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自学考试与成人高等学历教育同样都是成人教育的重要形式,然而近几年自学考试日渐式微,而成人高等学历教育却保持着一个较大的规模,二者之间反差巨大,发展极不平衡。当前,自学考试要改革与创新,完善服务,成人高等学历教育要采取各种措施提高教育质量,实现我国成人教育的协调平衡发展。  相似文献   

随着教育产业化的进一步深入,高校的成人教育,特别是成人学历教育取得长足发展,高等学历教育的质量问题也开始暴露出来,成人教育文凭的含金量越来越少。端正办学指导思想,加强成人高等学历教育的法规建设,加强高等学历的教育管理和科学研究,提高管理人员和教学人员素质是解决问题的最终出路。  相似文献   

随着教育产业化的进一步深入,高校的成人教育,特别是成人学历教育取得长足发展,高等学历教育的质量问题也开始暴露出来,成人教育凭的含金量越来越少。端正办学指导思想,加强成人高等学历教育的法规建设,加强高等学历的教育管理和科学研究,提高管理人员和教学人员素质是解决问题的最终出路。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放向着社会主义市场经济体制目标迈进,成人教育将会有较大的发展。成人高等学历教育要适应市场经济的需要,不仅要改革办学形式,改革教育体制,扩大办学规模,更重要的是要根据成人教育的特点,办出特色,提高教育质量和水平,而管理的现代化、科  相似文献   

王建文 《成人教育》2012,32(2):66-67
成人教育体系作为我国教育事业的一个重要组成部分,在我国国民教育过程中发挥着重要作用.成人教育质量的好坏关系到我国在职劳动者个人素质的提升空间,更关系到我国整体国民素质以及个人继续发展的提升水平.作为提高民众素质重要手段之一的成人高等学历教育,在以往的历史过程中取得了长足的发展.然而,近年来随着生源减少、监管不力、高校扩招等一系列问题的影响,我国的成人高等学历教育体系受到严重影响.如何在新的时代背景下构建新型成人高等学历教育模式,成为成人教育亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

深化改革 促进成人高等学历教育持续发展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据国家大力发展成人教育的精神,我们新乡医学院认真调运办学思路,充分挖掘办学潜力,积极拓宽办学渠道,努力开展多层次、多形式的成人教育。从1993年以来,成人高等学历教育保持健康、快速地发展,已形成了相对完整的成人高等学历教育体系;在校生达9039人,其中专升本2919人、高起本267人,业余专科3521人,脱产专科2333人。毕业生达5550余名,专升本半业生中获得学士学位率达到60——80%;独立的成人教育办学场所占地面积达1.6万平方米,专用校舍面积达2万余平方米,专用教学、管理、服务设备总值达390余万元;发起组织编写出版了全国成人高等学历教育临床医学专业专科和专升本两套55种教材,填补了国内医学成教教材建设的空白;2001年与北京大学联合开展了现代远程医学教育。回顾九年来我院成人高等学历教育改革与发展的历程,我们认为坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进、开拓创新的时代精神,不断更新教育观念,确立现代办学理念,是我院成人高等学历教育保持持续、健康、快速发展的重要前提。  相似文献   

成人高等教育教学引入网络课程的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络课程的优势在于能够最大限度缓解成人高等教育的“工学矛盾”,至少可以作为教学的一种补充。我国的成人高等教育正处在快速发展阶段,提高教学质量是发展成人教育的当务之急。成人高等教育的“工学矛盾”突出之势日趋激烈,缓解“工学矛盾”是提高教学质量的有效手段。网络课程的建设与普及,将有助于进一步推进成人高等学历教育教学的改革和创新,有利于进一步提高成人高等学历教育的办学水平,更好地服务社会。  相似文献   

成人教育是教育事业的一部分,与其他各类教育有同等重要的地位。我校的成人教育主要承担函授、夜大等为主要办学形式的成人高等学历教育,还为地方经济建设承担部分高层次的非学历教育,当前主要是以在职的岗位培训和职业技术教育为主,逐步开展大学后继续教育。成人教育...  相似文献   

成人高等学历教育脱产学生的管理工作,是成人教育的重点建设内容之一,它的建设与发展,一直倍受广大成人教育工作者的关注和积极探讨,使成人高等学历教育得以全面而迅速的发展.但是,作为成人高等学历教育主要部分的脱产教育,虽然学习形式与普通全日制相同,但就学生和总体素质而言,仍不同于普通高校全日制学生,这就给成人教育的教学管理、教学质量,以及日常管理等工作带来了一系列问题.如何在社会主义市场经济快速发展的大潮中,针对成人高等学历教育脱产学习学生的特点,更好地发挥管理人员的职能,对增强成人高等学历教育脱产学习学生的凝聚集力,激发他们刻苦学习,热爱集体,造就更多的德、智、体全面发展的合格人才,都显得更加重要.  相似文献   

文章对当前成人高等学历教育的现状进行了深入的调研,找到了成人高等教育的现实需求,提出了新的成人教育人才培养模式--"校企联合"的成人教育人才培养模式,并分析了高校成人教育办学模式的不足之处,提出了适合新时期成教质量的保障条件,对目前的企业与高校的联合找到了切入点,为成人教育机构提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

本文在系统分析成人学位英语网上报名系统功能性需求和非功能性需求的基础上,采用基于B/S的软件系统体系结构搭建网上报名系统.在系统功能实现中,按照考生管理、考点管理和考试中心管理三个模块,详细论述了逻辑流程和算法,对包括考生报名及信息管理、考点和考试中心管理以及数据的分析统计等功能进行了软件实现.  相似文献   

