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学生:按计划,由于考试课程之间的时间冲突,我将会有一门加考课程拉在最后,即10月份没有课程所考,那我是否可以先申请写论文,等到明年4月最后一门考出后,申请毕业. 老师:可与主考学校商议。  相似文献   

每次考完试,同事们总在办公室议论纷纷:“题目要求写大写字母,而有的学生却写成小写的。”“人家要求把字按笔画数从少到多排列,有的学生却从多到少排列。”……是的,尽管每次考试前,老师都会严肃地告诫学生要认真审题,看仔细后再做,然而每次考试总有许多学生因马虎而失分。这使我想起了一个关于考试的小故事,我根据这个小故事也出了一份试卷。试卷跟平时的测试卷没什么两样,只是试卷的第一题是:请你认真读完所有题目;最后一道是:如果你已经读完了所有题目,请只做第二题。时间:15分钟。试卷发下去后,我一字一顿地说:“请同学们认真审题后再…  相似文献   

《财务会计》课程是财会专业学生的一门专业必修课,也是一门比较难学的课程。教学时间少,课程内容多,学员学起来有一定的难度。为了配合各教学班的教学进度,特分阶段出两套模拟试题,供学员自测,以检验学习效果。电大成人班(含普专班)的考试题型近年来有很大的变化,趋向于注册视听生的考试,试卷内容点多面广,每道题的分值减少,鉴于此种情况,该模拟试题均按注册视听生《财务会计》考试题型及给分要求而编,每套试卷均按满分100分计。  相似文献   

<正>一、试卷分析(一)试卷结构和试题特点2017年是高考考试大纲微调后的第一次考试,试卷的称谓、结构、内容和特点均有所变化。1.称谓变化(1)试卷名称变化2017年的试卷名称由原来的"汉语文"改为了"汉语",实现了教科书、课程标准、考试大纲、高考试卷关于这门课程称谓的完全一致。称谓的统一有助于教师厘清"汉语"这门课程的内涵、性质和地位。去掉了"文"字后的汉语课程,作为一门学习运用国家通用语言文字的基础性、实践性课程,主要任务是遵循汉语  相似文献   

《财务会计》课程是财会专业学生的一门专业必修课,也是一门比较难学的课程.教学时间短,课程内容多,学员学起来有一定的难度.为了配合各教学班的教学进度,特分阶段出两套模拟试题,供学员自测,以检验学习效果.电大成人班(含普专班)的考试题型近年来有很大的变化,趋向于注册视听生的考试,试卷内容点多面广,每道题的分值减少,鉴于此种情况,该模拟试题均按注册视听生《财务会计》考试题型及给分要求而编,每套试卷均按满分100分计.  相似文献   

根据课程改革的需要,江西省2012年中考实行物理和化学同场分卷考试,物理试卷结构有较大的变化。一、试卷结构的变化考试的时间改为90分钟,试卷的总分100分,试题个数22个。试卷中难题的分值比例不超过总分的25%,全卷的得分率难度系数控制在0.60左右。试卷采用的题型有客观性试题、主观性试题、材料阅读题等。这里客观性试题指选择题(单选、双选、多选)、填空题等,主观性试题指简答题、实验题、计算题。  相似文献   

科学课程的核心理念之一是突出科学探究。为了充分体现这一精神,浙江省各地市的初中毕业生《科学》学业考试试卷都相应设置了实验探究题,加强对学生实验与探究能力的考核。可是,在平时的教学中,笔者发现学生是很怕实验探究题的,失分较多。本文结合去年中考原题,谈谈《科学》实验探究题的设计,以期对教师的教和学生的学有一定的帮助。一、撷取经典实验科学课程是一门以实验为基础的综合自然学科,科  相似文献   

1994中秋季的哲学课,依然采用以往的教学方法与考试形式、期末考试重点是哲学基本原理;考试形式是闭卷;考题题型包括:解释概念、简答题、判断说明题、论还题四种;备有多套试卷,由中央电大考试处掌握题库,随机抽取试卷.  相似文献   

一、对1991年高考物理试题的总的评价是好的,是一份高质量的试题。 1.今年首次公布了《考试说明》,这就使命题人员和考生都有了一致的、较过去明确的依据。 2.1991年高考物理试题的内容和试卷结构都实现了《考试说明》中给出的要求,尤其突出体现了对考生各方面能力的要求。 3.试题在现代考试理论的指导下,吸收了近年考试研究的成果。命题质量不断完善,试卷模式趋于稳定。①题量大(34道题);题目小型化;客观性题多。题型、题量与1990年高考物理试题基本一致。单项选择题26分;多项选择题24分;填空题24分;实验大题8分;计算题18分。这样的试卷模式能较好地发挥不同题型的不同的考查功能。②试题覆盖面大,对学生掌握物理知识的情况  相似文献   

目前,部分高校"思想道德修养与法律基础"课程的考试模式仍然是学生日常表现和期末考试试卷两部分组成。这种考试模式忽视了大学生对所学知识的深刻理解、实际掌握和灵活运用。课题组根据考试改革的有关信息设计了一份调查问卷,对河北某高校的200名"大二"的学生进行了调查。针对调查数据,制订了课程考试改革的具体措施。  相似文献   

公共课网上考试系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校每学期都要组织多门公共基础课的考试,为提高教师的工作效率,在此以《计算机应用基础》网上考试系统为例,介绍如何使用Access数据库管理系统和ASP网页开发技术设计基于校园网的考试系统。  相似文献   

