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This paper deals with the taxa of tribe Arundinarieae Steud. subtribe Pleiobalastinae Keng and Keng f. which comprised three genera (Pseudosasa Makino, Pleioblastus Nakai and Brachystachyum Keng) when it was established in 1957. With the analysis of morphological characters and geographical distribution, a number of revisions connected with the taxon are made as follows:      (1)  Genus Brachystachyum Keng is transferred to the tribe Shibataeeae Nakai ac- cording to its false inflorescence.      (2)  Genus Pseudosasa Makino is transferred to subtribe Sasinae Keng f. according to our study on the numerical taxonomic method.      (3)  Some species of Pleioblastus Nakai established by Keng and Keng f. should be revised. Pleioblastus actinotrichus (Merr. and Chun) Keng f. should be Ampelocalamus actinotrichus (Merr. and Chun) S. L. Chen, T. H. Wen and G. Y. Sheng in subtribe Tham- nocalaminae Keng f.; Pleioblastus dolichanthus (Keng) Keng f. is the synonym of Sinobam- busa tootsik (Sieb.) Makino, belonging to tribe Shibataeeae Nakai. The rest species remain in this genus. Since the genus Pleioblastus is related to genus Arundinaria Michaux., subtribe Pleioblastus Keng and Keng f. does not seem to have a reason to be retained as a subtribe in tribe Arundinarieae Steud., according to the newest Code (1978). A part of it should be a synonym of subtribe Arundinariinae and we may cite it as follows: Subtribe Arundinariinae——Subtribe Pleioblastinae Keng and Keng f. pro parte, syn. nov. The other parts of it should be transferred to other subtribes or tribes.       In addition, one new variety in Branchystachyum, two new species, one new variety in Pseudosasa and six new species, three new varieties in Pleioblastus, are described in this paper.  相似文献   

Shibataea Makino is a genus of Subfam. Bambusoideae, with 8 species, distributed in Southeast China and Southwest Japan.  In China wild plants of the genus are found in Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, especially in Fujian and Zhejiang. The genus is also cultivated in parks of Guangzhou, Teibei and some other gardens.      Raches of inflorescences in genera Semiarundinaria, Brachystachyum, Phyllostachys and Shibataea have many branches, even secondary branches.  A large bract is often present at the base of each branch, and a prophyll in the axil of the bract in Tribe Shibataeeae Nakai.  Mo- reover, an inflorescence is composed of numerous dense spikelets.  This type of inflorescence may be considered primitive.   The genera Indosasa and Sinobambusa are of more stamens (6 in the former and 3 or 4, 5 in the latter) than in the genera Semiarundinaria and Brachysta- chyum (only 3), and their inflorescences are very simple with fewer spikelets and raches,without the large bract.  This type of inflorescence may be considered more advanced.  相似文献   

中国散生竹类的数量分类和确定分类等级的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  In this paper, 21 species representing 13 genera were studied by means of humeri- cal taxonomic methodes.  One geographical and 52 morphological characters were used. The correlation coefficients were  computed by standardized data, and the various clus- tering methods were performed on the correlation matr x.  The UPGMA clustering method was selected as the optimal one and its results were shown in  the form of dendrograms.      We present a simple method to construct the joint and broken lines by which the boundary of the genera, subtribes and tribes in the dendrogram is determined.      By means of numerical taxonomic methods, we can easily work out a systematic dendrogram and the following taxonomic treatments are easily proposed:       (1)  Sasamorpha sinica (Keng) Koidz. should be reffered to the genus Sasa Makino & Shibata.       (2)  Pseudosasa amabilis (McClure) Keng f. should belong to the genus Pseudosasa Makino and should not be referred to the genus Arundinaria Michaux.       (3)  The genus Brachystachyum Keng should be considered as a separate one.       (4)  The genus Pleioblastus Nakai should not be combined with the genus Arun-dinaria Michaux, but kept as an independent one.  相似文献   

 本文采用狭义概念,将苦荬菜类群(Ixeris group)处理为4个属,即苦荬菜属Ixeris Cass.沙苦荬属Chorisis DC.小苦荬属Ixeridium(A.Gray)Tzvel.及黄瓜菜属Paraixeris Nakai并提供了分属、种检索表。文中记载了3个新种及7个新组合种。  相似文献   

Cornus L. s. 1. is a large polytypic genus. The classificantion of which has been so different that some authors recognize several separate genera, while others treat them as ei- ther subgenera or sections.  New evidence from many disciplines such as palynology, cyto- logy, wood anatomy and embryology supports the view that the genus should remain in the broad sense.  I basically agree with the treatment by Ferguson (1966b) before my finishing a comprehensive study on Cornus L. s. 1. except for supporting  the separation  of subgenus Afrocrania as an independent genus.  A new subgenus Sinocornus Q. Y. Xiang, containing one species, C. chinensis Wangerin, is established here on account of its inflorescence axillary and different from the other members of the genus which all have terminal inflorescences only. The inflorescence developed from a terminal bud implicates the sympodial nature of axis of stem and the one from an axillary bud the monopodial one.   It is reasonable to regard the character as of subgeneric value.  Also a new combination, Cornus subgen. Syncarpea (Na- kai) Q. Y. Xiang, is proposed here as a substitute for Cornus subgen.  Benthamia (C. B. Clar- ke) Schneider used for a long time.  Because the valid publication of the former name subgen. Syncarpea Nakai is earlier than the latter one.  The types of inflorescences of 8 subgenera re- presented by type or selected species are illustrated.  相似文献   

