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慕课作为具有较强体验性特征的教育产品,在为广大学习者提供在线学习机会和优质资源的同时,也带来了独特的情感体验。通过对一门教师教育类慕课前、中、后期与情感体验表达有关的724条学习者反思文本的质性分析,确定了25种积极和消极情感体验,体现了慕课学习情感体验的特有状态,其中,较为常见的有满意、激励、期待、不满、警觉、充实、感兴趣、轻松、高兴、喜欢。从整体情感倾向来看,绝大多数情感体验是积极的,满意、激励与期待三种主要情感体验约占总体的80%,情感体验积极且集中。从课程阶段来看,三个阶段均以积极情感体验为主,前期情感体验表达最为丰富且种类多样,中期的消极情感体验最多。从情感体验指向对象来看,七成指向学习内容,两成指向学习者自身,而指向慕课学习形式、课程资源、学习活动和教师的情感体验相对较少。  相似文献   


This study sought to explore the implications for individuals who experienced awe while in the presence of wildlife. A conceptual framework was adapted that integrated the theory of emotional learning with experiential learning theory. In-depth interviews brought into focus the resultant learning stemming from experiences of wildlife-inspired awe. Learning manifested through pro-environmental and prosocial behaviors in which participants’ career choices were affected as well as their advocacy for pro-environmental behaviors within their community of friends and family. In the process of chronicling participants’ stories, we developed a better understanding of the ways in which people make sense of and ultimately learn from experiences of wildlife-inspired awe.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了体验式学习,指出经验有两种基本类型:直接经验和间接经验。间接经验通常为学习树立规范,而直接经验能让学习者拓宽视野。本文认为,如果教师有这方面的认识,那么即使通过远程教育,教师也有能力促进学生直接经验的学习,以使学生成长并发展其潜能。  相似文献   

Many nursing curricula do not offer anatomy laboratories and exposure to cadaveric material. In this mixed methods study, nursing students' perceptions and experiences from an anatomy laboratory session were examined. Students from two academic nursing programs (a four-year general baccalaureate nursing program and a two-year accelerated nursing program for non-nursing baccalaureate graduates) took part in an anatomy laboratory session (N = 223). Participants' learning experiences, emotional experiences, and satisfaction with the anatomy laboratory session were assessed by their responses to closed-ended questionnaires. Participants' reasons for participation and suggestions for improvement were examined by open-ended questions. A mixed methods analysis of the data revealed a high level of satisfaction with the anatomy laboratory experience. Positive attitudes and learning experiences correlated with a sense of identification with the nursing profession. Satisfaction was positively associated with a perceived quality of learning and negatively associated with a negative emotional experience. Curiosity and self-challenge, as well as the quest for tangible, in-depth learning, were major motivators involved in the students' desire to participate in the session. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses indicated that the educational experience was significant. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate anatomy laboratory sessions into anatomy courses for nursing students. This will help to illustrate and assimilate classroom material and strengthen nursing students' sense of identification with their profession.  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前网络课程存在的问题,在分析网络游戏教育价值的基础上,提出了一种基于网络游戏的体验式网络课程的设计理念。基于网络游戏的体验式网络课程能够激发学习者的学习兴趣,促使学习者积极、主动地进行探索,使网络课程的学习成为一种身心愉悦的体验。  相似文献   

良好的情感交互状态和较强的心理归属感将会有力促进远程学习者的学习效率。通过对上海电视大学青浦分校远程学习者的实证调查发现,目前远程学习者的学习情感交互状态比较好,但不同性别、年级、专业的学习者在体验性情感交互、网络课程学习交互、与学习促进者交互等方面分别存在显著性差异,尤其是体验性情感交互状态不佳。针对存在的问题,必须采取将情感交互确立为远程教学的目标之一;发挥学习促进者的情感支持作用;激发学生学习的自主性,增强情感性学习体验;加强职业规划教育和指导以及设立心理咨询服务等有效策略,以增进学习者的情感交互和增强学习者的心理归属感。  相似文献   

《高中英语课程标准》强调跨文化意识和跨文化交际能力的培养,而文化意识又是得体运用语言的保障。基于体验的英语文化意识培养就是教师在教学过程中通过创设一定的教学情境,使学生在亲历和体验过程中理解知识、发展能力,是高中生英语文化意识培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to increase our understanding of learners' perceptions about how the first "class" in an online course should be and to further understand how learners' experiences in the first class contribute to their sense of well-being and engagement in online courses. The study revealed that learners' sense of engagement with courses is more dependent on their connection with the learning materials than with instructors or colleagues, that learners are most comfortable with a generous amount of time to prepare in advance for courses, and that the role of instructors at the beginning of courses is very much a functional one. Instructors are judged on the clarity and completeness with which their course details are presented.  相似文献   

