了支持的因素,并进一步从侦查权与调查权、隐私权与知情权的论争中指出了我国私家侦探业合法性的理由。  相似文献   

有一天,苏格拉底在课堂上组织学生讨论了一个问题:到底该如何讲话?有一些学生主张,应该讲自己想讲的话。理由是:言为心声,语言是思想的外衣。只有讲出发自内心的话,才能打动人心,感人肺腑。如果心口不一,言不由衷,就不能入耳入脑,深入人心。另一些学生反对,反对只讲自己想讲的话。理由是:如果不看对象,只讲自己想讲的话,就很容易犯下自以为是、无的放矢的错误。有一些学生主张,应该讲别人喜欢听的话。理由  相似文献   

Ⅰ.内容提示:某学校附近拟兴建一座化工厂(chemical plant)。请你以该校学生的名义写一篇短文,陈述反对兴建化工厂的理由。短文中要包括以下几点:  相似文献   

远程教育学生支持服务的学生满意度测评研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对远程教育学生支持服务学生满意度的相关文献的综述,主要包括三个部分:第一部分是介绍学生支持服务的相关概念、地位及学生支持服务评价研究现状;第二部分阐述了服务质量和顾客满意度的相关理论和研究成果;第三部分介绍了普通高校远程教育学生满意度的理论成果。通过理论梳理,概括出了几点结论。  相似文献   

“州共同核心标准”的实施是美国教育标准化运动的又一步推进。在联邦政府的财政支持下,这一标准得到大部分州的积极响应并得以实施;然而,其在推行过程中,也面·临着财政困难、相关教育人士的质疑以及部分父母和教师的反对等问题。这些问题背后的原因包括教育分权体制的深远影响、人们对标准化运动成效的质疑以及对与标准挂钩的评价体制的反对。  相似文献   

"州共同核心标准"的实施是美国教育标准化运动的又一步推进。在联邦政府的财政支持下,这一标准得到大部分州的积极响应并得以实施;然而,其在推行过程中,也面临着财政困难、相关教育人士的质疑以及部分父母和教师的反对等问题。这些问题背后的原因包括教育分权体制的深远影响、人们对标准化运动成效的质疑以及对与标准挂钩的评价体制的反对。  相似文献   

葛宇宁 《唐山学院学报》2016,29(4):42-47,100
自二十世纪八十年代,随着现代逻辑在国内的复兴,一部分学者开始思考并着手使辩证法形式化、数理逻辑化,从而建构辩证数理逻辑体系。但是,这种做法一开始便遇到另外一部分学者的反对,从而引起持续至今的长期争论。实际上,支持辩证法形式化的理由都是有问题的,长久的实践结果也证明了这条路是没有前途的。辩证法可以有条件地采取一些形式化的方法来进行研究,而辩证法本身则是永远不能形式化的,这是因为辩证法的根本精神、主体以及基本特性都是与形式化不相容的。  相似文献   

Despite extensive research supporting educational acceleration for students with high academic ability, some psychologists, counselors, and educators express concerns about accelerative interventions. Such concerns often hinge on uncertainty about social acceptance, even in inclusive education settings. Research on acceleration has consistently shown benefits for students with high ability; however, there is a lack of research about grade‐based acceleration in inclusive schools. This study engaged two groups of students in group concept mapping processes to examine how they conceptualized beliefs about grade‐based acceleration in inclusive schools. First, 26 students in inclusive classes generated beliefs about grade‐based acceleration. Then they, and a group of 14 students with high ability, structured the data by sorting and rating a synthesized list of the generated beliefs. We analyzed the sorted data using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis. The resultant cluster maps revealed some differences and some similarities in the ways that the two groups of students conceptualized beliefs about educational acceleration. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

For high-ability students to develop their full potential, they require evidence-based interventions tailored to their exceptional needs. Educational acceleration has proven effective with many high-ability students, but educators sometimes express concerns about social issues, and such concerns may block access to accelerative interventions. Despite these concerns, little is known about students' thoughts on placing high-ability students with older classmates. In this study, we used group concept mapping methodology to investigate students' beliefs about grade-based acceleration. Sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade students in inclusive classes generated ideas about acceleration, and then sorted and rated a synthesized list of factors to consider when deciding about acceleration. Using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, the authors identified five key concepts in the structured data: (a) better for the fast learner, (b) concerns of moving up, (c) benefits for others (d) potential barriers to acceptance, and (e) uncomfortable feelings. Practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors explored 11 African American doctoral students' perceptions of their experiences in counselor education programs, and their findings are presented. Using a phenomenological methodological framework, the authors investigated the various systems of support that students use as they navigate their respective programs. Human agency was the theoretical framework for this study, and 4 themes emerged from the data: assertiveness, more experienced African American students, race‐based organizations, and personal and professional care from advisors. Implications for students and counselor education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

