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For the present development of teacher training system in Slovenia (Yugoslavia) two trends are characteristic: the prolongation of studies for elementary school teachers (grades 1‐8) from two to four years and an institutional shift of responsibility for subject teacher training from ‘mono‐technical’ (pedagogical academies) to ‘polytechnical’ institutions (different faculties or departments of the universities).

These trends are having important implications for the scope of practical training and its relationship to other parts of the studies. Traditional forms of practical training that had developed at pedagogical academies are being discontinued but the new ones are not yet firmly established.

The existing forms of practical training of student teachers are briefly described (exercises in general professional courses, exercises in classroom observation, teaching attempts and block practice). In addition, the role of teachers of special didactics and the role of practice teachers is analysed.

The pragmatic character of practical training has to be overcome on the basis of systematic attempts to confront students’ subjective theories on teaching and learning, based on experience, with scientific theories throughout the process of their training.

An important prerequisite for the necessary integration of different components of study and especially of theory and practice is cooperation between university teachers of academic, general professional subjects and special didactics. How do we achieve such a cooperation and overcome the negative attitude of teachers of academic subjects toward professional and practical training of students? This remains one of the open problems in the reform of teacher training in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Teacher education in Czechoslovakia is part of a unified national provision of education; this covers in‐service as well as pre‐service training. The basis is that of training at Higher education level followed by life‐long upgrading.

The Marxist‐Leninist view is that the quality of the teacher is central to the educational process. Consequently, the initial and in‐service training of the teacher are of paramount importance, and the Czechoslovak system aims at an integrated approach to the entire process. In this process, acquisition of ideological, as well as professional, maturity, is seen as essential. Equally, the teacher must master his chosen discipline (s) in the scientific sense.

Additionally, it is important that the teacher be able to participate actively in the community—in, for example, family education, health care and concern for the environment.

Against this background of goals, the author outlines the Czechoslovak institutional provision for initial training, conditions for enrolment and the process of obtaining a post, before providing an in‐depth examination of the country's provision of in‐service education. A final section emphasises the position of the teacher in society, and specifically in socialist society. The teacher is, quite simply, a key figure and teacher education has to be built around this fact.

Svatopluk S. Petrá?ek is Professor of Education and Director of the European Centre of the Charles University for Further Education of Teachers.  相似文献   

Despite the central role of teachers in any education system, teacher education is frequently the weakest of the links in the process of educational reform.

In examining this problem, the author focuses on the question of the goal aspects of teacher education. Examples from the Federal Republic identify some of the constraints affecting goal achievement; these include legalistic, traditionalist and socio‐economic constraints. The more open the society, the more visible are these difficulties.

The article then examines in depth five separate goal aspects of teacher training: the economic (income), social (status), formal‐legal (position), professional (everyday activity) and socio‐educational (system); these factors interrelate one to the other.

Some desiderata for the development of teacher education are identified. These include a view of the teacher as reformer, recognition of the realities of teacher employment, and also a realisation that the ‘school of tomorrow’ poses a challenge to ‘the school of today’.  相似文献   

The author is categoric in his emphasis upon the key role of teacher education; in both a general philosophical sense and also as official Romanian policy, teacher education is accorded a central place in the development of society.

The theme of the article is in‐service education. (Editor's note: the term used in the text is ‘postgraduate’ training, which we have retained out of deference to the excellence of the writer's English. However, this must be read throughout as ‘in‐service’ and not in the sense of, for example, French CAPES'/Agrégation or UK PGCE.)

The author shows how Romania has developed a thought‐out strategy for INSET, which sees it as a continum from initial training. Thus the process of teacher education becomes an integrated whole, which not only allows the teacher to engage with professional self‐improvement but positively requires that he/she do so. The evolution of this integrated approach has stemmed partly from a need to allow for readjustment of teacher resources in the context of a down‐turn in the demand for teachers and of a need to adapt to new demands, but these factors have been turned to positive advantage; the opportunity has been taken to concentrate upon the quality of the teacher resource.