Despite advances to move anatomy education away from its didactic history, there is a continued need for students to contextualize their studies to make learning more meaningful. This article investigates authentic learning in the context of an inquiry‐based approach to learning human gross anatomy. Utilizing a case‐study design with three groups of students (n = 18) and their facilitators (n = 3), methods of classroom observations, interviews, and artifact collection were utilized to investigate students' experiences of learning through an inquiry project. Qualitative data analysis through open and selective coding produced common meaningful themes of group and student experiences. Overall results demonstrate how the project served as a unique learning experience where learners engaged in the opportunity to make sense of anatomy in context of their interests and wider interdisciplinary considerations through collaborative, group‐based investigation. Results were further considered in context of theoretical frameworks of inquiry‐based and authentic learning. Results from this study demonstrate how students can engage anatomical understandings to inquire and apply disciplinary considerations to their personal lives and the world around them. Anat Sci Educ 10: 538–548. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Reflective learning in distance education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses one of three major challenges which it is argued, currently face distance education, namely its claimed over-reliance on behaviourist approaches to teaching and learning. In particular, the derivation of principles of course design which can be applied irrespective of difference of context, content and learners, has not proved to be a realistic and effective way forward. Fortunately, the practice of distance education has not been limited to applied behaviourism only, and has included approaches which draw upon social constructivist and cognitive approaches to learning. These have worked well in combination with regular feedback to students in programmes at undergraduate level at the UK Open University (UKOU). Other conceptualisations of learning have also begun to make an impact, notably the experiential and the relational. The former emphasises reflection on direct experience and the transformation of existing knowledge. The latter reveals the shaping influence of students conceptions in these areas. Distance education already has many examples of activities and projects which require students to process existing and new experience in relation to course concepts and goals. A number of courses at the UKOU are also encouraging students to review their own learning approaches and to be proactive about their study methods. A case study of two courses is introduced, as an example of teaching approaches which foster reflection on experience, integrated with conceptual learning, and reflection by the learner on their own learning process in parallel with the study of course content. Evidence is provided from evaluation of the extent to which these learning process oriented course materials, have affected the learned outcomes students identify for themeselves. The integration of a reflective component into assessment of the course has been especially effective. Students report changes most frequently at the level of general awareness of purpose of study and learning transfer, rather than in the area of detailed study skills.  相似文献   

库伯的经验学习模式是在杜威、勒温、皮亚杰思想理论的基础上发展起来的。库伯将经验学习模式描述为四个阶段:(1)具体经验;(2)反思与观察;(3)抽象概念化;(4)积极实践。库伯认为学习者应在这四个阶段中往复循环,从而产生不断上升的复杂体的学习螺旋。由于成年学习者的经验更加丰富,因此库伯的经验学习环模式更加适用于成年学习者。在成人经验学习的四个阶段中,教师的工作是引导成年学习者在每个水平上发展、拓展他们的话题。  相似文献   

With the increasing prevalence of Internet-based courses in higher education, it is important to examine students' experiences to provide an optimal learning environment. This research found that students reporting positive attitudes about their online course experience exhibited attributes of constructivist learners, including self-direction. Students with negative attitudes seemed less able to understand the course content and to trust self-assessment of their learning, and reported the need for more guidance. In addition, students' expectations were a determining influence in their online course experience and strategies. This study also explored strategies that students use to be successful and discusses ways by which instructors can recognize and meet the needs of a wide range of learners.  相似文献   

The recent surge in interest in progressive education ideas has often been accompanied by an increased advocacy for learning outdoors, with experiential and holistic learning approaches considered the most beneficial method for cultivating personal and social development and raising awareness of contemporary environmental concerns. However, theoretical and practical unease exists about how increased opportunities to learn outdoors can help young people to reflect on their experiences and make sound decisions. The paper reviews the contribution of John Dewey to debates about experiential education and the development of moral deliberation; as for Dewey there are strong connections between cognition, character and actions. This leads, in conclusion, to analysis of outdoor learning prospects and the extent to which these can benefit personal responsibility and social interaction, and provides learners with the capacity to make dependable voluntary decisions that display stable states of character.  相似文献   


