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思想咨商是一种通过意义引导、开解思想困惑的实践活动。在国外,与"思想咨商"研究近似的是发端于20世纪80年代的"哲学实践"运动,该运动以阿肯巴赫、马里诺夫、拉比等为代表性人物,以《柏拉图灵丹》等为代表性著作,以"国际哲学实践协会"等代表性组织,已在国际上多个国家和地区有广泛的发展。由于工作重心、基本原则、学科范式等差异,"哲学实践"虽有助于"思想咨商"的发展,却并不能替代"思想咨商"的地位和功能。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,全球迎来了非政府组织发展的高峰时期,我国无疑也加入了这一浪潮之中,非政府组织得到空前发展。然而,由于转型社会的特殊背景与条件,使得我国非政府组织在发展过程中,陷入了这样那样的困境。从构建和谐社会的视角对非政府组织发展中存在的问题进行详尽分析,提出促进非政府组织发展的路径选择。  相似文献   

民主理论要求政府权力受到限制与制约,这导致政府的许多功能由非政府组织来承担。由此,非政府组织角色应该放到与政府的关系中去认识。中国非政府组织与政府的关系是一个随着社会民主不断发展,逐步从合作关系发展成为吸纳关系,再到冲突关系,最后发展为互补关系的过程,非政府组织社会角色不断增强,政府与非政府组织的关系向着更加民主的方向推进。  相似文献   

国际环境非政府组织的演变及其原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究国际环境保护中的一个重要角色一一国际环境非政府组织的演变及其原因.文章认为,20世纪70年代在国际环境非政府组织的发展历史上具有分水岭的意义。在此之前,国际环境非政府组织发展比较缓慢,规模小,数量少,国际影响有限;在此之后,国际环境非政府组织勃然兴起,发展迅速,国际影响日增,成为全球环境保护中的一支重要力量。导致这一巨变的原因有三:第一、环境问题的大量存在及被人类认知,是国际环境非政府组织得以发展的历史背景或基础原因;第二、20世纪70年代以后世界在政治上的分裂状态和生态上的整体性之间的矛盾日益凸显为国际环境非政府组织发挥作用提供了空间:第三、国际环境非政府组织充分发挥自身优势和特点使国际环境非政府组织的发展从可能变为现实。  相似文献   

被称为第三体系的非政府组织的发展,不仅可以有效促进政府职能的转换以及自律性社会秩序的形成,而且能够培育人们的公民意识和互助合作精神,为人们践行道德理想提供实现条件.我们要充分认识发展非政府组织的重大意义,注意处理好非政府组织与政府、企业的关系以及与国外非政府组织的关系,并充分注意非政府组织的伦理性质,完善组织内部管理机制,以图有效促进社会主义和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

在全球范围内的非政府组织飞速发展的大气候下,中国的非政府组织也取得了一些骄人的成绩.但是它们的现状还不足以应对全球化及国内体制改革所带给它们的挑战.所以,中国非政府组织自身的制度创新势在必行.本文阐明了中国非政府组织的主要弊端并简要分析了其原因,从而引出了其进行制度创新的途径.文章的结尾简要说明了非政府组织制度创新的三个途径之间的关系并展望了中国非政府组织的未来.  相似文献   

被称为第三体系的非政府组织的发展,不仅可以有效促进政府职能的转换以及自律性社会秩序的形成,而且能够培育人们的公民意识和互助合作精神,为人们践行道德理想提供实现条件。我们要充分认识发展非政府组织的重大意义,注意处理好非政府组织与政府、企业的关系以及与国外非政府组织的关系,并充分注意非政府组织的伦理性质,完善组织内部管理机制,以图有效促进社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

非政府组织的责任制度是其参与国际法律体系制度规范的重要组成部分。自20世纪70年代以来,尤其是随着全球化趋势的深入发展,非政府组织日益成为国际法律体系的重要参与者。但是,国际法律体系中有关非政府组织责任制度的缺失越来越成为其参与国际事务的障碍。因此,发展和完善非政府组织的责任制度是十分必要的。当前,实现非政府组织责任制度的构建,主要有制定统一条约规范和自我管理行为准则等路径选择。联合国及欧盟等国际组织的相关实践表明,以国家为主导的非政府组织自我管理和规范日益成为构建非政府组织责任制度的发展趋势。  相似文献   

在全球范围内的非政府组织飞速发展的大气候下,中国的非政府组织也取得了一些骄人的成绩。但是它们的现状还不足以应对全球化及国内体制改革所带给它们的挑战。所以,中国非政府组织自身的制度创新势在必行。本文阐明了中国非政府组织的主要弊端并简要分析了其原因,从而引出了其进行制度创新的途径。文章的结尾简要说明了非政府组织制度创新的三个途径之间的关系并展望了中国非政府组织的未来。  相似文献   

李慧媛 《文教资料》2006,(19):57-58
本文从研究非政府组织与联合国关系的发展历史角度出发,重点分析了当今全球化背景下非政府组织和联合国之间的相互依存、合作关系,并对产生这一现象的原因进行了分析和解答。  相似文献   

全球化和全球性问题催生了全球治理。要解决全球性问题,需要主权国家、联合国和非政府组织等各种行为体共同参与。作为全球治理的重要行为主体,联合国与非政府组织在解决全球性问题中,相互配合、协调,形成了新的联合国—非政府组织治理模式。这种模式的形成有自身的动因,即联合国与非政府组织在世界治理中互有优势与缺陷,只有加强合作,实行优势互补,才能实现全球问题的善治。但是,日益兴起的非政府组织逐渐对联合国构成了挑战,致使这种模式存在一定的结构性矛盾,因此需要妥善处理联合国与非政府组织的关系,对待双方的合作,国际社会的多重角色与因素应对之采取鼓励引导的政策,对待二者的矛盾,应采取多方协调、沟通、弥补分歧、消除冲突。  相似文献   