The system devised allows a progression through clearly‐defined stages, up to Doctoral level. There is a shift in emphasis, away from knowledge acquisition to an understanding of the contribution made by the teacher to the shaping of the human personality. Research methodology is identified as having a major contribution to make to this professional development, as does also an emphasis on evaluation procedures.

Institutionally, the system has come full circle, with responsibility for INSET being vested in the institutions for initial training.

The overall aim is a forward‐looking flexibility, with the teacher education system able to answer the needs of school and society.  相似文献   

The goal of teacher education in Poland is to provide all teachers with initial training at the same (higher education) level, but until this goal is achieved, a variety of institutions and standards will prevail.

Rapid expansion in the provision of schooling has kept up the demand for teachers, and there is still a shortage situation to which a full response cannot be made at university level, so that two‐year courses must persist for some time. Different Ministries will continue to be responsible.

The author provides a detailed analysis of the content of initial training; correct pedagogic induction is regarded as highly important, though a satisfactory allocation of time has yet to be reached. This problem is recognised by both Ministries responsible for teacher training, and important experimental work is under way.

In‐service training is highly important, both school‐based and externally provided; the various agencies are described. The training is available up to and including Doctoral level.

Many studies have been carried out of teachers and teacher‐training, and these help with the identification of current problems. These problems are frankly identified by the author, who offers a view of the directions to be followed.

Mieczyslaw Pecherski is Professor of Education at the University of Warsaw and Secretary of the Pedagogic Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Background: Professional learning communities are increasingly recognized for their significance in building teachers’ competencies for educational reform. However, the knowledge development cycle of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through multiple professional learning communities is not well researched.

Purpose: This qualitative case study investigates a primary science teacher’s TPACK development in the context of two interdependent learning spaces: a joint-school and a within-school professional learning community. The school’s organizational and sociocultural influences on teacher learning are also examined.

Participant: Teacher Sean (pseudonym) embarked on a science innovation project after two years of teaching in a Singapore mainstream school. He was tasked to integrate mobile-based inquiry learning and visible thinking pedagogical approaches, and to pilot the designed lessons for a primary three class.

Design and methods: A case-study approach involving multiple sources of data with cultural historical activity theory as the analytical lens was employed, to unpack the complementary and contradictory interactions across different interrelated activity systems. The purpose was to understand the (mis)alignments within and between the two professional learning communities.

Results: The findings indicate that Sean’s (subject) learning from the joint-school professional learning community to the within-school professional learning community faced multiple tensions that hindered his TPACK development (object). He faced difficulty in manipulating tools (technology and visible thinking routines) to translate the joint-school co-designed lessons into classroom implementation. Additionally, the volatility of the school’s organizational routines (rules) and the lack of communicative leader–teacher partnership (division of labor) did not afford sufficient infrastructure or instructional support.

Conclusions: Interactions between the teacher’s personal and contextual factors inhibited the designed TPACK from being implemented successfully. For ambitious pedagogical undertakings as illustrated in this case, more perceptive and synergistic organizational design thinking is needed to support beginning teachers’ TPACK development.  相似文献   

The idea of ‘innovation’ refers most of all to a research‐experiment situation, where the idea of “Reform” has to do mainly with a political‐administrative approach.

In the Italian experience, reform situations prevail on innovation situations in the sense that significant changes tend to be introduced through reform interventions rather than through innovation processes. The prevailing trend is that the innovations follow the reforms instead of preparing them.

This implies that initial teacher preparation has very little to do with a positive attitude towards innovation processes, while the in‐service training endorses a paramount relevance as the most effective strategy of diffusing, supporting and sustaining the passage from the reforms to the innovations.

In‐service activities can reflect three main models: content centred, technique centred, and relation centred. The implications and the developments of the three models are analysed in order to identify the approaches and the strategies put into effect by the most significant agencies active in this field.

