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通过分析西南交通大学峨眉校区学生社团的发展现状,从其发展趋势和所面临的困境入手,提出高校学生社团建设要围绕打造社团品牌、重视内部建设和内部培训、进行规范管理和联合创新发展的目标,扩大学生社团人才队伍建设,形成竞争激励机制,努力打造优质社团,充分发挥高校学生社团作为第二课堂的引领者作用。  相似文献   

大学生社团建设:问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生社团是高校校园文化的重要载体,是第二课堂不可或缺的组成部分,在新时期,加强学生社团建设,积极引导学生参加健康向上的社团活动,是关系到青年学生健康成长和素质教育全面推进的大事,也是关系到社团事业不断发展和党的青年工作永葆生机和活力的大事。目前,大学生社团建设中存在着社团管理体制不完善;社团内部管理机制不得力、管理制度不健全;社团建设深度有待提高;社团活动经费紧张,活动场地、设施建设不到位等诸多问题,应紧跟时代发展潮流,科学指导社团发展。通过狠抓社团制度建设,规范社团内外部管理;努力打造品牌,积极鼓励创新;高度重视网络建设,打造社团虚拟家园;积极营造社团发展的良好社会环境;强化正确的学生社团发展导向等措施,促进大学生社团的健康发展。  相似文献   

李飞 《中国职工教育》2013,(16):145-146
学生社团是独立学院校园文化建设的重要载体,对于独立学院的育人工作有着重要的促进作用。而独立学院办学时间相对较短,对学生社团重视程度还不够,指导力量薄弱,活动资源短缺,管理体制不规范等问题更加突出。本文从多个角度阐述了独立学院学生社团存在的相关问题,并对此提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

高职院校学生社团是高职教育的重要载体,对拓宽高职教育的途径、培养学生的创业意识具有重要的意义。文章针对当前高职院校学生社团发展功能定位不清、管理体制不完善、实践性不强、自身实践能力较为薄弱的问题,从准确定位社团功能、创新学生社团内部体制、积极发展实践技能型学生社团、注重社团创业文化建设、加强学生社团管理等方面提出了促进高职教育中学生社团快速发展的建议,这有助于增强高职院校学生社团育人工作的实效性和针对性,实现高职院校学生社团科学、健康的发展。  相似文献   

陈浩 《教育教学论坛》2012,(19):184-185
高校学生社团在繁荣校园文化、提高大学生的综合素质方面发挥了积极作用。本文作者从我国高校社团发展现状出发,从学校与学生两个角度分析了其发展的原因,指出当前高校社团建设存在的问题在于管理体制不够规范,成员流动性大,期望与投入不平衡以及社团组织水平不够高。本文认为明确定位、改进管理、完善激励和加强对外交流可促进我国高校社团的发展。  相似文献   

新形势下高校学生社团建设与发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高等教育改革的不断深入,我国高校发展出现很多新变化.学生社团的教育功能日益凸显。但存在的问题,如管理体制不完善、经费和活动场地没保障、指导教师配备力量不足也制约了社团发展。加强学生社团发展应从提高认识、规范管理、经费投入与管理、加强自身建设四方面入手。  相似文献   

曹勇 《成才之路》2022,(11):56-58
加强高校学生社团信息化管理建设,有利于社团的高效规范管理,有利于从内部激发学生社团的活力,符合学生社团发展趋势.高校学生社团管理者可从以下方面入手做好学生社团的信息化管理工作:完善社团管理制度,打造社团文化;树立社团合作意识,最大化利用资源;应用互联网技术,规范活动流程管理;充分利用新媒体,提高社团活动的活跃度和影响力...  相似文献   

在高校学生社团建立党支部,是当前我国党的建设的时代要求。针对学生社团的管理体制与党支部设置之间存在的一些制约因素,根据十八届三中全会确立的党的建设制度改革的总体部署,我国应在学生社团中逐渐推进党支部建设的实体设置,规范学生社团党支部的运行管理,建立健全学生社团党支部的相关保障和监督措施,充分发挥学生社团的专业优势,提升学生社团党支部的建设效能,借助机制改革和管理创新,进而展现出高校学生社团党支部建设更为广泛且有力的党员群众的标杆作用。  相似文献   

针对当前高校学生社团建设存在着社团功能和定位模糊、自身管理不规范、社团活动层次不高、经费和场地缺乏保障、学生主体地位缺失等问题,提出了普及社团知识、明确社团定位;加强规范管理,建立科学的内外管理制度;加强社团内涵建设,努力提高活动质量;加大社团扶持力度,保障其健康有序地发展;增强社团自主性,坚持指导与管理相结合等行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

高校学生社团与和谐校园文化建设   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王志坚 《教育探索》2008,(6):116-118
高校学生社团在构建和谐校园文化中具有重要地位和作用。但由于目前高校学生社团建设中存在着管理体制不完善、活动效果不够理想等诸多问题,使其难以发挥应有的主体作用。因此,分析当前高校学生社团建设存在的问题并积极探索其建设的有效路径,必然成为和谐校园文化建设的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

高校学生社团是学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务的有效形式,具有广泛的群众性、充分的民主性、动态的多样性、较强的规范性和鲜明的时代性,它具有强化爱国主义教育的功能、培养集体主义意识 的功能、强化价值观和道德观的功能、促进和提高学生素质能力的功能和调适身心健全人格的功能,在大学 生思想教育工作中发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

