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随着人们生活水平的日益提高 ,学习钢琴的儿童越来越多 ,而钢琴美妙的旋律也确实让人们向往。但相当多的家长要孩子学琴是出于望子成龙的愿望。然而现实情况往往是教师枯燥无味的授课 ,学生反复无趣的机械练习 ,永远改不完的错误 ,使得儿童学习的热情大大降低 ,导致最后讨厌弹琴 ,这不能不说是个遗憾。家长、教师都应该明白 ,音乐是孩子的朋友 ,是提高儿童素质的重要部分。学琴也应该是愉快的 ,幼儿音乐教育者应尽量创造条件让孩子在学习钢琴时感到有趣而充满愉快 ,特别是对那些初学钢琴的幼儿 ,更要采用适合儿童特点的教学方法 ,以求孩子在…  相似文献   

沈月锋 《儿童音乐》2011,(10):64-65
钢琴的教学是十分专门的学问,钢琴的学习也是项有特殊性的学习活动。教师和家长必须十分清楚地认识到:儿童学琴、弹琴不是最终目的。通过弹琴学习音乐,全面提高音乐修养,进而提高具体综合素质,才是学琴的真正目的。在教学过程中,教师和家长要充分认识到这点,逐步培养孩子多方面的音乐才能,使孩子通过学琴,全面的接触音乐,领会音乐的魅力,受到艺术的全面熏陶。笔者认为,在儿童的业余钢琴教学中,要对儿童进行"听、说、读、写"的训练。  相似文献   

刘颖 《教师》2008,(13):45-46
在当代中国,随着社会经济的繁荣和人们对艺术生活的渴求,在许多儿童中也掀起了“钢琴热”,为了培养孩子成才,许多家长不惜重金购买钢琴,想尽办法聘请钢琴教师,不辞辛苦、风雨无阻地带孩子上课。钢琴教学是一项十分专业的学问,尤其是儿童钢琴教学更有其特殊性,儿童时期有其特殊的心理表现,家长在儿童学琴过程中的督导必须根据孩子的自身特征注重孩子的兴趣培养。只有这样,才能在钢琴学习中取得成效。  相似文献   

几乎每个琴童的家长都有陪练的经历,陪练到底陪什么?家长如何成为称职的陪练?家长陪练,分为陪孩子上课和在家陪孩子练琴两种。如何陪孩子上课事例:小月牙第一次来学琴的时候,那阵势让老师觉得特别紧张——小月牙的妈妈在  相似文献   

谈在儿童钢琴教学中的能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着生活水平的提高。让孩子学习钢琴以提高音乐修养是许多儿童家长的愿望。在学习的过程中,很多家长发现孩子的音乐修养并没有多大提高,这主要是因为许多钢琴教师在平时的教学中只注重了技能技巧的训练。忽视了培养儿童学琴的兴趣。在钢琴教学中,首先要培养儿童的兴趣,然后以兴趣为平台培养学生的各种能力,开发儿童的潜能。只有儿童真正喜欢了。才能弹出发自内心的、优美的音乐。  相似文献   

在当代中国,随着社会经济的繁荣和人们对艺术生活的渴求,在许多儿童中也掀起了钢琴热,为了培养孩子成才,许多家长不惜重金购买钢琴,想尽办法聘请钢琴教师,不辞辛苦、风雨无阻地带孩子上课。钢琴教学是一项十分专业的学问,尤其是儿童钢琴教学更有其特殊性,儿童时期有其特殊的心理表现,家长在儿童学琴过程中的督导必须根据孩子的自身特征注重孩子的兴趣培养。  相似文献   

田安 《考试周刊》2009,(46):224-225
本文就儿童早期钢琴教育教学进行研究,着重强调钢琴学习中家长、教师等因素对儿童铜琴学习的影响,以及儿童在钢琴学习中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

随着人们物质生活和文化水平的日益提高,很多家长都开始让自己的孩子学习钢琴。由于儿童的学习方法与青少年和成人有较大差别,所以往往教师和家长满腔热情地教学和辅导,而效果又不那么理想。怎样让教师与孩子更好地沟通,使孩子能领悟老师的讲课?孩子初学时,教师应该注意孩子练琴的学习要点。下面就这些问题做浅入研究。  相似文献   

