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清华大学校长曾给毕业生说过这样一段话:未来的世界是,方向比努力重要,能力比知识重要,健康比成绩重要,生活比文凭重要,情商比智商重要!  相似文献   

清华大学校长曾给毕业生说过这样一段话:未来的世界是,方向比努力重要,能力比知识重要,健康比成绩重要,生活比文凭重要,情商比智商重要!  相似文献   

徐振祥 《中国德育》2006,1(6):23-25
社会主义高校是道德教育的重要阵地,在公民道德建设中担负着重要责任。道德教育是大学教育的重要组成部分,是引领道德进步的重要力量,是构建公民道德体系的重要枢纽。强化大学进行道德教育的责任意识,对新形势下人才培养具有重要意义。  相似文献   

众所周知,物理实验作为物理教学的重要基础、重要内容、重要方法和重要手段,在物理教学中具有重要的地位和作用,加强物理实验及其教学的研究,对于促进教学及其改革具有  相似文献   

谭旭东 《中国德育》2014,(16):66-68
正在新浪微博上看到一条微博,它这样告诉孩子什么更重要:1、旅行比上课重要;2、主见比顺从重要;3、兴趣比成绩重要;4、良知比对错重要;5、幸福比完美重要;6、信仰比崇拜重要;7、成长比赢输重要;8、察己比律人重要。这条微博转载很多,很多人都认同。尤其是一些家长,都认为这八条,对孩子来说很重要。这里,我想用我自己的方式来理解一下这八句话。旅行比上课重要。这一句话,初看起来很好,但说得有些片面。旅行自然很  相似文献   

论高校后勤服务育人的时代性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务育人是高校"三育人"体系中的重要组成部分,文章着重从大学生思想政治教育的重要补充、生活教育的重要内容、能力素质培养的重要渠道、健康素质教育的重要保障等"四重要"视角,论述高校后勤服务育人的时代性,以期后勤服务育人的功效得以充分发挥.  相似文献   

@清风徐来 【什么最重要?】(1)思路清晰远比卖力苦干重要:(2)心态正确远比现实表现重要;(3)选对方向远比努力做事重要;(4)做对的事情远比把事情做对重要;(5)拥有远见比拥有资产重要:(6)拥有能力比拥有知识重要:(7)拥有人才比拥有机器重要:(8)拥有健康比拥有金钱重要!  相似文献   

关于英雄重要论述是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容,是重要的思政教育资源.基于要素论、功能论、方法论、认识论四个维度,概括习近平关于英雄重要论述的核心要义;阐释习近平关于英雄重要论述融入高校思政课教学的价值意蕴;从设定习近平关于英雄重要论述融入高校思政课的前提条件,设计习近平关于英雄重要论述融入高校思政课教学的框架体系,多元路径推进习近平关于英雄重要论述融入高校思政课教学,增强习近平关于英雄重要论述融入高校思政课教学的实效性.  相似文献   

针对部分学生对“三个代表”重要思想认识上存在的困惑,着重阐明“三个代表”重要思想不是三句空洞的口号,“三个代表”重要思想不等于三个“代表”;“三个代表”重要思想不仅仅只指导党的工作。科学认识“三个代表”重要思想具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

一、社会主义精神文明建设的重要意义及特征1.《中共中央关于加强社会主义精神文明建设的若干重要问题的决议》中指出:社会主义精神文明建设,是社会主义的重要特征,也是现代化建设的重要目标和重要保证,  相似文献   

在查阅大量文献的基础上,对我国普通高校竞技体育发展的历史、现状以及中美高校竞技体育管理比较等问题进行了研究.为我国普通高校竞技体育发展,提供科学、合理的理论依据.  相似文献   

In this essay, the researchers explore the careers of four foundational figures in sport management, who received training as historians. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources, we illustrate how Earle Zeigler, Guy Lewis, Stephen Hardy, and Lawrence Fielding helped create the field of Sport Management with insights drawn from business historians, especially those at the Harvard Business School. Overall, we claim that sport business history can serve to help frame much of the field and is vitally relevant to the study of the sports industry. Furthermore, we advocate that the study of history be included as a prominent area within sport management curriculums. To support this assertion, we elucidate the importance of the historical case-study approach to sport management.  相似文献   

