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This study examined 393 organizational members' reported communication load, job satisfaction, and interdepartmental communication satisfaction in relation to their experience of time along eleven dimensions—flexibility, linearity, pace, punctuality, delay, scheduling, separation, urgency, scarcity, and future and present time foci. Results indicate that organizational members who experienced their time as more delayed, more flexible, and more oriented toward the future tended to report higher levels of communication load. Additionally, members who characterized their work as more punctual and oriented toward the future were more satisfied with their jobs, while those who experienced work as faster paced were less satisfied. Finally, the organizational members most satisfied with communication among departments reported their work patterns as more linear and more strongly oriented toward the future, while members who reported their work as more delayed were least satisfied with such interdepartmental interactions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether early and middle adulthood siblings' use of relational maintenance behaviors (i.e., positivity, openness, assurances, networks, tasks) is predicted, after controlling for relational closeness, by their interpersonal communication motives (i.e., affection, inclusion, control, pleasure, relaxation, escape). Participants were 122 individuals who reported on their relationship with a sibling. Results indicated that for the positivity relational maintenance behavior, psychological closeness, the affection motive, and the control motive were significant contributors; for the openness, assurances, and tasks relational maintenance behaviors, psychological closeness and the affection motive were significant contributors; and for the networks relational maintenance behavior, psychological closeness was a significant contributor.  相似文献   


This study examined indicators of math and speaking competence in three student major categories (N = 263). Communication (n = 178), business (n = 58), and liberal arts (n = 27) majors completed scales measuring math anxiety (Betz, 1978 Betz , N. E. ( 1978 ). Prevalence, distribution, and correlates of math anxiety in college students . Journal of Counseling Psychology , 25 , 441448 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), math performance (Dowling, 1978 Dowling , D. (1978). The development of a mathematics confidence scale and its application in the study of confidence in women college students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio State. [Google Scholar]), math self-efficacy, and public speaking apprehension (McCroskey, 1982 McCroskey , J. C. ( 1982 ). An introduction to rhetorical communication , Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice-Hall . [Google Scholar]). These variables explained 27.5% of the variance in reported major. Business majors had higher math performance and math self-efficacy scores and lower math anxiety scores than persons majoring in communication or liberal arts, whereas communication majors reported lower public speaking apprehension scores than business or liberal arts majors. Sex differences were found on all mathematics variables, with females scoring higher in math anxiety and lower in math self-efficacy and performance than males. Findings are examined for their implications concerning research methods instruction.  相似文献   

Scott Wasinger, Senior Director of Sales, eBooks & eAudiobooks at EBSCO Publishing, presented eBooks on EBSCOhost at the MidSouth eResource Symposium held at Mississippi State University Libraries on August 11, 2011. Wasinger briefly talked about how EBSCO Publishing acquired NetLibrary and the changes EBSCO made in order to create the platform/integration into EBSCOhost, which included expanded business models, content growth, and collection development options. Wasinger provided information on EBSCOadmin, EBSCO's lease and enhanced PDA models, downloading e-book options, introduction of the ePub format, and EBSCOhost Collection Manager.  相似文献   

This article documents the 30‐year history of communication network research at Michigan State University (M.S.U.), providing a case study of the evolution and diffusion of an academic innovation. Three past and continuing issues for network scholars are identified: a lack of professional reward for developing user‐friendly computer programs, unresolved methodological problems, and a need for better theoretical and conceptual frameworks. The narrative also illustrates the difficulty communication as a discipline has in impacting broader intellectual traditions. The story begins with the first doctoral dissertation (Schwartz, 1968 Richards, W. D. and Barnett, G., eds. 1993. Progress in communication sciences: Advances in communication network analysis, Norwood, NJ: Ablex.  [Google Scholar]) and the first network analysis software program in 1970 (Richards’ Negopy), continuing to the last dissertation (Susskind, 1996 Susskind, A. M. 1996. The impact of an organizational downsizing effort on survivors’ communication network relationships and attitudes, East Lansing: Department of Communication, Michigan State University. Unpublished doctoral dissertation [Google Scholar]), and ending in 1998 when J. David Johnson left the M.S.U. faculty. Other major players in the M.S.U. network tradition included David K. Berlo, Eugene Jacobson, Everett M. Rogers, Vincent Farace, Peter Monge, and Erwin Bettinghaus. Ironically, Schwartz and Susskind met in 1998 while Schwartz was preparing to retire from Cornell University and Susskind was starting as an Assistant Professor in a different department, thus providing closure to the M.S.U. network.  相似文献   

