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李佳蔚 《海外英语》2014,(18):290-293
The paper presents an analytical study on the American society through a popular American drama series "the Desperate House Wives". Typical American values can be found everywhere on the show as they have been ingrained in the soul of the American people. As a nation with not very long history but great achievements, its people are the one that should be highlighted. Unlike China, the nation of which have formed since thousands of years ago, so has its culture, America’s history is an immigration history. People started migrating from other parts of the world since the 17 thcentury and gathered at the land of America to build up their new homes and realize their dreams. They influence each other and fuse with each other. America is one of the countries in the world that plural cultures successfully mix together.The paper focuses on the American people’s daily life to explain to the readers the American traits and values prevailing in their society. Except the Foreword which is the general introduction to the paper, this paper is presented in five parts. The first part to the forth part are the emphasis of the paper which respectively analyze the American traits and values. A series of vivid examples are provided with a wide range of study objects, man and woman, kids to elders, in hope of making the paper understandable and persuasive. It is expected that the study can offer a general idea to the people who are interested in the American society and its people.  相似文献   

刘玉霞  黎萌  周敏 《海外英语》2012,(12):279-280
This paper first introduced the main contents of the movie:Forrest Gump.On one hand,the movie advocates truth as well as honesty.It tries to help people to get rid of the alienation of modern civilization,and find the true beauty of human nature.On the other hand it makes the movie a classic of contemporary American culture.The essay made some analysis to the years and events which the movie has talked about.Then by detailed analyzing of the main character:Jenny,and the comparison between Jenny and Forrest,their different fates and the values they represent,the paper highlighted the different destiny caused by the values they hold and showed that they were strongly influenced by the mixture of culture values of that period.At last,with the combination of the main characters Jenny and Forrest,it indicates that different life values have melted into one,and the subculture finally gave way to the main culture.  相似文献   

俞鹏飞 《海外英语》2011,(3):266-267
In all the culture of the world, compliment is always one kind of communicative applications, which is quite frequently used, we see compliment both in China and the United States. By reason of the culture difference of different countries, Chinese and American often have diverse responses and attitudes toward the compliment, which directly cause their different responses when they make reactions to the compliment.[1]From study, we see the difference is mainly in the following, on one hand, the Chinese are often very implicative toward the compliment and they respect all other people while they are quite humble when in the communication, on the other hand, the American are much more public, although they also respect other people, they are not keeping humble at the same time.  相似文献   

何琳 《海外英语》2011,(7):270-271
The work an American Tragedy is a great work of tragedy.The two main characters,Clide and Robert are typical tragic characters.The author will analyze the work from the perspective of Aristotle’s study of tragedy(悲剧论) and Hegel’s typical character(典型人物性格说).The heroine Robert more or less accords with the typical tragic character that Aristotle and Hegel describe in their studies.Although there are some contradictions with their opinions about tragic character and typical character,in my opinion,an American Tragedy is a great work of tragedy and both the hero and heroine are typical tragic characters.  相似文献   

程相利 《海外英语》2013,(1):222-223
Plato and Aristotle are both great philosophers in Greek,and Plato is the teacher of Aristotle.But their attitudes to the philosophy and art are quite different from each other.In Plato’s point of view,all poets should be rebelled out of his republic as they will lead the ordinary people to a wrong way;but to Aristotle,poets and the poetry they write should be admired because they will make good effects on the people and the society.This paper is going to discuss about their different attitudes to the so cial function of the poetry in three aspects:the content and the effect of the poetry;the nature of poetry.  相似文献   

李林斌 《海外英语》2013,(16):182-183
David Wong Louie demonstrates the emotional pangs between the immigrant parent Mrs. Pang and her Americanized children in Pangs of Love. Through examining the source of the pangs, this paper argues that characters’pangs mainly stem from confrontations between their different cultural identities. Focusing on the way of dealing with conflicts of cultural identities in contemporary Chinese American families, this paper illuminates that Chinese Americans need to cross cultural borders and negotiate cultural identity between Chinese and American cultures under the circumstance of globalization.  相似文献   

The Beat Generation(BG) and the Angry Man(AYM) both emerged after the Second World War.Thus,the misunderstanding of the two has existed for a long time.Large quantities of people called the BG the American Angry Young Man.Undoubtedly,the two resembled each other to some extent.However,the BG and the AYM can’t be treated alike,for their differences far outweighed their similarities.This paper aims to analyze their differences in many aspects like the national environment and their memberships,which consequently led to other differences such as the differences in essences,features,influence and finale.  相似文献   

杨美君 《海外英语》2011,(9):377-378
In Wuthering Heights,Heathcliff and Hareton are technically enemies but they share many similarities,such as their growing environment,feeling of inferiority complex,and their intensive persistence in love for their beloved.The major difference between them is the attitude towards revenge and tolerance.Depicting the similarity and difference between the two characters that starts with the same fate but ends with completely different consequence,Emily Bronte indicates the karma that avenger will suffer from the evil consequence committed by himself and tolerance is the true virtue.  相似文献   

林冬梅  赵慧 《海外英语》2014,(7):185-186
Jane Eyre and A Dream of Red Mansions can be regarded as the most famous two classics in the history of literature.In A Dream of Red Mansions,Cao Xueqin exhausted almost all his heart and soul to portray the character─Lin Daiyu,whose tragic and impressive love story has moved thousands of readers into tears.While,Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre raised heated discussion in 19th century because of the vivid and energetic female she depicted in her book.By comparison,it is easy to find that there are some similarities between the two characters.However,their fates are quite different.This paper tries to make a comparison between Jane Eyre and Lin Daiyu,review their life experience,analyze possible reasons that may account for the different fates,and draw a conclusion.Hope that this paper can do some help to those who are interested in literature home and abroad.  相似文献   

