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Simulation researchers are sometimes faced with the need to use multiple statistical software packages in the process of conducting their research, potentially having to go between software packages manually. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process that generally motivates researchers to use fewer replications in their simulations than they might have used had the entire process been automated. This article describes a process by which multiple software packages can be used by governing the study with SAS and having SAS call DOS to run other software. Because this automation process should greatly reduce the time necessary for the simulations, it is hoped that this will enable researchers to use a greater number of replications and thereby enhance the precision and accuracy of their results.  相似文献   

Effective management of information— from the storing of information to the writing of reports—should be taught as a basic professional skill for engineers. In this paper the authors explore how to combine word processing and hypertext for such a task. First, linear text and hypertext are defined and presented. A conceptual analysis of different types of text structure is then carried out, then the process of preparing a report, examining the criteria of performance for computer software packages for each phase and for their linking. This general approach is applied to the combination of the ‘Word 4.0’ word processing program and ‘HyperCard’ hypertext software.  相似文献   

Mixed-dyadic data, collected from distinguishable (nonexchangeable) or indistinguishable (exchangeable) dyads, require statistical analysis techniques that model the variation within dyads and between dyads appropriately. The purpose of this article is to provide a tutorial for performing structural equation modeling analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal models for mixed independent variable dyadic data, and to clarify questions regarding various dyadic data analysis specifications that have not been addressed elsewhere. Artificially generated data similar to the Newlywed Project and the Swedish Adoption Twin Study on Aging were used to illustrate analysis models for distinguishable and indistinguishable dyads, respectively. Due to their widespread use among applied researchers, the AMOS and Mplus statistical analysis software packages were used to analyze the dyadic data structural equation models illustrated here. These analysis models are presented in sufficient detail to allow researchers to perform these analyses using their preferred statistical analysis software package.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a versatile statistical modeling tool. Its estimation techniques, modeling capacities, and breadth of applications are expanding rapidly. This module introduces some common terminologies. General steps of SEM are discussed along with important considerations in each step. Simple examples are provided to illustrate some of the ideas for beginners. In addition, several popular specialized SEM software programs are briefly discussed with regard to their features and availability. The intent of this module is to focus on foundational issues to inform readers of the potentials as well as the limitations of SEM. Interested readers are encouraged to consult additional references for advanced model types and more application examples.  相似文献   

That change is a process, not an event, is being accepted gradually by educators, policy makers, and researchers. Just as development of an innovation takes time, specialized personnel, and resources, so does implementation. A number of issues and implications related to viewing innovation development and implementation as a process need to be addressed. Planning for, facilitating implementation, and evaluating the change process varies depending on whether there is a single innovation, innovation bundle, hyperinnovation or large—scale innovation. Instead of top down, or bottom up, in all cases, the various participants must strive to level the playing field. Change processes are most successful when policy makers, practitioners, and researchers understand that all are part of the same effort and each has an essential role in achieving implementation success.  相似文献   

This paper argues that if education practitioners, policy‐makers and researchers are to gain insights from new forms of online self‐representations, there is a need to take stock of research involving homepages in order to identify important methodological issues and lessons that need to be addressed in future research. Home page authorship research is characterized as being associated either with production or classification, very much as other areas of research in literacy such as new literacy studies and multimodality have identified process and product. In this paper, key aspects of research into homepage authorship are reviewed and tensions and contradictions identified. From this review four key implications for methodology are discussed: the varying degree to which content or context are defined in research; the interaction between researcher and researched, within learning disability contexts and more widely; a consideration of the sometimes blurred distinction between public and private online spaces and a wider discussion of the ethical issues facing researchers.  相似文献   

An information literacy (IL) framework has been proposed for Hong Kong students to adapt to the emergence of the knowledge‐based society, digital culture and globalisation. The aims of the study reported herein were to validate the proposed IL model and collect the views of practitioners and representative stakeholders on the possibility of its successful implementation. The findings of a survey, focus group discussions and in‐depth interviews indicate that the aims and scope of the IL model were recognised as being relevant. Three key issues of professional development in the IL education—the realisation of capacity building, obtaining the consensus and support of school principals and teachers, and allowing practitioners the flexibility to organise their own development—were identified from amongst the concerns of practitioners and representative stakeholders. Nine modules for teacher professional development are proposed here to address these issues.  相似文献   

