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文章从竞技体育的目标和运动训练的目的、训练科学化的趋势、运动训练过程的长期性和承担运动直荷的极限性等方面阐述了对运动训练进行监控的必要性。  相似文献   

本阐述了运动训练概念的内涵与外延,通过对科学训练演变历史的现代训练阶段,科学技术方法对运动训练影响的科学化阶段的形成与发展,进行探讨分析,谈谈对运动训练科学化的认识。  相似文献   

随着当今竞技运动水平的迅猛发展,要在竞争日益激烈的世界竞技舞台上占有一席之地,必须依托运动训练科学化的发展道路。竞技运动训练的科学化具有丰富的内涵。包含了科学选材;科学诊断;理想目标模型的建立;有效地组织与控制训练活动;高效能的恢复与营养;运动损伤的防治与康复;髙效率的训练管理等主要内容。多学科知识不断地渗透到运动训练活动中来,不仅专业化程度不高的教练员无法再胜任训练实施者的工作,而且那些业已掌握某一竞技运动项目精深的训练理论和一系列有关科学理论知识并有丰富经验的教练员也逐渐难以单独地胜任训练实施者的工作了。客观上要求更多的专业人员加入到运动训练实施者的队伍中来,即运动训练的科学化发展要求运动训练的专业化程度不断提高。  相似文献   

依据周期训练的理论特征,借鉴体能类耐力性项目的训练特点,结合定向越野运动的技术形成特点、竞技体能特点、竞赛时间特点进行分析,得出定向越野运动训练周期的构建方法,以促进定向越野运动训练科学化的发展.  相似文献   

对中外优秀运动员心理训练发展动向及方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着竞技运动训练手段与方法的日趋科学化 ,心理训练在竞技运动中的应用逐渐取得成果 .通过对中外优秀运动员心理训练发展动向及训练方法的研究 ,为我国教练员和运动员提供了心理训练的有益信息  相似文献   

本探讨了现代科学技术理论在运动训练中的运用以及对运动训练的影响,由此认为,运动训练科学化是以现代科学技术理论为基础的,训练理论、方法及手段的变革与现代科学技术理论有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展和运动技术水平的不断提高,要求训练更加科学化系统化,而放松训练则是一个比较重要的环节。根据短跑的技术要求,放松训练对田径运动水平的提高,对其它运动项目的发展都有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法,在阐述i Pad的特性和功能的基础上,比较分析了以i Pad为平台开发的交互式战术板和传统战术板的优势,以及i Pad在运动训练和比赛中的应用和实践,旨在使先进的信息技术推动运动训练和比赛逐步向科学化和现代化转化,从而提升运动训练和比赛质量.  相似文献   

<正>1991年2月国家体委发出关于在全国贯彻执行《田径、游泳、等九个运动项目教学训练大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)的决定.决定明确指出:“在全国全面实施大纲,将促进我国广大青少年儿童的训练步入科学化、规范化的轨道.以保证我国训练体系的层层衔接,提高全国整体训练水平,有利于我国运动后备人才的培养和提高.”《大纲》是国家体委颁布的全国统一的指导文件,是使各级训练工作做到有章可循、有据可依,是提高我国训练科学化水平具有战略意义的一项重要举措.  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的飞速发展,运动训练工作也趋向科学化。广大教练员已渐摒弃了传统的“三从一大”式训练方法,由单纯的经验型训练转向科学型训练。运动成绩由此而不断提高。在此基础上,总结出一整套完整训练学理论,通过对训练基础知识,训练诊断、培养竞技状态、运动项目分析,训练控制等课题的研究,针对运动成绩的提高,从选材、身体素质、技战术、心理活动等多种因素入手、综合生物力学,运动生理学、生物化学、运动心理学、社会学、教育学等多门学科,全面系统地总结出了提高运动成绩的关键所在,为运动成绩的提高提供  相似文献   

Scientists’ science differs remarkably from school science. In order to be taught to students, science is recontextualized from scientific research communities to science classrooms. This paper examines scientific discourse in scientific research communities, and discusses its transformation from an internally-persuasive and authoritative discourse to a purely authoritative discourse under recontextualization. It presents the challenges that recontextualization of science poses for achievement of science literacy goals, and discusses remedial steps that science education community can take to meet them.  相似文献   

Scholars have argued that the history of science might facilitate an understanding of processes of science. Focusing on science education for citizenship and active involvement in debates on socioscientific issues, one might argue that today’s post-academic science differs from academic science in the past, making the history of academic science irrelevant. However, this article argues that, under certain conditions, cases from the history of science should be included in science curricula for democratic participation. One condition is that the concept of processes is broadened to include science–society interactions in a politically sensitive sense. The scope of possibilities of using historical case studies to prepare for citizenship is illustrated by the use of a well-known case from the history of science: Millikan’s and Ehrenhaft’s “Battle over the electron”.  相似文献   

Recent research in science and technology studies changed the way we understand science as it is practiced—that is, how scientific knowledge emerges from social, natural, social, political, cultural, historical, and economic contingencies of scientific work. Many science educators agree that students should learn not only science but also about science. In this article, we (a) outline important findings, research methods, and ways of reporting research that emerged from science and technology studies; and (b) show how familiarity with science and technology studies research can provide science educators with valuable insights about curriculum design and research on learning. We conclude that science and technology studies can serve as a resource to science education and that there is a potential for conducting collaborative work between science education and science and technology studies. Such collaborations have the potential to yield better theories about how people become competent in science from childhood to adulthood. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 213–235, 1998.  相似文献   

