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Recent studies suggest that significant improvement in information retrieval performance can be achieved by combining multiple representations of an information need. The paper presents a genetic approach that combines the results from multiple query evaluations. The genetic algorithm aims to optimise the overall relevance estimate by exploring different directions of the document space. We investigate ways to improve the effectiveness of the genetic exploration by combining appropriate techniques and heuristics known in genetic theory or in the IR field. Indeed, the approach uses a niching technique to solve the relevance multimodality problem, a relevance feedback technique to perform genetic transformations on query formulations and evolution heuristics in order to improve the convergence conditions of the genetic process. The effectiveness of the global approach is demonstrated by comparing the retrieval results obtained by both genetic multiple query evaluation and classical single query evaluation performed on a subset of TREC-4 using the Mercure IRS. Moreover, experimental results show the positive effect of the various techniques integrated to our genetic algorithm model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relevance model to rank the facts of a data warehouse that are described in a set of documents retrieved with an information retrieval (IR) query. The model is based in language modeling and relevance modeling techniques. We estimate the relevance of the facts by the probability of finding their dimensions values and the query keywords in the documents that are relevant to the query. The model is the core of the so-called contextualized warehouse, which is a new kind of decision support system that combines structured data sources and document collections. The paper evaluates the relevance model with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) TREC test subcollection and a self-constructed fact database.  相似文献   

This paper describes our novel retrieval model that is based on contexts of query terms in documents (i.e., document contexts). Our model is novel because it explicitly takes into account of the document contexts instead of implicitly using the document contexts to find query expansion terms. Our model is based on simulating a user making relevance decisions, and it is a hybrid of various existing effective models and techniques. It estimates the relevance decision preference of a document context as the log-odds and uses smoothing techniques as found in language models to solve the problem of zero probabilities. It combines these estimated preferences of document contexts using different types of aggregation operators that comply with different relevance decision principles (e.g., aggregate relevance principle). Our model is evaluated using retrospective experiments (i.e., with full relevance information), because such experiments can (a) reveal the potential of our model, (b) isolate the problems of the model from those of the parameter estimation, (c) provide information about the major factors affecting the retrieval effectiveness of the model, and (d) show that whether the model obeys the probability ranking principle. Our model is promising as its mean average precision is 60–80% in our experiments using different TREC ad hoc English collections and the NTCIR-5 ad hoc Chinese collection. Our experiments showed that (a) the operators that are consistent with aggregate relevance principle were effective in combining the estimated preferences, and (b) that estimating probabilities using the contexts in the relevant documents can produce better retrieval effectiveness than using the entire relevant documents.  相似文献   

The study of query performance prediction (QPP) in information retrieval (IR) aims to predict retrieval effectiveness. The specificity of the underlying information need of a query often determines how effectively can a search engine retrieve relevant documents at top ranks. The presence of ambiguous terms makes a query less specific to the sought information need, which in turn may degrade IR effectiveness. In this paper, we propose a novel word embedding based pre-retrieval feature which measures the ambiguity of each query term by estimating how many ‘senses’ each word is associated with. Assuming each sense roughly corresponds to a Gaussian mixture component, our proposed generative model first estimates a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) from the word vectors that are most similar to the given query terms. We then use the posterior probabilities of generating the query terms themselves from this estimated GMM in order to quantify the ambiguity of the query. Previous studies have shown that post-retrieval QPP approaches often outperform pre-retrieval ones because they use additional information from the top ranked documents. To achieve the best of both worlds, we formalize a linear combination of our proposed GMM based pre-retrieval predictor with NQC, a state-of-the-art post-retrieval QPP. Our experiments on the TREC benchmark news and web collections demonstrate that our proposed hybrid QPP approach (in linear combination with NQC) significantly outperforms a range of other existing pre-retrieval approaches in combination with NQC used as baselines.  相似文献   

