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The purpose of this study was to (a) find out the types of questions that pupils ask for open-ended science investigations, and (b) discuss how teachers can help pupils to identify problems and pose questions that are feasible for investigations. The study was conducted in a class of 39 primary 6 pupils of mixed ability. The pupils wrote down questions for two investigations that they would like to work on. The questions for the first investigation were generated individually, but those for the second investigation were posed in groups after the pupils were shown some examples of investigable questions. Among the questions that were posed individually, only 11.7% could be answered by performing hands-on investigations. Most of the questions asked were based on general knowledge and covered a wide range of topics. However, when questions were generated in groups after examples were shown, there was a significant increase in the number of questions that were amenable to science investigations (71.4%) but they related to fewer topics. A typology of investigable and non-investigable questions is proposed. Suggestions on how teachers can help pupils to pose problems and questions that are feasible for investigations are given.  相似文献   

Both science and technology education have a commitment to teaching process; investigations or scientific method in science, design in technology, and problem solving in both areas. The separate debates in science and technology education reveal different curricular emphases in processes and content, reflecting different goals, and pedagogic and educational research traditions. This paper explores these differences and argues that each curriculum area can learn from the other. Despite the interest in processes, problem solving remains neglected in each area, particularly with respect to empirical accounts of student problem-solving activities and the supporting pedagogy. This paper draws on the situated learning and social constructivist literature to provide insights into problem solving in technology education. The research reported here, gives accounts of the problem-solving strategies of English secondary school students. These strategies represent their responses to technology activities and the learning environment created by teachers.  相似文献   

With respect to European science teacher education, a growing interest can be noticed in the idea that teachers should not be confronted with solutions to teaching problems but be given real teaching problems which are open to different interpretations. This ‘problem posing’ course strategy should pay attention to school students’ conceptions as well as existing and new (student) teachers’ conceptions. The present article deals with classroom protocol analysis as a tool for a problem posing teacher education. Some methodological aspects of the production and interpretation of this type of protocol are described. Experiences with classroom protocol analysis in the context of inservice courses in teaching and learning electrochemistry and in problem solving in chemistry are reported. The impact of the analysis method on chemistry teachers’ thinking is investigated by analysing protocols of teacher meetings. Implications for innovating science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

It is important that students of physics develop both quantitative and qualitative understanding of physical concepts and principles. Although accuracy and reliability in solving quantitative problems is necessary, a qualitative understanding is required in applying concepts and principles to new problems and in real-life situations. If students are not able to understand what underlies quantitative problem-solving procedures nor interpret the solution in physical terms, it is questionable whether they have developed an adequate understanding of physics. The research reported here is part of a larger phenomenographic study that is concerned with the assessment of physics students' understanding of some basic concepts and principles in kinematics. In this article students' understanding of the concept of relative speed is described. A variety of ways of understanding relative speed and of viewing a problem that dealt with this concept were uncovered. The results are used to suggest ways for teachers to proceed in assisting students to enhance their understanding of this concept. The teaching principles outlined concern both teaching relative speed, in particular, and teaching scientific concepts and principles, more generally.  相似文献   

Conclusion The period of time student teachers have to receive feedback from their supervisors and cooperating teachers is relatively short. Techniques and ideas suggested by university supervisors and cooperating teachers are clearly beneficial to beginning teachers, but the students also need direct experience in addressing classroom concerns themselves. Student teachers need to develop techniques for evaluating their own teaching and for solving instructional problems autonomously such as suggested through the use of this model. The problem solving model forces student teachers to take responsibility for their learning about teaching. It forces them to analyze and reflect on their own lessons and to deal with their own problems. Importantly, the model may serve as a tool for self-evaluation that can be used during students’ first few years of teaching and throughout their science teaching career. Student teachers will still undergo the complex and sometimes overwhelming experience of teaching for the first time. However, by addressing each problem they face in a systematic, organized way, the experience may become more manageable, and success may seem more attainable for them.  相似文献   

