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在不同的介入情境下,消费者对产品伤害危机的认知和反应会表现出明显的差异.如果是“低介入”购买类型,消费者不会认真考虑品牌之间的差异,一旦发生产品伤害危机,他们会积极寻找替代品.而危机后购买意愿之所以能够恢复,主要是基于对转移成本、感知风险、感知损失的综合权衡.转移成本和购买意愿正相关,感知风险、感知损失和购买意愿负相关,企业形象和外部响应的作用并不明显.  相似文献   

通过访谈和内容编码的研究方法探索消费者不同类型的创新抵制行为的影响因素,研究显示延迟采用主要受到经济风险和消费者使用模式两个因素的影响,拒绝采用主要受到经济风险、功能风险、社会风险、使用模式、感知产品形像五个因素的影响,而反对采用受到身体风险、功能风险、社会风险、传统和规范、感知产品形象五个因素的影响研究结论对于企业创新产品的推广具有实践指导价值。  相似文献   

消费者在线购物的低参与度已经引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,感知风险理论的引入对于解释网上购买行为作出了有力的解释.本文通过对现有的关于网上购物感知风险类型的研究进行分析,大部分研究是借用传统购物环境下的感知风险类型代替网上购物的感知风险类型,着重从网上购物与传统交易方式的不同之处,分析消费者在选择在线交易所感知到的风险因素.因此,有必要对消费者网上购物的感知风险类型进行更为深入和细致的研究,从而提出一些降低网上购物感知风险的措施.  相似文献   

消费者的冲动性购买行为是多种因素共同作用的结果。其中,外在刺激起主要影响作用,个人内在因素也有不可忽略的影响。这一研究结果对企业的意义在于:消费者的冲动性购买行为是可诱导、可激发的;企业可以针对冲动性购买行为的影响因素采取相应的营销措施和手段,有效地引导或诱导消费者冲动性购买欲望,从而推动和促进冲动性购买行为的最终实现。  相似文献   

消费者行为研究是对个人或群体认知、选择、购买、使用产品/服务以及经验来满足自身愿望与需要这一过程的研究。消费者行为研究能够有效的帮助企业了解消费者行为和需求,为企业制定营销战略提供科学的决策依据。近期,由于美国金融危机波及全球,我国也不可避免受其影响。面对全球更加激烈的市场竞争环境,当前我国的消费者行为也呈现出新的特点,因此,企业应该根据人们消费行为的变化,适时调整自己的营销策略。  相似文献   

孙静 《现代企业教育》2010,(18):141-142
随着科技与信息技术的发展,产品的同质化趋势不断加强,产品的品牌日益成为消费者行为的主要影响因素。因为品牌的地位一旦在消费者心目中确立,它便是独立的、持久的,而且难以被竞争对手模仿和替代。本文主要从品牌的内涵与功能,影响消费者对品牌选择的因素,影响消费者对品牌购买的态度和品牌对消费者行为作用的影响这几个方面来分析品牌对消费者的影响。  相似文献   

针对微商渠道消费者购买行为的影响因素,将产品扩散模型与消费者购买行为理论相结合,分析产品扩散模型与微商渠道产品推广之间的契合点,构建影响消费者购买行为因素的模型,并以H老师的微商朋友圈为例,对H老师的人际信任和其发布的产品信息特性进行研究,通过调查H老师的朋友圈好友,收集相关数据信息,并采用SPSS24.0软件进行数据统计分析,得出以下结论:1.朋友圈卖家可信任性正向影响消费者的购买行为; 2.朋友圈卖家发布的产品信息的特性正向影响消费者的购买行为。并对微商朋友圈推广产品提出以下建议:1.通过熟悉自己经营的产品、树立良好的个人形象、刻画卖家的个性特征来建立卖家朋友圈良好的人际信任; 2.从产品信息内容、产品信息形式、产品信息风格等方面使朋友圈卖家产品信息发布丰富立体化; 3.加强对朋友圈的有效管理。  相似文献   

以生活型态来细分市场,能够帮助企业更清楚地认识消费者的真实面貌,进而瞄准有效的目标市场,制定营销战略。在以生活型态对大学生进行市场细分的基础上,探讨他们在国内旅游消费行为的差异。透过在厦门大学问卷调查的方式,共回收有效问卷404份,分析结果显示大学生市场可细分为时尚社交、理性精明及开朗独立等3个群体。不同生活型态细分市场在性别、年龄、年级、就读科系等方面没有存在差异,但在每月休闲娱乐花费金额上明显不同。不同生活型态细分市场在国内旅游消费行为上存在部份差异。  相似文献   

