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Hatta  T.  Kawakami  A.  Tamaoka  K. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):457-470
The present study examined kanji errors in handwriting made by Japanese students and Australian learners of Japanese. First, a cognitive psychological model to explain the production of writing errors was proposed based upon the analysis of 374 writing errors of two-morpheme (kanji) compound words generated by Japanese students in spontaneous sentence writing situations. Despite the common assumption that kanji writing errors may not be related to the sounds of kanji characters (i.e., morphological phonology), the present study found that phonologically-related kanji writing errors were most numerous (60.0%), followed by orthographically-related errors (43.6%) and semantically-related errors (29.7%), including some overlap of these three types. Second, 408 kanji writing errors made by students learning Japanese in an Australian university were analyzed. Unlike the Japanese students, these subjects wrote more non-existing kanji and made orthographically-related mistakes rather than semantically- and phonologically-related errors. This result must be related to the level of kanji writing skills held by learners of Japanese. In light of these results, several suggestions were proposed for the methods of teaching kanji writing.  相似文献   


This study examines how origami has been implemented, practised, and developed in the early childhood education of Japan over the past 140 years. Historically speaking, paper-folding has been part of Japanese symbolic art, craft culture, and religious ceremonial artefacts since paper and paper-folding techniques were first imported from China during the seventh century. By the eighteenth century, paper-folding provided a form of mass entertainment in Japanese society. During the 1870s, paper-folding was dramatically transformed into a pedagogical tool within Japanese kindergartens after Friedrich Froebel’s (1782–1852) kindergarten system and its curriculum was transferred to Japan from the West. “Papier-Falten” (paper-folding) comprised an element of Froebel’s Occupations – which was a series of handiwork activities – in his kindergarten curriculum, whereby various folding techniques and models were derived from European traditional paper-folding and introduced into a Japanese kindergarten curriculum that was associated with the concept of Froebel’s kindergarten. Particularly seen in early childhood education in Japan, what we now call origami developed as a new form of paper-folding. This gradually emerged through the marriage of Western (German) and Eastern (Japanese) paper-folding cultures. The study highlights the benefits and uniqueness of cultural transmission and transformation when developing origami in early childhood education in Japan.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以后,日本女性作家的创作相当活跃,水准也相当之高,作品频频入选芥川、直木等纯文学奖项。以至于大江健三郎将女性作家团体视为开创日本“新小说”的主力军。本文试图通过分析日本女性文学的三次高潮来探究现代日本文学繁荣于女性文学的成因。  相似文献   

This study compared Rorschach protocols of Japanese five- and six-year-olds with norms of CA comparable Americans, as reported by Exner. Japanese location responses profiles were characteristic of rapid mental development: fewer whole responses, and a higher proportion of major and minor details. Moreover, the Japanese provided more responses and over a greater breadth of content categories. Relatively small differences obtained with respect to developmental quality (DQ), which measures complexity and flexibility employed in responding to blots; Japanese scores on form quality (FQ), associated with conventionality, were significantly lower. However, Exner's FQ scoring format is based on conventionality of Americans' responses; the lower Japanese indices on this measure may be associated with cultural factors that influence perceptual responses and that may affect cross-cultural understandings.  相似文献   

对江文也早期钢琴音乐创作中的日本传统音乐因素进行分析和归纳,总结为三个方面:运用日本的传统音阶进行创作;借鉴日本各种传统乐器的演奏特点和技法进行创作;运用日本民歌以及具有日本风格的曲调片断进行创作。其成功经验有值得思考和借鉴之处。  相似文献   

近年来我国的日汉(汉日)比较,特别是在语法方面的比较研究有了长足的发展。本人以1992年为界,从知网上收集了92年以后发表在核心期刊上的有关日汉语法比较研究方面的论文共88篇(由于手工检索可能会有遗漏),并对这些成果进行了较为全面的分析、归类、总结了92年以后日汉语法的运用和发展规律。  相似文献   

