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香港第三届亚洲国际城市门球邀请赛,由香港门球总会主办,于2007年金秋十月在香港九龙体育运动场的天然草坪场地(足球场)上隆重举行。有来自韩国、日本、印度等国家和中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾等地区的40支门球队参赛。经过近百场较量,香港昇晖队、中石队、扬威队分获一、二、三名。本次比赛的天然草坪场地,草丛深厚,分布不均,高低疏密不等,地面不平,摩擦阻力很大,球体在草丛中往往形成不规则的蹦跳改向运动,这给技战术的运用和发挥,造成不少困难。许多打惯了沙土场地或人工草坪场地的门球队,乍一上草坪场地打球,很不适应。尽管如此,这次比赛仍打出了相当高的水  相似文献   

足球场草坪,作为足球运动的根本,其质量的好坏是影响和决定比赛的关键因素。本文根据国内外足球场草坪的发展历程,分别对足球场天然草坪和人造草坪进行了论述,并根据各自的特点对选择合适的草坪提出一些建议。  相似文献   

高尔夫球场草坪质量的高低是与其建造水平、养护管理水平密切相关的。在欧美国家,球场从前期的建造一直到后期的草坪管理都会与一些专业实验室保持密切的联系,通过定期进行土壤或其它样品的测试,提高球场的建造水平或养护管理水平。  相似文献   

草坪作为高尔夫球场的生命,越来越受到大家的重视,维护一个健康精致的草坪,以满足客人打球的需要,是高尔夫球场草坪总监的任务。那么草坪总监与球场建造有着怎样的关系呢?近来笔者看了一些球场,由于球场建造期间草坪总监的缺位,给高尔夫球场经营和草坪养护管理带来了诸多问题。如草种选择不当、草源不纯、反季节植草对后期养护管理的影响等等,[编者按]  相似文献   

吕井存 《体育教学》2011,31(1):73-73
学校每年举办春、秋季田径运动会,都有铅球比赛项目。过去因为学校场地设备简陋,每次铅球比赛都在泥地上进行,使用铅球抵趾板比较方便,只需用两根铁钎加以固定就可。随着办学条件的不断改善,几年前学校修建了塑胶跑道,并在运动场的中间建起了人工草坪,有效地改善了同学们的学习和活动环境,真正做到了风天无尘,晴雨双用。  相似文献   

运动草坪是专供竞技和体育活动的草坪,如足球、曲棍球、马球、高尔夫球、橄榄球、垒球草坪场及儿童游戏活动草坪等。运动草坪分为天然草坪和人造草坪。天然草坪大约13世纪,英国有一种叫做庭木球(L awnBowling)的运动开始出现,这是最早在草坪上举行的运动项目,足球运动在草坪上进行则要到17世纪,在英国已有了公共足球场草坪。到了18世纪,除英国之外,德国、法国、澳大利亚等国草坪足球场也有很大的普及。值得一提的是1830年一位英国人发明了剪草机,这一发明不仅结束了利用羊啃食来维持草坪的历史,也极大地推动了草坪上包括足球在内的各项运动…  相似文献   

在高尔夫球场草坪养护过程中,杂草是较难防除的有害生物之一。不少草坪由于得不到及时有效的杂草治理而影响了草坪的质量,甚至出现草荒现象,破坏了球场的景观效果,造成了巨大的经济损失。在现行的草坪养护管理中不少地方主要依赖人工拔草,既影响了球场的经营。又不能拔除多年生杂草的地下根茎。  相似文献   

上海美侬(MEINONG)草坪工程有限公司自1997年创立起便在业内享有盛誉,业务范围涵盖整个中国。早在20世纪90年代,上海美侬便在中国上海市郊建立了800亩的砂坪草坪基地,致力于从国际领先的草坪种子公司引进适应中国市场的优良品种,繁育后直接面向中国的高尔夫球场、  相似文献   

