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陈飞 《中学生英语》2006,(10):23-23
All of us want to welcome the festival with a clean house. Who does the cleaning in your family? Maybe your parents do it. You are a member of the family, so you should do something, too. What if you hate cleaning?  相似文献   

最近世界上地震、海啸等自然灾害频繁发生给当地的人民造成了严重的损失,也使人们的精神心理受到了严重打击,这些都容易引起一系列心理反应,如果这种心理反映过于强烈或持续存在,就可能导致精神疾患。本文旨在运用心理学与社会心理学的方法,通过专业的心理干预,从而使得人的心理伤害最大程度地减少。  相似文献   

Violent conflict and humanitarian disasters such as floods, famines, or tsunamis, have existed since the start of human history. However, it is only recently that education in these emergency situations has emerged as a visible organizational field. We aim to use a unique theoretical application of sociological neo‐institutionalism to explain the rapid and recent rise of emergency education as a professional field, focusing specifically on the creation of global standards called the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction. We argue that international standards in emergency education arise due to the institutionalization of education as a human right and rationalization of approaches to solving social problems. A key implication of our argument is that decoupling between formal standards and on‐the‐ground practice is likely to be endemic, lessening the day‐to‐day utility of the standards. However, the creation of international standards and an organizational field of emergency education professionals may provide long‐term benefits by contributing to the re‐definition of humanitarian intervention to include education.  相似文献   

公共危机预警机制研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据公共危机预警所需要的快速性、准确性和公开性特征,建立危机预警机制的目的应体现为对危机信息的及时搜集和发现以及发布两个方面。建立危机预警的关键是建立包括危机预警综合信息系统、气象、地震、海洋灾害预警系统和经济危机预警系统在内的高效信息系统。此外,还应建立社会心理预警机制,以及完备的信息搜集、信息管理和信息发布制度。  相似文献   

1923年关东大地震给东京、横滨等地带来了重大的人员伤亡和财产损失,火灾、海啸、山崩等次生灾害是导致惨况的主因。日政府立即采取多种措施救灾,国际社会也纷纷给予援助,使得此次抗震救灾具有及时、互助等特征。加强城市防灾御灾规划,则是关东大地震留给我们的警示。  相似文献   


Twenty‐eight states and the District of Columbia currently provide due process for gifted students. When parents or administrators cannot settle a dispute at the local school board level, some states by law and/or regulation offer aggrieved parties the right to mediation or due process. Seven states reported holding 26 due process hearings during the years 1992–1995. This article examines these due process hearings describing the types of issues involved and the outcomes of the hearings. The authors report that disparate issues are handled in due process hearings, and they conclude that due process hearings are an inexpensive and relatively expeditious way to resolve disputes in gifted education in comparison to going to court.  相似文献   

留学生汉字偏误研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以综述的方式对我国汉字偏误研究的发展情况进行了梳理和分类;对不同时期的汉字偏误著作、研充重点、取得成果以及现存的问题进行了分析和论述。  相似文献   

闽粤内陆地区有许多崇奉海神的妈祖庙,有人认为其传播的主要媒介是商人和船工,然而,仔细分析建庙原因,可发现它们有部分是因航运的需要,有部分是因林姓的移民关系。虽不能排除有其他理由如"显灵"、受到妈祖恩惠等关系建立起来的,但是,真正把妈祖信仰传播到闽粤内陆的主要力量应是航运业和林姓移民。  相似文献   

李秉德先生不仅是教学论专家,同时也是较早讨论教学设计的专家。其教学论要研究教学设计的思想,教学论注重设计的思想,教学设计需要主题聚焦的思想,教学设计注重与具体学科结合的思想,教学设计注重灵活的思想,教学设计注重方法和策略的思想对我们今天研究教学设计依旧具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

本文对一般压力容器出现的因设计有误、强度不足、焊缝质量低劣、运行管理不规范等发生的事故及原因进行了综合分析.目的在于为从事压力容器设计、制造和操作管理者提供一些经验和教训,并尽可能的防止和杜绝该类事故的发生与重演.  相似文献   

采用傅立叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR法)分别对普洱市生产的5个普洱茶(熟茶)样品,进了快速无损的比较研究。结果表明,由云南大叶种类加工的5种普洱茶(熟茶),由于发酵方法不同,或者贮存时间不同,虽然它们所含的化学成分相同,但各组分含量不同;它们的红外光谱比较相似,但仍存在差异。红外光谱分析法,从分子水平上反映了不同发酵方法和不同存留时间对普洱茶(熟茶)的影响。该法无损、快速、准确,所需样品少,为客观评价普洱茶(熟茶)的研究,提供了一种新的方法和手段。实验表明,普洱茶(熟茶)中茶多酚和氨基酸的含量变化反映在红外图谱中1238cm-1吸收峰和1518cm-1吸收峰的变化上面。  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that rats display both primacy and recency effects in list-learning experiments for both item- and order-recognition memory for spatial location information. Contrary to a suggestion made by Gaffan (1992) that previous demonstrations of primacy effects in rats are not valid due to statistical and methodological problems, we show that (1) it is not likely that our results are due to experimenter bias and/or nonindependence of trials, (2) primacy and recency effects are obtained whether or not one uses a training criterion, and (3) when many of the published reports from our laboratory are combined, the number of subjects and trials are sufficient to evaluate the validity of primacy and recency effects in list-learning experiments.  相似文献   