We were shooting on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum one night. It was lit romantically, and Jennifer was wearing an evening gown, looking incredibly stunning. Suddenly there must have been a thousand people screaming her name. It was like witnessing this icon. (Ralph Fiennes in the New York Times, 2002, p. 16, emphasis added)

This stamp, honoring a Mexican artist who has transcended “la frontera” and has become and icon to Hispanics, feminists, and art lovers, will be a further reminder of the continuous cultural contributions of Latinos to the United States. (Cecilia Alvear, President of National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) on the occasion of the introduction of the Frida Kahlo U.S. postage st& 2001; emphasis added)

“Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge” (column about Salma Hayek’s Frida by Stephanie Zacharek in the New York Times, 2002 Zacharek, S. 2002. The New Season/Movies; Nothing Like the Icon on the Fridge. The New York Times, : 41 Sep.8.Section ZA [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Using Everett Rogers's (2003) Rogers, E. M. 2003. Diffusion of innovations, 5th, New York: Free Press.  [Google Scholar] theory of innovation in organizations, this nationwide study examines U.S. weekly newspapers and their adoption and management of innovation—specifically, the online newspaper. From a theoretical standpoint, the creation of the online product was somewhat unsystematic. The data reveal that most weekly newspapers were not following any type of innovation management strategy when developing their online editions. This study echoes the findings of Saksena and Hollifield (2002) Saksena, S. and Hollifield, C. A. 2002. U.S. newspapers and the development of online editions. The International Journal on Media Management, 4: 7584. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] in the assessment that newspapers are adopting and managing emerging technology in a “relatively haphazard fashion.” Most newspaper managers report they did not develop a business plan for the new product or set specific, measurable goals to aid in assessing the success of the online newspaper. In addition, almost ¾ of the newspapers did not gather target-market or audience research before launching the online newspaper. The study found that newspaper managers were sensitive to their staffs' questions, needs, and concerns about publishing an online newspaper; and most involved their staffs in the decision-making process. A majority reported that they did not meet any resistance from their staffs about the adoption of new technology to produce the online newspapers.  相似文献   


Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For academic libraries, sustainability may well require a radical recalibration of their historic value proposition. The “Great Recession” has accelerated profound changes in higher education funding and in the perception of higher education as a public good. Can libraries use scarcity to fuel the imagination? Can the singular strengths of libraries boost the ability of higher education to thrive, not merely survive? What can be learned from strategies employed in the Great Depression and other periods of severe constraint? Ultimately, how might libraries increase revenue, engender flexibility, foster collaboration, align activities, reduce costs, strengthen infrastructure, and encourage innovation within the framework of a sustainable academic business plan? This article examines these questions by using the University of Washington's 2Y2D (Two Years to Two Decades) initiative and the UW Libraries companion effort, Building Sustainable Futures, as a case study. 2Y2D provides an inclusive framework for near term action (two years) that will realize an aspirational future in the long-term (two decades). Building Sustainable Futures places a library lens over 2Y2D. The Libraries Research Commons exemplifies the synergistic intersection of the two initiatives and may be instructive for other environments and institutions.  相似文献   