目前社会上儿童学钢琴的热潮方兴未艾,范围也越来越广,这对普及钢琴教育、提高儿童的音乐审美能力大有好处,是一件值得高兴的事情。但是由于许多家长和儿童在学琴的过程中不能很好地理解一些常见的问题,从而在学琴的时候容易走入一些误区,使自己多走了不少弯路,这样轻则影响了儿童学琴的信心,重则耽误了他们学琴的前途。本文试就儿童在钢琴学习中碰到的常见问题进行分析,并探索一些解决的办法,以期能对学琴的家长和儿童有所帮助。一、学琴的年龄要因人而异不少家长认为儿童学习钢琴就像学习讲话一样越早越好,只要自己的孩子能领会老师所讲话…  相似文献   

儿童学习钢琴可以开发智能,陶冶情操,提高记忆力和创造思维的能力。针对儿童学琴的特点,教师要注意激发他们学琴的兴趣,选择适合其生理心理特点的教材,并营造良好的学琴环境。与此同时,教师和家长应当注意不要过分强调孩子自身的学琴条件,孩子学琴的年龄不是越早越好,不要一味地追求考级,教学方法切忌简单化。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展,幼儿教育显得越来越重要,作为其中一支的幼儿钢琴教育,能充分发挥音乐教育的特有功能。在幼儿的钢琴教育中,教师扮演着举足轻重的作用,教师应该针对幼儿特殊的生理心理特点,不断丰富和改进教学方法和手段,同时注重家长的配合作用,从而促进幼儿身心的全面发展。  相似文献   

采用自编的问卷对家长对流动儿童入读公办学校的态度调查的结果发现:上海家长对流动儿童入读公办学校持中立且稍微偏积极的态度。在大多数测题上有近1/3的家长持消极的态度。而且,这种态度不受调查对象的社会经济地位、祖籍、子女的性别等因素的影响。这一研究结果具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Ugandan households play a central role in child care and protection, and household-level practices influence the ways in which children are protected from adversities. This study was designed to identify community perceptions of protective and harmful parenting practices in three districts in Uganda. It employed free-listing interviews to determine priorities and practices deemed to be important in providing care and protection to children. Findings suggest that parenting practices can be grouped into seven basic themes, which are: Investing in children’s future, Protection, Care, Enterprising, Relationship with neighbors, Intimate partner relationship, and Child Rearing. Investing in children’s future, including educating children, was cited most often as a hallmark of positive parenting; while failure to care for children was most often cited as a hallmark of negative parenting. Concrete behaviors, such as walking a daughter to school; sewing a son’s torn pants before going to church; and structuring study time at home were identified as concrete actions Ugandan parents undertake daily to promote their children’s well-being. Conversely, specific contextual aspects of neglect and abuse were identified as central components of negative parenting, including lack of investment in children’s education and not serving as a good role model. Building on community strengths is recommended as a principal means of enhancing household resilience and reducing childhood risk.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Outdoor play is important for children’s health and development, yet many preschool-age children in child care settings do not receive the recommended 60 min/day of outdoor play. Child care providers have previously described parent-related barriers to increasing outdoor playtime, including parents not providing appropriate clothing for their children and parents’ preference for academics over active play. This study explored parent perceptions and knowledge of outdoor playtime in child care environments. On average, parents reported wanting their child to spend significantly more time playing outside during a full day of child care than the recommended minimum. However, more than half of parents reported that they did not know how much time their child actually spent playing outside, and 43% reported that they did not know their child care center’s outdoor play policies. Practice or Policy: Child care providers may overperceive parent-related barriers to outdoor play. Parents generally support outdoor play for their preschooler during center-based child care but are not well informed about outdoor playtime and policies. Encouraging communication between parents and early childhood educators about these topics could lead to more universal support and strategies for promoting outdoor and active play opportunities for children, which are important for children’s health and development.  相似文献   