The conclusions point at four final perspectives: to realise a sound initial preparation; to connect the innovative processes with the enhancement of the professional quality within the schools; to support the continuous growth of the school personnel qualifications and to make a correct use of the professional avant‐garde.  相似文献   

Purpose: The research seeks to capture the ‘special character’ of schools as seen through the eyes of the Principal and to introduce alternative understandings of ideological praxis’ to challenge and unsettle the dominant ideology and logics of secondary schooling with consequent school design implications in South Australia.

Design/methodology/approach: Using an ideological framework based, the research focussed on the common shared understandings across each school pertaining to each ideology. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and analysed through interpretive and hermeneutic processes.

Findings: The findings show the tensions, subtleties and nuances of two dominant and competing ideologies: a dominant discourse of individual schooling purpose for student mobility and economic productivity and an emerging public purposes ideology of education for good citizenship, sustainable futures and the public good. The dominant neoliberal public policy ideology and the associated historical design logics of conventional schooling is challenged and reconstituted by the experience, expertise, courage, determination and moral purpose of the principals in this research.

Originality/value: This article opens specific ideological understandings held by the Principals that have moved all of the schools towards pedagogical excellence and a repurposing of their organisations for the students’ sake.  相似文献   

Collaborative practice is integral to effective inclusion. Within schools, teacher collaboration can foster communities of practice through a series of professional relationships that enhance the educational experience and learning outcomes of pupils with special educational needs (SEN). In Ireland, Learning Support Teachers (LSTs) and Resource Teachers (RTs) provide additional support to the increasing numbers of children with SEN in mainstream classrooms. Working alongside Classroom Teachers (CTs), this tripartite of teaching expertise represents an opportunity for whole-school and classroom-based approaches to successful collaborative, inclusive practice.

This article describes the perceptions and experiences of collaborative practice between primary CTs, RTs and LSTs in a cohort of primary schools in the West of Ireland. Using a mixed methods approach, the study sought to establish the nature and extent of collaboration amongst these teachers and to identify the benefits and barriers to implementation.

The findings suggest that whilst teachers are increasingly aware of the value of collaboration, its implementation is largely aspirational, with a series of challenges relating to time constraints, ad hoc planning and limited professional development opportunities most commonly identified as constraints to a consistent approach. The article considers the consequences of this shortfall and options for improved engagement between teachers are identified.  相似文献   

Kindergarten education in the US has a rich heritage. The roots date back to the influence of Froebel with an emphasis on play and to Susan Blow and her concern for the whole child. Comenius regarded early childhood and kindergarten as an inseparable part of education and society as a whole rather than a separate entity. His belief parallels the contemporary approach to kindergarten, as it is increasingly being viewed on a continuum in the educational process.

Significant societal and educational changes in the US during the last two decades have influenced kindergarten education for five‐year‐olds. The American family structure has been effected by the increased divorce rate, the economy, and the increase in two‐employed parents.

Education changes include a shift to an emphasis on standardised testing at all levels, accountability, and the incorporation of four‐year‐olds in public schools. The result has been a ‘spiraling down’ of academic expectations.

In addition, schools are responding to the needs of demographic shifts in the nature of the population. Increasing numbers of children have multicultural backgrounds and English in their second language.

These societal and educational changes have precipitated the movement to the all day kindergarten. As more and more schools offer an all day experience to kindergarten children, numerous issues surface that challenge the original purpose of kindergarten. Entrance age, screening practices, retention, commercial books and materials are all influencing the nature of the all day kindergarten.

The current focus in the US on developmental appropriate practice places the emphasis on child‐centred programs that utilise hands‐ on learning and attention to the development of the whole child. A strong parent education and involvement component, a rich environment, and a qualified teacher are components of a quality kindergarten program. These issues and trends will be discussed within the context of the historical perspective of kindergarten education. The results of a current and thorough literature review will be shared with participants.  相似文献   

On the basis of a study of the literature and of empirical research, the article puts forward suggestions for the improvement of teacher training programmes within a dual system.