Each language has its profound cultural intension relative to its own physiology,convention,religious belief and so on.English and Chinese idioms,closely related to their culture,convey different cultural features and message of their own nation,reflecting their own rich culture.Based on my study,the differences between English and Chinese idioms are presented in the following aspects. 1.Regional Cultural Differences Region culture refers to the culture formed by the different geographical condition,living environment,living condition.As we know,that English and Chinese idioms closely relate to their cultural background,carry different cultural features and messages of their own nation,reflecting their own rich culture.It is the case that English and Chinese people live in absolutely different?geographical condition,living environment and living condition,so they have their own unique characters of culture.  相似文献   

中国梦事关国家富强、民族振兴,蕴涵着个人梦和民众幸福,个人梦事关个人的幸福和价值目标,影响着国家民族整体目标的实现。中国梦和个人梦相互影响相互缠绕在一起。当代大学生要想在中国梦的实现中有所作为,就必须把中国梦和个人梦有机结合起来,对中国梦的本质内涵和实现条件有一个清醒认识,对中国梦的参照系数和实现目标有一个正确态度,明确在实现中国梦中应该肩负的时代责任。  相似文献   

中国梦不同于美国梦和欧洲梦,它是根植于中国社会的土壤之中,在充分借鉴和吸收外国梦的基础上,形成的中国人自己的梦。这使得中国梦带有浓厚的中国色彩。中国梦以中国道路、中国精神、中国力量为路径,作为推动梦想实现的内生动力;中国梦的独特意涵在于将国家民族的宏伟梦想和个人的具体梦想有机的融合;中国梦以"梦"这个中国老百姓喜闻乐见、心领神会的独特话语来诠释中国人民的共同理想。这些都充分体现出了中国梦的中国特色。  相似文献   

American dream has always been an overwhelming topic in American literature which attracts the attention of scholars and researchers.Unfortunately,American dream is not always realized by everyone as only a few excellent people are fortunate enough to achieve great success while the majority’s dream is doomed to disillusionment and turn into a nightmare.This paper is going to illustrate the disillusionment of American dreams of both the daughters and the mothers in The Joy Luck Club.  相似文献   

大学发展融入中国梦的路径主要表现在以下三方面:大学是实现中国梦的重要场域,大学必须自觉融会到民族复兴的宏伟大业之中,切实提升自己的社会担当意识与服务社会的能力;大学必须以培育年轻人的梦想为己任,大学作为年轻人筑梦的场域,所展现出来的应该是年轻人朝气蓬勃、襟怀开阔的生命气象;大学必须拥有自主发展与自我超越的梦想,主要表现为大学核心价值、实践形态与现代大学制度体系的完善,由此而让越来越多的大学体现出世界一流大学的精神气质。  相似文献   

任璧莲在小说《典型的美国佬》中,通过迁徙母题,巧妙地展示了华裔移民追求美国梦的心路历程。表面上,作家延续着“美国梦”叙事,实际却运用一个个运动的迁徙意象,质疑美国梦,揭示华裔移民美国梦的虚幻和移民在美国社会所遭遇的残酷现实。  相似文献   

I examine and question whether the goal, or dream, of service-learning has been actualized in practice. I raise the possibility that what educators dream of—a critical service-learning able to ameliorate persistent real-world inequities—may be a case of their dreaming being fulfilled, rather than their dreams. More specifically, I argue that although the dream of critical service-learning has been incredibly successful at driving research and practice in higher education, it has not fulfilled the goal of impacting the very people and communities educators purport to serve. Thus, the groups most wishing for the success of critical service-learning are those whose dreams are most fulfilled. I offer a set of tenets that, I hope, will encourage educators to dream different dreams.  相似文献   

比较了狄更斯的《远大前程》和菲茨杰拉德的《了不起的盖茨比》的异同之处,指出两部作品中所映现的欧洲梦和美国梦的实质,并分析了作者身世与作品主人公之间的联系。本文从文学作品中总结经验,分析中国梦的深刻内涵。  相似文献   

美国戏剧家阿瑟·密勒在戏剧《推销员之死》中塑造了几位耽于身份认同危机的人物,威利·洛曼和他的两个儿子向往成功,但在追寻成功的道路上不能认清自己的身份角色,酿成了家庭悲剧.本文从认同危机角度,分析他们的认同危机是如何在现实与梦想的矛盾中产生并形成悲剧的.  相似文献   

弗洛伊德认为梦境是"一种有意义、有价值的心理现象",小说中的梦境不仅是故事本身的组成部分,而且也是叙事手法的组成部分,既是小说描写的延伸,又推动了故事情节的发展。美国著名女作家卡森·麦卡勒斯在其小说《金色眼睛的映像》中巧妙运用梦境的迁移、补偿和预测功能,使故事叙事虚实相生,人物性格及扭曲心理得以更好地凸显,深化了她一以贯之的精神隔绝和人性荒诞的主题描写。  相似文献   

美国文学与美国梦   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国学记录了有着200多年历史的美国不同时期的梦想,一部美国学史可以说是一部美国梦的历史。作家笔下一个个的学形象代表了各种各样的梦,构成了美国化光怪陆离的色彩,从中可以看出美国资本主义社会发展的各个时期的价值观念和化心理特征。  相似文献   

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