Successful inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEN) in school settings depends largely on the attitudes of parents of peers without SEN. The purpose of the present study was to explore the attitudes of Greek parents of primary school children without SEN towards inclusion. The participants were 338 parents (182 fathers, 156 mothers), aged 27 to 58 years (mean age = 39 years and 5 months). They were asked to complete the My thinking about inclusion scale and a further short questionnaire. The findings revealed that Greek parents of primary school children not identified as having SEN had an overall positive attitude towards inclusion. Gender differences were also established—fathers held more positive attitudes towards inclusion than mothers, even when controlling for age, educational level and the presence of a child with SEN in their child’s classroom. However, mothers were overall more willing than fathers to engage themselves and their child in interaction with a child with SEN.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Effects of parenting quality on the academic functioning of young homeless children were examined using data from 58 children ages 4 to 7 and their parents during their stay at an emergency homeless shelter. Parenting quality, child executive function, child intellectual functioning, and risk status were assessed in the shelter, and teacher reports of academic functioning were obtained when the children began kindergarten or 1st grade. As hypothesized, parenting quality was associated with children's academic success, and this effect was mediated by executive function skills in the child. Parenting quality also had a moderating effect on risk, consistent with a protective role of high-quality parenting among children with higher risk levels. Concomitantly, children with higher risk and lower parenting quality appeared to be more vulnerable to academic problems. Practice or Policy: In homeless families, parenting may play an especially important role in academic success through multiple pathways, including the development of executive function skills in their children. Policies and practices to support parents and foster the executive function skills of young children in homeless families may be important strategies to promote child academic success. Implications for intervention efforts with homeless parents and children are discussed.  相似文献   

A study of Mexican immigrant mothers of young children in the AVANCE-Dallas early childhood intervention program demonstrates that low-educational parents often exhibit ambitious attitudes about educational achievement for their children. Though they lack an extensive academic background, which places their children at risk for low education, their positive attitude manifested in daily pro-educational behaviors overcomes their low education level because they both motivate their children to pursue academic success and participate in their children’s learning. The best way to capitalize on immigrant parents’ educational drive for their children is to partner with them—either through an intervention program or through early childhood educators’ interaction with parents—by showing them how their participation in their children’s learning through concrete activities (such as regular mother–child conversation, daily reading, and playtime activities that teach developmental skills) may increase their chances of achieving academic success.  相似文献   

中小学生业余钢琴学习问题的调查与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学生钢琴学习应是一种以人为本的学习活动,应让琴童在学习过程中形成用身心去感受音乐的能力与经验,以促进其个性的完善与发展;应把钢琴学习与琴童自身的爱好结合起来,并以此为切入点发展琴童对钢琴学习的兴趣;在中小学生钢琴学习过程中,教师家长应避免功利心,对中小学生钢琴学习效果的评价应以琴童自身水平为标准;应根据琴童自身的特点与学习水平制定学习计划,并以一颗平常心对待琴童,理解容忍琴童的缺点与错误;同时,教师家长应与琴童保持平等的关系,不断了解中小学生的心理特点,选择易于被琴童接受的方式,从长远发展的高度给予琴童切实的帮助。  相似文献   

Research Findings: This small-scale study features the 1st comparative exploration of the pedagogical quality of parent-led child care and regular child care in The Netherlands. The quality of the interaction skills and the affective relationships between adults and children was evaluated and compared with those of regular child care centers. On average parents in parent-led child care had interactions with adequate to good sensitive responsiveness, respect for autonomy, structuring and limit setting, and verbal communication. Developmental stimulation and fostering positive peer interactions proved to be weaker areas. Parents’ perceptions of the affective relationship with children in the group were characterized by a high level of closeness and a low level of dependency and conflict. Parents experienced a greater degree of closeness but also more conflict and in particular greater dependency with their own children than with the other children. A comparison between parent-led centers and regular urban child care centers revealed some small but significant differences in pedagogical quality. Practice or Policy: Parents can play a more active role in both the design and implementation of child care. It seems interesting to pilot new child care formats in which parents and professional staff collaborate more closely.  相似文献   

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