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科技企业孵化器作为国家创新体系的重要组成部分,作为创新创业人才培养基地,作为区域创新体系的重要内容,在加快发展众创空间、创客咖啡等新型创业服务平台、营造良好的创新创业生态环境、激发"大众创业万众创新"活力等方面有着其不可替代的作用。西藏科技孵化器经过近10年的发展,经历了从无到有、从毫无认知到稍有经验的发展历程,但其体制、机制、服务体系尚不完善,服务质量不高,存在着许多内在问题。笔者结合日常工作,就西藏科技企业孵化器的发展现状进行分析,并提出相关建议,以期为今后西藏科技孵化工作提供一点建议。  相似文献   

分析了创新创业人才发展存在的问题,从建立完善创新创业人才队伍建设的政策体系、发挥教育在创新创业人才培养中的基础性作用、搭建创新创业人才"一站式"服务交流平台、加大对科研人员的绩效激励力度、建立科学合理的创新创业人才绩效考核评价体系以及完善人才流动和使用机制6个方面,提出了创新创业人才发展的改进措施,希望给相关单位关于创新创业人才的培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

"众创空间"作为促进大众创业、万众创新的有效路径而备受推崇,但是这一热门词汇的内涵尚无统一界定,亟待作出研究性界定。众创空间作为一种新型的综合服务平台,其3大基本功能在于整合创新创业资源、提升创新创业效率、弘扬创新创业文化;其构成要件包括空间载体、创新创业主体、创新创业活动、资源要素、制度规则共5个方面。在建设众创空间过程中,一方面,要完善相关政策体系,提升政策实施效果;另一方面,要综合把握众创空间的内在规律和现实环境,探索有效的战略路径。  相似文献   

"众创空间"作为促进大众创业、万众创新的有效路径而备受推崇,但是这一热门词汇的内涵尚无统一界定,亟待作出研究性界定。众创空间作为一种新型的综合服务平台,其3大基本功能在于整合创新创业资源、提升创新创业效率、弘扬创新创业文化;其构成要件包括空间载体、创新创业主体、创新创业活动、资源要素、制度规则共5个方面。在建设众创空间过程中,一方面,要完善相关政策体系,提升政策实施效果;另一方面,要综合把握众创空间的内在规律和现实环境,探索有效的战略路径。  相似文献   

为进一步加强专业化众创空间示范,推动创新创业高质量发展,形成"大众创业、万众创新"新局面.文章基于国家创新系统视角阐述了科研院所在国家创新系统中的功能定位及其所建专业化众创空间的桥梁作用;对已批建的科研院所专业化众创空间进行深度分析,剖析其内在运行特征;并结合案例研究,梳理科研院所专业化众创空间的建设思路.研究表明:相比传统众创空间的"自由生长"之路,专业化众创空间的建设和发展则走的是"精细耕作"之路,更加注重创新创业服务的质量和水平,具有新型研发机构属性的科研院所应是未来专业化众创空间建设的一个重要方向.最后,从立足专业优势、创新运行机制、完善融资渠道、做强创业平台等四个方面提出建设对策.  相似文献   

众创空间是指以创新2.0时代大众创新、开放创新、万众创业的趋势为背景,以互联网为依托,为大众创新创业者提供良好的工作空间、网络空间、社交空间和资源共享空间的创业服务社区以及低成本、便利化、全要素的开放式新型创业服务平台。研究湖北省众创空间的发展现状及存在的问题,对相关的典型机构进行调研,分析其运行现状及模式,给政府相关机构在管理和政策扶持方面提供参考建议。  相似文献   

"大众创业、万众创新"背景下,创业主体不断壮大、创业服务体系不断完善,科技创新创业工作成效显著.通过对湖北省创新创业发展现状的分析,提出从提升创新创业服务能力、加大对初创期科技型企业的支持力度、激励创业投资和天使投资等方面制定相关政策及措施,推动湖北省创新创业更好发展.  相似文献   

<正>近年来,在深入推动创新驱动发展战略和适应经济发展新常态的大背景下,浙江省温州市经济新模式、新业态不断涌现,"大众创业、万众创新"的局面逐渐在全社会蔚然成风。众创空间作为一种新型创新创业服务平台,顺应了网络时代创新创业特点和需求,对于推进科技创新、支撑经济转型、壮大小微企业,挖掘经济新动力、优化创业环境、带动社会就业,促进"大众创业、万众创新"的意义重大。如何进一步激发市场活力,有效扶持众创空间发展,成为当前需重点研究的课题。  相似文献   

党中央和国务院历来高度重视"三农"问题。随着"乡村振兴战略"的提出和"大众创业、万众创新"战略的深入推进,农村创新与创业掀起了一股热潮,并取得一定成效。但在发展过程中仍存在农村企业融资难、农业信息化不够健全、缺乏完备的创新创业教育体系和保险服务体系不够完善等问题。基于此,分析农村创新创业的现状,针对所存在的问题提出相关建议,为农村地区创新创业发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