高校学生社团作为特殊和重要的学生组织,在繁荣高校校园文化、提高大学生综合素质、促进高等教育发展等方面都发挥了重要的作用。高校学生社团对提升大学生就业竞争力的三个方面即基本能力素质、核心能力素质和可持续发展能力起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

马来西亚学生事务部门(即学生事务与校友部)是随着1971年《大学和大学学院法案》的颁布而成立的。自成立以来,学生事务部门的角色和功能不断调整并日益专业化,其专业化的表现和路径选择颇具特色。对马来西亚学生事务部门的专业化进行探析,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

Postsecondary Opportunity The Growing Importance of a College Degree Moving from Access to Success Diagnosis by the Numbers: The Education Pipeline for Racial and Ethnic Minorities Diversity 101: Affirmative Action in America Why Students Leave College Models of Student Progression Factors Related to Retention A Framework for Retention A New Perspective on Student Integration Three Forces Affecting Student Persistence and Achievement The Model in Practice Practical Implications of the Geometric Model A Framework for Student Retention Monitoring Students' Progress Implementation and Leadership Important Organizational Considerations in Developing an Institution-Wide Retention Program Implementing Campus-Wide Programs The Importance of Leadership on Student Retention Final Thoughts Appendix A: Promising College Student Retention Programs Appendix B: Annotated Bibliography References Name Index Subject Index  相似文献   

Introduction, Context, and Overview Definitions and Conceptual Framework Major Theoretical Perspectives on Student Success in College Sociological Perspectives Organizational Perspectives Psychological Perspectives Cultural Perspectives Economic Perspectives Summary The Foundation for Student Success: Student Background Characteristics, Precollege Experiences, and Enrollment Patterns Student Demographics Family and Peer Support Academic Preparation and Motivation to Learn Enrollment Choices and Patterns Summary Student Behaviors, Activities, and Experiences Associated with Student Success College Activities A Closer Look at Engagement in Effective Educational Practices Student Characteristics Summary Notes Institutional Conditions Associated with Student Success Structural and Organizational Characteristics Programs and Practices Summary Propositions and Recommendations for Student Success in Postsecondary Education Propositions and Recommendations Needed Research A Final Word Appendix A: Note on Research Methods Appendix B: Indicators of Student Success in Postsecondary Education References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

Introduction and Overview Who Are BGLT College Students? A Historical Overview BGLT Student History Pre-Stonewall: What Do We Know? Stonewall Approaches: BGLT Visibility and Marginality in the Twentieth Century Stonewall and Its Aftermath: The Birth of the Homophile Movement Transgender Lives and Stonewall BGLT Rights on the College Campus: The Student Homophile Movement Student Movement Snapshots: BGLT Student Activism at Three Institutions Queer Student Activism Today Conclusion: BGLT Student Visibility and Activism After Stonewall Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Student Development Since Stonewall Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Identity Development Beyond the Monolithic Queer: Developmental Theory in Twenty-First-Century Context Students of Color and Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Identity Development Intersectionality and Identity Development Impediments to BGL Student Development in College Conclusion Transgender Student Issues and Development After Stonewall Who Are Transgender College Students? Transgender Students at Women's Colleges Transgender Student Development The Challenge of Transphobia on Campus The Resilience of Transgender Students Transgender Students' Needs and Services Conclusion The BGLT Campus Resource Center The First BGLT Campus Resource Centers: Their Founding and Purposes BGLT Centers Today: Their Purposes and Roles BGLT Students and Campus Climate Assessment Center Leadership: A “New Profession” in Higher Education The Politics of BGLT Campus Resource Centers: Contested Territory Higher Education Student Affairs and BGLT Issues BGLT Issues in Professional Preparation of Student Affairs Practitioners Conclusion Identity and Solidarity: The Next Steps in BGLT Student Inclusion and Equity Collaborative Transformation Conclusion References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

大学生党员开展社会实践是强化宗旨意识、发挥先进性、进行持续教育的有效举措,文章从社会实践组织、活动、形式和管理等方面探索聚焦提升大学生党员社会实践成效的有效路径,提出了大学生党员“社会实践+”有效模式,形成大学生党员开展社会实践与扶贫、支教等项目相结合的具体路径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand predictors of different learning outcomes among various student background characteristics, types of learning motivation and engagement behaviors. 178 junior students were surveyed at a 4-year research university in Taiwan. The scales of motivation, engagement and perceived learning outcomes were adapted from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the National Survey of Student Engagement College Student Report. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis was used in data analysis. Findings confirm that different student background characteristics and learning motivation can predict different learning outcomes. However, student engagement behaviors cannot significantly predict different types of learning outcomes when student background and learning motivation variables are included. This study also finds that student’s majors play an important role in explaining learning outcomes. Overall, the findings highlight the importance of learning motivation and suggest that instructors can provide students with more successful learning experiences to ensure more confidence in their learning abilities.  相似文献   

“一村一名大学生计划”是面向农村开展远程教育的一次新尝试。为了回答如何在欠发达地区农村创建远程教育学习支持服务系统的问题。文章对“一村一名大学生计划”在江西赣州地区的开展情况进行了调查分析,通过调查问卷了解“一村一名大学生计划”学员的学习条件、学习需求以及对教学支持服务系统的要求,它将有助于未来进一步改进和完善面向农村的远程教育学习服务支持系统。  相似文献   

International students have realistic expectations about their adjustment to college, however, they seem to experience a more difficult transition than U.S. students. Scores on the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire for international and U.S. students are compared. The results indicated that international students scored significantly lower on the social and the institutional attachment and goal commitment subscales. The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire may have applications in targeting international student needs.  相似文献   

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