夏威夷草坪经过苗期2-3个月的养护管理后,草坪成坪,从而进入常态管理-日常维护管理阶段,日常维护的管理和苗期管理是不完全一样的,一方面草坪已经成熟,所需的水分和养分不像苗期那么多,此时也开始可以使用海水或再生水进行灌溉了;另外一方面是球场进入经营阶段,剪草高度降低,设备碾压,践踏等,开始一种被我称为是“胁迫草坪管理”的日常草坪养护管理阶段。下面就从水分管理,养分管理,剪草,草坪的辅助管理措施和病虫害综合管理(下一期)等对夏威夷草的常态管理分几个方面进行[编者按]  相似文献   

<正>堪培拉是一座花园城市。它在澳大利亚方言里的意思是“聚会的地方”,在这里,除经特殊批准的建筑物以外,所有建筑物都不得超过三层;居民住宅不得建造围墙,只可用灌木丛做篱笆;居民必须把自己房前屋后的草坪整治好,再加上堪培拉也不允许建造任何大工厂,因此,那里的空气格外清新。  相似文献   

Artificial turf advances have enabled surfaces to behave like natural grass, however, debate remains as to whether artificial turf is as safe as natural grass. To reduce injury risk, sport surfaces should have low rotational traction with artificial surfaces having a potential advantage as components can be manipulated to change surface properties and traction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence that different components of artificial turf have on rotational traction and athlete lower extremity joint loading. Twelve surfaces underwent mechanical testing to determine the influence of fibre density, fibre length, infill composition and compaction on rotational traction. Following mechanical testing, Control, Low and High Traction surfaces were selected for biomechanical analysis, where sixteen athletes performed maximum effort v-cuts while kinematic/kinetic data were recorded on each surface. Mechanically, fibre density, type of infill and compaction of the surface each independently influenced traction. The traction differences were substantial enough to alter the athlete kinematics and kinetics. Low traction surfaces reduced ankle and knee loading, while high traction surfaces increased ankle and knee loading . Reducing the rotational traction of sport surfaces is possible through alterations of individual components, which may reduce the joint loading at the knee and ankle joint.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the traction characteristics of four different stud configurations on Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 2-Star, third-generation artificial soccer turf. The investigated stud configurations were hard ground design, firm ground design, soft ground design, and an experimental prototype. The concept of this study combines performance, perception, biomechanical, and mechanical testing procedures. Twenty-five soccer players took part in the different testing procedures. Variables of this study were: running times, subjective rankings/ratings, ground reaction forces, and mechanical traction properties. Statistical discrimination between the four stud configurations was shown for performance, perception, and biomechanical testing (p < 0.05). Unsuited stud configurations for playing on artificial turf are characterized by less plain distributed and pronounced studs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the traction characteristics of four different stud configurations on Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 2-Star, third-generation artificial soccer turf. The investigated stud configurations were hard ground design, firm ground design, soft ground design, and an experimental prototype. The concept of this study combines performance, perception, biomechanical, and mechanical testing procedures. Twenty-five soccer players took part in the different testing procedures. Variables of this study were: running times, subjective rankings/ratings, ground reaction forces, and mechanical traction properties. Statistical discrimination between the four stud configurations was shown for performance, perception, and biomechanical testing (p < 0.05). Unsuited stud configurations for playing on artificial turf are characterized by less plain distributed and pronounced studs.  相似文献   

研究目的掌握江西省体育场地发展变化的特点,为有关部门对体育场地的规划、建设和使用提供客观依据.研究方法运用时序分析、偏相关、曲线回归等方法对江西省第5次体育场地普查的数据资料进行动态分析.结论从1994年开始,江西省体育场地的数量、面积和投资金额均出现快速增长,年均增长率分别为22.7%、11.6%和34.7%;预计10年后体育场地的数量、面积和投资金额将分别为现在的2.9、3.0和3.3倍;反映体育场地规模的指标场地数量、面积和投资金额相关显著,但它们属共变关系,而非因果关系.  相似文献   