In the past few years, science educators and the nation at large have become increasingly concerned about the “Crisis in Science Education.” An underlying cause of this crisis is the nonuniform quality of instruction delivered by secondary science teachers. One way to improve the quality of teaching in the schools is the application of science education research findings to teaching. Most teachers are unaware of the research findings and/or do not apply them in their classrooms. This study helps determine the areas of research which are of greatest interest to secondary science teachers. Results will be used by NSTA to determine the contents of future volumes of the monograph What Research Says to the Science Teacher. A random sample of 600 secondary science teachers was obtained from the National Registry of NSTA. Teachers were sent a 23 item questionnaire that asked them to rate their interest in each research topic on a five point scale. The questionnaire contained the 12 items prepared by a NARST-NSTA committee in 1979 and an additional 11 items using the same format. Demographic data collected from the survey included sex, teaching assignment, role in school, type of school, type of community, years of teaching experience, and familiarity with What Research Says. … Data were analyzed using this demographic data as well as according to whether teachers returned the original or a follow-up questionnaire. Teachers who returned the first questionnaire had basically the same preferences as those who returned the follow-up questionnaire. Sixty percent of the teachers completed the questionnaire in usable form. Overall results of the study based on both frequency of response and on mean rating indicate that the following five topics are of greatest interest to secondary science teachers: laboratory experiences, motivational techniques, effect on college courses, problem solving, and meaningful learning. Analysis of data according to the subject taught indicated that chemistry and physics teachers are more interested in problem solving than biology teachers, and that chemistry, physics, and earth science teachers are also interested in the sequence of the content. Males and females had the same top five interests but in a different order. The same is true for teachers of grades 7–9 versus grades 10–12. Rural teachers preferences varied substantially from those in other settings and differences were also found for teachers familiar with What Research Says … compared to the rest of the sample. For every classification of teacher, the area of least interest was sex difference research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the advantages of an approach to instruction using current problems and issues as curriculum organizers and illustrating how teaching must change to accomplish real learning. The study sample consisted of 41 preservice science teachers (13 males and 28 females) in a model science teacher education program. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to determine success with science discipline-specific “Societal and Educational Applications” courses as one part of a total science teacher education program at a large Midwestern university. Students were involved with idea generation, consideration of multiple points of views, collaborative inquiries, and problem solving. All of these factors promoted grounded instruction using constructivist perspectives that situated science with actual experiences in the lives of students.  相似文献   

教师能力是教师素质的核心,也是教育教学活动中最具活力的要素。以"教师能力"为关键词,运用内容分析法,从论文的时间分布和空间分布两个大的方面对近三十年我国公开发表的关于教师能力的文献进行定量分析表明:研讨会的召开、相关书籍的出版、能力标准的出台以及时代的发展是促进教师能力研究发展的重要因素;我国目前关于教师能力的研究主要停留在理论层面,系统的可供实践操作的成果较少,关于教师能力评价与培训的研究成果则更少,没有符合我国特色的具有普遍推广意义的教师能力发展策略,且研究成果以高校较多;经济发展水平不同的地区,对教师能力的关注程度没有明显的差异;目前关于教师研究的论文主要发表在一般期刊与学报上,发表在专业期刊上的论文相对较少。关于教师能力的进一步研究应关注以下几个方面:找准教师能力问题研究的出发点;深化教师能力构成要素的研究;制定合理的教师能力标准;强调教师能力发展的实践研究;开发教师能力评价系统;开发高效的教师能力培训平台。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the teachers’ predictions of the students’ performances – in particular the middle-low achievers – while solving tasks testing inquiry competencies. The tasks come from PISA science. More specifically we study science teachers’ predictions for several aspects: levels of difficulty of the tasks, the potential sources of difficulty and the potential difficulty in solving it for medium-low achievers. We also study what assessed competencies are identified by science teachers in the tasks. Our approach is a questionnaire-based study. A sample of French teachers in science and technology (125) responded to the questionnaire. The teachers show a rather good ability to predict inquiry task levels of difficulty for medium-low achievers and are able to identify relevant potential sources of difficulty or easiness in the items. However, they are not aware of some essential difficulties that medium-low students encounter while solving science inquiry tasks. Moreover, the teachers have difficulty identifying the competencies that are tested by an item.  相似文献   