成人高考地理学科考生思维障碍剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人地理高考中 ,考生在地理概念、原理、规律、区域特征、地图知识等方面易出现思维障碍。分析其中原因 ,并提出正确的学习方法 ,有利于提高学习效率 ,取得良好的学习效果。  相似文献   

Time limits on some computer-adaptive tests (CATs) are such that many examinees have difficulty finishing, and some examinees may be administered tests with more time-consuming items than others. Results from over 100,000 examinees suggested that about half of the examinees must guess on the final six questions of the analytical section of the Graduate Record Examination if they were to finish before time expires. At the higher-ability levels, even more guessing was required because the questions administered to higher-ability examinees were typically more time consuming. Because the scoring model is not designed to cope with extended strings of guesses, substantial errors in ability estimates can be introduced when CATs have strict time limits. Furthermore, examinees who are administered tests with a disproportionate number of time-consuming items appear to get lower scores than examinees of comparable ability who are administered tests containing items that can be answered more quickly, though the issue is very complex because of the relationship of time and difficulty, and the multidimensionality of the test.  相似文献   

Although a few studies report sizable score gains for examinees who repeat performance‐based assessments, research has not yet addressed the reliability and validity of inferences based on ratings of repeat examinees on such tests. This study analyzed scores for 8,457 single‐take examinees and 4,030 repeat examinees who completed a 6‐hour clinical skills assessment required for physician licensure. Each examinee was rated in four skill domains: data gathering, communication‐interpersonal skills, spoken English proficiency, and documentation proficiency. Conditional standard errors of measurement computed for single‐take and multiple‐take examinees indicated that ratings were of comparable precision for the two groups within each of the four skill domains; however, conditional errors were larger for low‐scoring examinees regardless of retest status. In addition, on their first attempt multiple‐take examinees exhibited less score consistency across the skill domains but on their second attempt their scores became more consistent. Further, the median correlation between scores on the four clinical skill domains and three external measures was .15 for multiple‐take examinees on their first attempt but increased to .27 for their second attempt, a value, which was comparable to the median correlation of .26 for single‐take examinees. The findings support the validity of inferences based on scores from the second attempt.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a strategy for improving performance on multiple-choice items for examinees was assessed. An aptitude-treatment interaction model was used to test the possibility of different treatment effects for examinees with different levels of test anxiety. Undergraduate measurement students responded to the Mandler-Sarason Test Anxiety Scale and to an objective test covering course content. For low-anxious examinees, generation of an answer before selecting a multiple-choice response led to higher test performance; for highly test anxious examinees, there was a slightly negative effect on performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that the previously found positive effects of self-adapted testing are attributable to examinees having an increased perception of control over a stressful testing situation. Examinees were randomly assigned to either (a) take a computerized-adaptive test (CAT), (b) take a self-adapted test (SAT), or (c) choose between taking a CAT or SAT. Results showed that the strongest preference for SAT was shown by examinees reporting high levels of math anxiety. Moreover, highly mathanxious examinees who were allowed to choose between the test types exhibited higher mean proficiency estimates than examinees who were assigned to test type.  相似文献   

Every year, thousands of college and university applicants with learning disabilities (LD) present scores from standardized examinations as part of the admissions process for postsecondary education. Many of these scores are from tests administered with nonstandard procedures due to the examinees' learning disabilities. Using a sample of college students with LD and a control sample, this study investigated the criterion validity and comparability of scores on the Miller Analogies Test when accommodations for the examinees with LD were in place. Scores for examinees with LD from test administrations with accommodations were similar to those of examinees without LD on standard administrations, but less well associated with grade point averages. The results of this study provide evidence that although scores for examinees with LD from nonstandard test administrations are comparable to scores for examinees without LD, they have less criterion validity and are less meaningful for their intended purpose.  相似文献   

In May 1990 new groups of examinees participated in the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (SweSA T). Generally these new groups were younger and had higher education than the examinees at earlier test administrations. The purpose of the study reported was to examine whether the gender differences in test results had changed with the changed composition of examinees. The groups of men and women were successively matched according to age and education and comparisons were made of gender differences in test results between different age and education groups. The results, however, showed that even though age as well as education had influence on the test results, no real difference was found between younger and older examinees regarding gender differences in the test results.  相似文献   

Standardizing aspects of assessments has long been recognized as a tactic to help make evaluations of examinees fair. It reduces variation in irrelevant aspects of testing procedures that could advantage some examinees and disadvantage others. However, recent attention to making assessment accessible to a more diverse population of students highlights situations in which making tests identical for all examinees can make a testing procedure less fair: Equivalent surface conditions may not provide equivalent evidence about examinees. Although testing accommodations are by now standard practice in most large-scale testing programmes, for the most part these practices lie outside formal educational measurement theory. This article builds on recent research in universal design for learning (UDL), assessment design, and psychometrics to lay out the rationale for inference that is conditional on matching examinees with principled variations of an assessment so as to reduce construct-irrelevant demands. The present focus is assessment for special populations, but it is argued that the principles apply more broadly.  相似文献   

高考中,体育考生在加试体育力争取得优异成绩的考试过程中,由于竞争激烈,局势多变,再加上主观因素的原因,会出现各种心理特点,认识和了解心理因素对体育考试成绩的影响,有助于教练员及考生在日常训练中,通过有效的心理素质的训练,来确保体育考试中,体育考生运动水平和身体潜能的充分发挥。  相似文献   

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