正本刊讯为进一步推动孵化器和众创空间等新型创业服务平台建设发展,3月16日,四川省科技厅在成都举办"四川省科技孵化平台建设工作会"。来自全省承担科技服务业孵化平台建设项目的相关单位负责人及项目管理人员以及市、州科技管理部门分管负责人近160人参加了会议。科技厅副厅长田云辉出席会议并讲话。国家和省委、省政府高度重视大众创业、万众创新,大力推进创新创业载体建设,我省孵化器建设迎来了快速发  相似文献   

The multivariable approach to the synthesis of networks composed of a finite number of uniform lossless transmission lines, commensurable or incommensurable, and lumped passive elements is verified by showing that the multivariable rational matrix, W(λ01, .. ,λn) is bounded real in (n + 1) complex variables if and only if W is bounded real in p after substituting, λ0 = α0p + β0 and λi = tanh (αip + βi) for λi (1?i?n) where all the α's and β's are nonnegative and arbitrary, except for being not simultaneously zero in like indexed pairs. Consequences of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of temporally periodic “dissipative structure” solutions in cases of weak diffusion with the reaction rate terms dominant in a generic system of reaction-diffusion equations ?ci/?t = Di?2ci+Qi(c), where the enumerator index i runs 1 to n, ci = ci(x, t) denotes the concentration or density of the ith participating molecular or biological species, Di is the diffusivity constant for the ith species and Qi(c), an algebraic function of the n-tuple c = (c1,\3., cn), expresses the local rate of production of the ith species due to chemical reactions or biological interactions.  相似文献   

通过收集各渠道资料,分析近年来有关新型科研机构的政策、文件、调研等一系列活动,指出新型科研机构已成为今后发展的重要方面;并通过对国内新型科研机构的发展举措和动向进行梳理,提出促进新型科研机构发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

After the significant discovery of the hole-doped nickelate compound Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2, analyses of the electronic structure, orbital components, Fermi surfaces and band topology could be helpful to understand the mechanism of its superconductivity. Based on first-principle calculations, we find that Ni states contribute the largest Fermi surface. The states form an electron pocket at Γ, while 5dxy states form a relatively bigger electron pocket at A. These Fermi surfaces and symmetry characteristics can be reproduced by our two-band model, which consists of two elementary band representations: B1g@1a ⊕ A1g@1b. We find that there is a band inversion near A, giving rise to a pair of Dirac points along M-A below the Fermi level upon including spin-orbit coupling. Furthermore, we perform density functional theory based Gutzwiller (DFT+Gutzwiller) calculations to treat the strong correlation effect of Ni 3d orbitals. In particular, the bandwidth of has been renormalized largely. After the renormalization of the correlated bands, the Ni 3dxy states and the Dirac points become very close to the Fermi level. Thus, a hole pocket at A could be introduced by hole doping, which may be related to the observed sign change of the Hall coefficient. By introducing an additional Ni 3dxy orbital, the hole-pocket band and the band inversion can be captured in our modified model. Besides, the nontrivial band topology in the ferromagnetic two-layer compound La3Ni2O6 is discussed and the band inversion is associated with Ni and La 5dxy orbitals.  相似文献   

This report presents the results from a study of mathematical models relating to the usage of information systems. For each of four models, the papers developed during the study provide three types of analyses: reviews of the literature relevant to the model, analytical studies, and tests of the models with data drawn from specific operational situations. (1) The Cobb-Douglas model: x0 = ax1bx2(1?b).This classic production model, normally interpreted as applying to the relationship between production, labor, and capital, is applied to a number of information related contexts. These include specifically the performance of libraries, both public and academic, and the use of information resources by the nation's industry. The results confirm not only the utility of the Cobb-Douglas model in evaluation of the use of information resources, but demonstrate the extent to which those resources currently are being used at significantly less than optimum levels. (2) Mixture of Poissons:
χ0 = i=0nij=0p njemj(mj)′/i!
where x0 is the usage and (nj,mj),j = 0 to p, are the p + 1 components of the distribution. This model of heterogeneity is applied to the usage of library materials and of thesaurus terms. In each case, both the applicability and the analytical value of the model are demonstrated. (3) Inverse effects of distance: x = a e?md if c(d) = rdx = ad?m if c(d) = r log(d).These two models reflect different inverse effects of distance, the choice depending upon the cost of transportation. If the cost,c(d), is linear, the usage is inverse exponential; if logarithmic, the usage is inverse power. The literature that discusses the relationship between usage of facilities and the distance from them is reviewed. The models are tested with data from the usage of the Los Angeles Public Library, both Central Library and branches, based on a survey of 3662 users. (4) Weighted entropy:
S(x1,x2,...,xn)= -i=1n r(xiP(xi)log(p(xi)).
This generalization of the “entropy measure of information” is designed to accommodate the effects of “relevancy”, as measured by r(x), upon the performance of information retrieval systems. The relevant literature is reviewed and the application to retrieval systems is considered.  相似文献   