This research explored the needs, expectations, and experiences of early childhood teachers as they worked together in graduate study. The study looked at data collected from graduate students in three courses that were part of a pilot program. In this program, traditional (M.Ed. students) and non‐traditional (uncertified teachers working in low SES urban child care centers) graduate students were enrolled in the same early childhood graduate courses. Following New Jersey Supreme Court mandated universal preschool in 30 low SES districts, non‐traditional students were required to obtain the new (P‐3) teaching certification. Results showed that most students valued their learning experiences. Additionally, combining the two groups of learners created significantly more ethnic diversity in the graduate classes. Challenges included decreasing class size, creating a sense of community for learners from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and maintaining the rigor of course material while meeting the needs of students who do not have a strong theoretical background.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   This article investigates the experience of individual learners who have been allocated learning support in the further education system in England. The particular focus is on interviewees' constructions of their emotional and psychic experiences. Through the adoption of a psycho-social perspective, learners' tendency to 'idealise' their learning support workers is understood as a strategy for coping with the anxiety generated by a range of previous experiences. The implications for policy-makers are discussed.  相似文献   

手势交互作为一种理想的虚拟现实交互技术,其在虚拟实验中的应用能够很好地满足学习者多样化的交互需求并提升交互体验。然而,当前关于手势交互虚拟实验的研究大多聚焦于提高手势识别的准确率、设计开发不同领域的虚拟实验应用等方面,而对学习者在虚拟实验中的学习体验并未进行深入地研究。为了探索手势交互虚拟实验对学习者学习体验的影响机制,利用设计开发的基于Leap Motion的"计算机组成原理"虚拟实验,采用混合研究范式对学习者的沉浸感、学习动机和态度分别进行了测量与分析。结果表明:在手势交互虚拟实验中,学习动机作为中间因素会影响学习者的学习体验;身临其境的感觉和自然丰富的交互体验能够有效增强学习者的物理沉浸,进而提高学习者的学习动机,改善学习者的情感体验并增强其使用意愿,由此来促进学习者学习体验的提升。从改进实践的层面来看,未来应合理设计交互手势,创设高度沉浸的实验环境,优化虚拟实验任务设计,注重对学习反思的引导,以不断提升学习者在心理沉浸和学习效果方面的表现。  相似文献   

This study used responses of 20 student teachers to describe the different ways in which student teachers perceive the practice of their mentors as internal triggers for learning in their practicum experiences in the schools. Reported observations from pedagogical journals of student teachers were described according to various kinds of teaching knowledge and skills and were further categorized as providing either support or challenge to student teachers’ perceptions of learning to teach. The student teachers identified support and challenge in each one of the categories of teaching knowledge and skills, thereby supplying evidence for different kinds of emotional and cognitive triggers for learning. Based on the findings, we make some recommendations for supervision of mentoring relationships.  相似文献   

A sense of belonging to a learning community has been identified as one of the factors contributing to greater student satisfaction and persistence in online education programs. Using the community of inquiry framework as a theoretical guide, the purpose of this study was to explore the role of VoiceThread, a web-based platform that facilitates cloud communication, in creating a sense of community for U.S. adult learners in the online environment. This study surveyed 39 students in a College of Education fully online master’s program and in a blended doctoral program regarding their experiences using VoiceThread in their courses. Results indicate that students perceive VoiceThread positively in the creation of online community. Students reported feeling more connected their classmates due to the tool’s ability to add voice to online activities. Students also felt more connected to their instructor due to VoiceThread’s ability to humanize, or make the instructor seem real.  相似文献   


Ocean Literacy is a growing global education movement aimed at deepening and contextualising the human relationship with the ocean. While ocean topics are largely missing from UK school curricula, Ocean Literacy principles offer an opportunity for environmental educators to infuse their programmes with broader perspectives on the ocean, creating openings for the development of learner knowledges, and increasing emotional connection with the marine environment. Field courses held at residential field study centres which focus on marine and coastal environments are uniquely positioned to explore principles of Ocean Literacy with their learners; through experiential, investigative modes of learning which encourage development of understanding, emotional engagement with the environment, and pro-environmental behaviours. This paper examines the learning outcomes of 16–18?year old school students taking part in residential programmes at three coastal field centres in the UK Field Studies Council network. Examining student responses against UK A-level, Scottish Highers, and International Baccalaureate specifications and curricula, we argue that while such programmes are largely determined by cognitive rather than behavioural or affective characteristics, they demonstrate a significant opportunity to further develop the emotional and behavioural foci of residential marine courses.  相似文献   

Grounded in the theoretical approaches of experiential learning and inquiry‐based learning, adventure learning (AL) is a hybrid distance education approach that seeks to transform the experiences of students by having learners explore real‐world issues and pursue answers to their own questions in an authentic, anchor‐based environment. In this article we present a theoretical overview of AL, provide a brief summary of recently examined AL impacts in the classroom, and use a phenomenological lens to examine the experience of an educator/explorer who traveled by dogsled over 3000 miles across the Arctic to engage students and teachers from around the world in a truly authentic learning context. We conclude by offering recommendations for teachers who wish to embark on their own unique AL experiences with their students (without necessarily having to travel to the Arctic).  相似文献   

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