Hudson and Rottman (1981) established that mathematics ability is probably a secondary factor influencing dropout from college physics courses. Other factors remain to be found for predicting who will drop out or at least have difficulty with the course. When mathematics ability is coupled with general indicators of performance (total GPA and ACT natural science), prediction of performance for those who complete the course is substantially improved. Moreover, discriminant analyses reveal who will have at least some difficulty, but not who will drop out. The problem of isolating specific weaknesses of students who have difficulty persists. Physics achievement appears to depend on mathematics ability only to the extent that students possess the ability to utilize mathematics knowledge for solving physics problems. Identification of the specific aspects of this ability as well as the specific deficiencies leading to dropout should be the object of future research. For the present, interviews might be more revealing than group testing methods.  相似文献   

The development of three-dimensional learning among all K-12 student demographics remains a prominent goal for the field of science education. However, substantial research in science teacher education for urban populations showcases hurdles to overcome in order to achieve this goal, particularly for elementary teachers. Research shows that urban elementary teachers are often ill-prepared to develop a type of science pedagogy responsive to students' learning needs. The fidelity of such pedagogies that these teachers adhere to when trying to implement such a requested content–relationality between these populations and how their local contexts can be used as sites to learn science in relevant ways are often not fully realized, as well. Given that science achievement gaps exhibit racial disparities starting in primary grades and attitudes toward science have been shown to affect academic achievement and motivation, we argue that one way to ameliorate, in at least an incremental way, this disparity is to design novel learning experiences to prime students to see the relevancy of science in their local contexts before such three-dimensional designed learning is set to occur. In this research, we leveraged the immersive nature of Virtual Reality 360 videos and present a design-based research iteration testing how this novel technologically enhanced learning experience may have influenced close to 400 urban elementary students' attitudes toward science around those attitudes labeled as “behavioral beliefs” by the field. Using a concurrent, convergent mixed-methods design with a two-way multivariate analysis of covariance quantitative data set triangulated with students' qualitative self-reports that were transformed into quantitative preponderances in graphic form, the data support that our design iteration emphasizing the importance of context as a design focus can prime students who struggle to see science as relevant to change their attitudes. Implications are discussed around relationality, novel technological affordances, and the use of local contexts as learning resources.  相似文献   

林世平 《成才之路》2020,(6):108-109
在小学阶段的数学教学中,教师应结合学情与教学任务,以核心素养为出发点培养学生以数学眼光观察问题、解决问题的意识。教师要以灵活性、操作性强的教学策略调动学生的学习积极性,以图示引导强化运算能力,基于问题研究丰富几何直观,开展游戏实践拓宽逻辑思维,使学生学会借助数学语言精准表达数学问题与结果。  相似文献   



In an attempt to explain success and failure in problem‐solving by science students, the authors suggest that problem‐solving ability is associated with students’ ability to organize or ‘chunk’ the information provided in a problem into memorizable patterns. In line with general psychological findings, a short‐term memory capacity of 7 ± 2 chunks is accepted. If the short‐term memory is overloaded with too many pieces of information, the processing of this information (and, hence, effective problem‐solving) cannot take place unless such information can be effectively chunked. This hypothesis, which is derived from research studies, is exemplified by reference to chemical problems and its educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

进行学科竞赛是提高机械类大学生动手实践能力和创新能力的良好途径,我校对学生科技竞赛十分重视,投入了大量的精力,取得了不错的成绩。然而,在学科竞赛指导和管理方面仍存在一些问题,如指导教师与学生沟通交流不够,竞赛选题会出现偏差;受功利心和学科培养计划等影响,学生参与竞赛的积极性不够,竞赛作品数量、质量较低等等。针对上述问题,结合作者工作实际加以分析,提出了对策。  相似文献   