Human resource development (HRD) practitioners frequently need to gather and organize data to support decisions about programs. Unfortunately, in many work environments there is a short time available to gather data in support of the decision-making process. Yet the ability to develop or use data or to convince others to use data has become the prime concern of decisionmakers. The evaluation research strategy contains four primary features—utility, feasibility, proprietorship, and accuracy. With a philosophical foundation grounded in pragmatism, evaluation research follows a four-level decision-making hierarchy: purpose, techniques, plan, and implementation. In addition, there are nine major purposes. There are two primary participants in evaluation research: the researcher and the stakeholder group. The stakeholder group is included because of the belief that people who have a stake in an evaluation research outcome should be actively and meaningfully involved in shaping that research effort, thus increasing the likelihood of utilization. Evaluation research may be goal-driven; or it may focus on evaluation questions, concerns and issues, program rationales, decisions or problems, or organization (client) needs.  相似文献   

Including auxiliary variables such as antecedent and consequent variables in mixture models provides valuable insight in understanding the population heterogeneity embodied by a latent class variable. The model building process regarding how to include predictors/correlates and outcomes of the latent class variables into mixture models is an area of active research. As such, new methods of including these variables continue to emerge and best practices for the application of these methods in real data settings (including simple guidelines for choosing amongst them) are still not well established. This paper focuses on one type of auxiliary variable—distal outcomes—providing an overview of the methods currently available for estimating the effects of latent class membership on subsequent distal outcomes. We illustrate the recommended methods in the software packages Mplus and Latent Gold using a latent class model to capture population heterogeneity in students’ mathematics attitudes, linking latent class membership to two distal outcomes.  相似文献   

The Bollen-Stine bootstrap can be used to correct for standard error and fit statistic bias that occurs in structural equation modeling (SEM) applications due to nonnormal data. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the use of a custom SAS macro program that can be used to implement the Bollen-Stine bootstrap with existing SEM software. Although this article focuses on missing data, the macro can be used with complete data sets as well. A series of heuristic analyses are presented, along with detailed programming instructions for each of the commercial SEM software packages.  相似文献   

Applying Technology to Inquiry-Based Learning in Early Childhood Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Children naturally explore and learn about their environments through inquiry, and computer technologies offer an accessible vehicle for extending the domain and range of this inquiry. Over the past decade, a growing number of interactive games and educational software packages have been implemented in early childhood education and addressed a variety of subjects, including mathematics, science, reading, language, and social studies. However, most software packages have yet to integrate technology into inquiry-based learning for early childhood contexts. Based on existing theoretical frameworks, we suggest that instructional technologies should be used in early childhood inquiry education to (a) enrich and provide structure for problem contexts, (b) facilitate resource utilization, and (c) support cognitive and metacognitive processes. Examples of existing and hypothetical early childhood applications are provided as we elaborate on each role. Challenges and future research directions are also identified and discussed.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects on structural equation modeling (SEM) fit indexes of sample size, estimation method, and model specification. Based on a balanced experimental design, samples were generated from a prespecified population covariance matrix and fitted to structural equation models with different degrees of model misspecification. Ten SEM fit indexes were studied. Two primary conclusions were suggested: (a) some fit indexes appear to be noncomparable in terms of the information they provide about model fit for misspecified models and (b) estimation method strongly influenced almost all the fit indexes examined, especially for misspecified models. These 2 issues do not seem to have drawn enough attention from SEM practitioners. Future research should study not only different models vis‐à‐vis model complexity, but a wider range of model specification conditions, including correctly specified models and models specified incorrectly to varying degrees.  相似文献   

When conducting longitudinal research, the investigation of between-individual differences in patterns of within-individual change can provide important insights. In this article, we use simulation methods to investigate the performance of a model-based exploratory data mining technique—structural equation model trees (SEM trees; Brandmaier, Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013)—as a tool for detecting population heterogeneity. We use a latent-change score model as a data generation model and manipulate the precision of the information provided by a covariate about the true latent profile as well as other factors, including sample size, under the possible influences of model misspecifications. Simulation results show that, compared with latent growth curve mixture models, SEM trees might be very sensitive to model misspecification in estimating the number of classes. This can be attributed to the lower statistical power in identifying classes, resulting from smaller differences of parameters prescribed by the template model between classes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to extend understanding of the business and societal impact of academic research. From a business school perspective, it has taken stock of the role of academic research and relevance in business and society. The proposed conceptual framework highlights the forces influencing the pursuit of academic rigour and relevance in scholarly outputs. A theoretical model for measuring the societal impact of academic journal articles—the Academic Rigour and Relevance Index (AR2I)—was developed. This index comprises six key parameters, which are assessed by three stakeholder groups connected with academic research into business issues, these groups being: business practitioners, society and academics. The behaviour of the AR2I model was evaluated using the Monte Carlo simulation model. Taking into account the relationships between the standard deviations and the differences of classification between articles with different levels of rigour and relevance, it is demonstrated that the AR2I model is an effective tool.  相似文献   

