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Jokes I lost* my little dog yesterday. Why don’t you put an ad(广告)in the newspaper?* It’s no use. My dog can’t read. Jenny, why are you picking your nose* in class? My mother doesn’t let me do it at home. Teacher: Jenny: Billy: Lucy: Billy:Jim’s father has three sons.  相似文献   

A Barking Dog Does not BiteOne day Jack with his father went to see his granny who lived inthe countryside(乡下).At the door,a big dog began to bark.Jackwas afraid of the dog and wanted to run home.But his father said,“Don!t be afraid,my dear son.Don!t you know the proverb(谚语),‘A barking dog does not bite(吠犬不咬人)’?”“Oh,yes.‘said Jack,’I know the proverb,so do you,but doesthe dog know the proverb?”Wait Five MinutesTom came home very late because he had been busy with hisbusi…  相似文献   

Angela:Did you lock the door?Frank:All except the back door.I left that openfor Tim.He took the dog for a walk.Angela:Well,I’m going to bed.I’m bushed(累极了).Frank:Okay,I’m going to stay up a while.I’vegot to go over the household budget(算算收支).We’re a little overspent(超支)this month.Angela:Please tell Tim to close the door to thebasement(储藏室).I don’t want the dog downthere tonight.Frank:Okay.Good night.See you at breakfast.  相似文献   

IntheClassroomSchoolboy:Excuse me, Miss. I'm calling just to tell you I can't go to school today.Teacher:Why? What蒺s wrong?Schoolboy:I don蒺t feel well.Teacher:Where do you feel trouble?Schoolboy:In the classroom.ACleverBoyTom:Papa, can you write your name without opening your eyes?Father:Of course, I can.Tom:All right! Please write your name on my school report(成绩单).WhyFishesOnlyLiveinWater?Father:Do you know why fishes only live in water and can蒺t live on land?Son:Yes, I…  相似文献   

Mr Smith was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor asked him toput out his tongue(舌头),and then he said,“OK.You can put your tongueback now. There’s nothing wrong with you,but I'm afraid you have aproblem:you seldom take exercise.”。“But,doctor.”Mr Smith said,“I don’t think so.”“Don’t tell me what you think,“the doctor said.“I know what yon need.  相似文献   

Teacher: OK, class! Please tell me some animals you know.  相似文献   

Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: Why? Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.—M um,whatare you cooking?—It's bean soup!—I don'tcare whatithas been;Ijustwantto know whatitis now!“An abstract noun(抽象名词),”the teacher said,“is som ethingyou can think of,butyou can'ttouch it.Can you give m e an exam ple ofone?”“Sure,”a teenage boy replied,“M…  相似文献   

Does the Dog Know the Proverb? “Sam,”says his father,“put onyour cap and let us go for a walk.”Sam is happy.He likes to go outwith his father.He puts on his cap andcoat and says:“Father. I am ready.”Samand his father go out into the street.Suddenly they see a big black dog.Thedog begins to bark.Sam is afraid of thedog.He wants to run home.His fathersays:“Don’t be afraid,Sam.Don’t youknow the proverb:‘A barking dog doesnot bite’?”“Oh,yes,”says Sam,“I know theproverb,you know the proverb,but doesthe dog know the proverb?”  相似文献   

A Little Tom:Grandma,I had an interesting dream last night. Grandma:Can you tell me what the dream was? Little Tom:No,grandma,you ask me while you know the answer because you were there then,too. B Patient:Is there anything serious with my trouble,Docter? Docter:Yes,very serious.Your illness is too serious to cure (治愈).Now tell me,please.Who do you want to see now before you die?  相似文献   

:Teacher:Frank,you are late for school again.In fact(事实上 ) ,you are late every day.Frank:But I won't be late tomorrow.Teacher:Nice to hear that.but can you tell me why?Frank:Because it's Sunday tomorrow. :Mum :Do you want an apple,Tom?Tom:Yes,Mum.I want that big one.Mum :I say,Tom,a good boy should (应该 ) let the othershave the big one.Tom:That means(那就是说 ) ,Mum,I must tell you a lie(谎话 ) if I want to be a good boy!小幽默@吴朝辉…  相似文献   

Bill:We don’t have much time.Jerry:I’m hurrying as fast as I can!Bill:Well,try to hurry a little bit more,will you?I don’t want to be late.Jerry:Oh,we won’t be late.You know how these affairs are(了解情况的).They never start on time.Bill:Maybe so.But I always like to get there on time.Jerry:Oh,you’re such a fuddy-duddy(就你事多).Don’t worry.I’llget you there with time to spare.Bill:Is that a promise?Jerry:It’s a promise.Now leave me alone while I finish getting ready.  相似文献   

招一、疑问代词(副词)引导的从句改为"疑问代词(副词)+不定式结构"。如:1.他不知道他应该干什么。He didn’t know what he should do.He didn’t know what to do.2.你能告诉我怎样才能到达动物园吗?Can you tell me how I can get to the zoo?Can you tell me how to get to the zoo?招二、把从句改为不定式短语。如:1.他希望他取得大的进步He hopes that he would make great progress.He hopes to make great progress.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher and said: "Teacher, Pa wants to know if you like roast pig."I certainly do," said the teacher, "and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me."Days passed, and nothing more was said about the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: "I  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher and said: “Teacher, Pa wants to know if you like roast pig.““I certainly do,“ said the teacher, “and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me.“Days passed, and nothing more was said about the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: “I  相似文献   

一、选择填空1.—Do you know? I’m going to see him. —Sorry. I don’t know.(北京市海淀区) A.where does Mr. Li live B.where did Mr. Li live C.where Mr. Li lives D.where Mr. Li lived2.Could you tell me? I’m his old friend (吉林省) A.where does Jim live B.when will Jim come back C.where Jim has gone D.how is Jim.3.You must remember.(河南省) A.what your teacher said B.what did your teacher say C.your teacher said what D.what has you teacher said4.The students…  相似文献   

正Step 1 Greeting T:Good morning,boys and girls,nice t0 see you.I'm your new English teacher today.First I'd like to know sometlling about you.What can you tell me?S:Name,hobby,friends,family…T:May I know your name?T:What d0 you usually do after scholl(on Saturday and Sunday)?T:So I think…is your hobby.T:May I know your hobby?(To another student)  相似文献   

Unit 6 Good manners Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. Do you know the boy our headteacher? A. talked to B. talking to C. is talking D. is talking to 2. —I!m sorry, but I didn!t mean out your secret. —But you know, letting out one!s secret means one!s feelings. A. to let; to hurt B. letting; hurting C. to let; hurting D. letting; to hurt 3. Seeing the sun above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy. A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising 4. My sister advised me that I accept the invitat…  相似文献   

I’m tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless[无信仰的]lost under the surface[表面] Don’t know what you’re expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes (Caught in the undertow[回头浪]just caught in the undertow) Every step that I take is another mis-  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The Lion awoke from his nap and shouted."What luck? I am hungry and a mouse is in font of me! I should eat you!"Please, Lion! Don!t eat me! If you just let me go, I would not forget this."What? You will repay me?"The Lion laughed at the mouse. But as he pitied at the little mouse, he set the mouse free."Go, go!"Thank you, thank you!"  相似文献   

A white lie     
[Dialogue]Jack:Tom,what’s the matter with you?You arelooking green.①Tom:It seems to me yesterday was a blackletter day.②Jack:Can you tell me what has happened?Tom: Without my mother’s permission,I went  相似文献   

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