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使用兴奋剂不仅危害运动员的身心健康。而且破坏公平竞争的体育精神,甚至严重损害国家形象和荣誉。为积极预防兴奋剂问题的发生。使反兴奋剂教育和管理工作落到实处。我国在反兴奋剂宣传教育工作中,不断加强教育力度,创新教育手段和方式,拓展教育的广度和深度,提高教育的成效。在工作过程中,逐渐形成了一些常规做法,  相似文献   

Doping testing is a key component enforced by anti-doping authorities to detect and deter doping in sport. Policy is developed to protect athletes’ right to participate in doping-free sport; and testing is a key tool to secure this right. Accordingly, athletes’ responses to anti-doping efforts are important. This article explores how the International Standards for Testing, which face different interpretations and challenges when policy is implemented, are perceived by elite athletes. Particularly, this article aims to investigate how elite athletes perceive the functioning of the testing system (i.e., the efforts of stakeholders involved in testing) in their own sport both nationally and worldwide. Moreover, it seeks to identify whether specific factors such as previous experience of testing and perceived proximity of doping have an impact on athletes’ perceptions of the testing system. The study comprises a web-based questionnaire (N = 645; response rate 43%) and uses qualitative findings to elaborate on and explain quantitative results. Results showed that two-thirds of the athletes reported the national testing programme in their sport to be appropriate. A majority of the athletes who had an opinion on the subject regarded testing programmes in some countries as not extensive enough or believed that in certain countries doping control was downgraded to win medals. Past experience of testing seemed to have a positive influence on trust in the concrete measures; however, if athletes experienced flaws during the control procedures, this could increase distrust and cause worry. The proximity of doping in an athlete's sport influenced the athlete's perception of the testing system. Particularly, athletes who need the testing system to be effective and to function well across the world show greater distrust of or dissatisfaction with the current testing system. The athletes’ diverging views indicate that contemporary anti-doping policy is simultaneously met with support, (dis)trust and frustration. By integrating the views and experiences of Danish elite athletes, this study confirms that the current testing system is confronted with obstacles, and it contributes knowledge about some of the challenges WADA faces when policy is implemented. Implications of results and recommendations for anti-doping authorities are outlined in the paper.  相似文献   


The present study investigated athletes’ and coaches’ beliefs about the role of athletes’ entourage in deterring or promoting doping. Competitive athletes and coaches in Greece and Australia took part in semi-structured interviews. Our analysis of the interviews produced five main themes: coach influence, peer influence, doping stance, doping stigma, and entourage’s culture. Overall, coaches and peers having a close and trusty relationship with the athletes were considered most influential with respect to doping-related decisions. The majority of the athletes held a strong anti-doping stance but could not articulate why they held this position. This inability could be ascribed to the stigmatization of doping which led to lack of knowledge and anti-doping education. Finally, an anti-doping culture in the athletes’ environment was considered central to an anti-doping stance. The study findings provide valuable information towards a comprehensive understanding of the role athletes’ entourage can play in shaping athletes’ attitudes and decision for doping.  相似文献   

1什么是ADAMS? 《世界反兴奋剂条例》规定,世界反兴奋剂机构(以下简称WADA)有义务协调全球反兴奋剂工作,并提供利益相关方执行该条例的机制。  相似文献   

第30届夏季奥林匹克运动会即将在伦敦拉开帷幕。为了做好反兴奋剂工作,伦敦奥组委(LOCOG)与国际奥委会(IOC)、世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)、国际单项体育联合会等机构密切合作,力争通过整合全世界最优秀的人力资源,利用最先进的检测设备,为伦敦奥运会搭建一个严格、精准、全面的反兴奋剂工作体系。  相似文献   

为打击兴奋剂滥用行为,维护体育赛事的公平竞争,各国政府与各体育组织共同建立了世界反兴奋剂体系,并形成了一系列兴奋剂检查规则。然而,目前的世界反兴奋剂体系存在严格运动员责任与淡化运动员权利的矛盾。尽管2021版《WADC条例》已体现出保护运动员权利的趋势,但仍存在缺陷。兴奋剂检查权力滥用可能会引致程序失范,最终导致运动员参赛权、形象权等正当权利遭到减损。因此,在实施严格的兴奋剂检查的同时,也需保障运动员的正当权利。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):268-279
Although the use of banned drugs in sport is not a new phenomenon, little is known about the experiences and perceptions of athletes who have committed anti-doping rule violations. This study qualitatively explored the experiences of 18 athletes (from the sports of bodybuilding, powerlifting, cricket, sprint kayak, rugby league, and swimming) who had committed anti-doping violations. Themes explored included motivations for initiating and maintaining doping, the psychology of doping, deterrents to doping, and views on current anti-doping policy. In most cases doping had started early in their careers. The perceived culture of the sport was considered central to the ‘normalization’ of doping, particularly in bodybuilding. When explaining their decision to dope, athletes engaged in processes or moral disengagement (including advantageous comparison, minimizing consequences and diffusion of responsibility). Ironically, moral arguments were perceived as the most effective deterrents to doping. Findings are discussed in relation to the difficulties in establishing credible deterrents and suggestions for the future development of anti-doping policy.  相似文献   

