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随着远程教育的发展,传统教育模式发生了很大的变革,学生在学习中的地位也在发生变化。远程教育的突出特点就是学生的主体性作用加强,学生成为自主学习者和知识的探究者。教师的角色也发生了重要变化。为此,必须深入研究远程教育下的独特教学规律,分析影响学生主体性作用发挥的因素以及远程教育模式的现实性问题,以探索强化学生主体性教育的实施对策,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

主体性是创新人才培养的核心内容,对主体性的培养既是普通大学的教育目标,也是远程教育的教育目标。远程教育的基本特征应当是教育的开放性,即学生可以最大限度地自主学习。主体性培养与自主学习的关系在远程教育中应当是互动的;远程教育的开放性与远程教育对主体性的培养在目标上比普通大学更具有共同指向性。主体性培养应渗透在教学管理、课程教学、学生管理等多层面上。远程教育中教师对学生的自主学习担负重要的引导责任。  相似文献   

现代远程教育学生主体性的现实思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代远程教育的学生主体特征、教学模式以及教学手段等影响学生主体性的因素进行了理性思考,提出了加强学生主体性教育应重视学生自身教育、教师的导学作用及学生问的交互学习的观点。  相似文献   

主体性教育是现代教育教学的一个重要方面,职业学校的班主任在班级管理中探求对学生进行主体性教育,注意从学生工作学习的各个方面培养其主体意识,培养自主行为,自我调控等能力,全面提高他们的综合素质。  相似文献   

从主体性教育的角度看,课堂教学应尽可能地激发学生学习的积极性、主动性,确立学生的主体地位,激励学生独立、自主的学习,并在此基础上促进教学过程由知识的掌握、传授向知识的运用与发展过渡。  相似文献   

本文分析了在以学生自主化学习为中心的远程开放教育中,教师在教学过程中如何引导和激发学生的自主学习积极性;教师的角色由单纯的知识传授者变为学习者学习的向导、设计者;以及对教师的网络教学行为设计进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

论现代远程教育中教师地位及作用的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代远程教育利用电视、计算机、网络等教育技术,师生时空分离、学生自主学习,是一种全新教学形式,因而教师在教学中的地位与作用发生了巨大的变化:从中心、主导地位退居到从属、辅助地位,由主角变成配角,由台前转到了幕后,由教学变为助学,即主要表现为教学中的指导、辅导、督导作用。认识这一变化,对把握现代远程教学的特点和规律,提高远程教学与人才培养的质量,促进现代远程教育的健康发展,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

教育思维的根深蒂固使教育者们不能彻底地解放自我,学生们被动地接受知识只是停留在浅层次的认知水平上,老师们有必要重新审视我们的课堂教学。英语课堂教学应在深度学习的基础下以体现学生主体性为原则,让学生自主地对知识进行识记、理解、应用、分析、综合和评价,这样才能真正地内化知识。  相似文献   

张彬 《双语学习》2007,(8M):72-73
主体性教学是指充分发挥教师和学生两个主体性的教学。就我国目前实际情况看,中小学课堂教学过程大多是在教师严格控制下学生被动完成教师一个个指令的学习过程,教师在课上的自主权要比学生自主权大得多。贯彻主体性教育思想,核心就是改革传统的教师主宰课堂的模式,尽量让学生自主学习,构建师生之间交流、互动、共同参与课堂教学活动的新模式。[第一段]  相似文献   

建构主义教学观对学生自主学习的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
当今建构主义教学观方兴未艾,它强调学生在教学中的主体性,而自主学习是主体性的核心,受动机、方法、时间、内容等方面的影响,建构主义教学观能够从这些方面来促进学生自主学习,在教学中贯彻建构主义教学观能够改变以往不重视学生自主学习的局面,对推动教学改革有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Ph.D. student numbers have been increasing in Australia as has government interest in the economic and social outcomes of graduate education (Moses 1994, Cullen et al. 1994). Yet the position of Ph.D. students can still be seen as marginal within universities and the institutional organisation of Ph.D. education as problematic. This situation can be related to the highly individualistic nature of research and supervision which is both a barrier to and part of the argument against efforts to examine and discuss in general the processes of research training and supervisory interactions across disciplinary and departmental boundaries. This article positions all Ph.D. students, in all fields of study, as learners in a form of professional education -a perspective which offers a way out of this apparent dilemma. Drawing on data from a study reported in Cullen et al. (1994) the following topics are explored: Ph.D. students as learners of the knowledge and skill of the professional practice of research and scholarship; the role of the supervisor in assisting students to become independent practitioners; and the complementary professional role of student participation in the academic community. Implications for policy and practice to professionalise Ph.D. education and enhance the quality of the student experience are discussed.  相似文献   