The promotion of sex/gender equity education in Taiwan was initiated by a women's movement group, the Awakening Foundation in the late 1980s. In 1997, it became a policy in education. The passage of the Gender Equity Education Act in 2004 was a major milestone. At present, although gender equity education has been essentially institutionalized, the challenges and obstacles are still many and, therefore, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) must continue their work. This article introduces two central government committees and four NGOs closely related to the issue, to provide an overview and assessment of their functions and roles, as well as the relationships between them.  相似文献   

环境非政府组织广泛地参与了主权国家范围内、地区性以及全球性环境治理,其中,对联合国环境事务的参与所发挥的作用最为突出。环境非政府组织对联合国的参与具有提供环境信息和引入新议题、推动环境问题的国际公约的制定和监督实施等方面的重要政治作用。  相似文献   

随着经济体制的转轨和政府职能的转变,我国民间组织(NGO)开始成长和发展,并致力于慈善、公益事业的发展,但我国民间组织的发展整体还很不规范,大部分还处于自发、松散的无序状态,这在一定程度上造成了非政府组织的畸形发展。为此,实现NGO生成模式由政府选择向社会选择的转换,强化NGO伦理价值的信守成为实现我国NGO健康有序发展并促进公共服务发展的基本路径。  相似文献   

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are being recognized globally for their influential role in realizing the UN Millennium Development Goal of education for all in developing countries. NGOs mostly employ untrained para-educators for grassroots activities. The professional development of these teachers is critical for NGO effectiveness, yet para-teacher learning in such contexts is rarely researched. To facilitate much-needed research on para-teacher professional development, this article offers a contextually relevant on- the-job learning model for para-teachers. The model suggests that para-educators can effectively learn when their work and learning are integrated by systematizing a simple daily cyclical routine of lesson planning, enactment and reflection for everyday instruction. It also suggests other supports to stimulate learning alongside the cyclical routine.  相似文献   

In a study focusing on the views of Pakistani adolescent girls on contraception and family planning reveals that the majority of girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years have no knowledge of contraceptives. Many favor immediate pregnancy right after marriage. Only 4.8% of the total adolescent population opted to delay pregnancy and 1.5% expressed a desire to gain access to family planning aids to limit number of births. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have responded to this adolescent reproductive health problem. Activities such as the Girl Child Programme, the Youth Project, and training in skills development concerned with the issue are being piloted by NGOs. In addition, non-formal education programs by the NGOs and community-based organizations have been initiated in response to the need for appropriate family life, adolescence and population education. Moreover, significant changes have been observed, brought about mainly by cultural and socioeconomic changes. Among these are the rise in the age at marriage from 16.9 to 21 years and a discernable career orientation of the education pursued by some women.  相似文献   

近些年来非政府环保组织在全球范围内迅速发展,并为全球环保事业做出了巨大贡献。本文将以著名的国际非政府组织联盟——气候行动联盟为例,探讨非政府环保组织在联合国气候谈判中发挥的作用,正式国际合作制度在应对全球环境问题时的缺陷以及非政府环保组织自身的独特优势为其提供了发展的空间,非政府环保组织的积极参与将推动联合国气候谈判更公开、透明、民主、公平。  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the UN Population Fund is working to strengthen nongovernmental organization (NGO) capacity and linkages to improve reproductive health services and information. Specifically, the aim is to strengthen the technical and human resource capacity of participating NGOs and the functional linkages between national NGOs and relevant government agencies to help harmonize and standardize the delivery of reproductive health information and services. This umbrella project collaborates with RHI-participating NGOs in a policy paper on adolescent reproductive health, and will maintain contact with the regional dimension project to collaborate its activities. Programs implemented by partner NGOs are being reviewed and monitored, and linkages among national NGOs and government agencies are being developed. The main activities of the project are enumerated.  相似文献   

Social donation is a means for individuals, government organizations, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to provide public products and services for society. Seeking social donation is vital in the improvement of the university. This paper probes into the relationship between social donation and university development by comparing social donation levels and practices in China with those in the U.S. The main reasons why social donations in Chinese universities are relatively low are as follows: (1) independent NGOs have not been formed; (2) the system and mechanism of social donation are not perfect, and (3) many restricting factors of social culture still exist in China. __________ Translated from Journal of HIgher Education, 2006 (1)  相似文献   

In Northern Costa Rica, agricultural production conditions change very rapidly due to public policies that encourage the exportation of new crops according to the liberalization process imposed by the international context.

For many years, farmers' organizations at the local, regional and national levels have taken initiatives to respond to this new context and develop relationships with institutions (the Ministry of Agriculture, national universities, NGOs, international agencies, the private sector) promoting innovations and attaining better access to information, training and financial resources. An action-research program, ‘Aid to Farmer's Organization of Northern Costa Rica’, contributes to the strengthening of farmers' organizations and tries to induce change dynamics through the elaboration of a shared vision of peasant agriculture implying the production of safe food, the protection of natural resources, the development of qualified local employment and the defense of the rural culture.

The present paper will analyze the dynamics of such a collective action. Action is structured around various activities such as the exchange of experiences between farmers' organizations, the elaboration of a common vision on the future of family agriculture between different actors, the training of the members and leaders of organizations and the design and implementation of innovative project.

This collective action induces the construction of new and useful knowledge, changes in the relationships between the actors, the implementation of new institutional mechanisms and the development of new rules inside and outside the organizations.  相似文献   

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