The article reports findings on the perception of doping and anti-doping policies from four representative population surveys carried out in 1995, 1998, 2001, and 2004, as well as from a 2005 - 2006 survey of top-level athletes in Switzerland. The results show a growing public awareness for doping issues and increasing support for a comprehensive anti-doping strategy in Switzerland. The vast majority of the Swiss population and top-level athletes are strongly against doping and support a strategy that combines strict prohibition and sanctioning with informational and educational efforts. The perception of the doping issue and the strategic preferences in fighting doping stated by the public are largely in line with the current anti-doping strategy followed by the Swiss authorities. The results thus suggest a successful use of information resources by the authorities to create public awareness and to communicate its strategy.  相似文献   

我国体育兴奋剂监管的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育兴奋剂是服药者和管理机构之间的一个博弈,服药的程度和监管力度互为反应函数,相互制约。通过博弈论的基本理论.构建了运动员和体育管理机构的混合战略博弈模型,计算出管理机构进行检查的最优战略选择和服药者服用兴奋剂的最优战略选择。并根据分析结果,提出了加大对不服药优秀运动员的奖励、加大对兴奋剂的处罚力度和降低反兴奋剂的检测成本等对策。  相似文献   

运用博弈论分析竞技体育中运动员兴奋剂策略选择的有关问题,指出:在单人博弈模型中,运动员的兴奋剂策略选择除了受信息收集程度的影响外,还会受运动员风险态度类型的影响;在“怕吃亏”心理的作用下,个体项目运动员之间博弈的结果是服用兴奋剂对自己是较好的策略;集体项目运动员的兴奋剂策略选择过程较复杂,但在严格的约束条件下,完全理性的运动员不会使用兴奋剂。  相似文献   

对加拿大自行车运动员杰克·伯克(Jack Burke)兴奋剂违规的体育仲裁案件进行分析,从双方的争议点出发,结合处罚结果进行拓展讨论,从上诉期限的起算、运动员过错的认定以及举证过程中的证明标准和反兴奋剂教育培训义务等角度分析本案在法学方面的意义。本案启示在于:对国际自行车联盟(UCI)以及世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)来说,上诉期限应当以“完整决定”为起算点,对“无过错或无疏忽”的认定要从严把握,同时应当保留“完全满意”的证明标准,完善对年轻运动员反兴奋剂培训的规定。对运动员来说,其良好的个人品质对于支持自己的主张,以及确定是否构成违规有重要帮助,运动员时刻需做好针对兴奋剂的合理防范措施。最后,文章结合本案对我国的反兴奋剂规则的修订给出了改进建议。  相似文献   

青少年是一个国家的希望,我国一向重视青少年运动员反兴奋剂教育工作。中共中央国务院《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》中明确指出:"广大青少年身心健康、体魄强健、意志坚强、充满活力,是一个民族旺盛生命力的体现,是社会文明进步的标志,是国家综合实力的重要方面。"由于青少年运动员年龄小,对反兴奋剂知识了解较少,对使用兴奋剂的行为缺乏鉴别能力,容易发生兴奋剂问题。因此,加强青少年反兴奋  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,对反兴奋剂进行了比较全面的梳理和研究。研究认为:兴奋剂有害于运动员的健康,兴奋剂造成不公平竞赛,兴奋剂破坏运动的公正性,因此必须进行相关的政策规制。从兴奋剂定义的法学探究出发,对建立有效的反兴奋剂政策进行了探讨。同时也面临着棘手的问题和挑战,诸如如何获得足够的资源,如何应付运动员不断的尝试使用新药,其在科学上所带来的挑战,以及如何维系政治上对于兴奋剂工作的支持等方面。  相似文献   

青少年业余运动员使用兴奋剂原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文透过2002年沈阳体校和2006年鞍山市田径学校集体使用兴奋剂事件,对青少年业余运动员使用兴奋剂这一问题从经济利益、升学、心理、教练员和现有反兴奋剂条件限制等多方面进行了原因分析,并结合分析结果,从加大反兴奋剂工作的宣传教育、加强教练员和有关人员职业道德、进一步加大、完善相关处罚力度和措施等几个反面提出了自己的建议,以供有关职能部门参考。  相似文献   

2015年《世界反兴奋剂条例》规定了有“篡改或企图篡改兴奋剂管制过程中的任何环节”(简称“篡改”)违规的相关规定(简称“篡改”规定)。“篡改”规定本身具有规制范围广泛、认定标准不明确、违规处罚裁量范围小、补充性等特点,使得该规定在反兴奋剂实践中的适用存在问题。2015年国际体育仲裁院审理的瑞塔·吉普图案和卡尔·穆里案较为典型地反映出了“篡改”规定的适用问题,同时也为“篡改”条款以及《世界反兴奋剂条例》其他相关规定的完善提供了思路。本研究认为,今后《世界反兴奋剂条例》的修订中可以进一步明确“篡改”违规的主客观要件,同时通过增加加重情节规定、加强反兴奋剂调查阶段运动员辩护权保护等方法,促进反兴奋剂规则体系的进一步完善。  相似文献   