This selective bibliography is intended to assist legal researchers in researching the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.11 U.S. Const. amend. XXV; see generally, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Constitution of the United States of America 484 (presidential disability and inability), 2295–2296 (presidential succession issues and the 20th Amendment); and 2317–2319 (issues of presidential inability and disability (Centennial ed. 2017). In addition to Article II, Clause 6, and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947,22 Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Pub. L. No. 80???199, 61 Stat. 380, as amended (codified at 3?U.S.C. § 19 (2012)). the 25th Amendment is part of the fundamental law governing presidential succession in the United States. This bibliography compiles books, book chapters, and law review articles to facilitate legal research in this area.33 U.S. Const. art. II, § 6. For a detailed account of the presidential succession issue, see Ruth Silva, Presidential Succession (U. Michigan Press 1951).

When ratified in 1967, the 25th Amendment culminated nearly 175 years of Congressional effort to resolve Constitutional vagueness on certain procedure involving the temporary or permanent incapacitation of the president. While the 25th amendment did not fundamentally change the constitutional procedure of presidential succession, it did significantly clarify areas of uncertainty with the purpose of complying with the apparent intentions of the Framers of the Constitution on presidential succession.44 U.S. Const. art. II, § 6. For a detailed account of the presidential succession issue, see Ruth Silva, Presidential Succession (U. Michigan Press 1951).

Since Donald Trump became president in January 2017, there has been an ongoing public debate over his provocative rhetoric and actions, and his reportedly dysfunctional presidency. In 2017, for example, questions arose about his emotional stability when he apparently tweeted threatening language involving nuclear weapons in response to statements made by Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea.55 Peter Baker &; Michael Tackett, Trump’s North Korea Retort: My “Nuclear Button” Is Bigger Than Yours, N.Y. Times A10 (Jan. 3, 2018).

In addition, significant concerns arose after an anonymous letter to the editor appeared in the New York Times, allegedly sent by a high-ranking administration official, stating he or she was part part of the “resistance” within the White House, which was attempting to block some of President Trump’s allegedly more dangerous actions. The author reported that there was a group of similarly situated White House officials who believe that the president was unfit for office and that there was an effort to remove Trump under the Section 4 of the 25th Amendment.66 Anonymous, Letter to the Editor, The Quiet Resistance Inside the Trump Administration, N.Y. Times 23 (Sept. 6, 2018). More recently, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe revealed that Justice Department officials had sought to discuss the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment with cabinet officials.

Because of the critical importance of the issues involved for the nation today, this article includes sources discussing when the 25th Amendment can be invoked and whether Donald Trump’s pattern of statements and behavior could give cause to invoke the 25th Amendment. As current events suggest, the issue of whether Trump should be removed under the 25th Amendment is likely to remain an issue of public concern for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

This essay examines the rather complex role of anonymity in communication research as revealed in the narratives submitted to this special issue. First, narratives were examined quantitatively to assess the prevalence of issues related to anonymity, with terms such as “anonymous” and “confidential” emerging most often. Next, a thematic analysis of the narratives suggests five tensions discussed in some detail: anonymity or (not and) confidentiality, over-promising and under-delivering anonymity, to sign and record … or not, named vs. anonymous vs. pseudonymous, and whether institutional review boards (IRBs) should be anonymous. The essay concludes with several applied recommendations for IRBs, researchers, and participants as they confront these tensions linked to the role of anonymity in human subjects research.  相似文献   

There are many instructional design theories to assist librarians in creating effective instructional modules for student learning. ADDIE is a generic instructional design model that has been in existence for more than 30 years and is known for its flexibility in application (Molenda, 2003 Molenda , M. ( 2003 ). In search of the elusive ADDIE model . Performance Improvement , 42 ( 5 ), 3436 . doi: 10.1002/pfi.4930420508 [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Using instructional design theories such as ADDIE helps to better serve students, librarians, and faculty because it adds efficiency and cohesion to the designing and learning process (Bell &; Shank, 2007 Bell , S. J. , &; Shank , J. D. ( 2007 ). Academic librarianship by design: A blended librarian's guide to the tools and techniques . Chicago , IL : American Library Association . [Google Scholar]). In this article, the author writes about using the ADDIE model of instructional design to successfully incorporate new technologies into existing and new library instruction modules. The author outlines how the ADDIE model can be modified to fit specific technological needs of a library instruction program.  相似文献   