新兴的软式排球运动,技术简单易学,被教育部列为九年制义务教育体育教学大纲的正式内容,但在内江市开展得并不广泛.通过对内江六中软式排球教学实验与问卷调查,分析了内外部原因,但主要原因在内部,由此提出了在内江市中学普及软式排球教学的相应对策,为今后推广中学软式排球教学起到促进作用.  相似文献   

农村初中学生辍学问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对发达地区、中等发达地区和欠发达地区及少数民族地区辍学1至3年的101名初中辍学学生的调查,发现有47%的学生辍学是因为学习方面的原因,21%的学生辍学是因为家庭经济方面的原因,因为家庭发生突发事件辍学的学生占10%,其余学生辍学的原因包括师生关系、同伴关系、亲子关系不良等。可见社会、学校和家庭的不良影响是导致辍学的外部客观原因,而学生自身的心理行为问题和学业不良是导致辍学的内部主观原因;不良的同伴关系、师生关系、亲子关系是导致辍学的中介因素。因此,应加大政府支持和资助的力度,为防止辍学提供政策性支持,同时,要改善就学环境,加强学校与社区、家庭的合作,重视学习不良的学生,为防止辍学营造良好的周围环境。  相似文献   

Two Lagrange multiplier (LM) methods may be used in specification searches for adding parameters to models: one based on univariate LM tests and respecification of the model (LM‐respecified method) and the other based on a partitioning of multivariate LM tests (LM‐incremental method). These methods may result in extraneous parameters being included in models due to either sampling error or the model being misspecified. A 2‐stage specification search may be used to reduce errors due to misspecification. In the 1st stage, parameters are added to models based on LM tests to maximize fit. Second, parameters added in the 1st stage are deleted if they are no longer necessary to maintain model fit. Illustrations are presented to demonstrate that errors due to misspecification occur with the LM‐respecified method and are even more likely with the LM‐incremental approach. These illustrations also show how the deletion stage can help eliminate some of these errors.  相似文献   

正当法律程序权利是美国刑事诉讼宪法性诉讼权利之一。普通法中的正当法律程序权利可以追溯到英国具有宪法意义的1215年《大宪章》。在联邦最高法院的创造性努力下,正当法律程序权利已经不再是当初权利法案通过时的“在许多方面明显多余”的规定,它已经成为在刑事诉讼中要求政府行使权力的方式方法符合基本公平要求的系统性的最低限度程序公正标准。  相似文献   

Rubin’s classic missingness mechanisms are central to handling missing data and minimizing biases that can arise due to missingness. However, the formulaic expressions that posit certain independencies among missing and observed data are difficult to grasp. As a result, applied researchers often rely on informal translations of these assumptions. We present a graphical representation of missing data mechanism, formalized in Mohan, Pearl, and Tian (2013). We show that graphical models provide a tool for comprehending, encoding, and communicating assumptions about the missingness process. Furthermore, we demonstrate on several examples how graph-theoretical criteria can determine if biases due to missing data might emerge in some estimates of interests and which auxiliary variables are needed to control for such biases, given assumptions about the missingness process.  相似文献   

Zn-Ni电沉积表现出典型的异常共沉积行为,即电极电位负的Zn2+更容易还原析出 以常用的氯化物体系作为研究对象,用动电位(电流)扫描、电流阶跃、常规脉冲极谱等方法,并结合非水溶剂试验对Zn-Ni合金电沉积过程进行研究 结果表明,Zn-Ni异常电沉积的动力学原因是:由于H+还原析出、阴极扩散层pH升高,导致Zn2+水解生成Zn(OH)2,Zn(OH)2胶体在阴极上吸附阻滞了Ni2+的还原过程,而Zn2+则可以Zn(OH)n(2-n)+形式直接放电  相似文献   

针对北京地铁“复-八”线王府井站西南风道施工过程中的降水问题及由降水引起的沉降计算问题进行讨论。通过自编的程序时“承压-潜水”井的降水过程进行计算。并与3D—Flow的计算结果进行了比较。并计算了由于降水而引起的地面沉降。  相似文献   

Nature watch     
Sea turtles are a fascinating group of marine reptiles that evolved millions of years ago. They show an intriguing variety of strategies to deal with their aquatic mode of life. Their migrations are legendary, and the mass nesting of the Ridleys is one of nature's most extraordinary spectacles. The eight species are all endangered due to human activities. While some have been exploited for meat, others have suffered due to factors such as pollution. This article details some of the more interesting aspects of their life history and examines their decline in recent times.  相似文献   

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