2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》回应了俄罗斯集体兴奋剂事件,加大了对兴奋剂违规行为的打击力度,增强了对运动员权利的保护程度,适应了反兴奋剂技术手段的科学发展。2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》在新增“阻挠、报复兴奋剂举报”这一类违规行为、增设“受保护的人员”与“业余运动员”新型主体类型、为社会毒品设置单独条款等方面的修订显著成功,但也存在着相关条款之间协调不够、反兴奋剂机构与运动员之间程序权利不平衡等不足。研究分析了2021年实施版《世界反兴奋剂条例》修订条款的主要内容,并考察了修订的主要原因。  相似文献   

由新冠肺炎疫情引发的人类共识性危机情境仍在延续,在疫情危机影响之下,东京奥运会将成为奥林匹克新历史分期的起点。通过对奥林匹克文化本身、运动员、运动员之间的互动、运动员与观众的互动以及赛场的狂欢等要素进行研究,认为:(1)共同体精神、生命政治以及生命精神将促进奥林匹克精神内涵的再赋予,具体表现为:共同体精神促进了身体价值和奥林匹克精神内涵的扩布,身体在"权力装置"的有效操控下成为具象化的生命体,以生命为核心的"脱域的共同体"在技术嵌入下得以建构。(2)对于备战的运动员而言,以技术为主线实现身体再造成为核心,具体表现为:心理再造是身体再造得以成功的基础,身体再造作为群体共识,身体数据的量化促进了运动员潜能激发。(3)对于特殊竞技场域之中的运动员而言,角色身份互嵌成为"互动"主题,具体表现为:符码操持下的多元竞技者,在单向互动与多元反馈的过程中承担精神引领者和神圣符号建构者的角色身份,多重情境之下的运动员身体符号被不断解码和放大进而提高社会动员的有效性。(4)对于"没有观众"的赛场而言,脱域的共同体建构了集体欢腾的新表象,具体表现为:"符码权力"促进了身体价值重塑与情感互动,虚拟在场的身体聚集通过语态互动促进脱域共同体的情感连接与情感激发,数据化的身体趋向在革新观看理念的同时,将会对竞技主体的构成要素带来挑战。  相似文献   

甲状腺功能紊乱主要影响机体运动的耐受性,从而导致机体剧烈运动能力的降低。另一方面,运动本身也可直接或间接影响甲状腺功能,或者引起下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴功能的急剧改变,或者导致运动员甲状腺功能的长期改变。运动员甲状腺功能的改变是一种耐受能力的适应性机制,这种适应性机制可使能量的摄取和消耗趋于平衡。女运动员过度减重常常出现“低T3综合症”,从而导致运动性闭经以及其它下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴功能的紊乱,  相似文献   

Understanding athletes’ attitudes to doping continues to be of interest for its potential to contribute to an international anti-doping system. However, little is known about the relationship between elite athletes’ attitudes to drug use and potential explanatory factors, including achievement goals and the motivational climate. In addition, despite specific World Anti-Doping Agency Code relating to team sport athletes, little is known about whether sport type (team or individual) is a risk or protective factor in relation to doping. Elite athletes from Scotland (N = 177) completed a survey examining attitudes to performance-enhancing drug (PED) use, achievement goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Athletes were generally against doping for performance enhancement. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that task and ego goals and mastery motivational climate were predictors of attitudes to PED use (F (4, 171) = 15.81, P < .01). Compared with individual athletes, team athletes were significantly lower in attitude to PED use and ego orientation scores and significantly higher in perceptions of a mastery motivational climate (Wilks’ lambda = .76, F = 10.89 (5, 170), P < .01). The study provides insight into how individual and situational factors may act as protective and risk factors in doping in sport.  相似文献   

Establishing a requirement for, justifying public spending on, and evaluating the effectiveness of anti-doping policies all accentuate the need for reliable estimates of doping prevalence in sport. To date, despite considerable effort and much empirical research, this critical information is still not available. Methodological concerns that make doping epidemiology research difficult have been noted, and to some degree addressed in relation to under-reporting bias. In this paper, we use a simple game model to outline a potential responding behaviour among self-reporting athletes on the use of doping that could potentially invalidate any prevalence estimation arising from self-reports. We show a paradoxical situation in which a potential strategic behaviour inevitably leads to a game where the ‘lying’ is a dominant strategy for both doping users and non-users. A slightly more advanced look at the situation might possibly alter this seemingly absurd conclusion, however not in a direction offering any easy solutions for empirical doping research. Although we acknowledge that the proportions of respondents engaging in false telling are likely to vary across samples and differ between doping users and clean athletes, our simple model effectively draws attention to a neglected side of evasive responding in surveys. The response bias that potentially could lead to under- and over-reporting should be considered when self-reported prevalence rates are used to inform anti-doping prevention and intervention policies. Survey methodologies that are able to account for potential distortions would make a considerable contribution to doping research.  相似文献   

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