学校每学期都要组织多门公共基础课的考试,为提高教师的工作效率,在此以《计算机应用基础》网上考试系统为例,介绍如何使用Access数据库管理系统和ASP网页开发技术设计基于校园网的考试系统。  相似文献   

The goal of the Department of Biological Sciences faculty was to evaluate how effectively our undergraduate biology program supports the goals and intended outcomes of our department and institution. Student responses in written assessment tests have provided the foundation of this evaluation. Each semester questions were selected by a departmental faculty committee to address student outcomes. The questions were administered in the first examination/quiz of the semester in several introductory through upper level courses. Student grades were analyzed by class rank (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) and course level (100, 200, 300, and 400) for biology, non-science, and other science majors. This protocol provided a useful way to (1) assess student knowledge and understanding of biology and (2) evaluate the biology program. The protocol, sample questions, answers, grading protocol, cumulative results with discussion (fall 2000 semester−fall 2010 semester), initiatives instituted in response to assessment results, and dissemination of results are presented for illustrative purposes. We offer this approach as a model for student assessment and program evaluation for other departments to consider.  相似文献   

History courses at The University of Auckland are typically assessed at two or three moments during a semester. The methods used normally employ two essays and a written examination answering questions set by the lecturer. This study describes an assessment innovation in 2008 that expanded both the frequency and variety of activities completed by 182 undergraduates taking a course on the history of African‐American freedom struggles. All week‐by‐week tutorial assignments were collected for textual analysis to see if students were moving beyond the recollection and regurgitation of facts (surface learning) and instead were dealing with the deeper historical issues. The quality of student work coupled with our own classroom observations indicate that innovative assessment methods at regular moments during the semester made a positive difference to the student learning experience.  相似文献   

Twenty-three mathematical competencies were identified and a 46-item multiple choice test was developed to measure the extent to which students entering introductory college biology courses possessed these competencies. Students enrolled in semester-long introductory courses for science majors and non-science majors were given the test at the beginning and end of the courses. The relationships between the mathematical competencies possessed by students at the beginning of the semester and 15 variables dealing with student characteristics were examined. Also investigated was the relationship between test scores and the type of mathematics courses taken during the semester students were enrolled in the introductory biology courses.  相似文献   

根据计算机技能类课程特点分析现有考试系统的不足,建立组卷问题的数学模型,利用遗传算法进行组卷,并依据不同题型采用不同的阅卷技术,设计并实现了计算机技能类课程在线考试平台.  相似文献   

Using Extreme Programming in the Software Design Course   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a report on an effort to bring the practices of the Extreme Programming methodology into a Software Design course. Two teams of 11 members followed many of those practices in developing their semester projects. We described the practices required of the development teams, those encouraged, and those that were not easily simulated. Near the end of the semester the students were asked to answer questions about how well each practice had served the process. Summaries and examples of their responses along with the instructor's observations are presented as an evaluation of this approach. The main conclusions are that pair programming is generally powerful and popular, and that it is difficult to make upper level students write tests prior to writing code. Suggestions for what might be done differently to better simulate the Extreme Programming methodology are included. The foremost suggestion is to teach a “test first” approach in all programming courses.  相似文献   

Large enrollment foundational courses are perceived as “high stakes” because of their potential to act as barriers for progression to the next course or admittance to a program. The nature of gateway courses makes them ideal settings to explore the relationship between anxiety, pedagogical interventions, and student performance. Here, two‐stage collaborative examinations were implemented to improve test‐taking skills and address widespread test anxiety in an introductory human anatomy course. Test anxiety data were collected (using the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire) before the first examination and last examination. Most students experienced decreased test anxiety over the course of the semester; however, some students may have experienced performance limiting conditions due to test anxiety at the end of the semester based on academic ability in the course (in “C” students when compared to “A” students: P < 0.00006 and “B” students: P < 0.05), overall academic ability (in academically weaker students: P < 0.025), and demographic factors (in women: P < 0.025). The strongest performances on examinations were primarily observed in already academically strong students (mean individual performance: P < 0.000, mean group performance: P < 0.000). Furthermore, changes in test anxiety were not significantly associated with the group portion of the examinations. Patterns of changes in test anxiety over the course of the semester underscore a complex interaction between test anxiety, student background, and student performance. Results suggest that pathways for test anxiety in “high stakes” courses may be separate from the mechanisms responsible for the benefits of collaborative testing. Anat Sci Educ 10: 409–422. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

学分制下的高校课程考试具有若干不同于学年制考试的特点,包括考试更注重学生的能力测试、对教学评价手段的要求增强、考试的课程和考试的次数增多、一次考试的考场排定和时间排定的难度增加、教师出题次数增多、监考难度增加。传统的纸笔考试无法解决这些问题,而计算机自适应考试能很好地应对学分制下高校课程考试的特点,相信在不远的将来,计算机自适应考试在中国高校将蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

A group of 633 college students at a large midwestern public university was asked fifteen questions pertaining to personal long-term course planning. The results indicated that only 48% of the students sketched out a tentative listing of at least two courses per term for one or more subsequent semesters when first planning courses for the current semester. Long-range planning was positively correlated with the number of years students had already spent in college and with students' perception of the following factors: course planning utility, degree of certainty about pursuing one's current first choice of career, and degree of commitment in using college coursework as a means of achieving a career goal (all p < 0.001). Long-range planning was negatively correlated with the anticipation of a possible change in academic interests. Such planning was not significantly correlated with students' entrance examination aptitude scores or grade point averages. Thus, students' long-range planning of courses was associated more strongly with career commitment than with recent academic performance or aptitude.  相似文献   

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