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网络时代馆际互借的成功范例——OCLC ILL   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
杨锐 《图书馆杂志》2001,20(1):37-38
OCLC ILL是OCLC在网络技术基础上成功运用馆际互借服务实现文献资源共享的典范。文中将介绍OCLC ILL的特点、工作流程,并总结了成功运作经验。  相似文献   

Interlibrary loan is a service that involves the borrowing and lending of items between libraries. What also underscores this service is the human communication exchanges had with patrons and ILL staff via emails, phone calls, notes, etc. to ensure that items are correctly processed in a timely manner. This article is written from the perspective of a first-year ILL librarian highlighting the position from the one thing that is known but may get overlooked in the grand scheme of daily transactions: the human element.  相似文献   


When deciding whether to use UnCover2 or ILL for document delivery, consider these factors: accessibility of the article, how quickly it is needed, and how much it costs the patron. Then within your ILL unit, determine the average delivery time for libraries that own the material. An informal study of UnCover2 shows that within Colorado, ILL can usually deliver quickly enough at no charge to the patron. If the owning libraries cannot deliver within the time frame needed and the patron will pay an average of $10 to $12, UnCover2 can do the job.  相似文献   

Archival repositories are increasingly considering mass digitization as a means of meeting user expectations that materials be available online, remotely. Copyright is frequently noted as a significant obstacle to these efforts, but little empirical data exist on the copyright permissions process in archives. This article reports the findings of a study of the copyright permissions process for the Jon Cohen AIDS Research Collection at the University of Michigan. Specifically, the study sought to reveal how much effort is required to seek copyright permissions, what the results of those efforts would be, and whether or not there were traits of documents or copyright holders that were associated with accept or denial status. The study found that significant time is required to contact and negotiate with rights holders and that the biggest obstacle to getting permission is non-response. Of those requests that get a response, the vast majority are to grant permission. While few of the requests were met with denial, the data suggest that commercial copyright holders are much more likely to deny permission than other types of copyright holders. The data also show that adherence to the common policy of only displaying online those documents with explicit permission will likely result in substantially incomplete online collections.  相似文献   

名称:中国青年政治学院新闻与传播系 地址:北京西三环北路25号 历史、现设专业:1996年创办,现设新闻学专业。 负责人职务、职称及姓名:系主任、副教授展江 电话:010—88567653 邮编:100089 在职教授:戚鸣 名称:中央民族大学中文系新闻专业 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街27号 历史、现设专业:1984年创办新闻专业,1989年开始招硕士研究生。 负责人职务、职称及姓名:教研室主任、讲师石新民 电话:010—68932911 邮编:100081 在职教授:白润生 名称:上海大学影视艺术技术学…  相似文献   

This study extends the framework describing journalists’ aggressiveness at politicians’ press conference and develops five dimensions to measure politicians’ aggressiveness in response to journalists’ questions (initiative, directness, assertiveness, adversarialness, and accountability). Using the records from Chinese premiers’ press conferences (1993–2015), this research investigates five factors which might affect premiers’ aggressiveness: the administrative life cycle, economic conditions, journalists’ country of origin, the topic of questions, and number of questions. The results show that premiers exhibit less assertiveness during honeymoon periods and more assertiveness in other years. Premiers are more adversarial amid good economic growth but less adversarial during poor economic growth. They are more assertive and adversarial in response to questions related to politics and the military and less so in response to questions related to other areas. Premiers display more initiative and accountability toward journalists who ask more questions and less toward those who ask fewer questions. Premiers are more assertive and adversarial toward journalists from developed countries but less so toward those from developing countries. Over the past 23 years, premiers’ initiative, directness, and adversarialness have decreased while their accountability has gradually increased. The theoretical contributions of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

2010年3月3日,《2009年电子(纸)阅读器测试报告》新闻发布会在中国出版科学研究所召开。这是继2008年第一版测试报告推出以后,中国出版科学研究所发布的又一重要研究成果。  相似文献   

