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班主任所从事的,是塑造人的工作。处在不同时期、不同阶段的人,又是千变万化的。尤其是初中毕业班的学生,面对沉重的学习与升学压力,压抑失望、烦躁不安等不良心理因素集于一身时,  相似文献   

新形势下,许多教育界的同行议论起我们的工作对象——学生时,都会发出同样的感慨:现在的学生思想太复杂了,公德水平太低了,学习积极性不如从前了。总之,现在的学生太难教了,班主任太难当了。笔者通过学习教育理论,结合自己二十几年班主任工作的实践,仔细一分析,却深深地体会到:只要真正了解学生,尊重学生,注意用适当的方法去引导学生,我们的教育工作就会事半功倍。  相似文献   

林湘 《广西教育》2011,(7):40-42
进入新课改10年了,作为教研员的我,听课的节数不少于千节,内心一直追求不像"上课"的课堂、有学生的课堂,非常想看到一个真实的、属于学生的课堂,未果。这种愿望在部分公开课上得到过小小的满足,局部能看到学生思维活跃的课堂,但那毕竟是一种课堂"秀",学生在课堂上的主动、积极参与是一种奢侈品,期待学生充满自信地学习更是一种理想  相似文献   

校园里一片宁静,学生们都在上课,可我却心潮起伏。一些感受,如梗在喉,不吐不快。 我这个在教育的园地默默地耕耘了三十年的普通园丁,工作的对象是学生,给我安慰的是学生,使我费神的是学生,令我牵肠挂肚的也是学生。 有人说,现在的学生无情、难教。我并不认为这样,尽管他们不时会出现这样那样的缺点或错误,但在他们的思想中,总还有闪光的一面。去年秋交会期间,我班到花园酒店实习,同学们都表现得很好,努力工作,热情服务,得到宾客  相似文献   

阮旖 《上海教育》2008,(23):54-54
与初中教学相比,高中教学有着三个明显的变化。一是教材的变化,高中所学的知识内容有两个飞跃,即从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般。二是教法的变化,高中课堂容量大,综合性强,进度快,注意知识的发生过程,强调启发引导。三是学法的变化,高中的学习要求学生勤于思考,善于归纳、总结规律,掌握思路方法,做到举一反三,触类旁通。  相似文献   

许克红 《教师》2011,(12):109-109
班主任所从事的,是塑造人的工作。处在不同时期、不同阶段的人,又是千变万化的。尤其是初中毕业班的学生,面对沉重的学习与升学压力,压抑失望、烦躁不安等不良心理因素集于一身时,如若引导不慎,对他们今后的学习、生活将有不可估量的消极影响。面对这种情况,如何引导学生逐步培养良好的心理,营造出张弛有度的班级文化氛围显得尤为重要。对此,本人根据自己近十年初中班主任工作中的不断摸索,找到了一条切合工作实际的路子:走近学生,观察学生,感染学生。  相似文献   

考考考、老师的法宝.如今对于成人学员来说,老师祭起的“法宝”是否灵验了呢?是起了推动学习的作用,还是被应付了事呢?作为老师还有没有鼓励学员学习的新招数呢?  相似文献   

一、真心承认“感受是无罪的”。“感受是无罪的”,这是心理学专家告诫我们的一句话。因为,感受只是一种内心体验,它并不影响别人,而有的教师对此并没有深刻理解,如某班换了思品老师,一  相似文献   

一、真心承认“感受是无罪的”。“感受是无罪的”,这是心理学专家告诫我们的一句话。因为,感受只是一种内心体验,它并不影响别人,而有的教师对此并没有深刻理解,如某班换了思品老师,一名学生对班主任说:“一见新老师严肃的样子,我心里就害怕,不敢提问。”班主任马上批评道:“乱说,老师有什么可怕的!你怕老师,今后他怎么教你,一定要喜欢他。”在这里,班主任不但没有帮助学生消除畏惧的心理,还责备学生的感受,也许从此后,这位学生再也不敢表达自己的感受了。这种心理如得不到及时的疏导,久而久之,  相似文献   

一位哲人说过:天空收容每一片云彩,不论其美丑,故天空广阔无比;高山收容每一块岩石,不论其大小,故高山雄伟壮观;大海收容每一朵浪花,不论其清浊,故大海浩翰无比。哲人之言无疑是对宽  相似文献   

Student Engagement and Student Learning: Testing the Linkages*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines (1) the extent to which student engagement is associated with experimental and traditional measures of academic performance, (2) whether the relationships between engagement and academic performance are conditional, and (3) whether institutions differ in terms of their ability to convert student engagement into academic performance. The sample consisted of 1058 students at 14 four-year colleges and universities that completed several instruments during 2002. Many measures of student engagement were linked positively with such desirable learning outcomes as critical thinking and grades, although most of the relationships were weak in strength. The results suggest that the lowest-ability students benefit more from engagement than classmates, first-year students and seniors convert different forms of engagement into academic achievement, and certain institutions more effectively convert student engagement into higher performance on critical thinking tests. *A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 2004.  相似文献   

Innovative Higher Education - Service blueprinting is a service design technique commonly used by for-profit organizations to illustrate and enhance customer experiences. This article describes an...  相似文献   

Agent of Death. The Memoirs of an Executioner by Robert G. Elliott and Albert R. Beatty. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton and Co. 315 pp. $3.00.