中国大节竹属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

 在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对中国野青茅属的一些种类进行了修订。首次归并了5个类群,即将Deyeuxia pulchella var. laxa P.C.Kuo et S.L. Lu,D.gyirongensis P.C. Kuo et S.L.Lu,Calamagrostis megalantha Keng ex Keng f.并入 D. pulchella (Griseb.)Hook.f.作为异名;将D.venusta Keng,Calamagrostis longiflora Keng ex Keng f.并入D.flavens Keng作为异名;并确认D. compacta Munro ex Hook.f.与D.holciformis (Jaub.et Spach.)Bor是同一种。  相似文献   

As construed here the genus. Woodwardia Sm. does not include Anchistea Presl and Lorinseria Presl of the east North America which  are considered  as  distinct genera nor Woodwardia harlandii Hook. and W. kempii Cop. of south china, which constitute a new genus Chieniopteris Ching (cf. Acta Phytotax. Sinica 9:37. 1964).      It has been proposed that genus Woodwardia Sm. is an old one, dating back perhaps from the early Tertiary in the Arctics, thence it spread to Europe, North America, and southward to East Asia with its present center of distribution in China, especially south of the Yangtze River.       The genus is now represented by 17 species in the Northern Hemisphere, of which ll are known in China and her neighbouring countries, with one species, W. unigem- mata (Makino) Nakai, ranging as far as the Himalayas, where from the previous re- cord of W. radieans Linn. Sm. of Europe proves to be a mistake for this species.       The genus is divided into two natural series: Radicantes Ching & Chiu and Egem- miferae Ching & Chiu, and the latter is further subdivied into 2 subseries: Orientales Ching & Chiu and Japonicae Ching & Chiu.       A key to the Chinese species has been provided.       In passing it may be pointed out that Woodwardia cochin-chinensis Ching (Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. 2: 7. 1931) is based upon Poilane nos. 2107 and 2275 without designating the type. According to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature we herewith designate Poilanes no. 2275 the type of this species.    相似文献   

  The fern Athyrium crenulato-serrulatum  Makino  is  found  in  the  whole  of  Northeastern Asia embracing Northeastern China, Korea, Japan, Ussuri and the Far  East USSR. It is similar to the European Athyrium distentifolium, formerly known as A. alpestre, in having exindusiate round or  ovate  sori,  but  differs in  several  essential characters, such as the well-spaced fronds are biseriately arranged along a  thick and long-creeping rhizome, the base of stipe is thickened and not attenuated to- wards the point of attachment, the deltoid-ovate lamina with the basal pinnae as long as those next above, which all are distinctly petiolate and the rachis, costis and espe- cially the costules of pinnules clad in fine pale-colored generally septate hairs under- neath.  All these clearly show that the fern in question is not an Athyrium sen. str. neither Pseudoathyrium Newman  to which latter the fern was referred by Nakai. However, we have been long suspicious of its proper systematic position. In his recent monograph on the genus Cornopteris (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 30: 104. 1979.) Kato has pointed out that C.crenulato-serrulata (Makino)  Nakai  “has  the  northernmost destribution in the genus and exhibits a few characteristics similar to Athyrium, the swollen base of stipes with projections and cartilaginous  lamina  margin.  By  these characteristics the species is clearly discriminated from other species”.  According to Kurita (1964), Mitui (1970) and Karo (1978) the species in question has chromosome numbers n=40, the base number of the subfamily Athyrioides instead of x=41, the base number of the subfamily Diplazioides including  Cornopteris  Nakai.  Since  thefern in question fits no other athyrid genera, hence a new genus is proposed.  相似文献   

 The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the systematic position of the genus Schnabelia originally proposed by H. Handel-Mazzatti in 1921, who considered it as be- longing to the family Verbenaceae, a point which he further emphasized in 1936.  How- ever, in his paper on the Chinese verbenaceous plants (1932), Prof. Pei Chien thought the genus should be removed from Verbenaceae into Labiatae and allied it with such genera as Ajuga and Teucrium on the ground that it also has deeply lobed ovary. Since then botanists on Chinese plants, such as Prof. Y. Z. Sun, F. C. How, etc. have always considered Schnabelia Hand.-Mazz. as a genus of Labiatae.      The present writer has recently studied the  genus,  comparing  its  morphology  of ovary, calyx lobes, pedicels, pollen grains, etc. with a number of verbenaceous genera, and comes to the conclusion that the genus should belong to Verbenaceae as H. Handel- Mazzatti first proposed and that it is closely allied to the genus Caryopteris, especially C. nepetaefolia (Benth.) Maxim.  Moreover, he considers that the deeply lobed ovary is not at all a good character even for generic separation, for several genera in Ver- benaceae, such as Caryopteris, Clerodendron, just like Teucrium and Ajuga of Labiatae, also have deeply lobed ovaries.      From the ample herbarium material, the present writer discovered for the first time that the genus Schnabelia has two types of flowers,  cleistogamous  and  chasmogamous. The original founder of the genus did not know this peculiar floral  character,  as  not mention of it was made in the generic diagnosis.  Chienodoxa Sun (1951) proves to be the present genus, which is based upon the cleistogamous type of flowers of an allied or perhaps the same species.    相似文献   

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