芬欧汇川(UPM)作为世界领先的印刷纸生产企业将在德鲁巴(Drupa)2004展会上展示其一系列的产品及服务。其众多的展品,包括杂志纸、新闻纸、文化纸以及特种纸和包装纸等,都将在第6展厅展出。在此次展览会上,UPM将特别侧重于凹版印刷、热固胶版印刷、平张胶版印刷和数码印刷方面的最新发展。在2003年年底,UPM在欧洲市场推出了UPM Finesse G,  相似文献   

本篇属于播音工作的外部技巧. 一、顿歇的概念在播音中,稿件各部分之间、层次之间、段落之间、小层次之间、语句之间、词或词组之间,有声语言总有休止、中断的地方,时间长短不同,这都属于顿歇的范围,是有声语言表达中显示语意、抒发感情的方法之一.  相似文献   

一、语气的概念。语气,在语言学里属于句子的“式”,即用语法关系表示具体态度。如:陈述句,“他是个坚强的人”;疑问句,“你吃过饭了吗?”等等。语音学认为,从语气词(的、了、呢、吗等)和语调上可以了解和表达各种语气。这些,我们都可以理解为一定内在思想感情的外现形式.  相似文献   

生活在1700万平方公里土地上的1.3亿俄罗斯人,生活究竟过得怎么样?  相似文献   

本篇以及停连、语气、节奏,同属于有声语言表达的外部技巧。一、重音的概念停顿和连接,着眼于作品内容构成的分合:重音,则是解决作品中词语关系的主次。什么是重音呢?我们知道,一篇作品,是由许多的词、词组构成的,每一个词或词组都负有表达思想感情的任务,有各自的语言作用.播音员在播音的时候,不能不注意它们中间哪些是重要  相似文献   

明了语气的情感及其分寸以后,就要求声音形式与内在依据的贴切、吻合。有这样一个故事,可以说明语气中思想感情与外部声音形式的统一是多么重要。有一位父亲,一天,他接到远在异乡的儿子的来信,信中向父亲要钱。父亲不识字,便请一位当铁匠的邻居来为他读信。铁匠粗声粗气地将信读罢,这位父亲  相似文献   

清醒头脑务实精神 1930年初,在中国文化生活、甚至政治生活中发生了一件不小的事:在革命与反革命斗争最激烈的时候,鲁迅不仅在思想上而且也在政治上,毅然站在中国共产党方面,并宣告于世。他既参加了中国共产党领导的中国左翼作家联盟,也参加了中国共产党领导的中国自由运动大同盟。这对革命者是个很大的鼓舞,对反动派是个沉重的打击。而促成其事的就是冯雪峰。冯雪峰在受党组织之命筹备“左联”、争取鲁迅参加并领导这一组织的同时,还受命去动员鲁迅参加中国自由运动大同盟。据冯雪峰回忆:当时  相似文献   

一“纯粹的山里人”,农民的儿子 1903年6月,冯雪峰出生在浙江省义乌县南乡神坛村一个农民的家庭里,取名福寿,通用名为冯雪峰或雪峰,曾用笔名画室、洛扬、成文英、何丹仁、吕克玉等。义乌地处浙东,是古越的属地,以“报仇雪耻之乡”著称。越王勾践“卧薪尝胆”的故事,在这里口耳相传,妇稚皆知。唐代写《代徐敬业讨武曌檄》的那位著名文人骆宾王,宋代抗金名将、终至忧忿而死的宗泽,都是义乌人。这些乡邦英烈,以及由他们的事业、文章构成的乡邦文献,是义乌人的骄傲。值得他们骄傲的还  相似文献   

学生时代“湖畔诗人” 1912年,雪峰九岁了,才扔下牛鞭和锄头,到离神坛五里地的赤岸一所私塾里去“开蒙”。这所私塾是冯家的亲戚与人合办的,学俸可以适当通融。雪峰能获得这么个“开蒙”的机会,是他祖父经过深思熟虑后作出的决策。老人没有让长孙走科举仕宦道路的奢望,其实,时当辛亥革命之后,科举制度已经废除,不存  相似文献   

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