曲琳琳 《情报科学》2021,39(8):132-138
【目的/意义】跨语言信息检索研究的目的即在消除因语言的差异而导致信息查询的困难,提高从大量纷繁 复杂的查找特定信息的效率。同时提供一种更加方便的途径使得用户能够使用自己熟悉的语言检索另外一种语 言文档。【方法/过程】本文通过对国内外跨语言信息检索的研究现状分析,介绍了目前几种查询翻译的方法,包括: 直接查询翻译、文献翻译、中间语言翻译以及查询—文献翻译方法,对其效果进行比较,然后阐述了跨语言检索关 键技术,对使用基于双语词典、语料库、机器翻译技术等产生的歧义性提出了解决方法及评价。【结果/结论】使用自 然语言处理技术、共现技术、相关反馈技术、扩展技术、双向翻译技术以及基于本体信息检索技术确保知识词典的 覆盖度和歧义性处理,通过对跨语言检索实验分析证明采用知识词典、语料库和搜索引擎组合能够提高查询效 率。【创新/局限】本文为了解决跨语言信息检索使用词典、语料库中词语缺乏的现象,提出通过搜索引擎从网页获 取信息资源来充实语料库中语句对不足的问题。文章主要针对中英文信息检索问题进行了探讨,解决方法还需要 进一步研究,如中文切词困难以及字典覆盖率低等严重影响检索的效率。  相似文献   

The estimation of query model is an important task in language modeling (LM) approaches to information retrieval (IR). The ideal estimation is expected to be not only effective in terms of high mean retrieval performance over all queries, but also stable in terms of low variance of retrieval performance across different queries. In practice, however, improving effectiveness can sacrifice stability, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose to study this tradeoff from a new perspective, i.e., the bias–variance tradeoff, which is a fundamental theory in statistics. We formulate the notion of bias–variance regarding retrieval performance and estimation quality of query models. We then investigate several estimated query models, by analyzing when and why the bias–variance tradeoff will occur, and how the bias and variance can be reduced simultaneously. A series of experiments on four TREC collections have been conducted to systematically evaluate our bias–variance analysis. Our approach and results will potentially form an analysis framework and a novel evaluation strategy for query language modeling.  相似文献   

Searching for relevant material that satisfies the information need of a user, within a large document collection is a critical activity for web search engines. Query Expansion techniques are widely used by search engines for the disambiguation of user’s information need and for improving the information retrieval (IR) performance. Knowledge-based, corpus-based and relevance feedback, are the main QE techniques, that employ different approaches for expanding the user query with synonyms of the search terms (word synonymy) in order to bring more relevant documents and for filtering documents that contain search terms but with a different meaning (also known as word polysemy problem) than the user intended. This work, surveys existing query expansion techniques, highlights their strengths and limitations and introduces a new method that combines the power of knowledge-based or corpus-based techniques with that of relevance feedback. Experimental evaluation on three information retrieval benchmark datasets shows that the application of knowledge or corpus-based query expansion techniques on the results of the relevance feedback step improves the information retrieval performance, with knowledge-based techniques providing significantly better results than their simple relevance feedback alternatives in all sets.  相似文献   

In information retrieval (IR), the improvement of the effectiveness often sacrifices the stability of an IR system. To evaluate the stability, many risk-sensitive metrics have been proposed. Since the theoretical limitations, the current works study the effectiveness and stability separately, and have not explored the effectiveness–stability tradeoff. In this paper, we propose a Bias–Variance Tradeoff Evaluation (BV-Test) framework, based on the bias–variance decomposition of the mean squared error, to measure the overall performance (considering both effectiveness and stability) and the tradeoff between effectiveness and stability of a system. In this framework, we define generalized bias–variance metrics, based on the Cranfield-style experiment set-up where the document collection is fixed (across topics) or the set-up where document collection is a sample (per-topic). Compared with risk-sensitive evaluation methods, our work not only measures the effectiveness–stability tradeoff of a system, but also effectively tracks the source of system instability. Experiments on TREC Ad-hoc track (1993–1999) and Web track (2010–2014) show a clear effectiveness–stability tradeoff across topics and per-topic, and topic grouping and max–min normalization can effectively reduce the bias–variance tradeoff. Experimental results on TREC Session track (2010–2012) also show that the query reformulation and increase of user data are beneficial to both effectiveness and stability simultaneously.  相似文献   

In ad hoc querying of document collections, current approaches to ranking primarily rely on identifying the documents that contain the query terms. Methods such as query expansion, based on thesaural information or automatic feedback, are used to add further terms, and can yield significant though usually small gains in effectiveness. Another approach to adding terms, which we investigate in this paper, is to use natural language technology to annotate - and thus disambiguate - key terms by the concept they represent. Using biomedical research documents, we quantify the potential benefits of tagging users’ targeted concepts in queries and documents in domain-specific information retrieval. Our experiments, based on the TREC Genomics track data, both on passage and full-text retrieval, found no evidence that automatic concept recognition in general is of significant value for this task. Moreover, the issues raised by these results suggest that it is difficult for such disambiguation to be effective.  相似文献   

