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The pressures of a growing global population, compounded by environmental degradation, escalating energy use and the depletion of natural energy resources, have led to sustainable energy (SE) holding a prominent position on the international agenda. In spite of the widespread recognition of the important role of SE education in securing a sustainable future, it has not yet received much attention within oil-rich countries such as Saudi Arabia. A single-sex private college in Saudi Arabia – referred to here as ‘Al-Ola College’ – has been selected as a case study for this study. As part of this work, a survey has been distributed to all of the female students of Al-Ola College in order to examine their potential acceptance of such a proposed course dedicated to SE. Moreover, several in-depth interviews have been conducted with senior staff of the Al-Ola College and with the potential employers of SE graduates. Issues that have been investigated herewith go beyond the likelihood of acceptance of the new course, and include a detailed examination of the potential benefits and challenges that might be encountered when incorporating the subject of SE into Saudi higher education curricula, in addition to the employment prospects for female students specialising in SE in Saudi Arabia. The primary conclusion was that the launch of a postgraduate course on SE for Saudi females might not be viable at present. This conclusion emerges from the identification of a wide range of barriers including insufficient government support for the SE agenda, a lack of sustainability awareness, a strong social resistance to accepting this field of study and lack of work opportunities for females in the highly conservative Saudi society. As a result of this empirical research, a set of practical ‘enablers’ has been proposed in order to change the status quo with regard to the poor prospects for SE education in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Disability laws in Saudi Arabia mandate that higher education institutions provide support for special needs learners in order to ensure educational opportunities equivalent to opportunities for their nondisabled peers. These institutions experience challenges, however, in providing the necessary support to undergraduate and postgraduate students with learning disabilities (LDs). We conducted an exploratory study to assess educational support requirements and affordances for undergraduate and postgraduate students with LDs attending institutions of higher education in Saudi Arabia. We completed semistructured interviews with 22 special needs learners diagnosed with a LD (16 undergraduate and six postgraduate). The findings suggest that additional support services are needed for undergraduate and postgraduate students with LDs attending Saudi institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

This paper describes the recent history of distance higher education in Saudi Arabia with particular reference to the education of women. It compares the contribution to external study for women of the General Presidency of Girls' Education (GPGE) with the introduction of intisab (a system which allows individuals to pursue higher education without attending lectures) in three universities founded for men. It records the growing numbers of women wishing to enter higher education and the withdrawal of intisab from two universities in Riyadh. It identifies the limitations placed on women's higher education as compared with men's and notes the generally conservative attitudes to the role of women found in Saudi Arabia. It oudines discussions over the last 15 years, concerning an Arab open university, which have yet to result in action. Finally, it reports a recent survey which reveals strong support for an open university for women in Saudi Arabia. Such an institution would gready increase access for women to higher education while, at the same time, be compatible with Islamic custom concerning the segregation of the sexes and a woman's primary role as wife and mother.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often thought to advocate for a single set of beliefs and customs and for a rejection of the need to protect regional cultures and traditions. In the aftermath of 9/11, the rift between Western and Arab cultures has deepened, and there is a patent need for cultural bridges to be built. The government of Saudi Arabia has, by increasing funding for higher education through grants and scholarships, enabled Saudi students to study at overseas universities. A number of non-Saudi students are also enrolled at Saudi Arabian universities. After a brief introduction to the cultural and educational history of the Arab region and Saudi identity, this article turns to contemporary higher education in Saudi Arabia. It introduces the King Abdullah Scholarship Programme and then goes on to present detailed enrolment data for 2006–2009, demonstrating trends and policy changes and identifying patterns in student mobility.  相似文献   

This article deals with the development of higher education in Bahrain. The study includes the philosophy of the educational system which co-relates religious morals and cultural traditions with modern economics, technological and scientific developments. Empirical statistics show the growth of higher education in Bahrain since the late sixties. In 1968, the strength of staff and students was 3 and 18 respectively. This has grown to 469 staff members and 5633 students by 1987.  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia, it is generally perceived that private special education institutes (SEIs) provide a higher quality education than their public counterparts. Parents tend to trust and invest in private rather than public institutes. This is principally attributed to the greater financial capacity of private special institutes, which ensures services can be provided more effectively. Investigating this perspective, this study seeks to bridge the gap often observed and commented upon between public and private SEIs, and to reflect critically on how the needs of all students with intellectual disabilities can be met within the public system. A comparative case study of two SEIs in Saudi Arabia for students with intellectual disabilities, one public and one private, was designed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with parents, teachers and principals. A key finding of this study is that there is a major difference in the workplace cultures of public and private institutes. This results in several observable factors that were found to contribute to the quality of provision for learners.  相似文献   