Imai M  Haryu E 《Child development》2001,72(3):787-802
Syntax has been noted to play an important role in word learning in English; it distinguishes the fundamental conceptual difference between individuals (coded as proper nouns), nonindividuals (coded as mass nouns), and classes of individuals (coded as count nouns). The Japanese language does not have grammatical markers flagging the distinctions between count nouns and mass nouns, between proper nouns and common nouns, or between singulars and plurals. How Japanese 2- and 4-year-olds assign meaning to novel nouns associated with familiar and unfamiliar animals and inanimate objects was studied in the research reported here. When a novel label was given to an unfamiliar object, children assumed it to be a name for a basic-level object category whether the referent was an animal or an inanimate object. If the named object already had an established name, and if the object was an inanimate object, the children mapped the noun to a subordinate category. When the named object was an animal, however, they tended to interpret the label as a proper name. These results demonstrated that in the absence of useful information from syntax, 2-year-old Japanese children are able to fast map a noun to its meaning by elegantly coordinating word-learning biases and other available sources of information.  相似文献   

翻译在国际交往中起着极其重要的作用,它既是一门科学,也是一项技能。要掌握、运用好这种技能,需要良好的外语基础、较高的母语水平、广博的知识积累。尤其是日语长句的翻译更加复杂、困难,其翻译技巧更值得在翻译实践中探索和研究如何进一步完善和发展这些技巧,提高翻译水平。  相似文献   

日语的拟声词、拟态词是日本人根据日语的语音特点创造出来的,在其产生过程中受到了社会心理习惯、文化传统的重大影响。它数量庞大,出现频率高,报纸杂志上随处可见,广播电视节目里不绝于耳。但是汉语中拟声、拟态词却并不是特别发达,所以对于学习日语的中国学生来说,拟声、拟态词无疑是他们学习的一大难题。基于此,本文拟从日语母音、子音的象征效果和清浊音的对立两方面总结、分析拟声、拟态词的发音和表达效果之间的一些规律,希望对日语学习者在拟声、拟态词学习方面有所帮助。  相似文献   

This article reports on the motivations of Chinese learners to learn Japanese in light of increasing diplomatic tensions between China and Japan over the last three decades. In the study, 35 Chinese learners of Japanese were selected, according to the time they began learning, to examine their motivations to learn Japanese as mediated by shifting sociopolitical conditions. Most began learning the language without enthusiasm, but became motivated and sustained their motivation to learn or use Japanese as they gained new Shiye (视野) (vision), Chuang (窗) (perspective), renshi (认识) (understanding), and other desirable attributes for their self-development. This improved their understanding of both the target language speakers’ communities and their own. These findings suggest that teachers and learners of Japanese could bridge the gap between the two communities (i.e., Chinese and Japanese) through language learning to sustain peaceful exchanges between them.  相似文献   

新感觉派都市小说叙事模式对传统小说的突破和创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新感觉派是中国现代文学史上第一个现代主义小说流派.该派作家借鉴了欧美现代派和日本新感觉派的艺术表现技巧,以“感觉”为艺术表现核心,采取了独特的内向化的审美视角来发掘都市人的深层心理,拓宽了小说艺术表现领域,全面突破传统小说叙事模式,创造了新的小说叙事模式,丰富了现代小说的表现技巧。  相似文献   

Numerous writers have described the commitment of Japanese corporations to training and various characteristics of Japanese training. Yet there is little empirical evidence to support their conclusions, and almost nothing is written about the processes the Japanese use to design training. To obtain more empirical information about the kinds of training conducted in Japanese corporations, and about whether they use systematic design and development processes, the present study successfully surveyed 45 Japanese corporations in six different industries. Results indicated, among other things, that there is more classroom training in proportion to on-the-job training than suggested by the literature, that a variety of training techniques are used in classroom training, and that the majority of training is produced internally by training departments and subject matter experts (SMEs). Only two of the companies indicated that they had a formal, systematic approach to instructional design and development. Most evaluation of training consists of post-training surveys of training transfer, and/or assessing learner reactions to courses. Most of the companies were interested in the possibility of using more systematic design approaches, especially with the introduction of more technology in support of training.  相似文献   