We will explore various ways to apply query structuring in cross-language information retrieval. In the first test, English queries were translated into Finnish using an electronic dictionary, and were run in a Finnish newspaper database of 55,000 articles. Queries were structured by combining the Finnish translation equivalents of the same English query key using the syn-operator of the InQuery retrieval system. Structured queries performed markedly better than unstructured queries. Second, the effects of compound-based structuring using a proximity operator for the translation equivalents of query language compound components were tested. The method was not useful in syn-based queries but resulted in decrease in retrieval effectiveness. Proper names are often non-identical spelling variants in different languages. This allows n-gram based translation of names not included in a dictionary. In the third test, a query structuring method where the Boolean and-operator was used to assign more weight to keys translated through n-gram matching gave good results.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a learning approach for the merging process in multilingual information retrieval (MLIR). To conduct the learning approach, we present a number of features that may influence the MLIR merging process. These features are mainly extracted from three levels: query, document, and translation. After the feature extraction, we then use the FRank ranking algorithm to construct a merge model. To the best of our knowledge, this practice is the first attempt to use a learning-based ranking algorithm to construct a merge model for MLIR merging. In our experiments, three test collections for the task of crosslingual information retrieval (CLIR) in NTCIR3, 4, and 5 are employed to assess the performance of our proposed method. Moreover, several merging methods are also carried out for a comparison, including traditional merging methods, the 2-step merging strategy, and the merging method based on logistic regression. The experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly improve merging quality on two different types of datasets. In addition to the effectiveness, through the merge model generated by FRank, our method can further identify key factors that influence the merging process. This information might provide us more insight and understanding into MLIR merging.  相似文献   

The principle of polyrepresentation offers a theoretical framework for handling multiple contexts in information retrieval (IR). This paper presents an empirical laboratory study of polyrepresentation in restricted mode of the information space with focus on inter and intra-document features. The Cystic Fibrosis test collection indexed in the best match system InQuery constitutes the experimental setting. Overlaps between five functionally and/or cognitively different document representations are identified. Supporting the principle of polyrepresentation, results show that in general overlaps generated by three or four representations of different nature have higher precision than those generated from two representations or the single fields. This result pertains to both structured and unstructured query mode in best match retrieval, however, with the latter query mode demonstrating higher performance. The retrieval overlaps containing search keys from the bibliographic references provide the best retrieval performance and minor MeSH terms the worst. It is concluded that a highly structured query language is necessary when implementing the principle of polyrepresentation in a best match IR system because the principle is inherently Boolean. Finally a re-ranking test shows promising results when search results are re-ranked according to precision obtained in the overlaps whilst re-ranking by citations seems less useful when integrated into polyrepresentative applications.  相似文献   

Word sense ambiguity has been identified as a cause of poor precision in information retrieval (IR) systems. Word sense disambiguation and discrimination methods have been defined to help systems choose which documents should be retrieved in relation to an ambiguous query. However, the only approaches that show a genuine benefit for word sense discrimination or disambiguation in IR are generally supervised ones. In this paper we propose a new unsupervised method that uses word sense discrimination in IR. The method we develop is based on spectral clustering and reorders an initially retrieved document list by boosting documents that are semantically similar to the target query. For several TREC ad hoc collections we show that our method is useful in the case of queries which contain ambiguous terms. We are interested in improving the level of precision after 5, 10 and 30 retrieved documents (P@5, P@10, P@30) respectively. We show that precision can be improved by 8% above current state-of-the-art baselines. We also focus on poor performing queries.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Foreign-Language Search Assistant that uses noun phrases as fundamental units for document translation and query formulation, translation and refinement. The system (a) supports the foreign-language document selection task providing a cross-language indicative summary based on noun phrase translations, and (b) supports query formulation and refinement using the information displayed in the cross-language document summaries. Our results challenge two implicit assumptions in most of cross-language Information Retrieval research: first, that once documents in the target language are found, Machine Translation is the optimal way of informing the user about their contents; and second, that in an interactive setting the optimal way of formulating and refining the query is helping the user to choose appropriate translations for the query terms.  相似文献   

