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在基础教育信息化建设中,校长的教育技术领导力直接影响到学校教育信息化的发展与深层次应用,基于实证分析,探究校长教育技术领导力知能结构演进,阐述了面向信息化的校长教育技术领导力内涵,提出面向基础教育信息化的校长领导力内涵及其创新发展模式,为教育信息化决策与校长专业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

近年来,校长信息化领导力(又被称为"面向信息化的领导力"、"校长教育信息化领导力"、"信息技术环境下中小学校长领导力")受到了我国学者、一线教学人员与管理者的高度关注,并产生了较为丰富的研究成果。有研究指出,校长信息化领导力是影响信息技术在中小学教育中有效应用的最重要的因素。[1]可  相似文献   

教育新基建是教育信息化创新发展阶段新的“体系化”擘画。中小学校长是教育信息化的重要推进力量,其信息化领导力随着教育信息化的发展不断演化。现有围绕学校信息化建设应用的中小学校长信息化领导力测评工具已然失效,急需迭代更新。面向教育新基建的新要求,从愿景规划、组织变革、校园建设、教学改革、学习创新、自我发展六个方面概括了校长信息化领导力的转变,对校长在信息化领导过程中扮演的角色进行了定义,设计了新的中小学校长信息化领导力评价框架,研究编制了面向教育新基建的中小学校长信息化领导力评价量表,经过探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析和信度检验等步骤,对820份有效数据进行了检测,最后依据检测结果修订了题项,评价量表结构良好,信效度高,可作为新时代中小学校长信息化领导力的有效测评工具。  相似文献   

在基础教育信息化建设中,校长的教育信息化领导力直接影响到学校教育信息化的发展与深层次应用。该文基于实证分析,探究校长教育信息化领导力内涵演变,提出面向基础教育信息化的校长教育信息化领导力内涵及其特质,为教育信息化决策与校长专业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

在基础教育信息化建设中,校长的教育信息化领导力直接影响到学校教育信息化的发展与深层次应用。该文基于实证分析,探究校长教育信息化领导力内涵演变,提出面向基础教育信息化的校长教育信息化领导力内涵及其特质,为教育信息化决策与校长专业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

当前,在信息化时代的引领下,教育肩负着培养适应时代需求的新型人才的重任,教育要面向现代化的命题也有了更为丰富的内涵。关注信息技术环境下中小学校长领导力,不仅仅是在信息化时代提升校长专业发展的有利抓手,而且对于区域教育现代化的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。对于校长信息化领导力,我有三个基本观点与大家分享。  相似文献   

校长信息化领导力是教育信息化背景下校长的必备能力。参考心理资本与信息化领导力的相关量表,基于校长心理资本、校长信息化领导力的概念解读,设计校长心理资本与校长信息化领导力的评价指标,以中小学校长为调研对象,开展问卷调研,利用SEM(结构方程模型)分析法进行数据分析,探究校长心理资本的四种结构成分(即自我效能、乐观、希望以及坚韧性)与校长信息化领导力的关系。研究发现:自我效能对其乐观、希望、坚韧性均有直接的正向作用效应,乐观对其希望、坚韧性具有直接的正向作用效应,希望对坚韧性具有直接的正向作用效应,乐观、坚韧性对校长的信息化领导力均具有直接的正向作用效应,在校长心理资本的不同结构成分中,乐观对校长信息化领导力的影响效应最大。基于研究结果,有针对性地提出指向信息化领导力培养的心理资本开发建议:将乐观作为校长信息化领导力培养的动力支持;以自我效能为校长信息化领导力培养的信念支撑;以希望与坚韧性为校长信息化领导力培养的关键枢纽。  相似文献   

陈明  董继承 《文教资料》2007,(23):167-169
信息化时代背景下,教师领导力的充分发挥有助于教师的专业发展,推动课程改革以及教育信息化进程。本文从教师领导力概念入手,重点阐述教师领导力作用在与学生、同事和校长交流过程中的具体体现,并指出在领导力培养的过程中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

为了让社会、学校、教师对教育信息化领导力的培养方式有全面认识,使校长信息化领导力提升有更具体可参照的方案,本研究通过网络等方式获取文献资料,分析美国乔治华盛顿大学的教育信息化领导力项目、美国肯塔基大学教育领导力研究院的学校信息化领导力项目及美国教育信息化领导力认证考试项目,发现其特点包括:多层次培养目标,满足学习者个别化选择;灵活的入学形式和网络授课,便于学习者安排学习活动;多学科交叉的课程设置,体现教育、技术和管理的融合;参照国际标准,培养和构建世界一流师资队伍。我国校长信息化领导力提升项目应该根据国家标准,体现校长信息化领导力的特点;根据学校发展战略,发挥校长信息化领导力的宏观作用;选择适当院校,开展校长信息化领导力水平认证;凸显课程的交叉融合特征,探讨校长信息化领导力的学位授予。  相似文献   

国内教育信息化领导力研究主要聚焦在对校长信息化领导力的研究上,主要体现在校长信息化领导力内涵、结构、培养策略、评价体系等方面。现实中,教育信息化领导力的研究与实践还存在着许多困惑与难点:教育信息化领导力内涵的把握、实践中校长面临双重压力、传统科层制度的制约以及校长信息素养的影响。基于这些思考,教育信息化领导力研究应实现由个体领导力向组织领导力的转向。  相似文献   