当今沙特王国的政权很有特色,也为世人所瞩目。它无论是建立还是建设过程都与其所信奉的宗教有密切的联系。现代沙特以瓦哈比教立国,而瓦哈比教又以现代沙特王国为其生存保障。瓦哈比教规范了现代沙特社会的外在特征,为现代沙特王国的稳定提供了保障。面对今天沙特王国的社会变革,瓦哈比教欲在现代化的社会中继续生存、发展,必须适时的调整,接受现代意识。  相似文献   

Academic entitlement (AE) is increasingly associated with problematic behaviors and attitudes, including student incivility and endorsement of cheating. As research on this context-specific form of entitlement increases, no one has yet explored the rates of occurrence outside of North America. To investigate whether students at North American universities are alone in their endorsement of academically entitled beliefs and behaviors, we administered a bidimensional (entitled expectations and externalized responsibility) AE measure to university students in Saudi Arabia and the United States. Contrary to expectations, the Saudi Arabian students, particularly the women, reported on this measure higher levels of AE than the American students. However, in the Saudi sample, academic entitlement was associated with self-esteem and not with narcissism or independent self-construal. While these results challenge the assumptions that AE is an exclusive Western educational phenomenon, they also raise questions about the potentially different meaning of AE in non-Western cultures and the validity and reliability of AE measurement.  相似文献   

In Saudi Arabia gender segregation is a cultural practice that occurs across all public and private domains. This segregation has shaped the lives of Saudi citizens and is driven socially through cultural and religious discourses and politically through regulation and policy. For Saudi students undertaking their education in western countries, the transitioning experience can be challenging. This paper draws on research conducted in Australia that has attempted to explore and understand this transitioning experience. The aim of the study was to highlight the dialectical relationship between participants’ cultural identity and the acculturation experience of cross-cultural contact. The findings indicate that Saudi students’ cultural identity has a significant influence on the experience of being in a mixed-gender environment. Findings also suggest a relationship between current experience and cultural identity. Drawing on in-depth interviews, the paper provides context to help understand the transitioning experience of Saudi students.  相似文献   

沙特王国是中东和伊斯兰国家教育的代表,具有研究的典型性和重要的学术研究价值。以沙特王国的教育为研究对象,将其置于福利政治的视野下,采用政治学、历史学和教育学交叉研究的方法审视沙特王国的福利性教育得失。沙特王国的福利性教育具有鲜明的政治色彩,是沙特政府推行福利政治的重要组成部分,而其教育的政治倾向一定程度上导致了教育发展的不均衡和不平等。近年来沙特政府实行了一系列教育改革,这些改革一定程度上体现了去福利化、公平化以及市场导向的倾向,然而鉴于福利性教育的政治意义,王国的教育改革很难有质的突破。  相似文献   

本文对清末民初山东省留美学生群体进行归纳分析,从留美学生的籍贯、文化背景、就读美国大学三个方面对这一群体进行简要评价。通过对这三个方面的分析,希望能归纳出近代山东留美学生群体的一些显著特点,完善对近代留美教育的研究。  相似文献   

Worldwide, 3.0–7.0 percent of school-aged children meet criteria for a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In Saudi Arabia, ADHD appears to be more prevalent than the worldwide average, with estimates of 12.6–16.7 percent. Unfortunately, there is a relative dearth of research addressing ADHD and related training programs in Saudi Arabia. We investigated perceptions of teachers in Saudi elementary schools regarding current In-Service Education and Training (INSET) programs addressing students diagnosed with ADHD. We interviewed 40 teachers (15 women and 25 men) from public elementary schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The findings highlight the need to develop INSET programs specifically addressing best practices for managing and educating students diagnosed with ADHD.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是党的生命线,高校思想政治工作既是实现社会主义人才培养目标的重要保证,也是大学生成长成才的必要条件。笔者就如何做好新形势下的高校思想政治工作,对远大理想与现实矛盾、理念要求与现实行为、思想政治工作与心理健康教育、思想政治工作与学生全面发展、思想政治工作与学校整体工作以及思想政治工作专职队伍与兼职队伍、传统方法与现代方法等七个方面的辩证关系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the measurement invariance of the adjusted version of the Perception of Resources Questionnaire (PRQ) by Goldan & Schwab (2018; 2019). A cross-country comparison between students from Germany (N = 885) and Saudi Arabia (N = 888) is conducted that examines invariance not only across countries but also across gender. Results confirm the two-factorial structure of the scale (“personnel resources” and “material and spatial resources”). Configural and partial metric invariance was also established across both groups. Furthermore, an ANCOVA was used to show that perceptions of resources and perceptions of inclusive teaching practices are positively interrelated. This finding can be interpreted as an indicator for criterion validity of the PRQ. As expected, German students perceive a significantly higher level of resources than their peers in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the importance of adequate provision for the successful implementation of inclusive education and its assessment is discussed.  相似文献   