哲学术语,在当今时代首先是重新审视或重新定位的问题,然后才是阐释发挥问题。人们总是基于通俗的日常语言来理解深奥的哲学语言。哲学术语与日常语言表达的关系中最根本的是:哲学术语不能与日常语言的基本意思相悖。典型之例,在列宁所下的哲学论断里,对斗争这个哲语。他就是有所保留的。但在现今中国哲学界,既认为斗争哲学是悖谬,但同时依旧把斗争性视作矛盾的根本属性,这样的问题应引起重视。  相似文献   

Rejecting traditional checklist approaches to software selection, this paper discusses an approach emphasising classroom use of software over technical attributes. It proposes a way of thinking about software (the perspectives interactions paradigm) that takes the perspectives of the student, the teacher and the designer and uses interactions between pairs of these perspectives to generate broad questions and more specific issues to be considered when software is being assessed for purchase or classroom use. Some example packages are assessed using the paradigm for several different educational contexts, illustrating that this approach raises issues of classroom interactions and learning processes. These issues go beyond, and are more important for selection decisions than those generally considered with a checklist of software attributes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ethical dilemmas and problems encountered when undertaking an action research study in my own school. The study was designed to evaluate a contentious part of a new midwifery programme as it was being implemented. A range of potentially problematic issues are discussed from the practitioner researcher perspective. Some of these problems were anticipated but others had not been addressed and had to be responded to as they arose, More careful thought at the planning stage about the potential effects on others, as well as action-in-reflection are presented as important considerations for other practitioners contemplating action research in their own place of work.  相似文献   

In this ITEMS module, we frame the topic of scale reliability within a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) context and address some of the limitations of Cronbach's α. This modeling approach has two major advantages: (1) it allows researchers to make explicit the relation between their items and the latent variables representing the constructs those items intend to measure, and (2) it facilitates a more principled and formal practice of scale reliability evaluation. Specifically, we begin the module by discussing key conceptual and statistical foundations of the classical test theory model and then framing it within an SEM context; we do so first with a single item and then expand this approach to a multi‐item scale. This allows us to set the stage for presenting different measurement structures that might underlie a scale and, more importantly, for assessing and comparing those structures formally within the SEM context. We then make explicit the connection between measurement model parameters and different measures of reliability, emphasizing the challenges and benefits of key measures while ultimately endorsing the flexible McDonald's ω over Cronbach's α. We then demonstrate how to estimate key measures in both a commercial software program (Mplus) and three packages within an open‐source environment (R). In closing, we make recommendations for practitioners about best practices in reliability estimation based on the ideas presented in the module.  相似文献   

There have been recent arguments for expanding research on some basic beginning reading skills (i.e, phonemic awareness, word recognition) to the exclusion of other literacy competencies. Moreover, there have also been arguments that certain methodologies should be favored in reading research to the exclusion of others. The case is made in this article that these conceptualizations of reading research are too narrow. Rather, the case made here is that a number of issues in literacy development deserve support, issues that can be addressed well with diverse methodologies.  相似文献   

Gadow S 《Death education》1980,3(4):387-398
Moral dilemmas in the care of a dying person ideally should be decided in the context of that person's own freely determined understanding of death. At the philosophical, the clinical, and the personal levels, the primal question of how to understand death must be addressed before decisions are made concerning much ethical problems as euthanasia. Philosophers and practitioners who fail to do this are guilty of an a priori paternalism toward the dying, on whom their conclusions will be imposed. Until we have determined, together with the person involved, the way in which that person wants to view his or her death, any prior ethical judgment not only is presumptuous but infringes on the most basic freedom, that of determining the meaning that one's own experience shall have. The role of advocacy is an alternative to the traditional paternalism toward the dying. The essay attempts to (a) develop the distinctions among paternalism, consumerism, and advocacy; (b) propose a concept of advocacy as the assistance to the dying in freely determining how to understand their dying and death; (c) describe three of the views of death (naturalistic, religious, and existentialist) that need to be understood by those who assist the dying in exercising their freedom of self-determination.  相似文献   

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