A consecutive approach to training implies that a student spends a part of the training period in an educational institution and a part in a practical situation (i.e. on teaching practice). However, the consecutive system presents considerable problems in respect both of organisation and of the psychology of learning. Organisationally, there is the question of sequence to be faced, if the elements of theory and practice are to be brought together.

On the basis of a study of the literature of other forms of professional training, the following suggestions are made:

  1. students’ activities in the school must re‐inforce their learning and be integrated with their work in the training institution;

  2. their educational studies must support the acquisition of the competences needed by the teacher at the outset of his/her professional career;

  3. attention must be paid to the learning needs and the potential of each student.

The article describes how a teacher training programme may follow these guidelines, leading to a ‘concurrent’ set of cycles bringing together elements of theory, practice and reflection upon practice, and in which a student may alternate between the academic institution and school practice.

After giving an overview of possible models of training the author focuses upon a specific example and provides a model of the institution‐practice link. What is important is that the learning style of the student be taken into account. Each student selects from four alternative programmes, namely: instructional variants, reflection variants, selfstudy variants, and practice variants. The contents of these four programmes are explained, and the learning outcomes of students from these differentiated programmes compared with those of students from undifferentiated, ‘normal’ programs. In summary, it is claimed that in the research project described there are positive indications for a theory‐practice link which gives students a choice of approaches and a better integration of their learning into the practical classroom situation.  相似文献   

The current models of teacher education in the Western world are still largely based upon the building of students' knowledge and skills using approaches similar to those designed for the assembly lines of the past. The prevailing model of schooling is still centered around the notion that schools are places young people go to watch their teacher work. In the advent of the innovation age, teacher education requires reinvention around the emerging knowledge base about learning and the key role teachers play in addressing issues of equity and student success in this rapidly changing and complex world.

A panel of eminent international scholars, from a range of fields, formulated evidence-based frameworks to guide future teacher education models globally. The frameworks focus on “learning equity.” In addition, the team launched a cloud-based Learning Equity Research and Resource Center, hosting some of the planet's best scholarly and applied research on learning sciences and equity-based practices. The team's research agenda is grounded in learning theory, cognitive science, technology, social justice, and an equity mission to provide learning environments and quality teachers that enable the potential of all children.

The Global Learning Equity Network (GLEN) challenges the preparation of a new kind of teacher for a new kind of school, one built on a learning center rather than a testing center model. GLEN's research, resources, and frameworks are designed to assist new teachers to enable all children to discover their passion(s), grow their talents, and be inspired to lead healthy, happy, and productive lives.  相似文献   

An outline of the organisation of education in Italy stresses its characteristics as a centralised system supported by consultation with grass‐roots levels. Local coordination should be ensured by the so‐called ‘Organi Collegiali’ (participatory bodies).

The system is aware of the need to promote a real change in the pedagogical‐educational approach to teaching and learning, and recent reforms have implemented structural innovations and have required changes in the teachers’ roles and functions.

The new professional profile of the teacher points out the need for initial and in‐service education and training; given the insufficient provisions available, in 1979 the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with OECD, has initiated a project for introducing PRESET pilot projects in a number of Italian universities.

The MPI/OECD Project has gone through a four‐phase preparation process, including a background report, a national seminar, feasibility studies, planning of pilot projects.

The basic ideas were to improve the scientific/cultural and methodological preparation of teachers: curricula of study must ensure an appropriate balance between scientific knowledge in a subject‐matter or in a discipline area and educational studies. Teaching practice is considered as essential all through the course of study.

Starting November 1983 the University of Bologna will start a PRESET course of study for primary school teachers as a joint activity between the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Sciences.

Other projects are on study at other universities.  相似文献   

Background: For the past decade, science educators have been exploring the use of Socio-scientific Issues (SSI) as contexts for science teaching and learning, and research indicates that doing so can support significant learning gains. However, research related to how teachers take up the practice of SSI-based instruction is far more limited, due in part to a lack of tools for use in this kind of research.

