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讨论了职业院校"非线性科学"课程教学的现状及存在的问题,对职业院校开设"非线性科学"课程的必要性和现实性进行了分析,提出了建设"非线性科学"课程的建议。  相似文献   

科学素质教育公共课中科学精神与人文精神的融合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生文化素质教育发展到现阶段,各高校开设科学素质教育课程相对薄弱的状况逐渐显现.在从文、史、哲、艺术等方面"切入"和"突破"以后,大学生文化素质教育有必要适时地考虑扩大战线.南开大学近些年来开设了一系列面向全校的科学素质教育公共课,注重科学精神与人文精神的融合,在培养学生正确的科学观的同时,也影响学生的世界观、人生观,价值观;提供了这方面的一种新理念.  相似文献   

"高职数学文化"课程在高职院校开设,是高职数学教育教学改革的深化,是高职数学教育理念、教学内容和模式的创新,是提高学生数学素养的新途径,其意义超过了数学作为一门科学和作为所有科学的工具的意义。介绍了开设"高职数学文化"课程的教学实践,探讨数学教育与人文教育相融合的教育教学规律,并对"高职数学文化"课程的建设进行了思考。  相似文献   

矿物科学与工程学科(矿物学科)包括矿物科学与矿物工程两个二级学科。西南科技大学是我国最早开设矿物材料专业的大学之一。本文对矿物学科体系与内涵进行了论述,对我校矿物科学与工程学科建设的探索经验和实践成果进行了介绍。针对矿物科学与工程学科建设中人才培养存在的问题,我校通过开设"资源循环利用科学"创新试验班,加强矿物学科创新性专业人才的培养。本文指出今后矿物学科建设需要注意的问题,以适应矿物学科发展的需要。  相似文献   

数学文化课程的开设,在"科学素质教育与人文素质教育的融合"方面进行了有益的探索,在建设"文理交融"的科学教育校公共选修课上给我们许多的启示。  相似文献   

教育学类专业是为教育部门及相关机构培养教学与管理工作者的"军营"。近几年教育学领域再添"新兵",一方面针对蓬勃开展的艺术和体育事业开设了艺术教育专业和运动康复与健康专业,另一方面则面向有听、说等身体障碍的人群,开设了言语听觉科学专业。它们如同身经百战的轻骑兵,在教育学领域迅速打拼出一片新天地。  相似文献   

介绍了大连理工大学控制科学与工程学科科研团队集体培养研究生的一些做法和体会,包括团队开设课程、团队培养和"传帮带"、加强实践环节、隐性知识传授、创新能力培养等。  相似文献   

科学学科建设的途径和方式有很多,科学教师团队的成长是建设关键。江苏省张家港市实验小学依托江苏省教育科学"十三五"规划2020年度普教立项课题"范贤学堂:教师定制学习的校本行动研究",创建"范贤学堂",根据科学教师的成长需求,为科学教师提供平台,探索成长路径,通过树立成长榜样、建设主题团队、构建项目课程、开设教学论坛、邀请名师指导等路径,实现了科学教师个人与团队齐头并进式成长。  相似文献   

"计算机绘图"是一门新兴学科.中专学校为了主动适应社会发展和科学进步的需要,拓宽学生知识面,强化学生创新意识,有必要开设"计算机绘图"课.  相似文献   

文章介绍了作者多年来为全校本科生开设"物理思想史与方法论"、"科学思想史"及"文科生第二种思维方法"等三门公选课培养大学生创新意识、创新能力所进行的探索与实践,以及个人的感受和体会。  相似文献   

混沌是一种极其复杂的运动形态和非常普遍的非线性现象,它不仅具有非常重要的数学、物理意义,而且还蕴涵着极为丰富的哲学思想.混沌理论无论是在数学、物理、化学、天文学、气象学等自然科学的研究,还是在经济、经融、文化艺术和军事等人文社会科学与军事科学的研究中都起着越来越重要的作用.  相似文献   

Estimating nonlinear effects between constructs is an important concern in the social sciences. In empirical studies, researchers often focus more on mediated moderation or moderated mediation as opposed to moderation by itself. This article generalizes the constrained approach with noncentered observed variables to a matrix form that encompasses the latent nonlinear effects of not only exogenous variables, but also endogenous variables or a combination of the two. Constraints are specified in matrix form and the matrices involved in model specification are partitioned to fit into the nonlinear model framework. The usage and validity of the procedure is demonstrated with a simulated data set example using the Mx program.  相似文献   

Applications of growth mixture modeling have become widespread in the fields of medicine, public health, and the social sciences for modeling linear and nonlinear patterns of change in longitudinal data with presumed heterogeneity with respect to latent group membership. However, in contrast to linear approaches, there has been relatively less focus on methods for modeling nonlinear change. We introduce a nonlinear mixture modeling approach for estimating change trajectories that rely on the use of fractional polynomials within a growth mixture modeling framework. Fractional polynomials allow for more parsimonious and flexible models in comparison to conventional polynomial models. The procedures are illustrated through the use of math ability scores obtained from 499 children over a period of 3 years, with 4 measurement occasions. Techniques for identifying the best empirically derived growth mixture model solution are also described and illustrated by way of substantive example and a simulation.  相似文献   