在代言人的选择上,“成也颜值,败也颜值”的营销现象十分普遍。可见,营销学视角下?孔吸引力效应的探究十分必要。本文通过?孔吸引力(颜值)相关研究的梳理发现:被试判断法和?孔对称法是其主要的测量方法;?孔吸引力对消费者认知(知觉注意、情绪反应、信任感知),态度(购买意愿、顾客满意度),以及行为(重购概率增加、较长时间记忆留存)均有影响;刻板印象、ELM理论、内隐模仿行为诠释了?孔吸引力的作用机制;性别、自我吸引力认知、产品类型等因素调节了?孔吸引力效应的发挥。据此,本文构建出营销学视角下?孔吸引力研究的整合框架,并提出了未来的研究展望。  相似文献   

消费者购买产品时对品牌的多元性需求使品牌企业面临着严峻的竞争压力,如何提高消费者对品牌的购买力和忠诚度是现阶段品牌企业面临的主要问题。本研究构建了虚拟品牌社区参与对消费者品牌购买行为影响的实证模型并提出了相关假设。通过对752名在线品牌社区的消费者进行实证分析,发现虚拟品牌社区参与对消费者品牌购买行为具有显著的正向影响,其中品牌涉入度在虚拟品牌社区参与和消费者品牌购买行为之间具有一定的调节效应。  相似文献   

近年来网上购物成为一种时尚,为满足不同层次的需要,消费者产生网上购物需求,这促使消费者去网上搜集产品信息,此时,注意、感知觉、情绪、记忆都会影响信息的搜集;接着人对林林总总的信息进行评价,当其感知风险低于可接受水平时,才会做出购买决策;然而又有很多心理因素影响决策甚至行为过程;最后消费者使用商品时会进一步评价该商品,这反过来会影响其新的购买需求的产生.  相似文献   

Transfer of training is a major concern for trainers and managers. If training does not transfer to the job, the value of the training is questionable. This study investigated the relationships between: 1) perceived importance of training objectives and perceived transfer of training relative to those objectives, and 2) types of supervisor reinforcement which trainees perceive to be most motivating and the types of reinforcement that they perceive their supervisors actually use. The study was conducted in the context of a Managerial Leadership Program within a large oil refinery and chemical company in Korea. The study found that as either supervisors or trainees perceived a training objective to be more important, they also perceived more transfer of training relative to that objective. The study also found that the types of reinforcement trainees perceived to be most motivating were also the types that they perceived their supervisors used most often.  相似文献   

In this paper I discuss two weaknesses in Bourdieu’s work on cultural capital, both of which are related to his integration of the multidimensional nature of social space in different domains of life: social mobility, lifestyle differentiation, and political orientation. First, there is an anomaly between the work on social mobility and on lifestyles. Multiple dimensions of social origin (cultural and economic capital) are related to uni‐dimensional outcomes (e.g. schooling levels), whereas it would be more appropriate to study multidimensional schooling outcomes too. Secondly, although Bourdieu sees a close resemblance in the type of resources affecting lifestyle preferences and political orientations, I argue that these outcomes are affected by two different types of resources: cultural and communicative resources. Proposals for progress, including a review of the empirical results supporting these, are given.  相似文献   

A survey of 28 counseling practicum students revealed that although their most time-intensive training activity was listening to postsession audiotapes, it ranked fifth on perceived effectiveness, with supervisor feedback ranking first. This study outlines a method of combining the time-intensity of audiotape playback with direct supervisor feedback using dual-channel (stereophonic) tape recorders in the counseling laboratory. Posttreatment assessment indicated strong student support for this method.  相似文献   

The experience of meaning in a learning situation is a stated goal of Knowledge Promotion Reform in Norway. This study, guided by self-determination theory, examines how pursuing intrinsic and extrinsic life goals relates to the experience of meaning in vocational education. The study also examines how learning support, perceived competence, and different types of autonomous motivation are associated with students' experiences of meaning. The sample consisted of health and social care students (N?=?405) in upper secondary school. The results indicated that intrinsic goals encouraged meaningfulness in all subjects, whereas extrinsic goals related to perceived meaninglessness in vocational subjects. Learning support, perceived competence, and autonomous types of motivation all have a positive link to students' experiences of meaning, either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   