Education, as an institutional tool to shape and bundle the social behavior and the minds of future generations into a basic form of national unity, has always occupied a special position in Japanese society and culture (Kobayashi, 1978; White, 1987). One of the principal objectives of this chapter is to capture the complex reality of Japanese youngsters studying at the International School of Brussels through participant observation, ethnography and interpretative analysis within the larger context of internationalization processes and the discourse on Japanese ethnic identity. In the first part the interplay of migratory, institutional and social processes will be presented. There exists a worldwide network of Japanese schools, which aims at providing unaltered Japanese education on foreign soil, and thus preparing Japanese youngsters for a smooth re-insertion process from the overseas experience into mainstream Japanese society. In the second part, the particular experiences of Japanese youngsters will be discussed in detail. In the concluding note, an attempt is made to venture into explicatory schemes of this controlled internationalization process.  相似文献   

以日语能力等级考试为例进行分析,提出应将日语考证纳入日常教学任务中,要求学生多方面考取日语证书是非常必要的,将会提高毕业生就业的竞争力。  相似文献   

本文运用科学计量学方法,以科学引文索引收录的国际论文为主要科研产出指标,对中、德、日三组一流大学1998-2007年期间科研产出规模与质量变化趋势进行了对比分析.我国7所一流大学科研论文产出规模已经超过德国的7所一流大学,赶上了日本的7所一流大学,科研论文质量总体上在显著提升,与德国和日本的差距在缩小,但重大原创性成果严重缺乏,与德国和日本差距巨大.对我国少数以世界一流为建设目标的大学来说,其未来科研基点应是开展重大原创性研究,催生重大原创性成果.  相似文献   

坪内逍遥的《小说神髓》被称为日本近代文学理论奠基之作,作者旨在引进西方美学和文学理念来改良日本小说,但在叙事技巧上却并未完全排斥日本江户时代的叙事原则,其中一些来自中国明清小说批评。本文尝试分析中国明清小说批评与日本江户时代文学及《小说神髓》的影响与变异关系,通过比较中日文学近代话语转换的轨迹来探究《小说神髓》在叙事技巧上的创新点及其现代性意义。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代的大后方报纸上的电影广告。有着独特的广告诉求方式和本制作。它在民族危亡的历史的时刻宣传抗战电影、传播抗战以及相关诉求时扮演着重要的角色。这对于广告史,特别是40年代的新闻史、电影史以及大后方化研究。都将提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

It has been observed in Japanese children learning to read that there is an early and rapid shift from exclusive reading of hiragana as syllabograms to the dual-use convention in which some hiragana also represent phonemic elements. Such rapid initial learning appears contrary to the standard theories of reading acquisition that require instruction in nonlexical procedures for learning phonemic elements of an orthography. However, the alternative Knowledge Sources theory implies that the shift would be achievable from lexical input by which the learner acquires an implicit formation principle for this secondary phonemic function of hiragana. In two training experiments (Studies 1 & 2), this hypothesis was examined in transfer tests with 5-year-old Japanese and with 14-year-old English-speaking beginner learners of Japanese. As predicted, relative to phonological controls, very limited lexical training of exemplar hiragana words transferred to phonemic use of other (previously unknown and untrained) hiragana in untrained words, but not in isolation from these words. In Study 3, at both beginning and adult reading levels, novel hiragana symbol combinations were created to represent individual phoneme elements in ways that do not exist in conventional hiragana orthography but are exemplars for induction of a potential generalized formation principle of the secondary phonemic function of the system. At all reading levels there was evidence of use of this generalized formation principle, a result not explained by the standard theories but implied by the alternative theory, which offers a potential universal feature of learning to read.  相似文献   

日本人的内外有别意识在日语词汇、随声附和表达和寒暄语、惯用句和谚语等方面都有所体现。日语教师除了平时要有意识地积累自身日本文化常识,关注语言现象背后所蕴含的内外意识之外,还需在课堂教学过程中对日本人的内外意识进行针对性的讲解和训练,并可通过旁征博引、中日对比、情境模拟等组织形式开展丰富多样的课堂教学,以加深学生对日本社会内外意识的理解和掌握。  相似文献   

暧昧性是日本语言文化中最重要的特点之一,也是其区别于其他语言的一大特征。日语的暧昧性表达在日本人的日常生活交际中随处可见。暧昧性表达具体表现为模糊,委婉,省略等方式,此种表达源于日本特殊的社会文化背景。在日语教学中,只有引导学生理解、尊重日本文化以及日本人的表现心理,才能使其正确的掌握日语的暧昧性。  相似文献   

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