From a sociolinguistic and discourse-analytic perspective, news stories have often been considered as operating within a similar structural framework to oral narratives (Labov, 1972 Labov, W. 1972. Language in the inner city, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.  [Google Scholar]), sharing formal elements with narratives produced in other contexts (although as Bell (1991) Bell, A. 1991. The language of news media, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar] has demonstrated in relation to print news, these elements occur in temporal disorganization). In this paper, in line with other recent treatments of news stories, we suggest that news does not conform to this kind of “narrative” structure as such. Examining data taken from print and live-broadcast TV news through a Sacksian (1995) lens, we argue that it is possible to simplify the analysis of news structure by approaching the news as “stories,” where the story elements are organized around the notions of category, action, and reason rather than as a series of narrative clauses involving orientation, complicating actions, evaluation, and resolution (Bell, 1991 Bell, A. 1991. The language of news media, Oxford: Blackwell.  [Google Scholar]; van Dijk, 1988 Van Dijk, T. A. 1988. News as discourse, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Boasting over 6000 objects, including replicas of a western hardware store, a frontier stage stop, and a late nineteenth-century industrial factory, the Cody Firearms Museum, located at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, is “the largest and most important collection of American firearms in the world.” 1 1. Treasures from Our West (Cody, WY: Buffalo Bill Historical Center, 1992), 44. The museum, which creates a decidedly visual space through its near-exclusive engagement with looking, employs an aesthetic of domestication and sterility to frame firearms for museumgoers. Even as it transforms guns into inert objects of visual pleasure, the museum cannot fully erase the history of violence and colonial conquering in which guns played a starring role. The museum's rhetorical effectivity/affectivity, then, turns upon the unique play of presence and absence.  相似文献   

More than 60% of college students admit to trying smoking (Rigotti, Lee, & Wechsler, 2000 Rigotti , N. , Lee , J. E. , & Wechsler , H. ( 2000 ). U.S. college students' use of tobacco products: Results of a national survey . Journal of the American Medical Association , 284 , 699706 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). To reduce this number, researchers have attempted to determine factors influencing smoking behaviors. However, studies about communicative acts related to smoking intentions and behaviors, which may be factors, are lacking. Guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study hypothesized that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control regarding communicating about smoking would be positively associated with behavioral intentions to engage in such communication. It was found that students' attitudes toward communicating about smoking were positively associated with behavioral intention, but perceived behavioral control and subjective norms concerning smoking-related communication behaviors were not associated with behavioral intention.  相似文献   

Americans are increasingly concerned about video games, presumably due to the amount and graphicness of violence they contain. Social Cognitive Theory suggests that people are more likely to imitate characters they see as attractive or similar to self. To date, however, little research has examined attributes of violent characters in video games related to this issue. This content analysis examined 10 minutes of play from 60 of the most popular video games. Adapting the coding scheme from the National Television Violence Study (Smith et al., 1998 Smith, S. L., Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Colvin, C. M. and Donnerstein, E. 1998. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 3. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara study, 5220. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar]; Wilson et al., 1997 Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Donnerstein, E.Smith, S. L. 1997. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 1. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara study, 3268. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  [Google Scholar], 1998 Wilson, B. J., Kunkel, D., Linz, D., Potter, W. J., Donnerstein, E.Smith, S. L. 1998. National Television Violence Study: Vol. 2. Violence in television programming overall: University of California, Santa Barbara, 3204. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.  [Google Scholar]), various demographic and contextual features of violent characters and violent interactions were assessed. The results show that violent game characters have attributes that are likely to increase the extent to which some players perceive them as attractive and similar. Moreover, these violent characters engage in aggression that is presented as justified or graphic.  相似文献   