复杂科学作为研究复杂现象、复杂问题和复杂系统的科学,是研究如何按照事物本来的复杂面目深刻地认识、理解和把握事物发展及其变化的一门新科学。复杂科学的整体性、动态性、非线性和开放性的思维方式,为现代德育评价注入了一股清新气息。复杂科学视域下的德育评价改革,应从单一走向综合,从一元走向多元,从静态走向动态,从封闭走向开放。  相似文献   

The analysis of longitudinal data has received widespread interest in the behavioral, educational, medical, and social sciences for many years. Many modeling techniques have been suggested for conducting such analyses, especially when the data exhibit complex nonlinear trajectory patterns. A major problem with many of these modeling techniques, however, is that they often either impose overly restrictive assumptions or can be computationally demanding. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a less known but highly effective modeling procedure that can be used to model complex nonlinear longitudinal data patterns. The procedure is illustrated using empirical data along with an easy to use computerized implementation.  相似文献   

Structural equation models with interaction and quadratic effects have become a standard tool for testing nonlinear hypotheses in the social sciences. Most of the current approaches assume normally distributed latent predictor variables. In this article, we describe a nonlinear structural equation mixture approach that integrates the strength of parametric approaches (specification of the nonlinear functional relationship) and the flexibility of semiparametric structural equation mixture approaches for approximating the nonnormality of latent predictor variables. In a comparative simulation study, the advantages of the proposed mixture procedure over contemporary approaches [Latent Moderated Structural Equations approach (LMS) and the extended unconstrained approach] are shown for varying degrees of skewness of the latent predictor variables. Whereas the conventional approaches show either biased parameter estimates or standard errors of the nonlinear effects, the proposed mixture approach provides unbiased estimates and standard errors. We present an empirical example from educational research. Guidelines for applications of the approaches and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

关于建构知识科学的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以波普的“三个世界”理论为基础,肯定客观知识世界的存在。随着知识世界的发展,我们有了自然、社会、思维(主观精神世界)和知识四个“世界”。目前,我们相应地有自然科学、社会科学和思维科学(包括心理学)分别对前三个世界加以研究,但惟一没有跟知识世界相对应的科学领域。因此,应当建立知识科学。在今天,知识的作用越来越大,成为推动社会发展的首要而最大的动力。这也要求对知识本身进行更加深入而全面的研究。于是,一门专门研究知识发展及其价值问题的科学--知识科学的产生将是时代的必然要求。知识科学是一个大的门类,它同自然科学、社会科学、思维科学等属于同一序列的科学研究领域。它应当包括知识哲学、具体知识学科以及知识运用等三个基本层次,划分为许多具体学科。  相似文献   

In this article, we present an approach for comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of interventions based on nonlinear structural equation mixture models (NSEMM). We provide definitions of average and conditional effects and show how they can be computed. We extend the traditional moderated regression approach to include latent continous and discrete (mixture) variables as well as their higher order interactions, quadratic or more general nonlinear relationships. This new approach can be considered a combination of the recently proposed EffectLiteR approach and the NSEMM approach. A key advantage of this synthesis is that it gives applied researchers the opportunity to gain greater insight into the effectiveness of the intervention. For example, it makes it possible to consider structural equation models for situations where the treatment is noneffective for extreme values of a latent covariate but is effective for medium values, as we illustrate using an example from the educational sciences.  相似文献   

Complex human interactions involve more than just performance toward pre‐determined goals. For this reason, systems that measure and seek to improve performance must adapt to a wide range of ever‐changing patterns of individual and group behavior. Historically, HPT professionals have recognized these complexities and responded in a variety of ways. This article uses a case study of community change to explore principles from human systems dynamics (HSD), an emerging field of theory and practice that explores the intersection between nonlinear dynamics and the wide range of social sciences. Given that human performance technology (HPT) draws methods and measures from a variety of disciplines to solve problems and pursue opportunities to improve, HSD and HPT could be mutually informing. The case study and analytical model described in this article draw metaphorically from the nonlinear dynamical concept of attractor patterns. Patterns are recognized, and their influences on performance are explored. Each of the patterns captures options for action to observe, measure, evaluate, and intervene in human systems to improve performance.  相似文献   

江泽民同志关于大力发展繁荣我国哲学社会科学事业的重要讲话,对于充分发挥哲学社会科学对经济社会发展的促进作用具有重要意义。章阐述了哲学社会科学对经济社会发展的作用,哲学社会科学工作肩负的历史使命,实现哲学社会科学发展繁荣的重要保障。  相似文献   

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