Purpose: The focus of this research is development and testing of a new classroom observation protocol specifically designed for SSI-based instructional contexts.

Design and methods: Development of this SSI-Observation Protocol (SSI-OP) took place in four distinct phases: review of existing protocols and SSI-based instruction frameworks, writing and revision of protocol items, initial testing of the draft protocol, and soliciting feedback from SSI experts.

Sample: Following the four stages of SSI-OP development, we progressed to a series of field tests. The field tests were conducted with three different samples. The first sample was an experienced (10 + years) high school biology teacher and one of her honors biology classes. The second sample consisted of seven Turkish Pre-service Science Teachers (PST) participating in a science methods course. The third sample included two Thai PST from a field experience course embedded within a teacher education program.

Results: The final version of the protocol addressed five dimensions of SSI-based instructional activities: focus of instruction, teaching moves, role of teacher, role of students, and classroom environment.

Conclusions: The SSI-OP could be used in a variety of ways for research including documentation of current practices, impacts of professional development and/or curricula on teaching practices, and changes in teaching over time. We offer the SSI-OP as a new tool with the potential to contribute to science teacher education and research that may advance the teaching and learning of science through SSI.  相似文献   

Ongoing work in Andhra Pradesh Primary Education Project (APPEP) (Southern India) has resulted in the production of a new Class 1 textbook, teacher textbook and eight supplementary readers. These important and innovative new classroom materials have been produced as a result of training and workshops involving resource persons from the Telugu Academy, Telugu University, State Centre for Educational Research and Training and lecturers in District Institutes of Education and Training. Additionally, for the first time, primary school teachers were co‐opted on an equal basis to work on the materials.

The textbook, which constitutes the only learning material in Class One, is designed to teach children to read and write in Telugu. Previous research showed that children at the end of Class 2 were mostly unable to identify letters or words out of the context and order in which they appeared in the textbook. The current state textbook was basically a writing primer, teaching writing in alphabetic order with reading rarely going beyond single words or sentences.

The new textbook incorporates the necessary ‘reading context’ using rhymes, short stories and dialogue to encourage shared reading with the teacher before individual letters are learned. The order of introduction of the letters for writing has been based on research showing generalisable shapes in letters; alphabetic order is learned as a separate item. The pictures in the book were designed to promote discussion and develop prediction and an understanding of story structure. The content was matched to the child's developmental and psychological needs.

The teacher textbook incorporates ideas for extending learning into activities and exercises and consists of the children's textbook interleaved with teacher guidance. The evaluation shows that this teacher guidance has been used and valued by the teachers.

The eight supplementary readers are at four levels. Level One is for shared reading with the teacher and includes folk stories, songs and a story about a family. Level Two are picture books with simple captions and sentences using only the letters and words already learned by the child. Level Three progresses to more extensive stories including some information based stories. Level Four revisits Level One for independent reading of the same books.

The books have been trialled in 50 sample schools matched on a number of variables to 50 control schools. A pre‐reading test was administered to all children and a post‐reading test measured learning gains. Case studies of the books in use in classrooms were also undertaken. The evaluation to date shows significant learning gains amongst the children in the sample schools, a high degree of teacher satisfaction and interest and approval from parents and children. A resource team including teachers has been trained for further renewal of textbooks throughout the primary years.

This work has been funded by the Overseas Development Administration and they will fund the provision of eight supplementary readers in all Class One in schools throughout the state in 1996. After revision the textbook will be implemented by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.  相似文献   

Preservice teacher education in France consists of:

subject oriented studies in a university,

recruitment by means of a state competitive examination which may be prepared in a university,

professional training in a training centre, including both subject oriented studies and practice periods in classrooms.

Preschool and primary teacher training includes two years at a university to obtain the required degree for competition and then two years in a college of education. Secondary level teacher training includes more years at a university as the level of competition is high. It takes at least three years to become a graduate, four years in the other case. But the preparation of the competition in itself requires more time for most people. When admitted to the competitive examination, the teacher has one year in a training centre.