Oblinger and Oblinger (2005) described the Net Generation or Net Gen, who have never known life without the Internet. They note the incremental nature of change: “One generation's technology is taken for granted by the next” (p. 2.1). In a world increasingly dominated by technology, the academic library has become a place to learn that is constantly adapting and changing, reflecting “what the student does” (Biggs, 2007 Biggs, J. 2007. Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does, , 3rd ed, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]). Pathfinder funding from the Higher Education Academy has enabled Bournemouth University (BU) to explore the pedagogies of learning in a hybrid environment and consider how Web 2.0 technologies within a virtual learning environment contribute to the acquisition and development of academic literacy skills. Good library design demonstrates agility and adaptability in the use of space (Heppel et al., 2004 Heppel, S., Chapman, C., Millwood, R., Constable, M. and Furness, J. 2004. Building learning futures. A research project at Ultralab within the CABE/RIBA “Building Futures” programmehttp://rubble.heppell.net/cabe/final_report.pdf〉 (accessed 24 July 2008) [Google Scholar]). Virtual environments enable integration of resources within the unit of study. Subject librarians, academics, and learning technologists are developing new ways of working together to deliver resources. The rate of change is exponential but is full of opportunity (“Libraries Unleashed,” 2008). In 2009 Bournemouth University will open a new library for postgraduate business students without any books, but with each student equipped with an e-book reader. This article will discuss the academic skills and learning spaces students will need to read for a degree in an environment that is predominantly electronic.  相似文献   

John Steel 《Media History》2013,19(2):221-237
This article offers a methodological refinement to the radical narrative of media history and advocates an exploration of the ideological dynamics of media texts as a crucial component of their praxis. Focusing on early to mid nineteenth-century utilitarian theory and praxis as exemplified in newspapers and pamphlets such as the Westminster Review, the Examiner and Pamphlets for the People, the article offers a sophisticated ideological critique which is intended to augment radical analyses of media history. This analysis allows a more focused and precise account of the ways in which early proto-liberal reformers used the press in their political strategy. Despite the Philosophic Radicals Mill, John S. 1873. Autobiography, London: Longmans, Green and Dyer.  [Google Scholar] having democratic aspirations, the article identifies inherent paternalistic and oppressive components of this praxis which has their seeds in classical Greek political thought.  相似文献   

Negative jealousy-related emotion and rumination are examined as consequences of a close relational partner's jealousy expression. Specifically, relationship type (i.e., sibling relationships, cross-sex friendships, and dating partners) and three of Guerrero et al.'s (1995 Guerrero , L. K. , Andersen , P. A. , Jorgensen , P. F. , Spitzberg , B. H. , &; Eloy , S. V. ( 1995 ). Coping with the green-eyed monster: Conceptualizing and measuring communicative responses to romantic jealousy . Western Journal of Communication , 59 , 270304 . [CSA] [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) forms of jealousy expression (i.e., distributive communication, integrative communication, and negative affect expression) are compared according to negative jealousy-related emotion and rumination following a hypothetical partner jealousy expression situation. Siblings and dating partners reported experiencing more intense negative emotion than cross-sex friends after partner jealousy expression. Further, participants reported ruminating more after their partners used distributive communication compared with integrative communication or negative affect expression to express jealousy. Emotional intensity did not vary according to type of jealousy expression and rumination did not vary with regard to relationship type. Practical and theoretical implications for the study of negative emotion, rumination, and partner jealousy expression are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper joins uncertainty management and problematic integration literatures to better understand how people experience and manage uncertainty about climate change. Interviews with 235 stakeholders from private, public, and non-profit organizations in the state of Washington indicate an interesting disparity of certainty and the role of climate-related information. A majority of participants (n=137) were certain that energy use and climate change are related, and far fewer (n=13) were certain that they are not related. Our interpretive analysis indicates notable differences regarding the way people experience and management uncertainty.  相似文献   

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