A Goodly Fellowship by Mary Ellen Chase. The Macmillan Company. 305 pp. $2.50.

Democracy's Challenge to Education edited by Beulah Amidon. Illustrated. Farrar and Rinehart. 263 pp. $1.50.

Democracy Readers by Lois G. Nemec, Maybell G. Bush, Helen M. Brindl, Ruth M. Robinson, Edna Morgan, Allen Y. King, Ida Dennis. Edited by Prudence Cutright and W. W. Charters. The Macmillan Co.

Education for Democracy in Our Time by Jesse H. Newlon. McGraw-Hill. 242 pp. $3.00.

Educational Psychology by Charles H. Judd. Houghton Mifflin Co. 566 pp. $2.25.

In-Service Growth of Social Science Teachers. Tenth Yearbook, National Council for the Social Studies. 187 pp. $2.00 (paper). $2.30 (cloth). 1939.

Living with Others by John A. Kinneman and Robert S. Ellwood. Houghton Mifflin and Company. 531 pp. $1.72.

Poems of Today by Alice Cecilia Cooper. Ginn and Company. New England Edition. 412 pp.

Post-Primary Education in the Primary Schools of Scotland, 1872-1936 by Newman A. Wade. University of London Press, Ltd. 265 pp. 8 shillings 6 pence.

The College Charts Its Course by R. Freeman Butts. McGraw-Hill. 464 pp. $3.00.

The Development of Education in the Twentieth Century by Adolph E. Meyer. Prentice-Hall. 406 pp. $2.75.

The Future of the Social Studies: Proposals for an Experimental Social-Studies Curriculum, James A. Michener, Editor. The National Council for the Social Studies. 178 pp. $1.50 (paper). 1939.

Understanding American Business by Humphrey B. Neill and Howard M. Cool. The Macmillan Co. 448 pp. List price $1.92.

Visualizing the Curriculum by Charles F. Hoban, Charles F. Hoban, Jr., and Professor S. B. Zisman. The Cordon Company. 300 pp. $3.50.

Appointment with Death by Pamela Frankau. E. P. Dutton and Co. 334 pp. $2.50.

Dalesacres by Florence Ward. E. P. Dutton and Company. 308 pp. $2.50.

Family Album by Humphrey Pakington. W. W. Norton and Company. 340 pp. $2.50.

Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work by Raoul M. Graumont and John J. Hensel. Illustrated. The Cornell Maritime Press. 615 pp. $10.00.

Introduction to the Dance by John Martin. Illustrated. W. W. Norton Co. 363 pp. $3.50.

Once Over Lightly by Charles De Zemler. Illustrated. Published by the author. Rockefeller Center, New York City. 270 pp. $3.75.

Political Science in American Colleges and Universities 1636-1900 by Anna Haddow. The Century Political Science Series. Appleton-Century Co. 308 pp. $2.50

Science for the World Tomorrow by Gerald Wendt. Illustrated. W. W. Norton and Co. 316 pp. $2.75.  相似文献   

时下,在汉语中正流行着三个十分时髦的词语,即“酷”、“秀”和“吧”,它们频频出现于人们的口语之中。那么,你想了解它们的“家底”吗? “酷”是英语cool的汉语音译。Cool可作形容词,表示“凉爽的”;也可以作动词,表示“使冷却,变冷”;有时也可以用作名词,如thecool就是指“凉爽的地方”。  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制改革的不断深入,素质教育已成为各级教育的必然趋势。高校学生社团在实施素质教育中有着重要而独特的作用:促进学生思想政治素质和良好品德修养的提升;促进学生社会化程度的提高;促进对学生创新素质的培养;促进学生实践能力的增强。因此,在新形势下提高素质教育,必须加强社团建设。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships between student engagement, represented by two versions of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and self-reported gains in learning. The study drew on institutional-level data from participating institutions in 2011 and 2013. The objective of the research was to compare evidence of convergence and discrimination for the two versions of NSSE using canonical correlation analysis. Results indicated that both versions of NSSE provided clear evidence of convergence in that student engagement measures were significantly and positively related to perceived gains in learning. However, only the most recent version of NSSE provided strong evidence of discrimination (i.e., differential relationships between engagement measures and self-reported learning outcomes). Thus, the revised NSSE appears to offer substantial advantages for institutions interested in more nuanced understandings of the relationships between student engagement and perceived learning outcomes. Implications for educators, with goals of enhancing student learning, and for researchers, who often compare complex sets of data, are included.  相似文献   

Is contemporary student life stressful? And if so, what factors are associated with stress among students? This paper attempts to provide answers to these questions in reporting a research project that explored physical and mental health among students studying at Newcastle University in 1995. Forty-nine per cent of a stratified random sample of students (956 students) completed a postal questionnaire which, as well as addressing questions of health, covered numerous aspects of student living conditions and lifestyle. Stress was measured by the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, which was converted into a 36-point scale. The analysis identifies various factors that were associated with stress, and culminates in the construction of a multi-variate model that explains 25 per cent of the variance in student stress. The findings are discussed within the context of the changing nature of higher education in Britain  相似文献   

Founding About Campus Executive Editor Patricia M. King discusses her concerns about what she sees as the unnecessary split between the institutional and the individual approach to supporting student learning and provides a forward‐looking model to merge the two.  相似文献   

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