As distance education becomes more widespread and sophisticated, a key concern should be how well programming meets the needs of its student clientele. The present study examines student satisfaction across learning environments (studio versus remote) and over time. Survey questionnaires were administered in a distance education course, and scales were constructed for (1) evaluation of the instructor and (2) specific aspects of distance education. Attitudes were generally favorable, although most students would still prefer a “traditional” classroom and satisfaction ratings significantly declined over time. Implications for improving services are explored regarding technological aspects of the classroom that pose difficulties for some students.  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand, many early childhood teachers gain their teaching qualification via distance study while working in an early childhood centre. Early childhood teachers work in a team environment, and it is important to understand more about how distance students negotiate changes in their workplace practice as their professional knowledge develops. This article draws on a study that explores students’ experiences of distance teacher education as a process of changing participation in the workplace. Distance study supported increasingly confident participation as students saw more meaning in their daily work. The students’ identities and their workplace cultures and practices influenced what students paid attention to and the decisions they made when negotiating changes within their teams. Their experiences suggest that strengthening students’ relational agency at work is a useful focus for distance early childhood teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

财税法规专题课程内容与会计工作密切相关,从职业要求来看对于财经法规的学习不可或缺.但目前该课程的教学与实际工作结合不够紧密,容易造成学生仅仅是对法规的死记硬背,难以将课程的知识点融会贯通.有必要通过分析课程内容和学习者现状,围绕教学目标,根据课程内容和学生特点并结合会计岗位需求,设计实践教学内容.  相似文献   


Student evaluations of teaching constitute a recurring theme for debate within the tertiary education literature particularly in relation to validity and reliability. My aim in this paper is to highlight the dependence of student evaluative capabilities on their own beliefs and assumptions about knowledge constituting ‘ways of knowing’, which will differ from one student to the next, and to advocate that this is taken into account when evaluations of teaching are analysed and interpreted. I begin by addressing the nature of the student evaluation process, its current perceived status in higher education and in relation to student expectations in the present consumerist culture from which universities are not exempt. I then go on to focus on cognitive development implicit in higher education, and consider its impact on student expectations and consequent evaluations. Finally, I suggest that promoting an understanding of changing and developing epistemic assumptions of students should be an essential component of the explicit curriculum to the benefit of both students and lecturing staff, and recommend the exploration of more qualitative approaches to student evaluation.  相似文献   

Storytelling has been shown to play a key role in transferring work experience from more experienced towards novices in a number of vocational educational practices, however previous studies have not to the same extent dealt with the role of students’ own storytelling practices for sensemaking of work experience. This study set out to examine police students’ storytelling of their first occupational experiences from a sensemaking perspective, with an analysis drawing on the concepts of enactment, selection, and retention. The study is based on participant observations of field training follow up sessions’ in the context of police education. Findings indicated that student storytelling of work experience tended to be geared towards action, extremeness and the telling of ‘war stories’. Furthermore, these type of stories functioned to enable student identification, self-enhancement and emotion management. These findings contribute to our current understanding of how students engage in sensemaking of work-based experiences and in extension how knowledge integration and learning from work placements can be structured pedagogically.  相似文献   

The starting point for this paper is a model of student progress and drop-out from distance education courses. The model includes components of background characteristics, motivation, academic environment, and the family, work and social environment. The model allows for the interaction of variables and the influence of one component of the model on another. The author then derives from the model a series of recommendations as to the ways in which distance education courses might be formatted so as to reduce student drop-out. Ways of enhancing intrinsic motivation are discussed. A case is put for focussing learning skills initiatives towards reorientating student conceptions of knowledge. Strategies for improving collective affiliation are described, and the employment of local support staff is advocated.  相似文献   

提高学生的综合素质是学校教育的出发点和依归,落实学生的主体地位是实施素质教育的重要保证,教师的活动应该始终终围绕认识、尊重、服务、发展主体,使教学过程真正成为师生间、生生间交互活动的动态过程。  相似文献   

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