How to merge and organise query results retrieved from different resources is one of the key issues in distributed information retrieval. Some previous research and experiments suggest that cluster-based document browsing is more effective than a single merged list. Cluster-based retrieval results presentation is based on the cluster hypothesis, which states that documents that cluster together have a similar relevance to a given query. However, while this hypothesis has been demonstrated to hold in classical information retrieval environments, it has never been fully tested in heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments. Heterogeneous document representations, the presence of document duplicates, and disparate qualities of retrieval results, are major features of an heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environment that might disrupt the effectiveness of the cluster hypothesis. In this paper we report on an experimental investigation into the validity and effectiveness of the cluster hypothesis in highly heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments. The results show that although clustering is affected by different retrieval results representations and quality, the cluster hypothesis still holds and that generating hierarchical clusters in highly heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments is still a very effective way of presenting retrieval results to users.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel query expansion method, which is combined in the graph-based algorithm for query-focused multi-document summarization, so as to resolve the problem of information limit in the original query. Our approach makes use of both the sentence-to-sentence relations and the sentence-to-word relations to select the query biased informative words from the document set and use them as query expansions to improve the sentence ranking result. Compared to previous query expansion approaches, our approach can capture more relevant information with less noise. We performed experiments on the data of document understanding conference (DUC) 2005 and DUC 2006, and the evaluation results show that the proposed query expansion method can significantly improve the system performance and make our system comparable to the state-of-the-art systems.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether the way in which sets of query terms are identified has an impact on the effectiveness of users’ information seeking efforts. Query terms are text strings used as input to an information access system; they are products of a method or grammar that identifies a set of query terms. We conducted an experiment that compared the effectiveness of sets of query terms identified for a single book by three different methods. One had been previously prepared by a human indexer for a back-of-the-book index. The other two were identified by computer programs that used a combination of linguistic and statistical criteria to extract terms from full text. Effectiveness was measured by (1) whether selected query terms led participants to correct answers and (2) how long it took participants to obtain correct answers. Our results show that two sets of terms – the human terms and the set selected according to the linguistically more sophisticated criteria – were significantly more effective than the third set of terms. This single case demonstrates that query languages do have a measurable impact on the effectiveness of query term languages in the interactive information access process. The procedure described in this paper can be used to assess the effectiveness for information seekers of query terms identified by any query language.  相似文献   

Existing pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) methods often divide an original query into individual terms for processing and select expansion terms based on the term frequency, proximity, position, etc. This process may lose some contextual semantic information from the original query. In this work, based on the classic Rocchio model, we propose a probabilistic framework that incorporates sentence-level semantics via Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) into PRF. First, we obtain the importance of terms at the term level. Then, we use BERT to interactively encode the query and sentences in the feedback document to acquire the semantic similarity score of a sentence and the query. Next, the semantic scores of different sentences are summed as the term score at the sentence level. Finally, we balance the term-level and sentence-level weights by adjusting factors and combine the terms with the top-k scores to form a new query for the next-round processing. We apply this method to three Rocchio-based models (Rocchio, PRoc2, and KRoc). A series of experiments are conducted based on six official TREC data sets. Various evaluation indicators suggest that the improved models achieve a significant improvement over the corresponding baseline models. Our proposed models provide a promising avenue for incorporating sentence-level semantics into PRF, which is feasible and robust. Through comparison and analysis of a case study, expansion terms obtained from the proposed models are shown to be more semantically consistent with the query.  相似文献   

In the web environment, most of the queries issued by users are implicit by nature. Inferring the different temporal intents of this type of query enhances the overall temporal part of the web search results. Previous works tackling this problem usually focused on news queries, where the retrieval of the most recent results related to the query are usually sufficient to meet the user's information needs. However, few works have studied the importance of time in queries such as “Philip Seymour Hoffman” where the results may require no recency at all. In this work, we focus on this type of queries named “time-sensitive queries” where the results are preferably from a diversified time span, not necessarily the most recent one. Unlike related work, we follow a content-based approach to identify the most important time periods of the query and integrate time into a re-ranking model to boost the retrieval of documents whose contents match the query time period. For that purpose, we define a linear combination of topical and temporal scores, which reflects the relevance of any web document both in the topical and temporal dimensions, thus contributing to improve the effectiveness of the ranked results across different types of queries. Our approach relies on a novel temporal similarity measure that is capable of determining the most important dates for a query, while filtering out the non-relevant ones. Through extensive experimental evaluation over web corpora, we show that our model offers promising results compared to baseline approaches. As a result of our investigation, we publicly provide a set of web services and a web search interface so that the system can be graphically explored by the research community.  相似文献   

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