本文从自主发展意识和自主发展能力两个维度对北京市155位小学科学教师自主发展的现状进行了调查。结果发现,他们能清楚地意识到自身所处的专业发展阶段和水平,具有良好的合作能力。但他们对有效教师发展本质的自主性的理解存在偏差,部分教师的自主发展目标不明确,多数教师的自主发展规划有待制定,部分教师发现问题的能力有待提高,多数教师研究成果外化的能力明显不足,部分教师反思后没有实践改进行动。基于调研发现的问题,本文从深入理解自主发展理念、合理制定自主发展目标和规划、逐步提升发现研究问题和研究成果外化的能力、不断促进教师有效反思等四方面提出了促进小学科学教师自主发展的建议。  相似文献   

Effective parent‐teacher communication involves problem‐solving concerns about students. Few studies have examined problem‐solving interactions between parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with a particular focus on identifying communication barriers and strategies for improving them. This study examined the problem‐solving behaviors of parents and teachers of children with ASD. Participants were 18 teachers and 39 parents of children with ASD. Parent‐teacher dyads were prompted to discuss and provide a solution for a problem that a student experienced at home and at school. Parents and teachers also reported on their problem‐solving behaviors. Results showed that parents and teachers displayed limited use of the core elements of problem‐solving. Teachers displayed more problem‐solving behaviors than parents. Both groups reported engaging in more problem‐solving behaviors than they were observed to display during their discussions. Our findings suggest that teacher and parent training programs should include collaborative approaches to problem‐solving.  相似文献   

Fostering students' spatial thinking skills holds great promise for improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Recent efforts have focused on the development of classroom interventions to build students' spatial skills, yet these interventions will be implemented by teachers, and their beliefs and perceptions about spatial thinking influence the effectiveness of such interventions. However, our understanding of elementary school teachers' beliefs and perceptions around spatial thinking and STEM is in its infancy. Thus, we created novel measures to survey elementary teachers' anxiety in solving spatial problems, beliefs in the importance of spatial thinking skills for students' academic success, and self-efficacy in cultivating students' spatial skills during science instruction. All measures exhibited high internal consistency and showed that elementary teachers experience low anxiety when solving spatial problems and feel strongly that their skills can improve with practice. Teachers were able to identify educational problems that rely on spatial problem-solving and believed that spatial skills are more important for older compared to younger students. Despite reporting high efficacy in their general teaching and science teaching, teachers reported significantly lower efficacy in their capacities to cultivate students' spatial skills during science instruction. Results were fairly consistent across teacher characteristics (e.g., years of experience and teaching role as generalist or specialist) with the exception that only years of teaching science was related to teachers' efficacy in cultivating students' spatial thinking skills during science instruction. Results are discussed within the broader context of teacher beliefs, self-efficacy, and implications for professional development research.  相似文献   

人们在日常生活中需要不断地解决各种问题,正如波普尔所说"全部的生活就是问题解决"。问题解决,尤其是复杂问题的解决,已成为认知科学和学习研究中关注的焦点。复杂问题的解决是一个动态的复杂过程,需要综合运用多种认知和非认知成分。先前的研究已经提出了解决复杂问题的多种模型,给人们解决复杂问题提供了可依靠的支架。而案例知识作为一种典型性、叙事性、情境性、实践性、个人性、整体性的经验知识在问题解决中得到了广泛应用,已成为支持复杂问题解决的有效形式,具体表现为:支持问题境脉的阐释、支持问题的多视角认识、支持解决方案的生成、支持解决方案的确定以及支持对问题解决结果的评价。它正作为一种支持人们解决问题的资源,在现实中发挥越来越大的作用。  相似文献   

Small differences in working patterns and social relationships can be indicators of deeper cultural differences. It is these non‐educational issues which point to the serious difficulty of making cross‐cultural comparisons. Data collected from Egyptian science teachers who have visited science classes in London are reported here. UK teachers may be habituated, or unaware of features of school life that are quite striking to the Egyptians as new observers. These include well resourced laboratories, considerable practical work done in small groups and a wide variety of classroom activities. However, it is the professionalism and the good interpersonal relationships that they see in the UK that the Egyptian teachers come to appreciate even more on their return to Egypt. Such a feature of UK teachers’ work cannot be identified by international test score comparisons.  相似文献   

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