As sport is a highly child-populated domain, the establishment of child-protection measures to reduce the potential for child maltreatment in sport is critical. Concern for the protection of children in sport has a history that is as old as modern sport itself; however, it is only recently that concern has been established about children's experiences of relational forms of abuse and neglect in this domain. The purpose of this article, therefore, is to review current developments in sport with respect to child-protection policy, education, and research. It is the authors' supposition that an athlete-centered philosophy of sport is perhaps the best way to address the protection of children in sport. The philosophy of an athlete-centered sport model is described, and through the integration of an athlete-centered approach to sport, recommendations are made for future implementation of child-protection measures.  相似文献   

Play is frequently considered the basis of sport, and sport and dance are usually considered separate entities with little relationship to one another. In this paper a model is presented for conceptualizing sport and dance as a common phenomenon separate from the domains of psychology, sociology, history, biology, and geography. Performance is viewed as the basis of this shared relationship. Support is offered from the literature for viewing sport and dance as the performance of skill. Skill in an activity is considered a generic trait of sport and dance with levels of skill or ability a hierarchical, unique, and essential characteristic of the model. The levels within the model are beginner, intermediate, and advanced performance as we traditionally label our courses. Existentialism is offered as the philosophy underlying sport and dance. The purpose of the model is to propose that sport and dance be considered as a discrete domain with a body of knowledge upon which a theory of performance might be constructed. The paper is concluded by offering a common definition of sport and dance.  相似文献   

分析论述了民族传统体育重塑与改造的社会历史和文化背景及现代意义,提出民族传统体育重塑与改造,必须以现代体育思想为指导,以承担社会功能为出发点,以提高应用价值为目的,坚持服务于社会、服务于人的原则,运用科学的理论与方法,才能实现民族传统体育真正意义的复兴.  相似文献   

毛泽东体育思想集中体现在《体育之研究》一文中,此文是我国现代体育事业发展初期具有代表性的文献,也是我国现代体育史上一份不可多得的体育思想文化瑰宝.毛泽东在此文中通过对体育锻炼的目的、体育存在的意义、体育原则、三育并重以及体育哲学等问题的研究,提出了自己独到的理论见解.时至今日,毛泽东体育思想仍具有较强的现实性,对当前广泛开展的全民健身运动和学校阳光体育活动仍具有重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports. Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining of eSports and university athletics brings into question whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society. This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following, and institutionalization.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to describe the historical development of sport and exercise psychology, with a particular emphasis on the construction and evolution of the “box” through history. The box represents the dominant paradigm that serves as the model for research and application as it evolves through successive historical eras (Kuhn, 1962). Seven historical eras related to the development of sport and exercise psychology are discussed. Of particular interest for this review were individuals whose curiosity and motivation established the roots for the study of sport and exercise psychology, as well as the controversies and tensions in both kinesiology and psychology that shaped the fi eld. Suggestions for the future include a problem-based approach to scholarship and a cultural praxis version of sport and exercise psychology to enhance relevancy and social impact.  相似文献   

运用民族学、体育史学、社会学方法,对居住在广西融水苗族的芦笙斗马体育现象进行剖析.研究表明:苗族融水斗马活动的习俗之所以代代相传,长盛不衰,除了它具有独特的个性外,就是它的广泛性,这是特定历史条件下形成的一种文化现象,也是苗族同胞积极向上的精神寄托,有着深厚的群众基础,广西融水苗族芦笙斗马是全国独一无二的民俗文化活动现象.  相似文献   

随着社会发展,竞技体育运动项目早已屹立于体育文化的历史舞台,而蕴涵着丰富的东方文化特色的民族传统体育运动项目,更是物以稀为贵,很值得我国国民去开发、挖掘。龙狮运动项目作为我国民族传统体育运动项目之一,充分体现出它内在的观赏价值、健身价值、文化传承价值。据调查资料显示:目前全国部分普通高校在体育教学中将龙狮这一民族传统体育运动项目以选修课程列入教学中,但是与之相应的教材编写却很少,学生知识来源渠道有限,所以本文通过专家访谈、问卷调查,从龙狮运动项目的教学方法、教学手段方面进行阐述,旨在为民族传统体育龙狮运动项目进入普通高校后如何建设,提出一点建议。  相似文献   

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