School leaders in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) now have the important responsibility of initiating and implementing school improvement. This raises the question of their leadership capacity and the competencies that are required for school leaders to fulfil this new role. This article focuses on school leadership in T&T. The study presented in this article utilised a qualitative interpretive research design employing a range of data collection methods, including questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study confirm a need for developing a new type of school leader who is: better trained, more research oriented, more of a risk taker and autonomous.  相似文献   

我国中小学领导体制经历了由初步探索到相对成熟的一个渐进过程。现行的校长负责制是一种比较合理的领导体制,它初步构建了学校组织管理的权力制衡关系,保证了党支部的监督权力和教职工的民主管理权力得以发挥,但仍存在一定的行政化,着重"内改",忽视"外改"等不足。推进我国中小学领导体制改革可以通过强化集体领导与个人负责制相结合、加强民主监督以及正确处理党政群的关系等路径实现。  相似文献   

This article provides a cross‐national perspective on successful school principalship in three countries derived from an analysis of case studies in the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP). The ISSPP aims to investigate the characteristics, processes and effects of successful school leadership across eight countries (i.e. Australia, Canada, England, the United States, China, Denmark, Sweden and Norway). Examples from the USA, Norway and China (Shanghai) were selected to illustrate cross‐national differences related to the societal purposes of education, the structure and funding of different national educational systems and the influence of particular governmental educational policies (i.e. accountability‐oriented policies) on the leadership practices of individual school principals. Variations in selection criteria and research procedures were also noted. Recommendations for further research using a cultural framework include analysing multiethnic schools to identify culturally specific leadership practices as well as developing further ISSPP case studies in non‐Western contexts.  相似文献   

建设中国特色社会主义事业迫切需要造就一大批教育家型校长。而拥有独特的教育理念和个性化的办学思想是教育家型校长的重要特征。本文主要围绕中学校长"凝炼教育理念和办学思想的必要性、理念的内涵、以及如何提炼教育理念和形成办学思想"等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

校长需要完善在教育领导中的实践理论,以搭起理论与实践对话的平台。从问题意识出发,可以解读校长实践理论的内涵、知识基础和形成阶段,从洞悉和满足教师的需要动机、营造良好的学校组织气候、发挥在学校中的关键角色、力争成为学习型校长等方面可以深化校长实践理论的内容,可以为提升校长的领导力水平提供知识基础。  相似文献   

数据库管理系统是当前最活跃的计算机应用领域.针对学生成绩管理的特点开发出的数据库在功能、界面、操作上具有突出的优点,为大规模的数据库开发、学校管理工作的信息化奠定了基础.  相似文献   

教育信息化使传统教育体系和教育方式发生了深刻变革,同时对专业课教师角色和素质提出了新的要求。通过研究教育信息化条件下专业课教学的新特点,分析教育信息化时代对专业课教师的能力素质要求,提出专业课教师素质培养策略。  相似文献   

Traditional models of school organization favor peaked hierarchies that concentrate power and leadership responsibility on the office of the principal. As these models struggle to effectively meet the needs of education in the new millennium, leadership structures that distribute leadership influence and empower teachers to play a greater role in the leadership of the school, are slowly being implemented. This study examines the restructuring of school leadership at a school making the transition from a traditional elementary school to an Edison charter school and investigates the impact the new organizational structure had on teacher leadership. Qualitative data were collected over a four-year period during annual visits to conduct over 50 interviews with district administrators, school administrators, teachers, and the school support staff. The research findings indicate that the structure implemented at the Edison school differed greatly from traditional school leadership structures, as it successfully distributed leadership influence and enhanced the nature and scope of teacher leadership.  相似文献   

Leadership gained a lot of attention during the past decades because of school principals' growing responsibilities and the accountability-driven context they work in. However, reviews providing a general overview of effective school leadership theories and effective professional development are rare. The present review was conducted to summarise the existing literature and discover lacunae in school leadership research in preschools, primary and secondary schools. 75 studies focusing on leadership theories, characteristics of effective school leadership and school leaders’ professional development were included and analysed. The present article provides an overview of main leadership theories such as instructional leadership, situational leadership, transformational leadership, distributed leadership and Leadership for Learning. Second, the article focuses on the characteristics of effective school leadership and lastly, the review offers features of effective professional development activities for school principals.  相似文献   

This literature review aims to understand the factors that influence the adoption of school leadership policy reforms and whether there are some common trends that lead to policy changes in this area. The main question driving the study was the following: what are important reasons or contextual factors that have influenced the adoption of school leadership policy reforms? The analysis shows that there is an eclectic set of research that covers school leadership from different perspectives. Each tackle the question of school leadership reform adoption from different angles. A policy perspective associates school leadership reforms to contextual changes in relation to decentralisation, school autonomy, accountability or an increasing emphasis on education outcomes. School improvement perspectives acknowledge the key role of school leadership in education change. The research on school leadership impact has contributed to the adoption of school leadership reforms. The school leadership policy perspective shows that countries have introduced school leadership reforms, with practices varying by country and context. Some have been interpreted as a response to a new public management agenda or to the globalisation of education policies. Findings from this review indicate that whilst there is much research on school leadership, nevertheless, analysis and promotion of policies to support and strengthen school leader roles to support school improvement appears to have received less attention.  相似文献   

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