In this era of globalization, cross-cultural comparison studies could help counselor training programs enhance educational opportunities that are informative, supportive, and culturally responsive to students. Counselors-in-training in both the United States and South Korea were sampled in this study assessing self-esteem (individual and collective) and counselor activity self-efficacy (CA self-efficacy). Results indicated that American students endorsed higher levels of collective self-esteem and CA self-efficacy compared to Korean students. Age was positively correlated with CA self-efficacy in both the American and Korean samples. Additionally, the variable of supervision hours and internship experience was positively correlated with CA self-efficacy for American students, but showed no relationship with CA self-efficacy for Korea students. Implications for understanding the cultural differences of counseling-trainees’ self-confidence and the need for conducting cross-cultural comparison studies to provide insights about the training and development of trainees in cross-cultural settings are discussed.  相似文献   


We used the records from students entering two high schools in 1981 to classify students as dropouts, graduates, nongraduates returning for a fifth year, add non-graduates who did not continue. Using data from the students’ permanent records, we found numerous significant differences among these groups, some evident as early as the third grade. Cutoffs were determined on several measures, indicating that dropouts could be differentiated with 66% accuracy in the third grade and with 85% accuracy by the ninth grade. Nongraduates, a group roughly equal in size to the dropouts, could be identified with 77% accuracy by the ninth grade. Various implications for intervention programs are discussed.  相似文献   


Educational reform movements are transforming the shape of schools. Classroom populations are becoming more diverse as the number of students with disparate learning needs increases. Revised standards and performance expectations in the area of social studies are requiring teachers to make major shifts in teaching practices and strategies. Differentiation of instruction is necessary to meet the varied learning needs of diverse learners in social studies classes, especially gifted students. Curriculum compacting provides time for enrichment and/or acceleration for gifted learners. Conceptual thematic units, questioning strategies, interest development centers, independent study programs, and mentor‐ships are enrichment opportunities which can be implemented in regular education social studies classes to meet the learning needs of gifted students.  相似文献   

This article describes an untapped resource that counselors can use to help serve the multiple needs of college students recovering from addiction: collegiate recovery programs. The authors provide detailed information about the collegiate recovery population and give examples of successful programs. Implications for future research are discussed, and suggestions are provided for facilitating student recovery and advocating for collegiate recovery programs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate students' conceptions of learning in different educational contexts, and analyze to what extent conceptions are contextually dependent. Student nurses and car mechanic students are chosen as two groups, and qualitative similarities and differences between the students are described and explained in terms of the educational contexts: nursing education and car mechanic education.The study is 'qualitative by its nature, and the phenomenographic approach and grounded theory are taken as the points of departure. Data for the cross-section study were collected through individual interviews with student nurses (n = 60) and car mechanic students (n = 54). Different groups of students were interviewed at the beginning and at the end of the educational programs.As a result of the analysis, qualitative similarities and differences in students' conceptions were found. Differences among students within a program were, however, fewer than differences among students participating in different programs. In comparing groups of students within the programs, similar trends of development could be identified. Students within both programs used more developed conceptions at the end than at the beginning of the programs. The differences found within and between the student groups could be explained in terms of educational contexts. The results thus showed that conceptions were to some extent contextually dependent.  相似文献   

Personality characteristics of students choosing an elected studies degree option are compared with characteristics of conventional degree candidates on the Omnibus Personality Inventory (OPI). The current status of nontraditional degree programs is briefly reviewed. Results are discussed in terms of published findings for three other student groups: students in other nontraditional degree programs, students who withdraw voluntarily, and upperclass students. Elected studies students are found to have in common with all three groups the general characteristics of intellectual liberalism. The comparison with traditional students in this study shows differences between the two groups on 7 of 14 OPI scales, with the most outstanding differences being the degree of intellectual liberalism. A finding unique to this study appears to be the greater degree of self-confidence shown by the elected studies students. Several explanations are proposed for this result.  相似文献   

To effectively teach young children, early childhood teachers must be prepared to collaborate with families of diverse backgrounds. Studying the unique cultural contexts of children and families in American early care and education programs and communities will offer early educators information needed to develop empathy for the families with whom they wish to partner. This study investigated the attitudes of Chinese graduate students in the United States toward American early care and education programs. Chinese graduate students are a unique and growing population of approximately 189,000, 40% of whom have at least one child attending American early care and education programs. Chinese graduate students’ educational expectations for their young children and reasons behind these expectations were also explored. Findings showed that participants’ views of American early care and education reflected Chinese culture and life experience. In terms of American education, these Chinese graduate students compared the American programs’ curricula to the Chinese national curriculum, a curriculum they successfully mastered. Implications for early childhood teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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