Natural turf pitches are used for many outdoor sports. Turf is a complex network of interacting organic material, soil textures and water content. Turf is susceptible to damage under large surface forces, caused by intensive player movements in rugby union and football. To assess and monitor surface stability, there needs to be a reliable test method for ground staff and other stakeholders. At present, no turf stability mechanical test method exists that represents player–surface interaction, especially to represent a linear movement across the surface such as in a rugby scrummage. This paper describes the development of a novel device for assessing turf stability. Verification was undertaken in the laboratory on a variety of controlled soil samples, and during a field study. The device measurements were shown to be sensitive to the shear strength of a high clay content soil at varying water content and to the density and type of sandy soils. A programme of field data on high quality pitches suggested a large effect of the turf root reinforcement. A conceptual model of soil failure induced by the device was developed to identify the key soil variables and support experimental data interpretation.  相似文献   

竞技体育软实力建设是竞技体育崛起的内在支撑因素,如果没有竞技体育软实力的建设、发展和不断完善,那么中国竞技体育的迅速崛起是不可能实现的。中国竞技体育崛起的软实力建设是由制度管理层、精神文化层和对外传播层构成,因此,只有把“软实力”建设统一于竞技体育的具体实践中才能实现中国竞技体育的真正崛起。  相似文献   

对我国体育院校英文门户网站建设现状进行调查。结果显示:体育院校对英文门户网站建设整体不够重视,体育类高校建有英文门户网站的比例略高于综合性大学体育院系(部),体育院校与国内知名综合性大学校级英文门户网站建设水平差距较大。提出我国体育院校英文门户网站在定位、团队、内容、流程和制度方面的建设策略。  相似文献   

采用文献研究、调研、逻辑分析等方法,介绍了我国高校高水平运动队发展的概况,阐述了加强高校高水平运动队建设对促进高校校园体育文化建设的作用,提出加强我国高校高水平运动队建设的途径。  相似文献   

Understanding the surface hardness of soccer fields is essential to evaluate the risk of injury and also its influence on the playing behavior of soccer players. In this context, newly developed hybrid turf systems have to be tested for their surface hardness with regard to the increased risk of injury on hard sports surfaces. The hardness of a soccer field can be quantitatively measured using an apparatus with a cylindrical weight that is dropped from a defined height. Since this procedure was first used for road construction, there are few studies investigating its use on sports grounds. This has led to inconsistencies in methodology and the absence of evaluation guidelines for classifying the hardness of soccer fields. This paper considers how turf systems (natural turf and hybrid turf) differ in their hardness and how this method can be used for different soccer turf systems. Natural turf systems, stitched turf systems, hybrid turf-bearing layer systems and woven mat systems were investigated. The assessment results from a comparative representation of hardness values of different soccer fields. By comparison, natural turf systems were found to be the softest, while woven mat systems were the hardest. Furthermore, the parameters that might affect the hardness were investigated. The influence of the measured soil parameters decreases with an increasing number of measurements per measuring point. Turf system-specific correlations make it possible to reduce the amount of measurement effort.  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to compare bone mass in young female athletes playing ball games on different types of playing surfaces. About 120 girls, 9–13 years of age (10.6 ± 1.5 years old Tanner I–III) were recruited and divided into prepubertal and pubertal groups. The sample represented 3 groups of athletes: soccer (N = 40), basketball (N = 40), and handball (N = 40); and 6 different playing surfaces (soccer – ground, soccer – artificial turf, basketball – synthetic, basketball – parquet, handball – synthetic, and handball – smooth concrete). Total and regional body composition (bone mass, fat mass, and lean mass) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The mechanical properties of the surfaces (force reduction, vertical deformation, and energy return) were measured with the Advanced Artificial Athlete (Triple A) method. The degree of sexual development was determined using Tanner test. The pubertal group showed that soccer players on the ground, basketball players on synthetic, and handball players on smooth concrete had higher values of bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) (< 0.05) than the soccer players on the artificial turf, basketball players on parquet, and handball players on synthetic. In conclusion, a hard playing surface, with less vertical deformation and force reduction, and greater energy return, is associated with higher levels of BMD and BMC in growing girls, regardless of the sport they practice.  相似文献   

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