Multi‐culturalism, particularly in education, is presented and discussed within the larger context of the Arab world and the more specific context of Sudan. The extreme religious and social conservatism of the wealthiest Arab countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, and their powerful economic influence on the poorer Arab countries, like Sudan, have resulted in the adoption by the the governments of some of these countries of similarly conservative social and economic policies. Such has been the case with Sudan. The effect of such policies, along with the general poverty of Sudan, on multi‐cultural education and on the position of women in society, has been nefarious. However, by contrast, the economics of relative wealth in Saudi Arabia itself has dictated the emergence, via higher education, of large numbers of highly skilled Saudi women who are creating economic spheres of their own within Saudi society.  相似文献   

中国近代留德教育发轫于19世纪70年代,在20世纪20-30年代达到高潮。留德学人多,成就突出。其成因既受国内人才需求、留学政策的推动,也与德国高等教育的学术影响、留德学生的不懈努力密不可分。这一时期留德教育具有学科专业集中、学历层次较高、留学生组织活跃、留学途径多样等特点。1920-1930年代的留德热潮,对中国社会政治、科学、教育、文化、经济的发展产生了深远的历史影响。留德学人英才辈出,涌现出周恩来、朱德、陈寅恪、季羡林、冯至、陈省身、朱家骅、王淦昌等一批著名的政治家、军事家、科学家、文学家、语言学家和历史学家等。国内一些大学汇聚不少留德人才,形成了独特的办学风格和治学传统,以蔡元培、马君武、顾孟余、张君劢等人为代表,留德学者促进了民国时期高等教育与思想文化的变革和发展。民国时期的留德传统,对于当代中国的留德教育产生了重要的积极影响。  相似文献   

In 2005 a South Australian university inaugurated a new provision of higher education programs in a regional city. Previously, would-be university students in the area had only the options of off-campus study, moving away from home to become internal students, or not pursuing university studies at all. The initiative provided the opportunity to study the effects of the new university presence on its students, university staff and the wider community, and at the same time to learn much that would enable continuous improvement of the methods used in offering these programs. This article reports on the results from focus groups of students and staff, and a survey of the first cohort of students, part of the first stage of a longitudinal study. A combination of effort and collaboration has contributed to meeting community educational needs and aspirations.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1999,12(4):313-328
The paper presents the result of an investigation into the high student dropout rate particularly during the summer period in the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The focus of the paper was on the students’ perception of the reasons for the high dropout rate. A questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 600 students. The study found the students to be generally motivated and committed to the institution. There was some level of dissatisfaction with facilities. Grade, appeal of courses and instructors were, in general, found to be the major reasons contributing to the decision to persist or to dropout. Some directions for policy action to address the problem by the university were highlighted.  相似文献   

Background: This study explored how Saudi Arabian pre-service science teachers’ (PST) use of social media (SM) creates scientific dialogue.Design and method: Data were collected via (a) in-depth interviews with eight science PSTs completing their practice teaching during a field experience course (2017 academic year at a Saudi Arabia Eastern province university), (b) focus groups with 21 female science students being taught by the PSTs, and (c) an analysis of SM artifacts (i.e. PST’s students’ Tweets and Snapchat comments about their SM-based science homework).Results: Findings from content analyses indicate that the PSTs overwhelmingly perceived SM-based science teaching as providing their students with opportunities to pose critical questions, improve science learning, and engage in scientific dialogue and argumentation. Students welcomed the SM-based science learning, saying it excited them, made them want to learn science and helped with collaborative science learning. The majority (87%) of PST’s students expressed an interest in using SM to engage with science concepts. Also, findings affirmed that social media serve as mediating agents for reaching students in their learning Zone of Proximal Development; that is, SM-scaffolded science learning. The findings are considered in terms of further pre-service science teacher education and Saudi-based educational research.  相似文献   

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