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Sjöberg, Rristina &; Tropé, Barbro (1969). The Value of External Direction and Individual Discovery in Learning Situations: The Learning of a Grammatical Rule. Scand. J. Educ. Res. 13, 233‐240. Forty‐five pairs pairs matched according to sex, line of study, and intelligence, were selected out of four sixth grade classes. Group A was told the principle and allowed to practice it on a number of examples. Group B was given the practices only. It was found that group A learned the principle better, and was also better as to transfer. On a test of retention 5 weeks later there were no longer any differences between the groups.  相似文献   

一种能同时带给人听觉新感受的 AV系统,正走进千家万户。所谓 AV 系统,也就是激光视(VIDEO)、听(AUDIO)系统.这一系统既能为人们提供录像机(带)远远不能达到的高清晰度画面,又能提供不亚于高保真系统的音响效果。AV 系统包括音像源、画面显  相似文献   

1.挡不住的诱惑在国内95年下半年的视听市场上,AV品种渐进增多。其中,VCD 便是冲向该市场的一支劲族,原版的、盗版的、故事片的、卡拉 OK 的,风风火火撒向了整个市场。在六、七月 VCD 市场稍有短暂的徘徊,八月后VCD 的销售直线上升。这几乎是各种传媒所未始料的,直至年底,国内各种传媒仍未对此现  相似文献   

AV 套机是指集视、听、唱等功能于一体的AV 组合音响。随着家庭影院的流行,购置一台AV 套机已为多数家庭所热衷。选购 AV 套机时应综合考虑以下几方面。  相似文献   

This article is focussing on a historical approach to the term of aesthetic education from three different angles: as history of ideas, biographies and images. Aesthetic education is thereby understood as performative and reflective involvement with aesthetics and the fine arts such as arts, theatre and literature etc. A first approach is defining the history of ideas as a theoretical reconstruction of aesthetic concepts and their educational relevance; this history is also discussing educational theories and their aesthetic implications. It is more or less an implicit and compensatory history because the important contexts are not visible at first sight; and the aesthetic and pedagogical theories often need a reciprocal addition. A biographical perspective is hereby concentrated on the biography of artists. Thereby the educational science of biographies are highlighting the situation of the arts and the artists, the development of becoming an artist, the progression as an artist and the artistic institutions in a educational-aesthetic nexus. Such a perspective is supplementing the history of ideas concerning cultural and socio-historical dimensions as well as institutional and biographic aspects. Finally, the history of images is focusing on the thesis that every picture also includes a programme of aesthetic education. In pictures the process of productive and reflective visualisation is expressed: paintings refer to their production and their understanding. For the method of the historical-educational iconography of aesthetic education a historicizing matrix from production aesthetics, work aesthetics and reception aesthetics is suggested. This matrix is combined with a theory of education as transformation of self-relation, of relations to other individuals and the world. The three approaches just mentioned are exemplified by Leonardo da Vinci and his famous picture “Vitruvian Man” from 1492.  相似文献   

本文通过修改C盘上的隐含标志,从而改变AV95试用版的使用次数;利用设备驱动程序 RAMDRIVE.SYS和 DOS外部命令 SUBST.EXE使无硬盘的计算机能使用AV95试用版。  相似文献   

Søvik, N. 1977. Individual Instruction in Norwegian (The PODIN Project). Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 21, 197‐232. As the principle of integration instead of segregation has become dominant in the planning and organization of the Norwegian school (1st to 9th grade), different kinds of individualized instruction have been recommended to the teachers to use. The main problem behind the project reported here was to investigate whether, and to what extent, an experimental program of individualized instruction within an ordinary school class would improve students’ performance in oral and written Norwegian compared with traditional instruction. It was carried out in three parallel studies with first‐graders and a new series of three experiments with second‐graders.  相似文献   

On the one side, the public interest in aesthetic education is increasing, on the other side the knowledge about the effectiveness of this educational sector is small (1). This paradoxical situation is caused by a research deficite. Starting point for a systematic approach to aesthetic education is the reflection of the interplay in sensory perception and bodily experience leading to aesthetic learning (2). Against this background, the author reflects production aesthetics, the aesthetic of the opus and the aesthetic of reception and reflects these categories in regard to school theater performance (3). Learning processes by aesthetic education are described (4). Finally, the author outlines the fields in which systematic research is needed in regard to different methodological approaches, disciplines and the various fine arts (5).  相似文献   

Abstract:Wedman, I. 1981. Allocating Individuals into Mastery States on the Basis of Expected Utilities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 25,9‐19. This study describes a procedure for making decisions in connection with criterion‐referenced measurements. The procedure, which may be called a full Bayesian procedure, uses continuous utility functions instead of a dichotomized utility structure. The basic idea is to combine the posterior distribution for a certain person with utility functions for ‘advance’ and ‘retain’ decisions respectively. The decision is then made in favour of the action with the largest expected utility. Fictitious data are presented to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

Maurud, 0. 1976. Reciprocal Compreheasion of Neighbour Languages in Scandinavia. An Investigation of How Well People in Denmark, Norway and Sweden Understand Each Other's Written and Spoken Languages. Scand. J. educ. Res. 20, 49‐72. Soldiers in the three countries were exposed to spoken and written texts in the two other Scandinavian languages and their comprehension was tested by asking them questions about the contents and by asking them to translate certain central words in the texts into their own language. Questions about certain important non‐linguistic factors such as education level, domicile, travels to the other Scandinavian countries, reading in the other Scandinavian languages, exposure to radio and television programs from the other Scandinavian countries, own estimation of other Scandinavian language comprehension and attitudes towards these languages were also included. The answers to these questions were used to throw light on the results of the language test.  相似文献   

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