钱程 《江苏高教》2020,(1):72-75
新时代背景下高校学生事务管理工作面临激发方式、教育范围和需求层次的新要求。文章以“三全育人”思想为架构基础,借鉴国外高校的工作优点,以主体、客体和载体为“三体”核心节点,以高校内外通道和课堂内外通道为“双通道”运行路径,构建“三体双通道”高校学生事务管理工作模式,并以包括党团建设、奖励资助、学业成长、就业指导在内的学生事务管理工作重点内容作为运行场景,阐述“三体双通道”工作模式的实际运行机理,验证该模式的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

Childhood maltreatment has many deleterious outcomes; however, trait resilience as well as emotion regulation strategies, including suppression and reappraisal, may mediate between childhood maltreatment and later perceived stress. For this study, 267 college students (183 females and 84 males; M age = 19.77, SD = 2.29) completed self-report measures of parental psychological and physical maltreatment, parental emotion neglect, habitual use of suppression and reappraisal strategies, emotion regulation self-efficacy, trait resilience, and recent perceived stress. Analyses were conducted to investigate gender-specific associations. In females, both suppression and reappraisal mediated the relationship between maternal/paternal emotional neglect and perceived stress, and suppression also mediated the relationship between maternal psychological maltreatment and perceived stress. Trait resilience mediated the relationships of all three types of maternal maltreatment, paternal psychological maltreatment, and paternal emotional neglect with perceived stress in females. There were no significant mediation effects in males. Thus, interventions aiming at reducing perceived stress associated with maternal or paternal emotional neglect or maternal psychological maltreatment in women may benefit from targeting both suppression and reappraisal. Such interventions may also be enhanced by efforts to strengthen trait resilience.  相似文献   

This article looks at the relative usefulness of 12 selected factors in the preparation of college administrators as seen by practicing administrators and faculty in comprehensive community colleges, four‐year liberal arts colleges, and universities.

Three hundred randomly selected faculty and administrators in the state of Iowa were sent survey questionnaires. The returned surveys and research data were then analyzed in order to answer the research question.

The findings suggested that graduates from programs in higher education administration may be more accepted in community colleges than in liberal arts colleges or universities. The findings also showed that university personnel perceived the major research experience as being significantly more useful than the other personnel. Nonclassroom experiences were thought to be the most useful by all personnel, with faculty experience in higher education perceived to be the most useful. This study also showed that both administrators and faculty perceived majoring in higher education administration to be less useful than any of the other 11 preparation variables.

One of the recommendations of this study is that students, graduates, and professors in higher education administration programs attempt to educate the participants in higher education and the public on the strengths and uses of their programs. It was also recommended that further research is needed in the area of administrative task analysis at the different types of institutions.  相似文献   

We explored how two types of study outcomes, perceived competence and earned credits, are interrelated, and influenced by self-regulation, motivation (intrinsic value and expectancy of procrastination) and deep approach to learning. The relationships between these variables were analysed in a sample of 894 first-year Dutch university students, using linear structural modelling. Results show that learning process factors play other roles in explaining perceived competence than in explaining earned credits. Perceived competence and earned credits, as two sides of the same coin in competence-based education, are only weakly related. Furthermore, this study shows that it is most likely that perceived competence affects earned credits, but a model in which earned credits affects perceived competence as possible causal relationship was also accepted, although the relationship remains weak. The practical implication of this study is that, as long as perceived competence and the number of credits are not related, competence-based higher education will not obtain optimal efficiency. For participants and researchers in higher education, it remains important to be aware that different learning goals may evoke different study behaviours in students, and the challenge for higher education is to align these goals.  相似文献   

Homotolerance and heteronormativity in Norwegian classrooms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article is based on classroom observations and discusses sexual education that addresses homosexuality. Tolerance of queer lifestyles as well as support for judicial equality between heterosexual and homosexual couples is generally perceived as being high in the Norwegian political context. Norwegian sexual politics is, however, based on a binary understanding of sexuality, linked to stable and authentic sexual identities, and this perspective is highly influential in Norwegian education on sexuality. Homotolerance appears to be the most prominent ambition when teachers deal with homosexuality in their teaching. Informed by queer theory, I intend to investigate how teaching that sets out to create homotolerance reproduces heteronormativity. I will argue that even though education on homosexuality may create increased homotolerance, the very same education does also marginalise and stigmatise homosexuality as well as reproduce binary and heteronormative concepts of sexuality.  相似文献   

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