The implementation of science reform must be viewed as a systems-level problem and not just focus on resources for teachers and students. High-capacity instructional leadership is essential for supporting classroom science instruction. Recent reform efforts include a shift from learning about science facts to figuring out scientific phenomena in which students use science practices as they build and apply disciplinary core ideas. We report findings from a research study on professional development (PD) to support instructional leaders' learning about the science practices. After participating in the PD, the instructional leaders' familiarity with and leadership content knowledge of the science practices significantly improved. Initially, principals used their understandings from other disciplines and content neutral visions of classrooms to make sense of science instruction. For example, they initially used their understandings of models and argument from ELA and math to make sense of science classroom instruction. Furthermore, some principals focused on content neutral strategies, like a clear objective. Over the course of the PD workshops, principals took up the language of the science practices in more nuanced and sophisticated ways. Principals' use of the language of the science practices became more frequent and shifted from identifying or defining them to considering quality and implementation in science classrooms. As we design tools to support science, we need to consider instructional leaders as important stakeholders and develop resources to specifically meet their needs. If the science feels too unfamiliar or intimidating, principals may avoid or reframe science reform efforts. Consequently, it is important to leverage instructional leaders' resources from other disciplines and content neutral strategies as bridges for building understanding in science. We argue that the science practices are one potential lever to engage in this work and shift instructional leaders' understandings of science instruction.  相似文献   

Mathematical reasoning and tools are intrinsic to science, yet the close and dependent relationship science has to mathematics is not reflected in either school education or science education research. This paper asks what the barriers are to a mutually beneficial relationship between the two disciplines. A two-phase qualitative interview study was used to explore the relationship between school science and mathematics education through the perspectives of science and mathematics education policy-makers and of teachers in departments which are unusual in collaborating. In total there were 36 participants. Interview data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings show that there is an asymmetry in the dependency between school science and mathematics: science is dependent on mathematics but the reverse is not true. We discuss three consequences of this asymmetric dependency: there is greater benefit for science from any collaboration; ‘maths blame’ can arise from science teacher frustration; and science educators may believe they should have some ownership of the mathematics curriculum. Asymmetry of dependency, and therefore of benefit, will make it very difficult for mathematics and science to work together in a way which is genuinely mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

Although countries worldwide are emphasizing the importance of science education for technological development and global economic competition, comparative findings from standardized international student assessments reveal a huge gap in science scores between developed and developing countries. Certain developed economies too have made little progress in raising science achievement over the past decade. Despite school improvement being placed high on the policy agenda, the results of such actions have been poor. Therefore, there is a need to explore additional ways in which science achievement can be enhanced. This study focuses on the family and examines whether parents' attitudes towards science (how much they value science and the importance they place on it) can influence their children's science achievement. Individual- and school-level data are obtained from the Program for International Student Assessment 2006 survey for 15 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. Hierarchical linear modelling is employed to estimate the equations. The findings indicate that parents' attitudes towards science have a positive and statistically significant effect on science achievement, after controlling for other important student- and school-level variables. Moreover, students from poor backgrounds appear to benefit from more positive parental science attitudes as much as students from high socioeconomic status, such that equality of student achievement is not affected. This study recommends that schools and teachers encourage parents to play a more pro-active role in their children's science education, as well as educate parents about the importance of science and strategies that can be adopted to support their children's science learning.  相似文献   

科学创新与文化有着密切的关系。西方科学几乎是唯一存留到今天的科学形态。西方文化因素在科学创新中起到积极和决定性的作用。其中探索自然界是科学创新的初衷;为了求知和摆脱愚蠢而不为任何实用目的是科学创新的本意和目的所在;注重探寻自然现象背后的原因使科学创新的源泉永不枯竭;怀疑和批判精神使科学创新永无止境;而个人自由和人与人平等是科学创新良好氛围的前提。  相似文献   

This paper contrasts naive beliefs about the nature of science, with science as it appears from sociological and philosophical study, feminist critique and insights from multicultural education. I draw implications from these informed views to suggest how school science might be modified to project a pragmatic view of science to its students that allows students to know science and its relationships to themselves and society in multi-faceted ways. From these perspectives, pragmatic school science is situated within a values framework that questions how we know. Pragmatic school science also requires that the naive inductivist views that permeate school science inquiry methods at present be modified to recognise that observations and inquiry are guided by prior knowledge and values; that new knowledge is tentative; that some knowledge has high status, as it has been constructed consensually over a long period; but that even high status knowledge can be challenged. For implementation of these reforms, yet still to embrace the need for some students to appropriate understanding of discipline knowledge required for advanced science education, a broad set of aims is required.  相似文献   

中英两国科学课程标准都强调科学探究是科学课程的核心内容。小学科学课程是以培养科学素养为宗旨的科学启蒙教育课程,只有将科学探究落实到科学教学的各项任务中,才能加深学生对科学的认识。从而使学生掌握科学知识与技能、过程与方法、培养情感态度与价值观,实现科学教育的目标。比较中英两国科学课程标准,英国科学课程标准中关手科学探究的描述值得我们借鉴与学习。  相似文献   

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