A well-known discrete stability test is used to derive from the denominator D(z) of a given stable high-order transfer function G(z), the denominator of a low-order approximant of G(z). The proposed method, based on the truncation and inversion of a continued fraction formed with the coefficients of D(z), yields a reduced denominator d(z) of degree, say m, which is always stable. Furthermore, depending on the neglected parts of the continued fraction, d(z) approximates m1 and m2 = mm1 zeros of D(z), located very near the points z=1 and z=-1, respectively. In the special case m1=m, d(z) is identical to the polynomial obtained by applying to D(z) the indirect technique, which combines the bilinear transformation with the Routh or the Schwarz approximation method.  相似文献   

Human intelligence plays a significant role in the operation of a multi-agent system. This study proposes a control framework that allows a human operator to collaboratively interact with a swarm robot to accomplish environmental exploration, detection, and coverage. A ri-limited Voronoi partition is proposed herein for improving the all-territory sensing range for coverage control. Subsequently, an interactive control framework and control algorithms are presented for an abstract task function that allows a human operator to control the movement of a swarm robot in a working environment. Environmental information is fed back to the master devices so that the human operator can realize the swarm robots coverage control situation. Stability and position tracking with static coverage control and input-to-state stability with dynamic coverage control of the human-swarm system are investigated. The efficiency and efficacy of the proposed system are validated via numerical examples and experiments.  相似文献   

Logarithmic finite-size scaling of the O(n) universality class at the upper critical dimensionality (dc = 4) has a fundamental role in statistical and condensed-matter physics and important applications in various experimental systems. Here, we address this long-standing problem in the context of the n-vector model (n = 1, 2, 3) on periodic four-dimensional hypercubic lattices. We establish an explicit scaling form for the free-energy density, which simultaneously consists of a scaling term for the Gaussian fixed point and another term with multiplicative logarithmic corrections. In particular, we conjecture that the critical two-point correlation g(r, L), with L the linear size, exhibits a two-length behavior: follows governed by the Gaussian fixed point at shorter distances and enters a plateau at larger distances whose height decays as with a logarithmic correction exponent. Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations, we provide complementary evidence for the predictions through the finite-size scaling of observables, including the two-point correlation, the magnetic fluctuations at zero and nonzero Fourier modes and the Binder cumulant. Our work sheds light on the formulation of logarithmic finite-size scaling and has practical applications in experimental systems.  相似文献   

Numerous reasons regarding why people should seek health information exist, but empirical evidence has indicated that factors that influence health information seeking (HIS) differ according to the context. To make suggestions based on explicit and judicious use of the best available evidence, a meta-analytic review was undertaken. In the present review, 16 electronic databases were searched up to July 2019, empirical results of 71 primary studies that met inclusion criteria were coded, and seven antecedents that commonly affect HIS behavior were examined. We obtained 204 correlation coefficients from 90 independent subsets with a total of 74,171 respondents. The results indicated that self-efficacy (ESr = 0.254), health literacy (ESr = 0.222), availability (ESr = 0.412), credibility (ESr = 0.308), emotional response (ESr = 0.090), and subjective norms (ESr = 0.443) substantially influenced individuals’ HIS, and subjective norms was the most influential factor. Individuals’ behavior usually aligns with the opinions of other critical individuals in their lives, and this phenomenon was observed in the present study of the HIS context. In addition, eight variables were examined as potential moderators (i.e., roles of samples, gender, average age, topic, information channel, type of publication, data collecting method, and sampling method); statistically significant effects on some of the aggregated correlations were noted for all of these variables.  相似文献   

We present numerical simulations of DNA-chip hybridization, both in the “static” and “dynamical” cases. In the static case, transport of free targets is limited by molecular diffusion; in the dynamical case, an efficient mixing is achieved by chaotic advection, with a periodic protocol using pumps in a rectangular chamber. This protocol has been shown to achieve rapid and homogeneous mixing. We suppose in our model that all free targets are identical; the chip has different spots on which the probes are fixed, also all identical, and complementary to the targets. The reaction model is an infinite sink potential of width dh, i.e., a target is captured as soon as it comes close enough to a probe, at a distance lower than dh. Our results prove that mixing with chaotic advection enables much more rapid hybridization than the static case. We show and explain why the potential width dh does not play an important role in the final results, and we discuss the role of molecular diffusion. We also recover realistic reaction rates in the static case.  相似文献   

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