This paper will present:

  1. the legal basis, curricula, content, structure and aims of practical studies at the two levels (preschool‐primary/secondary levels);

  2. the difference and convergence of thinking about practical studies at the two levels: the main principle seems to be that pedagogical and practice studies make up for a lack of theoretical knowledge, but that, consequently, they are not considered really useful for those who do have theoretical knowledge;

  3. the difficulties of achieving the official objective concerning an integrated training with links between theoretical studies and practice periods,

  4. an innovative approach to this problem by means of a case study which put into practice the hypothesis brought out in the research I have led at the INRP about primary school teacher training.

The organisational models and the place given to practice periods in the whole teacher education raise the problem of what is a professional teacher training and what is its aim.  相似文献   

Background: This study is the second study of a design-based research, organised around four studies, that aims to improve student learning, teaching skills and teacher training concerning the design-based learning approach called Learning by Design (LBD).

Purpose: LBD uses the context of design challenges to learn, among other things, science. Previous research shows that this approach to subject integration is quite successful but provides little profit on (scientific) concept learning. For this, a lack of (knowledge of) proper teaching strategies is suggested as an important reason. This study explores these strategies and more specific the interaction with concept learning.

Sample: Six Dutch first-year bachelor’s degree science student teachers, between the ages of 16 and 18, and two science teacher trainers (principal investigators included) were involved.

Design and methods: A mixed methods study was used to study LBD’s teaching practice in depth. Based on a theoretical framework of (concept) learning-related teaching strategies video recordings of a guided LBD challenge were analysed to unravel teacher handling in detail. Complemented by questionnaire and interview data and students’ learning outcomes (pre- and post-exam) the effectiveness of teaching strategies was established and shortcomings were distracted.

Results: Students reached medium overall learning gains where the highest gains were strongly task-related. Teacher handling was dominated by providing feedback and stimulating collaboration and only 13% of all teacher interventions concerned direct explication of underlying science. And especially these explicit teaching strategies were highly appreciated by students to learn about science.

Conclusions: In accordance with insights about knowledge transfer, LBD needs to be enriched with explicit teaching strategies, interludes according to poor-related science content important for cohesive understanding and de- and recontextualisation of concepts for deeper understanding.  相似文献   


After numerous debates and discussions over the last century Norway decided in 1992 to extend the half year GCE‐course at the universities to a one year study. Due to this decision it was for the first time written National Guidelines for these kinds of studies.

This paper seeks to show how this change is carried out at one of the four universities in Norwaythe Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. The author presents this reform under the heading practical experience in Teacher Education. This is done because the National Guidelines for Norway underline that all theory in the GCE‐studies must be school‐based. Practical classroom experience is, in other words, supposed to be the starting point for all theory being taught as a part of the GCE‐program.

This paper also tries to view the Norwegian change in the GCE‐course from international trends within teacher education.  相似文献   

Examinations are used to measure student performance and to infer student ability. The design of examinations, the setting of questions, and the marking and the interpretation of marks, require professional skills for the performance of the teacher as examiner. It is vitally important that interpretation of the meaning of marks distinguishes between the quality of the question and the quality of the student responding to the question.

Consideration of the end‐of‐course or final examination is used to discuss concepts of difficulty and time, fairness and validity, as intended by the teacher/examiner and as perceived by the student/candidate. Evaluation of the final examination can take a variety of forms, for example, student questionnaire, independent assessment of student papers, and correspondence of achieved weighting with planned weighting.

These considerations are discussed with reference to the final examination experiences of two groups of students – fourth year Architecture students and graduate Education students. When marks are to be combined, standard deviations and correlations should be reported and used to ensure that the planned weighting is achieved.

It is concluded that evaluation of the examination is important for making professional judgement of both teacher and student performance. Evaluation of the final examination should be part of the course evaluation and should include student perceptions of the nature of the examination and the quality of the questions.  相似文献   

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